Chapter 5: Goblins Home world and The Ancient Mystic Mode

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After the battle between Wolf Warrior and the stone giant, the adventures have never met such a a magnificent hero in all their lives, if it wasn't for Wolf Warrior and his incredible abilities then the adventures would definitely would of been crushed and it was all thanks to the hero from another world who saved their lives from an all power monster. Wolf Warriors party looked up to their new companion with great respect and heroics even Goblin Slayer who later became her new found love and would fight along side her and rid the world of goblins forever. So right now after Wolf Warrior offered to pay food for everyone and spend time with Goblin Slayer, he and his party went on to exterminate goblins in abandoned fortress.

Elf: It is great to have you on this quest Wolf Warrior and thanks again for buying us that meal we all had really appreciated.

Wolf Warrior: No problem my friend, though next time we get paid your paying for the next meal.

Elf: I can live with that

Goblin Slayer: Shh.......we don't want to alert the goblins or anything that lives in these ruins do we.

Wolf Warrior: You have a point there M'lady, but some reason I am sensing something that is dark and pure evil.

Goblin Slayer: What do you mean is it a goblin?

Wolf Warrior: No something else, I don't know what but it is close?

Lizard: Better be alarmed, these ruins are filled with evil.

Dwarf: I agree with you scaly

Girl Priest: Is what your sensing powerful Wolf Warrior?

Wolf Warrior: No but it can cause serious pain to either of you if your not careful and you remember what I told you about facing your targets.

Elf: Absolutely wait for an opening, find a weakness, and then target it.

Wolf Warrior: Your learning well my elf friend, very good.

Elf: I learned from the best(Elf saids to Wolf who appreciates his advice)

Wolf Warrior: Good

Lizard: Hold up a minute, I am seeing something and it looks dangerous.(Lizard saids to the party and they all look towards what is in front of them)

Goblin Slayer: Ok that is definitely not a goblin?

Wolf Warrior: You really need to do more research on your demon and beast history GS.

Goblin Slayer: GS?

Wolf Warrior: Short name for Goblin Slayer

Goblin Slayer: I like that(Goblin Slayer said in thought)

Girl Priest: What the heck is that thing?

Elf: Some kind of giant demon eyeball or something I don't know?

Dwarf: It is a creature of chaos

Wolf Warrior: Does it even have a name?

Lizard: We can not say it's true name, it is forbidden in these lands.

Wolf Warriror: I see, hows about we call these things shadow eyes that way we can remember it so if ever encounter more of them during other quest.

Elf: Shadow Eyes, yea thats works for me.

Lizard: But don't be surprises what would happens when a threat is near it.(Lizard saids as he throws a rock in the corner and the eye shoots a laser at it)

Wolf Warrior: So it can shoots beams from its one eye, and then it can melt the target where it stands until they are nothing.

Dwarf: Looks that way, how do we kill it?

Goblin Slayer: I have an idea for that and Wolf I need your assistance.

Wolf Warrior: Whats your plan?

Goblin Slayer: I am gonna unleash a power explosion dust and when the time is right, you go in and use your fire ability to light it up and then Girl Priest will use her holy light shield to protect us from the blast.

Wolf Warrior: Sounds good, let's do it!

With that Goblin Slayer throws the explosive dust into the air so it could not only blind the giant eye but also make sure that it can not see what is coming for it next. While Wolf Warrior gets ready for the surprise attack.

Goblin Slayer: Wolf do it now!

Wolf Warrior: Blazing storm strike! Heyahh!!(Wolf chants the fire spell towards the dust with the eye inside of it)

Goblin Slayer: Girl Priest use your protection now!

Girl Priest: Right!, O merciful earth mother, please protect us the weak with the power of the earth!(Girl Priest chants her spell and creates the shield around her and the others while they avoid the explosion)

BOOM!!(The eye was killed in the explosion)

Once the explosion wheres off, everyone went inside and saw the creature has been killed and all thanks to Goblin Slayers plan of action and Wolf Warriors fire spell.

Wolf Warrior: Nice plan M'lady, very well done.

Goblin Slayer: Thank you Wolf(Slayer said while blushing under her helmet)

Girl Priest: I wonder what that thing was doing here in the first place?

