A Valentine Wedding.

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For a grand total of four to five days. I was stuck in the hospital. Lexi stayed with me the entire time I was in there. On the second week of January. I was finally released but into Lexi's custody.

I returned home to see Teddy, Izzy and Harley sleeping on our bed. I smiled as Harley whined in her sleep. I approached the bed and petted Harley making her wakeup. "Hey, how is my pup?" She barked frantically waking up Teddy and Izzy and they ran straight to Lexi. And once I was settled back into my home or Lexi and I's home. We planned the rest of our wedding. Which took us about the whole weekend after I returned home. We set the date on February 16.
Mom, Angela, Becky, Ashley, Pam, Trish and Adrienne were asked to help with Adri, Pam, Trish and Becky being bridesmaids and Adri being the maid of honor. My side of the wedding, I asked Seth, Roman, AJ, Braun, Mike, Finn and Randy to be my groomsmen. I asked AJ to be my best man. Lexie and I nailed anything left of our wedding down before our wedding day. Lexi and the girls agreed to go out for a spa day plus some manicures and pedicures at a salon.
AJ planned a guys day to a shooting range and an archery range as well.

When Lexi went back to work, I worked out in my gym for a couple hours a day. Mom, checked on me by phone call and text every other day. Angela and Bob also checked in on me. Lexi always called me or video chatted with me every night or whenever she was free. As the days went by, I ramped up my gym time to four to six hours a day. To get myself in fighting shape. But the week of my wedding. The Ceremony was to be held at Bob's and Angela's home, the reception to be held at me  and Lexi's home. Then me and Lexi would be off to New Orleans, Louisiana for a few days, then Orlando, Florida for a couple days to spend those days in the one place I know Lexi loves more than home. I was excited to show her the tickets to Disney World, and Epcot to be honest. But I would give her the tickets on our wedding night as an extra special gift for her.

A day or two before our wedding, Lexi and I went to the obstetrician for Lexi's first ultrasound.
When we arrived, she and I filled out the paperwork needed to see the obstetrician. When her name was called and we were led to an empty examination room with an ultrasound machine, we barely had to wait for the doctor to come in and begin the ultrasound. "Hello, Miss. Boyce. I'm Doctor Andrews. How are you feeling today?" He asked.
"Pretty good."She answered.
"Good. Shall we?" He sat on a stool as Lexi laid back on the examination table and rolled up one of her 'Consider Yourself Blissed' T's exposing a nice baby bump. "Okay, this will feel a little cold." He said as he squirted some special gel on her stomach and a little dollop on the wand of the ultrasound machine. Then started to glide the wand over her stomach and spread the small amount of gel and began the ultrasound. "Now, let's see how things are coming along." Not even a few seconds later, a heartbeat could be heard over the speakers. "Well, everything seems..." Then a second heartbeat could be heard over the speakers, "Well, I think a congratulations are in order." A third heartbeat then came onto the speakers, which made Lexi and I look at each other in complete shock. Which quickly turned to happiness. "Cause you two. Are going to be the proud parents of triplets." Lexi could hardly contain her tears.

When the appointment was over, we scheduled the follow up for April, l6th at eleven o'clock.
"Triplets." Lexi gushed. "I can't believe it. I'm so happy baby."
"As am I, honey." I smiled. "I think this will make for an excellent surprise for our family and friends."
"Are you suggesting we keep our good news, to ourselves until our babies are to be born?"
"Come on. You can't tell me it wouldn't be a nice surprise? We could tell them that we're having twins and keep the third baby as a surprise." I grinned as did she.
"That sounds. Like an ingenious idea, baby."
We spent the rest of the day looking at baby names, nursery ideas, etc. That night, as we fell asleep. I held her close to me as her back was te me. "I love you, Lexi." I said rubbing her stomach.
"And I love you, Daniel." Lexi replied as we both fell asleep.

The evening or day before our wedding day. I opened my house to our bridesmaids, groomsmen, best man and maid of honor and of course Michelle. When we told them they had to bunk up with two to three to a room. They had very little problem with it. And me and the guys went for my bachelor party at a shooting range and archery range. What I didn't expect was that Thea was asked by Lexi, strange things abound, to surprise me with a little, uhh, get together after my bachelor party.
I aced the rifle competition that AJ instigated when he challenged me to who can spend the mags in four different lever actions in less than seven minutes. The real trick was the crackshot contest that Mike challenged me to. That's one thing I kinda found annoying about Mike. Give the guy a role as a Marine three-four times and he thinks he's a fucking crackshot with a revolver. He learned the hardway that I was the superior crackshot artist with a revolver. Then came the trip to the archery range. I rented a wooden recurve. Everyone else rented a compound bow.

