Chapter 4 Stone Giant Battle

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It was morning and a certain girl was still sleeping after a wonderful night she had with her new life and savior who defended her against hundreds of goblins and a champion. While a certain warrior was already up and making some tea for his woman along with her friend who also making breakfast for the lovebirds and her uncle has arrived this morning, which means he already met Wolf Warrior and got to know him of where he came from and who his friends were which Cow Girl's uncle was very impressed by this young mans heritage and wants to protect those from darkness like his mentor Leanbow.

Uncle: I want to say thank you for defending my nieces friend, really appreciate the help.

Wolf Warrior: Oh it was my pleasure sir and I would do anything to protect those from darkness.

Uncle: You are very brave man to do all that yourself, what I can is that your mentor would be proud of what you are doing.(Uncle saids with a smile)

Wolf Warrior: I know he would, I made a promise to him that I will carry on his legacy and do what I can to help innocent people.

Uncle: That is what I like to hear in somebodies voice and you Wolf Warrior are that person.

Wolf Warrior: I really appreciate your hospitality sir, I really do including your nieces as well.

Cow Girl: Aww your sweet say can you bring this tea to my friend, I think is time to wake her up.

Wolf Warrior: Sure thing!(Wolf saids as he takes the tea from Cow Girl and brings it to his new lover)

Uncle: He is a good man, I can see that in his eyes

Cow Girl: Yea he sure is and even she knows that as well.

Uncle: I could ever imagined that..

While Cow Girl and her uncle get breakfast ready, Wolf Warrior walked over to Goblin Slayers room to wake her up and give her morning tea that her friend made for her. Once Wolf made it to the room door her looks through the door and what he saw was a lovely woman with a few scars along with grayish white hair sleeping peacefully and the one word that came to his thought was. Beautiful

Wolf Warrior: Hehehe, wow she really is cute when she sleeps so peacefully.(Wolf saids while looking out the door hole)

When Wolf was about to open the door and he sees that Goblin Slayer has already started to wake up from her nap.

Goblin Slayer: Yawn!.....

Goblin Slayer started to yawn due to the sun being in her eyes in which she started to do some stretching until she looked towards the door and saw Wolf Warrior smiling and holding a cup of tea in his hands.

(Artwork done by me:95nicholasnm)

Wolf Warrior: Hey good morning I brought you some morning tea to help start the day.

Goblin Slayer: Oh thank you Wolf that's very kind of you.

Wolf Warrior: Your welcome though your friend made it, I just brought it.

Goblin Slayer: Still thank you though.

Wolf Warrior: No problem Slayer.

Goblin Slayer: Say Wolf.....

Wolf Warrior: Ryan..

Goblin Slayer: What? what did you say?

Wolf Warrior: My real name is Ryan if you like to call me that when it is just the two of us.

Goblin Slayer: Ryan? Huh well if that is alright with I guess that would be alright and it does sound nice.

Wolf Warrior: Thanks, here drink up and get dressed I will wait for you wait you are done.

Goblin Slayer: Thanks...

Wolf Warrior: Wow when she is like this she is so polite which kind of adorable.(Wolf Warrior saids in thought)

With that Wolf Warrior went back to the kitchen and sat next to Cow Girl and her Uncle while Goblin Slayer gets dressed and fully armored to go to the guild with Wolf Warrior. Slayer went to the dinning room and was greeted by her friend and her uncle along with Wolf Warrior who was saving her a seat in which she went to sit down next to him.

Cow Girl: Good Morning!!, how did you sleep last night.

Goblin Slayer: It was nice and here is the payment for me and for Wolf here.(Slayer saids to her friend and hands her uncle the money for the rent)

Uncle: Thank you, might as well eat breakfast since you both are heading to the guild after words.

Wolf Warrior: Yes we are sir and I would like to try doing a quest on my own for the first time and then go on goblin exterminating after words.(Wolf saids to the uncle while also giving Goblin Slayer a nod in agreement in which she nod as well)

Cow Girl: What kind of quest do you have in mind?