Wolf Warrior: Maybe because of that mirror for instance?

Dwarf: Could this be something that thing was worshiping?

Elf: Has to be if it was that precious to it?

Lizard: I don't think we should be touching it so carelessly?

Girl Priest: I agree we should investigate it first before we do anything else.(Girl Priest saids as she pokes her finger on the mirror then something happens)

Goblin Slayer: Get Ready!

The Mirror begins to glow and shows something out of the ordinary, what it shows was a planet filled with the one thing Slayer hates most of all Goblins.

Goblin Slayer: Goblins?

Wolf Warrior: Looks like this mirror is used for transportation of some sort, and the goblins are using it to transport their kind here by using this object.

Lizard: That would explain everything

When somebody else was about to say something they hear a noise coming down the halls which could only mean one thing more goblins.

Wolf Warrior: I will be right back

Goblin Slayer: Your gonna kill all of them yourself

Wolf Warrior: Thats my job, in the mean time try to get the mirror off the wall while I'll take care of these bastards.

Lizard: Right, Dwarf, Elf help me with it

Elf and Dwarf: On it!

While the others were getting the mirror off the wall, Goblin Slayer was making sure her lover would be ok in which he would be.

Wolf Warrior: Alright you ugly green bastards take this!, Super Blazing Storm Strike!!(Wolf saids and killed all the goblins leaving nothing bust dust)

Elf: Dang that never gets old, nice exterminating Wolf not bad.

Wolf Warrior: Thank you, now what are we gonna do about this mirror here?

Goblin Slayer: We sink it into the water, so that the goblins can not use it ever again.

Dwarf: I agree, this thing can cause problems around here and we do not want that to happen now do we fellas.

Everyone: Nope!

When everyone decided to sink the mirror into the water, with no one trying to use it they decided to all head back and report to the guild until Wolf Warrior needed to say something to the others about the goblins.

Wolf Warrior: There is something I been meaning to ask you guys for a while now.

Elf: What is it Wolf Warrior?

Wolf Warrior: By any chance where do the goblins come from if you don't mind me asking this question.

Goblin Slayer: They came from the moon

Wolf Warrior: The moon?

Girl Priest: Yes the green moon that is right above our heads

Wolf Warrior: Thats where they came from?

Lizard: Indeed sir Wolf Warrior why would you ask such a thing?

Dwarf: Yea is something bugging you Wolf?

Goblin Slayer: Why would want to know about the goblins home world for?

Wolf Warrior: Oh so I can do this, Ancient Mystic Mode!!(Wolf saids as he transforms into totally different armor)

Elf: Whoah! I didn't know you could that as well?!!

Girl Priest: Amazing!, this armor looks completely different from what you usually wear.

Lizard: What kind of armor is this sir wolf warrior?

Wolf Warrior: This is the ancient mystic mode armor that Leanbow used during his battle against Master Octomus and it is very powerful.

Goblin Slayer: And I thought you look amazing in the first armor but you look incredibly magnificent in this version(Goblin said in thought while blushing more under her helmet)

Dwarf: And what do you intend on doing with this more spectacular armor of yours my Wolf friend.

Wolf Warrior: Get down and cover your eyes, this gonna get a lot more bright and try not to freak out more.

Elf: What do you mean?

Wolf Warrior: Just do what I say no arguments alright.

With that everyone got on the ground and cover their eyes, and thinks what Wolf Warrior was gonna do in his new armor.

Wolf Warrior: In the name of honor! I unleashed the power of the super spell!, NOW TAKE THIS SUPER NOVA BLAZING SWORD STRIKE!!! HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!(Wolf Warrior saids and unleashes his powerful blast at what he was firing at until they was a big huge beam of light surrounding everyone who had their eyes still shut)

After the light has dyed down and everything was back to normal, Wolf Warrior changes back into his normal armor and tells everyone to open their eyes again.

Wolf Warrior: Alright everyone you can open your eyes now and get off the ground.

Girl Priest: Thanks by the way what were trying to attack, there is no one around us or any creatures near by is there?

Lizard: I am wondering as well sir Wolf Warrior? I mean what was so important that you have to use that powerful attack for anyway.

Dwarf: What were you targeting anyway Wolf?

