The Expedition

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Somewhere in Atlas, a scientist in an underground research facility is looking over his documents and records, he knows that he had found something that can change the fate of Remnant forever. He has been personally sending scouts to this massive island that is located in the North West of the coast of Atlas, little request from Atlas in a attempt to increase power. He had already called General Ironwood to explain this and why he needs more funding.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Scientist: Come on in.

The door slides open, two Atlas soldiers enters and General Ironwood. He can see General Ironwood a little annoyed about this project of mine that he hasn't been notified.

Ironwood: Tell me, what is this about?

Scientist: Something that can benefit Atlas power and the people greatly.

Ironwood: How intriguing, so how this gonna benefit Atlas?

Scientist: I may found or discovered an massive island that located North West of the coast of Atlas, but its many times stronger than any previous ones.

Ironwood: Interesting, is there anything I need to know about?

Scientist: On the island has very dense overgrown plant life and strange life over there, but one of the scouts that I sent came back a ore.

Ironwood: An ore?

Scientist: This ore emitting a high power essence and when replaced with the old battery of this place, everything in here started to run again as if this ore is battery.

Ironwood: That would explain why this place is fully lit up and technology is running smoothly now. Okay, you caught my interest. I'll give you more funding on this project of yours and just make sure nothing goes wrong?

Scientist: Yes, General Ironwood.

The General and two soldiers leave the room. The scientist was relieved that he got the funding he needed.


Location: Ocean with unknown rock formation, far from Atlas.

Author Pov:

The ship with the Atlas expedition had been sailing for days and the moral were beginning to drop. The lead scientist hope to the island is still high, he does not want to fail the General and Atlas. The sea became more rough not violent but hard for the crew to handle it.

Then, they saw something in the distance. It was an island. The scientist and his expedition finally found the island that they were looking for.

Once they reached the island, they got off the ship with the supplies they needed, it was not cold or hot but extremely warm. They know they have to find anything valuable to Atlas, resources, livable areas or anything to fuse with Atlas, civilian or military.

The scientist started doing logs to record everything that has happened.


Location: Overgrown Ruins

Author Pov:

Being Lead Scientist's log "5 days, it's been 5 days since we arrived here. So far, we seen abandoned ruins as nature is growing over it. What's worse is that we only have 2 days before we head back to Atlas. This huge expensive funding will be wasted  if we don't anything that valuable to Atlas. I just hope we can find anything of a use to Atlas, I don't want this great chance to end up as a failure."

End log.

The scientist was beginning to lose hope. They have been scouting a huge area for anything other than abandon ruins to find.

There is not a single thing.

But off in the distance, one of them saw something shine. They think that they found something or something found them.

It was a group of six people, three males and three females. They were wearing armor and holding rifles in their hands.

Lead Scientist- L/S
Male Scout- M/S
Female Scout- F/S

L/S: Hello?

M/S 1: Hel..lo?

One of the males was able to say hello fully until a female spoke up.

F/S 1: Who are you?

L/S: We are on an expedition from one of the kingdoms of Remnant.

The six scouts looked at each other then back the expedition crew.

M/S 2: Which kingdom are we speaking of?

L/S: Atlas.

Once he said those words, the scouts were annoyed and filled with rage. It was the Faunas abusing kingdom that been enslaving Faunas to do manual labor on undesirable. They hide their annoyance and rage behind their lightweight helmets.

F/M 3: Alright then, you may come us if you wish.

L/S: It would be honored.

The scouts agreed to Atlas expedition back to the main city to see the people which was not far. However, Tesla or he is known as 'Lord Tesla' or 'Captain Tesla' already knew that there are new people but he does not know where they came from but he knows how to respond, if they have escaped discrimination, or if he is meeting people who represent other kingdoms.


Location: Main City- Galatia

The expedition arrived in the main city together with the scouts. It had houses, factories and many buildings offered to the public services and other things, like bars and arenas. People eyed up the expedition with curiosity and but did not mind it at all. The reason for it is they don't know that they were from Atlas.

After an hour of walking, they reached something unexpected.

A tall building that surpassed the clouds and is located in the middle of the city of Galatia. Once they entered, they were in awe. It had many things that Remnant had seen before, but they could not get a presentation.

M/S 2: For the expedition crew, we need you to follow our exact instructions.

Expedition: Okay.

M/S 2: Please step on the platform in front of me and wait for any further instructions.

The expedition and L/S got on the platform and waited for further instructions.

M/S 2: Once you have arrived to your destination, don't fret if you anyone wearing heavy armor. They escort you to our lord.

L/S: What do y-

M/S 2 presses a button that teleports the L/S and expedition to the top floor where they are greeted with people in heavy armor.

Tesla's Personal Guard- T.P.G

T.P.G: Please step off the platform one by one.

L/S steps off the platform but dizzy. After they got the platform, they escorted to their lord. The L/S looked at the people's heavy armor and weapons knowing that if they were to piss off them or their lord, they will be killed immediately.

Once they reached a throne/office room, they saw another person, and his name was Tesla.

Tesla: Why hello there. I see you have found one of our cities. So tell me, why are you here? I'm all ears.

L/S: We are from Atlas; I started a project to see if this island had any use to Atlas.

Tesla did not like this but he still kept his calm and relaxed demeanor.

Tesla: The only thing, I could do for you is allow is escort you all back to your ship and let the world know we exist. More can I not give you.

Expedition Crew- E/C

E/C 1: You're sending us back?

Tesla: Yes, is there a problem?

E/C 1: Spent 5 days looking for anything that valuable for Atlas to use and you're sending us back?!

E/C 2: Dude! Stop!

E/C: So-

The man was killed on the spot by Tesla who still kept his calm and relaxed demeanor.

L/S: I truly apologize for his actions.

Tesla: It's fine and I understand, why he acted out.

L/S: Also we need something that we can allow to have to prove ourselves?

Tesla: I believe there is.

The L/S saw Tesla motion one of guards to retrieve something. While they wait, the L/S and Tesla spoke to another about the population, building, vehicles, and many more. The door slides open. The guard that left and retrieved two items in his hands.

The guard holding out his hands and he had in his hands was the cities emblem that was made in strange metal which Tesla had told them was titanium and in the other hand was a ore but was glowing blue and white, once again Tesla told them it was a bioluminescent ore that works as a battery for electricity. The expedition were in awe, the L/S takes the items.

L/S: Thank you for sir.

Tesla: Of course and we be supplying you all with a few fruits and food on your way back to Atlas.

L/S: Thank you.

(All) E/C: Thank you, kind sir.

The L/S and expedition were escorted back by the same scout team they have arrived with, along with with a few fruits and food for them.

But when Tesla was sitting on his throne, he was in deep thought. He knows that the people of Remnant is going to find out about the four cities and it may end up in blood.

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