While me and the boys were having fun. The girls were having their own fun. Even talked about me and Lexi's little one. "So, Lexi, hows the baby coming along?" Adrienne asked.
"Ohh, it's coming along just fine." She replied while rubbing her stomach.
"And I know it's none of our business, but how is he?" Trish asked while raising her eyebrows. Lexi only blushed for a second before all the girls present reacted accordingly. Michelle as always was able to tune out the following chat about my bedroom prowess.
"He's an amazing lover, incredible between the sheets. And before you ask, he's better in and out of the bedroom than Murphy was. I mean seriously, when we first had sex, I knew he was tired, but he went to the wall to give me the best sex I ever had. But as I said, he is the best man I ever dated in and out of the bedroom. When I was injured last October before Evolution. I couldn't belive how he was so sweet, protective, and nurturing to me." The girls just, 'awwwed' at that. "I personally and whole heartedly believe that he'll be an outstanding father to our little one."
"Well, your a lucky girl Lexi." Trish said.
"There's something your not telling us." Michelle said to Trish.
"No wonder why Daniel calls you 'mom'. I may have had a crush on Daniel long ago. But I was getting over a break up and just kept quiet. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with James, but I usually can't help but wonder when James is away and I don't have Max or Sean wanting whatever is the current item of need. I would wonder what it would have been like to have Daniel as a boyfriend. I didn't mean to ruin the evening."
"No, you didn't. Although, I wonder if that had something to do with you introducing me to him." Lexi smiled.
"It did. I know that I didn't or couldn't have him. And since you were close to a year or two fresh from the end of your relationship with Murphy. I somehow knew you and him would hit it off. Now I may have introduced you. But you guys took care of the rest. So. I have one request to make of you." Lexi looked to Trish. "Don't let him go."
"No danger there, Trish. It would take an act of god to take him away from me." She stood up from her salon chair and walked over to Trish's. "And I promise that he'll always have me, our baby, and I would like to have him keep his friendship with you. And if our baby is a little girl. And yes I know that I'll have to talk it over with Daniel. But, I think Trish would be an excellent name." Trish smiled at that comment and got up and hugged my five foot bride to be.

At the archery range, me and the boys were talking about what Lexi and I were going to name our baby, how many kids we wanted, who was going to be the godfathers, etc.
"So Daniel, are you excited to be married to Lexi in less than twenty-four hours?" Seth smiled.
"I'm excited and happy, but also nervous and worried. Happy and excited about marrying Lexi, but also nervous about being a husband and scared that  I may not be enough for her. Which I know is natural for newlyweds to be married feel. But, I know that whatever happens good or bad. I know that we'll always have each other. And like her. I'm excited to meet our little one."
"Well, for what it's worth Danny Boy. We all think you and Lexi are perfect for each other and will make spectacular parents." AJ said. I looked around and everyone nodded.
"Thanks guys."
Then Roman asked, "How many kids do you two hope to have?"
I looked at the recurve in my hands and with one fluid motion rapid fired a total of six arrows into a target close to 800 yards away. Nailing the bullseye with each shot. Even splitting an arrow with my last. I shocked everyone with my shots. "I'm pretty sure that Lexi will agree but we hope to have six kids."
"Lofty goal, but I can see you guys pulling it off."

After our respective bachelor/bachelorette parties. Lexi and I met outside our home and had our last moments as single people. "Well, in less than twelve hours. You and I will be married. And on our way to our honeymoon."
"And in five months time, we'll have three new additions to our family." She smiled as she wrapped her arms around my neck.
"I'll be married to the girl of my dre... sorry. Goddess of my dreams."
"And I'll be married to the, King of my wet dreams."
We shared a very fiery, passionate kiss. We pulled away from each other and smiled. "Well, you need to go to your parents for at least tonight. And I'm staying here. After tomorrow afternoon. It will officially be 'our' home. Goodnight, Lexi Honey."
"Goodnight, Dani Baby."
she and I kissed one last time before she got in her car and headed to her parents for the night and I went inside my home for the last time as a single man.

The next morning, I woke up to see the picture of Lexi and me at WWE Extreme Rules moments after I win the love triangle match against Dolph. My arms wrapped around Lexi her hands holding my clasped hands in place with hers. My face close to hers and both of us all smiles.
"Morning my Goddess." I said to the picture of us. "Can't wait to see you in your wedding dress." I got ready for my big day as my home was a buzz with everyone getting things ready and set for the reception and I knew Lexi was experiencing the same at her parents, getting ready for the wedding ceremony. Me and the boys headed to the Kaufman's home for the wedding.