Wolf Warrior: Not sure yet, I will see what they have there first and then if there is nothing goof that could earn me money I will just do goblin hunting with Miss Slayer here.

Goblin Slayer: I see.

Wolf Warrior: Is that going to be your new catchphrase for now on? I see..(Wolf saids to Slayer which made Cow Girl and her uncle giggle a little and Slayer blushed again under her helmet and gave Wolf a punch in the arm)

Wolf Warrior: Ow....ok I deserved that one

Goblin Slayer: Heheh, yes you did...

Once breakfast was finished Goblin Slayer and Wolf Warrior headed out and were walking towards the guild until Wolf decided to morph into his armor before they get to the guild and he decided to leave Catastros at the farm since he needed the rest he deserved.

Wolf Warrior: Might as well change into my armor before we head towards the guild.

Goblin Slayer: Do you use the armor everyday?

Wolf Warrior: Only if I am going to face something powerful and dangerous. MAGICAL SOURCE MYSTIC FORCE!

Goblin Slayer: Why does his appearance brings a warm feeling in my heart.(Goblin Slayer said in thought)

Wolf Warrior: Shall we get going M'lady.

Goblin Slayer: Yes.

The two walked to the guild and the other adventures greeted the Wolf Warrior with respect and fellow hellos which brought honor in Wolf Warrior for being an incredible being in their world. Both the lovebirds made it to the guild where all the adventures were waiting for new quest to appear to earn more money.

Guild Girl: Welcome back Goblin Slayer and Wolf Warrior!

Wolf Warrior: Hello guild girl good to see you again and you too fellow adventures.

Adventures: Greetings Wolf Warrior!!(Everyone saids until the Heavy Warrior and Female Knight came up to Wolf Warrior with greatness)

Heavy Warrior: Hello my friend!, are you going on a quest today because everyone here is dying to see the results.

Wolf Warrior: Indeed I am, I just hope they have something good for me take down and I mean anything.

Heavy Warrior: That what I like to here in a warriors tone!

Female Knight: Are going to do goblin slaying with her and her party today.(Female knight saids to Wolf while pointing at Slayer)

Wolf Warrior: Not today, I want to try doing a quest on my own and after words I will do goblin slaying quest laster, besides bigger monsters mean bigger kills and more money since I do need money if I am going to be staying in this world for the time being.

Female Knight: Well I wish you the best of luck Wolf Warrior and hope to see what quest you take.

Wolf Warrior: Thank you Miss Knight

Heavy Warrior: Well we might as well wait until the guild shows us the quest forms, see you around Wolf Warrior.

Wolf Warrior: You to Heavy Warrior and you too Female Knight(Wolf saids to the both of them who nod in his respect and begin to walks towards where the quest forms are going to be put up)

Goblin Slayer: So what kind of quest do you prefer?

Wolf Warrior: Well anything that can get me enough money to pay for the rent that I am staying at the farm with you and for myself as well. '

Goblin Slayer: I......

Wolf Warrior: Don't say those words

Goblin Slayer: I wasn't going to?

Wolf Warrior: Yes you were

Goblin Slayer: No I wasn't

Wolf Warrior: Yes you were

Goblin Slayer: No I wasn't

Wolf Warrior: Yes you were

Goblin Slayer: No I wasn't

Wolf Warrior: No you weren't

Goblin Slayer: Yes I was

Wolf Warrior: Hah, you admit you were!

Goblin Slayer: I....I....sigh.....never mind

Wolf Warrior: Hehehe, that's what I thought

Goblin Slayer: You are weird...

Wolf Warrior: Oh I'm weird? Says the girl who is always silent and never removes her helmet and you call me weird.

When both of them were talking their party members came up to them and greeted them with welcoming hellos.

Girl Priest: Good Morning Goblin Slayer and to you too Wolf Warrior!

