Chapter 6: Explanation about the Green Moon and the Ancient Mystic mode

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After Wolf Warrior destroyed the green moon that was the goblins home world and source of where they came from, he and his party decided to head back to the guild and he will tell the others about why the green moon is gone as well as how he destroyed it and why he had to destroy it in the first place.

Dwarf: I can not believe that you destroyed the source of where the goblins were coming from Wolf, I mean that was some incredible power you used.

Girl Priest: Yea now that the goblin source is destroyed we can focus on the goblins here on earth!

Lizard: And that armor you used before was the most magnificent display I have ever seen in my life as an adventurer.

Elf: I thought your first armor was great but that one armor you used looked totally badass!

Wolf Warrior: Thank you my friends, now I just have to tell the guild and the others about it and tell them why the green moon is gone as well as why I had to destroy it.

Elf: I can only imagined what the goblins would think when they find out their home world was destroyed by you.

Wolf Warrior: They deserve punishment for they caused to the people of this world and they deserve what they got.

Elf: That is true, speaking of wish hows our little miss doing?

Wolf Warrior: Hehehe, still sleeping after the shock she just had after I did a good thing for her.(Wolf saids while carrying Goblin Slayer in his arms)

Wolf Warrior: I still think it is cute how you are sleeping so peacefully(Wolf said in thought while looking at Goblin Slayer)

Dwarf: So what you that everyones reaction would be when they find out that moon is gone?

Elf: Oh I can not wait to see how they react knowing what happened.(Elf saids while smirking)

Girl Priest: Lets just hope they don't react too crazy?

Lizard: I agree with you

Wolf Warrior: We will see when we get there?

Once everyone has made it back to the guild, and walked in they all saw people acting crazy just like Girl Priest in which made Goblin Slayer woke up from her nice nap.




Adventurers: THE MOON IS GONE?!!!

Guild Girl: Everyone please calm down!! try to relax yourselves?!!

Wolf Warrior: You were right all a long they are acting a lot more crazier than the minute?(Wolf saids to Girl Priest)

Girl Priest: Yea........thats what I just said?

Elf: Hehehe, look at all their faces, it is priceless!!!

Lizard: I afraid things might get out of hand?

Dwarf: I agree with you scaly?

Goblin Slayer: Mmm......what happend?

Wolf Warrior: Why hello there sleepy head, you just missed the excitement, all the adventures are going crazy after the moon was destroyed.

Goblin Slayer: Yawn! that bad?

Wolf Warrior: See for yourself?

Goblin Slayer got out of Wolf Warriors arms and looks towards the guild and sees everyone acting completely crazy over the moon being destroyed.

Goblin Slayer: Huh you are right?

Wolf Warrior: Sigh...might as well tell them so that way they will stop?

Wolf Warrior walks towards the Guild Girl and is going to tell everyone what happened to the green moon and how it is gone from their sites.


Adventures: WOLF WARRIOR!!!!

Wolf Warrior: Hello everyone, good to see you?

Guild Girl: Wolf Warrior did you see what happened to the moon?!

Heavy Warrior: Yea it just there then all of sudden it was completely gone in a flash?

Female Knight: It was like it was destroyed?

Spearman: Man how am I gonna see at night?

Wolf Warrior: Yes I know because I was the one who destroyed it.(Wolf saids to everyone who has a blank stare at him and their eyes pop out like dinner plates and their jaws dropping down to the ground)

Elf: 5

Girl Priest: 4

Dwarf: 3

Lizard: 2

Goblin Slayer: 1

Adventures and Guild: WHATTTTTTTTT??????!!!!!!!!!!

Wolf Warrior: I guess they didn't take it well then I hoped?(Wolf saids in thought)

Guild Girl: Is he telling the truth about that as well?

Co-Worker: He is?

Heavy Warrior: Wolf why did you destroy the moon?!!!

Female Knight: Yea how could you destroy something so precious?!!!

Adventures: YEA SERIOUSLY!!!!(They all said looking pissed off)

Spearman: Dude not cool man not cool!!

Wolf Warrior: Because that moon is a threat to this world and it had to be destroyed.(Wolf saids to everyone while they all looked confused)

Guild Girl: What do you mean a threat, I mean whats so bad about a moon?

Wolf Warrior: When I went on an adventure with my party we came across a ruin castle that had not only goblins but a one of those demon eyes that you should not be name and it was guarding a artifact that the goblins were using to transport their kind here to our world.

