Chapter 3: The Guild and The Adventures

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After a long ride from the Water City where Goblin Slayer and her party were sent to clear the goblins while meeting their newest member of the group the Wolf Warrior who saved them from the goblin horde and the champion and now they have arrived to their destination.

While everyone got off the wagon and Wolf Warrior and Goblin Slayer got off Catastros they walked towards the guild while some adventures looked at Wolf Warrior with awe at knowing they never seen such fancy armor before or sword and even that sword.

Adventurer 1: Woah who is that guy is red armor? I never seen such fancy armor like that around here.

Adventurer 2: I'll say and check out his horse, it looks magnificent for someone like him to ride on.

Adventurer 3: Is her an adventurer as well?.....

Adventurer 4: I am curious of how he got that kind of equipment?

Wolf Warrior hears the comments of the other adventures and the people and he knows that he is new around here and of course they never seen armor like his before or a fancy horse like Catastros before. While the party stop at a building, Wolf Warrior knows that this place must be the Guild to where adventurers go to sign up in order to become an adventurer.

Wolf Warrior: So is this the place where you guys sign up to become adventurers?

Elf: Yup, this is where we take our quest and take some money.

Wolf Warrior: Really, how much does it take to slay a monster or any other quest that they post there?(Wolf asked the Elf)

Elf: Well it depends of what task that they give you, usually the rookies are taken the quest of taking down a pest in the sewers and most sometimes goblins, which they always have a hard time underestimating them despite their reputation and......(Elf was gonna continue until Goblin Slayer cut her off)

Goblin Slayer: They died because of their ignorance and their rookie mistakes......

Wolf Warrior: Well maybe they should do themselves a favor and read more about their targets before they go do whatever they want otherwise they will just get themselves killed in the process.

Goblin Slayer: Seems like you know how to handle yourself and know your ways of taking down your enemies.

Wolf Warrior: I learn what I can in order to protect those I care about, and what I can miss Slayer you have done your research on goblins on how to take them down and spot them when their near very impressive for warrior such as yourself.(Wolf saids to Goblin Slayer who blushes under her helmet for what he said to her)

Goblin Slayer:

While the party enters the guild, Goblin Slayer asked if Wolf Warrior can wait outside until they say it is alright to come in and meet the other adventures since he is still new around.

Goblin Slayer: Can you wait here for a while because this is going to be a surprise.

Wolf Warrior: Of course since I am new to your world and I don't want to just rush in and meet the other adventurers so I will wait until you give the word.

Goblin Slayer: Thank you, your very kind person Wolf Warrior.

Adventurers Guild:

Goblin Slayer! you have returned as well as your party!(The female said at the desk)

Guild Girl: So how did the quest at Water City went?

Girl Priest: It went well except.......

Guild Girl: Except what, you did finish the quest right?

Lizard: We were out numbered and the goblins had a champion with them so it made things complicated.

Guild Girl: But you did kill the goblins didn't you miss Goblin Slayer?

Goblin Slayer:.......It wasn't us who destroyed the goblins it was someone new and someone with great power.

Dwarf: Not to mention fancy armor, sword, and shield.

Guild Girl: Really, well can you bring him in and we can have him sign up to be an adventurer.

Elf: Right on the way!(Elf saids while heading back towards the door)

Girl Priest: You are gonna be in a full surprise right now.

Guild Girl: What do you mean by that?

Lizard: He is honorable man with such great potential and strength.

Goblin Slayer: Just watch when he comes in.....

Elf: Alright you come in now and I can not wait to see the looks on these guys faces when they see you.

Once Wolf Warrior steps into the guild every adventure stares at the warrior with their eyes wide and shock that they have never seen a warrior like this before and with such magnificent armor before in which all of their jaws dropped to the ground after seeing Wolf Warrior's appearance in front of them.

Guild Girl: Oh my, you were right he does look magnificent and I never seen such impressive armor before and he is a warrior.