When we arrived at the Kaufman's home, everything was ready for the ceremony. The chairs, the altar, the aisle, the riser leading to the altar, everything.
At twelve thirty me and the boys were at the altar as was Lexi's bridesmaids and her maid of honor. After a couple moments, the wedding march began and everyone stood up and looked up the aisle and were awestruck about how amazing Lexi looked in her wedding dress. I was just stunned as to how beautiful and overwhelmingly gorgeous she looked.
When she finally reached the end of the aisle, I approached her and took her from her father and escorted her to the altar where the preacher was and began his spiel. While he went through the importance of love and understanding is in a marriage. I looked over to Lexi and said in a barely audible whisper, 'You look gorgeous honey.'
She smiled and said, 'Thank you ,Baby. And you look so good in that suit.'
'Oh thank you.'
Then came time for the vows.
I went first,
"Lexis Kaufman, when I first saw you, I immediately fell in love you. I mean, you were there at the filming of my first vignette's, you helped me find a home here in the states. If you would have told me when we met that I would be here with you, the Goddess of my dreams. Getting married. I would have called you nuts. But here we are. About to take the biggest step in our relationship aside from another." I looked down at her barely protruding belly for a moment. "But I have never met anyone that makes me as happy as you do. So before our friends and family and suprisingly enough god himself. I will always have your back, I'll always be there for you. But above all, I'll always, always love you and our coming 'twins' with all my heart and soul. I love you, Lexi Kaufman."
"Daniel Boyce. I have had such a crush on you when you were part of New Japan. And Trish knew that when you came to the WWE. And it was me that asked to be introduced to you, I couldn't believe it when she said, 'yes' to my request. Then I saw you face to face and, I don't know how to describe it. I felt calm, I felt, such a connection to you. I fell in love with the man behind the nightmare's, and when you said that you didn't have a home in the states anymore. I found a way to help a boyfriend hopeful. Now months, later, we're expecting a couple of little ones and just now getting married. So as far as I'm concerned, I'm the happiest girl in the world right now. I have a handsome husband, who loves me and we're about to start a family together. So all in all my dream is coming true, and I will always be there for you, have your back and love you and our little ones with all my heart, I love you Daniel Boyce."
Then the preacher called for the exchanging of rings, which we did. Then he said, "By the power vested in me by the state of Ohio. And by god himself." He giggled. "I now pronounce you, man and wife. You may kiss..." I was miles ahead of him as I kissed Lexi and he finished. "The bride. It is my pleasure to introduce to you all for the first time. Daniel and Alexis Boyce."
Lexi and I  made our way to the limo that was waiting for us to take us to our home for the reception.
Of course, we took a lot of pictures with her parents, Michelle and our bridal party. Once we cut the cake and fed or smeared pieces all over each other's faces and tossed the bouquet. Which Adri caught. Was soon time for everyone to go home, or to a hotel, leaving us newlyweds alone in our home. After we arranged for the crew who helped get the house ready for the reception to come and clean up the following morning. Lexi and I went into our room and got ready for bed. I just stripped down to my boxers and she went into the bathroom of our room and changed into a very sexy and alluring set of red and black colored lingerie, she came out wearing the lingerie and I nearly ate the envelope I had clenched between my teeth.  She approached me and smiled.
"What's that you got between your teeth, baby?"
She grabbed the envelope and held in her right hand. "Its a surprise that I thought you would like honey." I said as she opened the envelope and pulled two tickets to New Orleans, Louisiana and two to Disney World, and Epcot in Orlando, Florida. The smile on her face was so worth the wait.
"Ohh, baby." She smiled and kissed me as she pinned my shoulders to the bed. I laughed as I could tell that I gave her something she wanted.
"So I take it that you like the surprise?"
"Like it, I love it." And before I could ask how much she loved it. She slid my boxers off and gave me the ride of a lifetime as we alternated between making love and just having passionate,  sheet burning sex for the rest of the night and mostly through morning.
I was so glad that the tickets departure time was actually two days after our wedding. Bob and Angela had taken Izzy, Teddy, Larry-Steve and Harley to their home after the reception.

A full 32 hours later and three hours before the planes departure for New Orleans, Lousiana.
When we were rested, packed and ready for our honeymoon. We headed to the airport and as I was driving my new Dodge Challenger 2019 model. Blood Red in color. Lexi decided to take a selfie of her leaning into my shoulder and posted it to her Twitter and Instagram and when she looked at the picture she noticed that I looked into the camera and smiled. She captioned it with:

Heading to the airport with as of a day ago, my husband KingofNightmaresWWE to start our two part honeymoon.

And soon enough we were on a plane bound for the Big Easy. And after a day or two there. We boarded another flight to Orlando. And I swear. For three to four days. Lexi wore me out running here and there, trying this ride or that. But my burning and hurting leg muscles aside. It was all worth seeing Lexi all smiles for those four days.

But on our last night at Disney World aand Epcot. Phil Collins was to perform 'Strangers Like Me' and 'You'll Be In My Heart' I secretly asked Phil Collins himself when I met him getting breakfast for me and Lexi earlier that morning if he could do me a solid favor.  And let Lexi sing the opening lines of 'You'll Be In My Heart' when I told him that we were on our honeymoon and she was an avid Disney fan. He agreed.
So later that night,  Phil came through on his promise and called Lexi on stage with him. "Miss Boyce. I understand that your on your honeymoon and your husband told me that you are an avid Disney fan. So he asked me to include you by having you sing the opening verses of 'You'll Be In My Heart'. Lexi looked down at me and she was happy and excited about the whole thing. And I must say. She sang the words perfectly and when it was  nearing the end of the song Phil motioned me to join him and Lexi on stage. When the song ended, Phil congratulated us and wished us well.
Lexi, was so elated to be singing a Disney song that she was all smiles all the way back to the hotel.

We returned home the following day. Then it was back to business as usual.

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