Elf: I see you two are well and ready to start the day off with an adventure especially you Wolf Warrior.

Dwarf: Are coming with us to hunt down some goblins as well my friend!

Wolf Warrior: Sorry guys but not today I want to try going on a quest on my own to earn some money for myself and for the rent at the place I stayed at last night, so I will be going on my own quest but if they don't have anything good for me then I will join you guys on goblin hunting.

Lizard: Well if this your decision Sir Wolf Warrior then we can allow it and if there is no quest you are familiar with then you can join us on ours since you are the newest member to our group.

Wolf Warrior: Thank you very much my scaly friend

Elf: Well if you find anything you like on the board let us know because I would like to see what quest your going on.

Wolf Warrior: Sure thing(Wolf saids to his elf friend and heard Guild girl talking)

Guild Girl: Good morning everyone!, it is time to post all the quests available this morning.

Everyone: Yes finally!!

Wolf Warrior: Well might as well see what they have up there, you guys coming?

Girl Priest: Nah, were good we usually ask the guild girl about our quests.

Wolf Warrior: Oh ok, wish me luck

Goblin Slayer: Good love.......(Slayer saids to him and saids the last part quietly)

Wolf Warrior heard what she said and smile under his mask, and went to check out the quest papers on the board with some adventures looking at him and thinking what quest he might choose.

Wolf Warrior: Hmmm.......which one would get me a lot of money and to help people who are in danger the most?(Wolf saids to himself and a certain spear guy comes up to him and greets him)

Spearman: Yo! Wolf Warrior hows it hanging!!

Wolf Warrior: Hey Spearman! its going pretty well just checking to see which quests looks good to take.

Spearman: Not going on goblin quests today?

Wolf Warrior: Nah, I want to try going on a quest on my own then after words go on goblin slaying quest later on.

Spearman: Well I wish you the best luck in the world my friend just choose wisely some of these quests are not worth it.

Wolf Warrior: I will keep that in mind my friend

While Spearman went to look for his quests with his witch friend who really found Wolf Warrior to be very attractive in his armor; Wolf came across something that could not only make him a hero for these people but to get a lot of money for taking down this monster that was on the quest form.

Wolf Warrior: saids here if there is any adventure or adventures who can beat this monster will receive forty platinum gold coins and the people will finally be free of this beast forever, and the monster was last located in this area which means it could reappear anytime soon. Now that is a quest for to handle and I could use the money to help me survive for a long time and could help people who have lost their homes and could use it to rebuild their lives. Also to help Slayer as well since she and her friend as well as the uncle could use this money to last them a long time, it is perfect!(Wolf saids as he chooses the quest to take down a giant stone monster that is terrorizing the area)

While everyone has taken their quest forms off the wall as well as Wolf Warrior and had to wait until guild girl is finished with each adventurer and when it was Wolfs turn to come up and hands guild girl the form it brought her to into complete utter shock that Wolf Warrior has chosen to take down the stone giant that will be given forty platinum gold coins.

Wolf Warrior: Is something wrong miss?


Everyone: WHAT?!!!!

Wolf Warrior: Is that a problem?

Young Warrior: Sir Wolf Warrior no one has ever taken down that giant, not even an army couldn't beat it!

Apprentice Cleric: Not even magical spells couldn't even stop it from destroying many villages or cities!

Elf: Wolf think about what you are getting yourself into, this thing could easy crush you!

Wolf Warrior: Guys if this thing is causing problems around this area then it is most likely to get rid of it as soon as possible otherwise we could just let it crush all of us to death.

Heavy Warrior: But my friend it is just too powerful for us to handle

Wolf Warrior: Like or not I am taking this quest and I am sending that beast back to the fiery pits of where it came from!

Goblin Slayer: Wolf..........