Wolf Warrior: Why thank you for saying so M'lady, is this where I can sign up to become an adventurer?

Guild Girl: Why yes of course, here sign these paper to register.

Wolf Warrior: Sure thing, but first let me remove my armor so I can see clearly.(Wolf saids as everyone hears what he just said even Goblin Slayer knowing that they are gonna see this warriors face)

Wolf Warrior: RELASE!!(Wolf saids as his armor begins to disappear while everyone looks at him in shock at seeing how his armor can disappear like that)

Once Wolf Warrior releases his armor, everyone including all the girls look upon him in shock and mostly the girls blushed really red at seeing that the warrior in front of them is very handsome, strong, and has such beautiful eyes which made Goblin Slayer blushed red under her helmet while the men look upon him with amazement knowing that this guy has to be very strong to be a warrior.

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Elf: Oh wow.....he is very attractive......(Elf saids in low voice while blushing)

Girl Priest: Oh my.........such beautiful eyes.....(Girl Priest saids while blushing pink)

Guild Girl: H........he......he...he is......oh my.......he handsome........(Guild Girl said while looking down blushing)

After Wolf Warrior has finished signing the paper he hands them back to the guild girl.

Wolf Warrior: Alright that should about do it

Guild Girl: you Wolf Warrior

Wolf Warrior: You are very welcome(Wolf saids with a sweet smile that made all the girls blush really really red at seeing such wonderful smile like his)

Guild Girl: By the way are you the one who saved Goblin Slayer and her party from the goblins and defeated a champion?

Wolf Warrior: Why yes I am, I saw them being out number so I had to lend them my assistance because this poor girl here was almost killed by that champion so I step in and destroyed all of those ugly bastards from where they came from.(Wolf saids to guild girl while the others look upon him with shock)

Other Adventures: WHAT?!!!!!

Guild Girl: Is he telling the truth?(Guild Girl said to the Co-Worker)

Co-Worker: He is telling the truth, he has destroyed the goblins himself.

Wolf Warrior: I have no reason to lie about what I did, as long as that these guys were ok then there in no problem.

Guild Girl: That is very wise of you Wolf Warrior, by the way I never seen someone like you before or heard of a man wearing such magnificent armor like yours why is that?

Wolf Warrior: That is because I am from another world where I sucked through a portal and ended up in a dark place where I met Goblin Slayer and her party and used my powers to help them escape and destroy the goblins.(Wolf saids to guild girl who looks beyond shock while the other adventures eyes grew like dinner plates not believing that this person comes from another world until the Co-Worker spoke)

Everyone including the guild girl: WHAT?!!!!!!!

Guild Girl: well......(Guild Girl saids while shaking)

Co-Worker: truth.........there are no lies..........(Co-Worker said while shaking as well)

Other Adventures: HE'S FROM ANOTHER WORLD!!!!

Wolf Warrior: Ah yea I just said that?

Elf: Hehehe, anyway we found an empty table to get something to eat care to join us Wolf Warrior.

Wolf Warrior: Sure I could use some food in my stomach right about now.

With that Wolf Warrior went to sit with his new friends while Goblin Slayer could not stop to think how handsome Wolf Warrior looks and how strong he is. When they all got settled in some of the other adventures walk towards them and wanted to asked Wolf Warrior some questions about his armor and how he is from another world so thats when a guy with big spear came towards them and asked Wolf Warrior something.

Spearman: So how many goblins have you slain........(Spearman asked Wolf Warrior)

Wolf Warrior: Excellent question my friend, I killed one champion, and over three hundred goblins using my power called Blazing Storm Slash which cut the champion down to size and obliterated the goblins turning them into ash.(Wolf said to the spearman whose jaw drops while the others do as well and turned back to the Co-Worker who nods saying he is telling the truth)

Co-Worker: He is telling the truth.....

