Prologue Part 2

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Tesla Pov:

I can't believe that those two need to watch over humanity as they are just going away because they think its for the better. I can see many flaws in this 'great plan' of theirs. But there is nothing to do about it now. I guess need to do as they say then. 

I just hope that the new humanity will do their best not to use the knowledge that I have given them for their own gains, power or anything else that might cause harm humans as a whole.

Author Pov:

Tesla had left the void, in anger and frustration on what they decided to do and worried for the future. The people he saw as worthy were being forced to die just because those two assholes thought it would work for a future that they will be guide later on. But he uses his powers to create a large dust cloud so crazy and violent that no one would imagine it. Tesla shortly after sent it away towards the rest of Remnant. At first he looked down and ashamed who was going to kill millions of people.

That was until, Tesla go an idea that would secure the safety of many.

Location: Vale

People are seen going out of their homes, on their way to school, or work or just going to relax. They could go outside as normal because that it was time of the month where the temperature went up. They were going to enjoy it as much as they can before it was over again.

Some kids were gets to stay home and others enjoy the day, together with their parents. Everything was going great for the people of Vale, until...

They saw something far in the distances, then a large light brown cloud towered over them. Dark and light brown and it was so large that you could not see anything in it. You could see things flowing down from it as it dust uncontrollably.

The people of Vale had no time react. It got so dusty and people began coughing uncontrollably as large amount of dust entered their airway and killing them. Everyone was confused on the sudden dust storm.

But what caused them all to be more terrified is that they might not make it out alive if it will disappear, maybe this dust storm is eternal and will never stop. Some begins to panic, screaming for their lives, some were were praying that they will survive it all, praying for the gods to save them from this madness. But, nothing happened. 

People were beginning to think that the gods cause this? Their prayers have been ignored by the gods who they worshiped. 

When this thought came to mind. It completely terrified them. If the gods caused this, then they believe that they were no longer in their favor. The once peaceful people of Vale, became sad that their lives will be taken, their families will die in the crazy and violent dust storm, some alone...

They began to lose all hope... when a very powerful entity could be seen in the distance walking towards them. They all knew who it was.

It was Tesla. The God of Machines and Wisdom.

Once he was reached to the people, he was taller than any of them in black with aqua color luminescent. He was looking at the people of Vale and felt guilty for doing killing them.

The people of Vale wanted answers to their questions. Soon people will begin to fall to their deaths.

Random Civilian- R/C

R/C: Lord. Forgive me for asking this, but what is happening to Vale?! The gods should've protected us from this extreme- *cough* *cough* urgh...

Tesla created a force field aura around the people of Vale. 

Tesla: The gods are no.. longer here.

R/C: What do you mean that, lord.

Tesla: The two brother gods made this plan afterwards when they have punished a woman name Salem. They 'try' to teach Salem the importance of balance between life and death but they made her immortal, so that she may learn from it. But she uses this as advantage to gather many people from different kingdoms to rebel against the two...   

The people of Vale were shocked and speechless.

Random Kid- R/K

A R/K walked over to Tesla and tugged his hand. Tesla looks at the kid. 

R/K: What happen next...?

Tesla: When they rebel against the two and they failed ultimately.. only resulting for G.O.D to use the gift that he gave to you, magic. Killing everyone around the world, but however some majority of the population like you guys lived.. and the two wanted me to kill the rest of you guys off for the new humanity's generation to walk again on this... Remnant. 

R/C: So that mean.. you are not wanting us to die yet?

Tesla: I want give you all a second chance to live away from this lands that those two have created. 

R/C: What do you mean by that?

Tesla: I've created a new island away from here. This island is massive that I've created behind those two back.

R/C: This is not against those two?

Tesla: No it's not and as the God of Machines and Wisdom. I wish to give you all a second chance. You all can choose and I won't force you.

The people of Vale talking, whispering, and chatting one another. Soon they all turned to Tesla and nodded their head. Tesla was smiling even though he can't express his emotion.  

Tesla: Since everyone has agreed to the choice that you've made. I am happy for all to live another chance along side with me. I need everyone to make way and please do not rush!

The people made way as Tesla summoned a gateway for the people of Vale to enter in. Everyone enter in one by one. When everyone has enter in the gateway. Tesla enters in as while, the gateway closes, and the aura force field shatters.

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