While everyone was trying to convince Wolf to not go on this quest something began to rumble under their feet and heard a loud roar coming from outside and they knew exactly what it was.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Reference for the Stone Giant, by using a titans roar instead)

Wolf Warrior: Uh what was that just now?

Guild Girl: Oh no........its the STONE GIANT!!!

Everyone: WHATT?!!!!

Everyone ran outside and what they saw in front of them was the Stone Giant in person and it began to destroy buildings and small villages while the adventures and the guild look upon the beast with shock and horror while Wolf Warrior looked like it was time to take this beast down by using his zord form.

ROOOOOOOAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!(Stone Giant let out a mighty roar)

Goblin Slayer: That is not a goblin..........

Elf: Does everything you see look like a goblin to you!!!


Girl Priest: How are we all gotta beat this thing?!!!

Co-Worker: It is about to crush us!!, we need to evaluate now!!

Spearman: Were done for.......

Heavy Warrior: We need a miracle right now!

Female Knight: I big one!

Wolf Warrior: Thats what I am here for!!

Everyone: What?!!

Wolf Warrior: CATASTROS COME TO ME!!!(Wolf saids as a portal opens up and his horse comes out which brought the adventures in shock)

Spearman: Where did that horse come from?!!

Wolf Warrior: Come on my friend lets show this beast what we can really do!(Wolf saids and he and his horse ride off to do something that would shock not only the adventurers but Slayer as well)

Goblin Slayer: What is he up to?(Goblin Slayer saids in thought while watching Wolf Warrior run off with his horse)

Wolf Warrior: GO CATASTROS!! IT IS TIME, Uthe Mejor Catastros!!

(Pretend the zord part is all red)

Once Wolf Warrior said these words he and his horse begin to grow gigantic which brought the adventures in complete utter shock but what shock them the most is that Wolf and Catastros have merged together to form an all powerful warrior called Centaurus Wolf Megazord. Goblin Slayer couldn't believe her eyes either that her lover has shown his titan form in person and the one word she that came to her thought was beautiful.


Elf: I think it is(Elf said in shock)


Dwarf:My god............

Girl Priest: This is Wolf Warriors titan form!!!

Everyone: WHOAH!!!!!

Heavy Warrior: So this my our friends titan form, amazing......

Female Knight: What incredible form he just took!!!

Guild Girl: Such power and strength!

Goblin Slayer: Unbelievable.(Slayer saids as she sees Wolf Warriors zord form)

Wolf Warrior: YOU HAVE CAUSED THIS PEOPLE SO MUCH DEATH AND DESTRUCTION!!, IN THE NAME OF GOOD MAGIC MYSTIC FIRE SLASH!!!(Wolf saids as he uses his power to cut the stone giant in half which made everyones jaw dropped to the ground seeing the beast has been slain by their newest ally.

Wolf Warrior: AND THAT IS CHECKMATE!!!(Wolf saids as he defeats the giant while looking down upon the adventures who look at him with both shock and amazement)

Guild Girl: He.......he did it..........

Co-Worker: He......beat......the giant.....oh my that was.......

Adventures: AMAZING!!!!

Heavy Warrior: Hail Wolf Warrior Defender Of Truth!!!

Female Knight: Free cheers for the mighty Wolf Warrior!!!

Everyone: Wolf Warrior! Wolf Warrior! Wolf Warrior! Wolf Warrior!

Lizard: Splendid!! what a magnificent attack that was!!!

Dwarf: Well done Wolf well done!!(Dwarf screams out to his friend while he was still his zord form)

Elf: I can not believe he defeated an all powerful beast all by himself!!!(Elf screams with excitement)

Girl Priest: Way a go Wolf Warrior!!

Spearman: Whoah!!! that was awesome!!!

Witch: My what interesting form he has, yes very nice(Witch saids while blushing)

Young Warrior: Wolf Warrior did the impossible, he defeated the giant and showed us his titan form amazing!!

Apprentice Cleric: Such a beautiful form and such incredible powers.