Whoa you must be a great warrior to have such incredible strength and power not to mention that armor of yours looks fantastic.(A man said wearing heavy armor)

Heavy Warrior: I am the adventurer known as the Heavy Warrior it is a pleasure to meet you Wolf Warrior.(Heavy saids while sticking his hand to shake Wolfs in which he did)

Wolf Warrior: The pleasure is all mine Heavy Warrior and must say that is quite the sword you got there, it works well with that armor you have.

Heavy Warrior: Thank you my friend and I am looking forward to see you in action if we ever go on a quest together.

Wolf Warrior: I am looking forward to it as well(Wolf said while a woman in silver armor comes up to him and ask him something)

Female Knight: I am the adventurer known as the Female Knight and I might say Wolf Warrior you look someone who take on an entire army all by yourself with that kind of armor of yours.

Wolf Warrior: Why thank you M'lady knight and what I can tell from your armor you look like someone who give up without a fight and not let innocent people get hurt by these demons that are attacking around the world.(Wolf saids with a smile which made the Female Knight blush at what he said to her)

Female Knight: Thank you for your kind words Wolf Warrior and like Heavy Warrior said I am too looking forward to see you on the battle field.(Female Knight said while shaking hand with Wolf Warrior which he nods in agreement as well)

Wolf Warrior: Looking forward to it as well!

While the two armor heroes finished their questions, two rookies came up next and asked about Wolf's armor.

Rookie Warrior: By the way Wolf Warrior how do you change back into your armor because it looked so amazing in person!!

Apprentice Cleric: I'll say could you possibly show us how you change back into your armor.

Wolf Warrior: I change into my armor from this, it is called a mystic morpher that allows me to change into my armor and all I have to do is chant out the words and I simply transform.

Elf: And with this you can change back into your armor?

Wolf Warrior: Of course let me show you all how I do but first I need all of you to stand back for this.(Wolf saids while everyone listen to what he said)

Dwarf: This should be interesting

Lizard: I have to agree, I would like to see how transforms

Female Knight: Hmmm....I wonder how amazing he would change into his armor

Spearman: I gotta see this for myself!

Wolf Warrior: Oh right let's do this! MAGICAL SOURCE MYSTIC FORCE!!!

Everyone: WHOA!!!!

Wolf Warrior: Burning Heart Of Fire, Wolf Warrior Defender of Truth!!(Wolf saids as he transforms into his armor which brought all the adventurers including Wolf's party in amazement)

Apprentice Cleric: Oooohhhhh wooooowwww!!!!..............he is amazing!!!

Spearman: Whoah!! now that is what I call a heroes appearance!!

Girl Priest: Incredible performance!

Heavy Warrior: His name sounds honorable!!

Female Knight: Such a marvelous transformation!!(Female Knight said with excitement)

Rookie Warrior: Sir Wolf Warrior are there any others like you in your world?

Elf: Of course there are, he even showed us their titan forms which I still can not get over!!

Wolf Warrior: They are called the Mystic Rangers and they get their powers from the great titan guardians form ancients past.

Guild Girl: Is he telling the truth about being more of them

Co-Worker: He is......

Female Knight: Amazing!! I would like to meet these Mystic Rangers in person.

Wolf Warrior: Well apparently you can not because they used all of their powers to save my world from a powerful dark lord named Master Octomus who unleashed his armies upon the world and the Mystic Rangers sacrificed their power to protect the earth until my mentor Leanbow who was the original Wolf Warrior before me gave his title and his armor to me if darkness ever returns and I have been training for a long time to master this armor and its powers from then on.

Co-Worker: He is speaking the truth......

Heavy Warrior: This Master Octomus sounds like a terrible foe to face.

Dwarf: What does he look like by any chance Wolf?

Wolf Warrior: He looks like this.......(Wolf said and showed everyone what Octomus looks like and what they saw made them fear for their lives knowing that this demon looks like someone they do not want to encounter even the Wolf Warriors party looks horrified after seeing this monster)

Wolf Warrior: This is Master Octomus the destroyer of worlds and all that is evil..