Wolf Warrior: I was targeting that!(Wolf saids as he points to the sky while the others look up and saw nothing)

Elf: What am I looking at?

Girl Priest: You were aiming at nothing?(Girl Priest saids in confusion as well as the elf)

Wolf Warrior: Tell me what do you guys see up there

Goblin Slayer: We see stars way.......impossible........did you really(Slayer saids in shock while looking at the sky as sees something that blew her mind)

Elf: Whats wrong all I see is the stars and saids in shock as well when she looks towards the sky as well)

Dwarf: is no could he.......(Dwarf saids in shock as well)

Lizard: My heavens.......I never thought he could do the impossible.....(Lizard saids while looking up in the sky)

Wolf Warrior: Thats right I destroyed the green moon, which means I destroyed the goblins home world which means they will not be returning to earth anymore.

Everyone except Goblin Slayer: YOU BLEW UP THE MOON!!!

Wolf Warrior: Well yea, I mean thats where the goblins came from like you said so I destroyed their home along with the entire goblin population in the process.

Elf: I....I think need to lye down for a bit(Elf saids than faints after what just happened)

Dwarf: Looks like long ears fell into a complete shock after what just happened?

Wolf Warrior: You think I mean I did just destroy an entire moon after all?

Lizard: True but why did you destroy it in the first place?

Wolf Warrior: If that moon was kept there which means more goblins will invade the earth for the next hundreds of years or more so if we do not take out the source of where they are coming from.

Girl Priest: He does have a point there but how are we gonna tell everyone that the moon has been destroyed.

Wolf Warrior: I will just tell them I was the one who destroyed it along with the goblin population in the process since the world is better off with out them invading us and kidnapping innocent people to be use as play things.

Dwarf: Well we can talk about that later right now let's head back to the guild, I am very tired right now and could use a drink.

Lizard: Yes good idea, and I might say Wolf Warrior that was quite the performance there if I do say so myself.

Wolf Warrior: Thank you and mind carrying elf here, I believe she won't wake up any time soon.

Lizard: Right absolutely

With that everyone was getting to leave until Wolf Warrior turns around and see Goblin Slayer looking up at the sky some more until Wolf Warrior broke the silence.

Wolf Warrior: Is something wrong Slayer?

Goblin Slayer: Sniff 😢 did killed killed all of them.(Slayer while tears we coming down her helmet)

Wolf Warrior: Was that a bad or............(Wolf didn't finished as he was bear hugged by Goblin Slayer who showing signs of tears of joy)

Goblin Slayer: THANK YOU!! destroyed the goblins world....😭 truly are the greatest.......😢 sniff......thank don't know how this makes me feel.

Wolf Warrior: Hehe, your welcome Slayer and now that their home world in gone all that's left is the goblins here.

Goblin Slayer: Yea........😢sniff.........and you will help me destroy them all together.(Slayer saids while in tears of joy)

Wolf Warrior: I will you can count on that.

Goblin Slayer: Hehehe, you truly are something else Wolf Warrior.

Wolf Warrior: I try.

Goblin Slayer: Can you carry me back, I don't think I can feel my legs after what you did.

Wolf Warrior: Hehehe, sure thing and hang on tight.(Wolf saids as he carries Slayer in his arms and begins to walk back with the others)

Goblin Slayer: Wolf can I ask you something?

Wolf Warrior: Sure, what is it?

Goblin Slayer: Once we take care of all the goblins here on earth, what do you plan on doing after words.

Wolf Warrior: Hmm, since I can no longer return to my home, I was thinking spending the rest of my life here helping you take down the goblins so that man kind can be free of them for good.

Goblin Slayer: I would like that....very much, and I am happy that I met someone like you.

Wolf Warrior: Thank you and I am happy I met someone like you as well Slayer.

Goblin Slayer: You truly are remarkable.

Wolf Warrior: And so are you and you always will be

Goblin Slayer: Yawn!

Wolf Warrior: Get some rest until we get to the guild.

Goblin Slayer: Alright...

With that Goblin Slayer took a little nap while she was being carried in Wolf Warriors arms and manage to catch up with the others until he looks down at her with a smile under his mask.

Wolf Warrior: She really is cute when she sleeps even if she is wearing a helmet.

Chapter 6 coming soon!

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