While everyone was cheering for Wolf Warrior who was still in his zord form, Wolf looks to the sky and saids something to himself.

Wolf Warrior: Leanbow, I hope you can see me now and I will do what I can to protect these people from darkness; thank you my friend.(Wolf saids to himself then looks back to the adventurers who were still cheering him on and Wolf saids the words that his friends say after winning a battle)

Wolf Warrior: MYSTIC FORCE!!!

Everyone including Goblin Slayer: MYSTIC FORCE!!!

Once the battle between the giant and Wolf Warrior came to a close, Wolf along his companion changed back to normal size and headed back towards the guild where all the adventures greeted them with more respect and thanking them for saving their lives from the stone giant that tried to crush them and Wolf Warrior received his award of forty platinum gold coins which made all the adventures including his party jaw dropped after seeing so much money in front of them. Not even Goblin Slayer couldn't believe herself how much money Wolf Warrior has made after defeating the stone giant.

Spearman: Whoah!! look at all that gold coins!!!

Female Knight: Amazing........... 🤩

Heavy Warrior: My friend you have brought peace and freedom to these lands we owe you our thanks for saving us from that stone giant.

Young Warrior: When you chanted those words, is that how you turn into your titan form.

Wolf Warrior: Yes it is my young friend and your welcome it is my duty to protect those from falling into darkness or being crushed by something bigger than them.

Elf: You my friend are full of surprises and that was awesome the way you took down the giant with just one slash!

Dwarf: I'll say in all my life I have never seen such power like that at all.

Lizard: Sir Wolf Warrior, you have shown us what it takes to become better adventures and also showed us not to back down anything bigger than us we thank you.

Wolf Warrior: I just do what is right my friends

Guild Girl: Speaking of which what are plaining on doing with all this money you have now Wolf Warrior?

Girl Priest: Yea with this you can have anything you want

Wolf Warrior: Actually I already know what I should use this money for.

Everyone: What is it?

Wolf Warrior: Well if I ever come across some villages or cities that were damaged by demons or any other dark beings, I will donate some of this money to those places to help rebuild peoples lives and to help what they have lost.(Wolf saids to everyone which made them feel honored and made the girls cry a little after hearing what he would do for people)

Heavy Warrior: That is the most nicest and honorable thing you could ever say Wolf Warrior and sounds brilliant that you would do anything to help people.

Female Knight: 😢sniff.....You have truly earned my respect as an adventurer and as a hero to humanity.

Girl Priest: That is so sweet of you to donate money for people who have lost their lives during our darkest time.

Co-Worker: You have such a kind and noble heart Wolf Warrior thank you.

Wolf Warrior: It was my pleasure everyone, and if you guys are having trouble with a quest don't bother to ask for help because i will do what I can.

Everyone: Thank you Wolf Warrior!

Elf: Hey since you saved us from stone monster you get to buy all of us the meal!!

Wolf Warrior: Hahahaha, I guess I can do that. for you guys since were all friends and great heroes.

Everyone: Awesome!!!

Once everyone was getting their meals and drinks that Wolf Warrior has paid for, Goblin Slayer wanted to speak with him alone so she took his hand and brought him to the roof of the guild.

Wolf Warrior: Is there something you wanted to say?

Goblin Slayer: That was very impressive Wolf never knew you can do something like that.

Wolf Warrior: Thank you for saying so.

Goblin Slayer: Say since it's us up here mine telling me more about yourself.

Wolf Warrior: Sure why not that is if you tell me about you as well.

Goblin Slayer: There's really not that much to talk about myself.

Wolf Warrior: Come on sit down with me so we can chat.

Goblin Slayer and Wolf Warrior sat down together and were looking at each other to await who goes first to speak.

Goblin Slayer: So tell me how you became the Wolf Warrior.

Wolf Warrior: It's going to be a long story so listen carefully alright.

Goblin Slayer: Very well I am all ears.

Chapter 5 coming soon!

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