Guild Girl: Oh my god........(Guild girl said in fear)

Spearman: That is one ugly looking bastard!

Apprentice Cleric: He looks more terrifying than the demon lord himself......😨

Female Knight: In all my years of fighting evil, I have never seen such horror in a monster such as this......😨

Goblin Slayer:...............

Lizard: So is this Octomus powerful back in your world sir Wolf Warrior?

Wolf Warrior: Yes he was, his power surpasses every demon lord that came before and with his power he could destroyed the entire world.

Rookie Warrior: And his armies..........what about them?

Wolf Warrior: After one of his solider or servants is defeated in battle, Octomus uses his power to make his servants grow into gigantic size so that they can destroy lives and burn down cities.(Wolf saids as everyones face look upon in terror and fear knowing if Octomus was still around they would all be doomed)

Guild Girl: Oh dear...........

Wolf Warrior: But thanks to the Mystic Rangers and my mentor using their powers and titan form they defeated Octomus and brought peace across the world while I was in trusted to make sure darkness never come back.

Elf: Thank goodness, if we had that guy in our world we would be goners for sure.

Dwarf: Yes since the demon lord is already defeated we don't need another dark being in our lives again.

Guild Girl: By the way Wolf Warrior could you possibly show us these Mystic Rangers and their titan forms if you don't mind me asking.

Wolf Warrior: Not at all, it would be my honor to show you all the heroes from my world.(Wolf saids to everyone and shows them the Mystic Rangers and their titan form which they find them amazing and spectacular)

Wolf Warrior: These are the Mystic Rangers along with my mentor Leanbow and his wife the White Mystic Ranger,, and the gold one is called Solaris Knight, also the Rangers titan forms.

Apprentice Cleric: Wow they look incredible!!

Girl Priest: Such beautiful color outfits

Heavy Warrior: Whoah their titan forms are fantastic and that green one looks heavily armored just like me!!

Female Knight: The White ranger and Solaris Knight I find very interesting

Lizard: So these are the legendary Mystic Rangers who saved your earth and defeated the Master Octomus.

Wolf Warrior: Yes they are and I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for them and their powers.

Goblin Slayer: He is full of surprises..........(Goblin slayer said in thought)

Wolf Warrior: But theres more

Spearman: Really what else could there be besides these guys having powers and turning into something that could take on an army.

Wolf Warrior: When the rangers in their titan form can merge together to form a powerful warrior known as a Zord.

Everyone: SERIOUSLY!!!

Co-Worker: Telling the truth....

Wolf Warrior: Allow me to show you my friends(Wolf saids as he shows them the Zord form and everyones jaw hit the ground with amazement of how the rangers merge together to form one being)

Wolf Warrior: What do you guys think

Female Knigt: Oh

Heavy Warrior: My

Spearman: Gosh!!

Rookie Warrior: This is incredible!! I have never seen such a magnificent form such as this and it bigger than a dragon!!

Apprentice Cleric: Your world and these rangers sound interesting right now!!

Elf: Yea and I can not wait to see your titan form Wolf Warrior

Eveyone: Huh?

Dwarf: Oh our friend here has a titan form as well but he said he will show when the time is right.

Spearman: Aw man thats a bummer!.......

Wolf Warrior: Don't worry if I am facing a giant monster I or something, you guys will get the chance to see my titan form in no time.

Female Knight: Well I look forward to see this titan form of yours in action as well Wolf Warrior but for now I have a quest to get to and I hope to see you around.

Wolf Warrior: I am looking forward to it Female Knight and good luck on your quest.

Female Knight: Thank you(Knight blushes than turns to leave)

Heavy Warrior: I have to get going as well, let's go on an adventure some time Wolf Warrior and show monsters what we armored men can really do.