Heavy Warrior: Wait you mean that you found out where the goblins are coming from my friend?

Wolf Warrior: Yes, when we looked at the artifact it was a mirror that bring the goblins to our world and when I got a close look at their world, I seen it was green but not life and there was a red planet above them which could only mean one thing.

Young Warrior: The goblins home world was actually the green moon that we all been staring at for years.

Wolf Warrior: That is corrected young warrior, once I found out thats where they came from I used my power to destroy their home which means that the goblins wont be coming back to earth to cause harm to anyone ever again.(Wolf saids to everyone who look shocked knowing that the goblins world was actually the green moon above their heads all this time)

Female Knight: If you say what is true then that means, you destroyed the entire goblin population and its source.

Wolf Warrior: That is correct Female Knight, but there are still goblins here on earth that have to be dealt with and that wont be any trouble for and my party.

Guild Girl: What do you think is he?

Co-Worker: Still speaking the truth

Apprentice Cleric: WHOAH!!!

Adventurer: Amazing.......(They all said while looking shock)

Spearman: But if that is true how did you destroy the entire moon, did you use your titan form to do that?

Wolf Warrior: No I used my ancient mystic mode to that and its the form Leanbow used in his battle against Master Octomus during the mystic wars.

Guild Girl: Ancient Mystic mode?

Female Knight: If you don't mind Wolf Warrior could we possibly see this mystic mode of yours?

Heavy Warrior: I would like to see this form with my own eyes.

Wolf Warrior: Sure not all, just stand back like I told when I changed into my armor.

Elf: You guys will flip when you see this armor!

Lizard: It is more magnificent is person

Guild Girl: Really, well then Wolf Warrior lets see?

Wolf Warrior: Alright than, ANCIENT MYSTIC MODE!!!(Wolf saids as he changes into his other armor)

Once Wolf Warrior finished transforming into his other armor, the adventures and the guild look upon the warrior with complete amazement and shock seeing such really nice armor and sword blades.

Adventures: WHOAH!!!!!! AMAZING!!!!!

Spearman: I thought your first armor was awesome but this one really knocks it off!!!

Female Knight: It is so beautiful and the colors are a rare site to see!!!

Heavy Warrior: Incredible my friend you really out done yourself!!!

Guild Girl: Oh my.......such a lovely reddish color(Guild girl saids while blushing)

Co-Worker: It makes him look more like a true warrior.

Goblin Slayer: Wolf you really do look lovely in that armor.(Goblin Slayer saids in thought while blushing)

Young Warrior: Incredible Wolf Warrior, this armor of yours looks even more amazing than your first one.

Apprentice Cleric: I'll say such power and what beautiful colors.

Wolf Warrior: Thank you everyone and I am sorry if the moon got destroyed but I can turn those frowns the other way around.

Girl Priest: What do you mean Wolf Warrior?

Wolf Warrior: Everyone follow me outside and prepare to be amazed about what I am going to do.

Adventures: Ok?

Goblin Slayer: What are you gonna do Wolf?(Goblin Slayer saids in whisper)

Wolf Warrior: You will see just watch

Goblin Slayer: Ok

Once everyone is outside the guild and looks towards Wolf Warrior standing under the one moon that is still there, they begin to think about what he is planing on doing.

Lizard: What do you think he is going to do dwarf?

Dwarf: No idea scaly let just see what he does?

Female Knight: I wonder why he asked us to come out?

Heavy Warrior: He probably wants to show us what he can do with this armor of his?

Spearman: Maybe, I would like to see what he can do

Goblin Slayer: What do you plan on doing?

Wolf Warrior: Alright! time for something new!!(Wolf saids as he took his stance and than all of sudden a blue ball appeared in his hands which made the people around him looked confused of what he was doing with that blue ball in his hands and it appeared to be glowing)

Girl Priest: What is that in his hands?

Lizard: Looks like some kind of blue energy of some sort?

Elf: What is planing on doing with that energy in his hands which I am wondering?

Dwarf: Lets just watch

Goblin Slayer: Wolf.............

Wolf Warrior: Arrgggggaaaaaaaaaa......(Wolf screams and throws the ball of energy into the sky which made everyone looked shock)

Guild Girl: Did he just throw that thing into the sky?!!

Co-Worker: Why would just throw that thing into the sky?

Spearman: Ok now I am very confused here?

Heavy Warrior: That was some throw there?

Female Knight: He has a good arm?

Young Warrior: Did you see that thing as well?

