Chapter 11: Secrets

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"I'm tired" Ender yawned falling asleep on top of Spike's back "think how tired Spike would be" Bloom giggled, it was just after sunset and the part of the world was being covered into darkness, but permanent darkness "we have to find Meteor" Phoenix said, sounding worried "and Ala" Spike added, starting to blush. They started to fly towards what looked like a pokemon daycare, they flew to the ground and hid their wings, then they walked inside. It was a small daycare, an old man at the front and a old lady at the front desk, she was taking pokemon to put in the daycare and the man was giving trainers eggs. They all walked inside to see the lady, the lady looked overjoyed to see them, she lifted them up one by one and put them in the backyard where pokemon were playing in groups of two, which on a sign said "only two pokemon per trainer", there were no other eeveelutions except an umbreon because eeveelutions were so rare these days, the umbreon was sitting with a delcatty, but they did not look like they were getting along well, but the delcatty wouldn't leave the umbreon alone "METEOR!" Spike shouted "Spike! What are you doing here?" The umbreon asked "we have come to find you! You must hate it here" Holly replied to his questions, then Meteor nodded his head "don't go! What about our trainer? I LOVE YOU!" The delcatty shouted after him as he ran out of the fenced area with the others, the old man spotted him but Ender got rid of him quickly, and they took off."

"Anyways, so your Ender, what's the deal with you?" Holly asked Ender "please don't bring it up" Melody replied "oh ok" Holly said, lookeling sad, she was always curious and wanted to learn everyone's secrets. A cold wind blew at them and it wasn't even snowing "Hello again" a voice behind them said "Kyra! What are you doing here? And why do you have wings?!" Melody asked, looking shocked "I'm one of you" Kyra said teleporting to the front of the group, she was staring at the shocked faces that came from them, she kept teleporting and confusing them. "I found you at last, Kyra!" There was a leafeon yelling that from the ground, the leafeon was a lighter colour than normal leafeons, Kyra teleported to the ground "the prophecy must be fulfilled" she said then teleported to the others, the sky started to fill with little snowflakes that hit the leafeon, then hail hit the leafeon, it looked like it hurt a lot, the leafeon ran away looking half dead, the rain clouds cleared up leaving Kyra looking serious, then she flew to the back of the group behind Holly, "it's getting worse...we need to find the others before it's too late..." Spike said sounding worried "Ender...may I ask why you look so different?" Meteor asked "fine..." Ender sighed then continued "it all started when I was a young eevee..." he said, then a playback started showing to everyone.

An umbreon with red rings was walking through the forest on the day of a blood moon, the umbreon was talking to an espeon, he looked so happy "Blood...I want a child..." the espeon said looking disappointed "don't worry, Pearl, we'll find one" the umbreon said, the espeon started to tear up "oh! Pearl! Don't cry! I know your illness prevents you from having children, but that doesn't mean we can't adopt one, the espeon started to stop crying and looked up trying to put on a smile "yes-yeah! I guess you're right..." she said.

"Dust! Catch!" An eevee that looked like Ender called to a shiny eevee as he through a moss ball "Ender! Wait! I wasn't read-" the eevee was interrupted by getting hit in the face by the moss ball, Ender just giggled "hey! Don't laugh! It's your fault!" Dust the shiny eevee cried "Dust! Don't cry! It was only a game!" Ender said "I'm telling mum!" Dust cried running inside a cave "Dust! Wait! It was an accident!" Ender called. Ender followed his two  week old sister younger than him by a minute into the cave, he saw her face shocked then Ender looked down and saw the body of a shiny umbreon and a shiny sylveon standing behind it, his claws with blood on them. "Dad! Why? WHY?" Dust cried "WHY DID YOU KILL MUM?!" Dust cried even more, she let her anger out then evolved into a sylveon with white where the blue was meant to be, she hit the shiny sylveon pushing him to the ground, she hit him and killed him "what! What-have I done?" Dust cried in grief as she saw the once alive blue sylveon now in front of her dead, Dust ran away crying as she de evolved, Ender tried to call after her but she ran away.

Weeks had past by and Ender was in a little bush alone and hungry, then he saw an umbreon with red wings pick him up with his mouth and take him to a cave where an espeon lived. Weeks past by again and the espeon was licking Ender's ear. Then Blood came barging in "Pearl! Ender! Pack you things! They're here!" Blood called, Pearl picked up Ender who looked confused and she barged out of the cave, there were multiple pokemon there, one almost hit Ender but Pearl stopped the attack, then another pokemon came up behind Pearl and killed her. Blood looked at her dead body, and cried, then he killed the pokemon that killed Pearl, he then picked up Ender and ran, he ran and ran.

The flashback ended "and that's why my father is so dangerous, he almost took over the world" Ender confessed, shocked faces were around him, and Holly as happy as ever yelled "we are here!" And she didn't even care that Blood, Ender's father, almost destroyed the world.

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