Wolf Warrior: I will take you on your offer Heavy Warrior!(Both fist bump each other and Heavy Warrior left)

Co-Worker: It would seem Wolf Warrior you have been telling us the entire truth the entire time.

Guild Girl: And would be the first ones in welcoming you to the guild and to our world.

Wolf Warrior: Thank you all so much and it was a pleasure to meet all of you and hope to go on adventures with you soon.

Apprentice Cleric: We would love for you to join us on our quests.

Rookie Warrior: Yea you sure know how to handle a weapon and you have powers as well.

Wolf Warrior: Thank you but before you all get back to what your doing, I must tell you about the enemies you fight during your quest. First you must read more about them so you can get an understanding of how to beat them, second find a weakness to where their most veritable, third do not rush in and just attack them without coming up with a plan otherwise your already dead as it is, and fourth stick together with you party and do not fall behind because they leads to many deaths for rookies and other adventures.(Wolf said to everyone including Goblin Slayer who looked surprise and thought about what he said and it could help them deal with tougher appointments in due time and help make more money as well as raise their ranks)

Rookie Warrior: We will take your offer on that Wolf Warrior and good luck on being an adventurer.

Apprentice Cleric: and thank you for the advice we will do our best!

Everyone: Absolutely!!

Wolf Warrior: Good thats the way a true adventurer does!!

When everyone took Wolf Warriors advice and began to go back to what they were doing, Wolf Warriors party look upon their member with amazement and how he made the other adventures took his advice about how to take down their enemies even Goblin Slayer was impressed but wouldn't tell unless it is just her and him alone.

Lizard: I must admit sir Wolf Warrior your words have brought courage to these adventures and wisdom to them I am most impressed.

Girl Priest: Yea now that they know what to do now they would not have any trouble dealing with the dangers on their quests.

Elf: You are one of kind Wolf Warrior!

Dwarf: You impress me even more so Wolf and you have my respect!

Wolf Warrior: Thank you my friends, for your generous words

Elf: Your quite welcome now let's eat I am starving!!

Wolf Warrior: Absolutely I am famished!

After everyone has had their meals, it was time to head to bed and get some rest while every room was packed which mean Wolf Warrior didn't have a place to stay until Goblin Slayer said something that she normally doesn't asked anyone.

Goblin Slayer: Do you need a place to spend the night.....Wolf Warrior?

Wolf Warrior: Oh yes since the every room here is packed why?

Goblin Slayer: You can come live on the farm with me and my friend and her uncle if you like.

Wolf Warrior: Miss Slayer I would love to

Goblin Slayer: R.....r..really...

Wolf Warrior: Of course, you are a wonderful person who wants to protect those around you and help those who can not.

Goblin Slayer: I.....I.....I.....I see....thank you...(Goblin slayer while blushing under the helmet)

Wolf Warrior: Your welcome M'lady now shale we get going before it gets dark out?

Goblin Slayer: Yea........

Time Skip

Both Goblin Slayer and Wolf Warrior made to the farm and Wolf thought of the place was quite beautiful with a lovely field.

Wolf Warrior: It is a lovely home you and your friend have here miss Slayer.

Goblin Slayer: Thanks now lets get inside before it gets dark out

Wolf Warrior: Very well after you M'lady

Goblin Slayer: Hehehehe, what a gentleman you are

Once they go into the house they are greeted by a red haired girl with a big smile on her face.

Hey!! your back and oh looks like you brought home somebody, please to meet you sir.

Wolf Warrior: The pleasure is all mine miss?.....

Cow Girl: Cow Girl is what most people call me and what is yours sir?

Goblin Slayer: His name is Wolf Warrior and he needs a place to stay for the night until he can get the money he needs to pay his room.

Wolf Warrior: Pleasure to meet you Cow Girl

Cow Girl: The pleasure is all mine Wolf Warrior and please come in my uncle is out of town so it will just be the three of us for now.

Goblin Slayer: Huh I...see

Wolf Warrior: Thank you for your hospitality miss

Cow Girl: Welcome so how did you two meet?