Apprentice Cleric: Yea it was so bright I couldn't tell what it was?

When the ball of blue energy was out of everyone site and couldn't see where it went; Wolf Warrior said the words and what happened next made everyone even more confused about what is going to happened next.

Wolf Warrior: BURST OPEN AND MIX!!! Everyone shield your eyes it might get really bright right now!!(Wolf said the words and told everyone to shield their eyes in which they all did and then a huge bright light appeared in the sky that could easily blind everyone in site)

Once the light has dyed down everyone began to opened their eyes while Wolf Warrior changes back into his normal armor.

Heavy Warrior: My friend what was that all about?

Wolf Warrior: Tell me what do you all see in the sky above you?

Everyone looked up into the sky and when they all did they couldn't believe what they were seeing with their very own eyes in which they were shocked and yet amazed of the site their seeing even Goblin Slayer couldn't believe her eyes either.

Wolf Warrior has created everyone a brand new moon except it is blue instead of green which everyone found it to be very beautiful.

Girl Priest: Oh my is unbelievable..

Elf: No freakin way?

Dwarf: It is marvelous.....

Lizard: Now that is a site to be hold, and such a lovely color........

Goblin Slayer: Wolf how did you do this..........(Goblin Slayer saids in amazement)

Guild Girl: It is so beautiful...such a lovely site.

Female Knight: It is the most beautiful thing I have seen in my life!

Heavy Warrior: My friend did the impossible once again!

Spearman: Wow now that is something you don't see everyday?

Adventures: HE MADE A MOON?!!!

Wolf Warrior: Not just any moon everyone, the Angelou Moon it is one the rarest moons of my world and now it is yours.

Adventurer 1: Wow absolutely breathtaking!

Adventurer 2: YES! now I can finally propose to my girlfriend under a beautiful full moon!!

Guild Girl: Wolf Warrior this is the most magnificent thing you ever did for us, we thank you for creating such a beautiful moon.

Wolf Warrior: You are very welcome M'lady and enjoy your new moon everyone.

Adventures: We will Wolf Warrior!!!

Goblin Slayer: You are absolutely incredible.(Goblin Slayer saids in thought while being amazed at Wolf Warriors abilities)

After everyone was admiring the new moon above their heads and everything that Wolf Warrior told them about the other abilities and the mystic mode they all decided to call it a day and head home to get some sleep so they can come back to go on more adventures tomorrow.

Wolf Warrior: Wanna head home Slayer.

Goblin Slayer: Yes absolutely.

With that both Wolf Warrior and Goblin Slayer headed home to get some rest until when they got home and into their room Goblin Slayer decided she wants to have her warrior all to herself.

Goblin Slayer: Ryan what you did for me and everyone was the most amazing thing you could ever done.

Wolf Warrior: I do what I can Slayer, and I happy that the goblins world is gone for good now we can deal with the rest on earth and finally put an end to them forever.

Goblin Slayer: Yea, but for now I want to ask you something that is if you want to do it with me.(Goblin Slayer saids while she took off her armor and clothing and walked towards Wolf Warrior while looking at him in the eyes)

Wolf Warrior: What would that be?(Wolf saids while feeling Goblin Slayers body on his in which made him blush and heat up)

Goblin Slayer: I want you to make love to me in which I want to have my first time with someone like you.

Wolf Warrior: Wait me and you, are you sure you want this?

Goblin Slayer: Yes after spending time with you and getting to know you, I came to realize that you mean something to me and I can't get you out of my head.

Wolf Warrior: Well when you put it that way I do really think your quite beautiful and very lovely to admire.

Goblin Slayer: Hehehehe, really do you mean it.

Wolf Warrior: Of course I do Slayer.

Goblin Slayer: Then can we...mph(Goblin Slayer didn't finish because Wolf kissed her on the lips in which she melted into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Wolf's neck and he wraps his around Slayers body)

Wolf Warrior: Does that answer your question.

Goblin Slayer: This is my first time Wolf please be gentle with me.

Wolf Warrior: I promise darling.

Wolf Warrior took off his clothes in which made Goblin Slayer turn red for seeing her man's perfect figure and then jumped him and wrapped her arms and legs around her man and began to make out with each other then two began to make love and enjoy their beautiful night together under the beautiful blue moon that Goblin Slayers lover has created in which she finds it to be spectacular.

Goblin slayer and Wolf Warrior: I love you........

Chapter 7: Coming Soon!

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