Goblin Slayer: He saved me and my party from three hundred goblins that surrounded us along with a goblin champion.

Cow Girl: Wow he must be pretty strong and brave to take on that many goblins!

Goblin Slayer: He sure is..........(Slayer said in a whisper)

Cow Girl: Anyway we only have three rooms here so if want to sleep in the shed that would be fine.

Goblin Slayer: Actually he will be staying with me tonight, if that is alright with you Wolf?(Slayer wanting him to stay with her since she doesn't want to be alone)

Wolf Warrior: I don't see the problem, sure I will stay with you for tonight.

Cow Girl: Um ok then?.............

With that Goblin Slayer took Wolf Warrior to her room and locked the door so that no one can bother them while they are sleeping. Wolf Warrior undid his armor transformation while slayer was taking off her armor and when Wolf looked at slayers face for the first time he could only say one word that comes to his mind. Beautiful

(Artwork done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Wolf Warrior: Wow, I never imagined how beautiful you look slayer and your eyes are just like mine but more red.(Wolf said to Slayer who blushed of what he said to her while smiling)

Goblin Slayer: am beautiful......Wolf Warrior(Slayer tried to talk while blushing)

Wolf Warrior: Of course I do what kind of man would I.........(Wolf didn't finished as slayer begins to hug him while crying for some reason)

Goblin Slayer: Sniff.........😭........

Wolf Warrior: Hey whats wrong?

Goblin Slayer: I was so scared.......I thought I was gonna die.........sniff......back in the city......and I wasn't strong save my party...........I feel like.....such a weakling.....😭(Slayer saids while crying hard after what happened back in the hall)

Wolf Warrior: You are not weak, you just had trouble and just needed more help dealing with these goblins and it wouldn't hurt to ask for it. Slayer you are a brave warrior who wants to help those who lost their lives because of these ugly bastards and would do anything to help people even if you throw your life on the line, you have a good heart and a heroic one in that. I promise to fight by your side and help you rid the world of goblins forever.(Wolf saids to slayer who hugs her and she has never heard such nice words from someone like him before and he would help her with goblins and destroy them together)

Goblin Slayer: Wolf Warrior........thank you......for everything and thank you for saving my life from the goblins....I have never met someone with your strength and courage before.(Slayer saids looking up at Wolf with tears but tears of joy with a small smile which Wolf smiles back)

Wolf Warrior: You are welcome slayer and let's make a promise to look out for each other and slay these goblins together.

Goblin Slayer: I would like that very much but could I give you something in return for saving me.

Wolf Warrior: Sure what is it...mph.(Wolf was cut off because Slayer has kissed him on the lips and he kisses back knowing that they will stay together)

Goblin Slayer: I know we just met and all but I something about you makes me feel safe and warm in which I was wondering if you would like get to know each other.

Wolf Warrior: Sure I wouldn't mind that at all.

Goblin Slayer: Would you like to stay with me tonight I kind of don't like to sleep alone.

Wolf Warrior: Of course M'lady.....

With that said Goblin Slayer started to take off armor and clothes in which was completely naked in which made Wolf Warrior blush at the site but stopped and looked the other way so he doesn't look.

Goblin Slayer: Are you alright?

Wolf Warrior: Um yea I am but why are you naked don't you have sleep wear?

Goblin Slayer: I always sleep like this that if you don't mind.

Wolf Warrior: Sigh I guest not but I will keep my shirt and pants on if that's ok.

Goblin Slayer: Yea that would be alright.

They both got into bed together in which Wolf Warrior to the left side and Goblin Slayer took the right in which Goblin Slayer cuddled up to Wolf Warrior in which he felt Goblin Slayer close to him but shrugged it off and just wrapped his arm around to keep her warm.

Goblin Slayer: Good night..

Wolf Warrior: Good night Slayer.

Chapter 4 coming soon!

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