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I came back to work in early March, which meant Fastlane. Lexi had been put on maternity leave. Which meant that I was on my own backstage. Which I understood. But I had an overwhelming bone to pick with the man who broke me. Brock Lesnar was once again a no show for his last two title defenses. Not to mention he was riding high as the man who broke the King of Nightmares. But it was the first Monday Night Raw of the month, that cryptic messages, gifts, visits and videos started to play. One that made it fun to mess with him was one I personally designed. It started out with three kids playing jump rope and saying in between lights in the arena flickering off and on. 'One, two Dani's coming for you.' The lights flickered again, 'Three,four better lock your door.' Again the lights flickered only this time showing the silhouette of a man flowing down to the ring. 'Five, six grab your crucifix.' The silhouette was under the ring. 'Seven, eight gonna stay awake.' Then a bladed gloved hand shot up from under the ring. 'Nine, ten. Never sleep again.' When the lights came back on. Nobody was in the ring as Brock and Paul hightailed it up the ramp. Then a message was written by a mysterious entity on the canvas as the lights flickered more and more frequently. Until it read, 'Ever Play Skin The Beast?' People talked about that for days even on social media.
Weeks went by and people were actually seeing the Beast Incarnate actually be frightened out of his mind by the returning King of Nightmares. The go home show before Fastlane, was the show in which I really came back. Brock had been on high alert all night and when he thought he was safe leaving in his limo. He didn't realize that Paul was actually tied up and unconscious in the trunk. Until it was too late. A few minutes after the limo started leaving the arena, it stopped and the lights blew out in the driveway leading in and out of the arena. All that could be heard was screams of terror and horror. When that suddenly stopped. My voice said as a camera equipped with a flashlight got a shot of what could only be described as a mix my 'Freddy' look and my 'True' self. I looked at the camera and said, "Miss me?"

When I got back to the hotel. I got a call from Lexi, 'Hey babe.' She said as I was happy to hear her voice.
"Hey. I'm guessing you saw the segment?" I asked.
'Yeah.' She replied.
"And what did you think?"
'I think if Brock wasn't afraid before. He is now.' I could tell she was smiling on the other end as I heard her giggling.
"Well, I actually agree." I smiled.
'Glad we're on the same page baby.'
"So, how's maternity leave treating my Goddess?" I asked.
'Just fine. I just want my King to come home soon.' I grinned at her comment.
"I will be home soon babe. I just have some unfinished business with the Beast Incarnate. Then I'll be on my way home to you and our soon to arrive little ones."
'I'll hold you to it honey.'
"Okay, love you babe."
'Love you too honey.' After making kiss sounds over the phone we hung up and I went to bed.

For the next few days, I terrorized anyone even remotely connected to Lesnar. Finally the day before Fastlane which I didn't attend courtesy of not being on the card. WWE announced that me and Lesnar would face off in a triple threat match at Wrestlemania 35. And if he tried to run or skip the line. He would be facing me in a Cage of Terror match and Seth would then face the'true' Champion later in the night.
They also announced that Lexi would be hosting Wrestlemania 35. So I had another reason to look forward to be at 'Mania this year which would actually be my first.

Seth surprisingly enough was very understanding about me being added to the Universal Championship Match at Wrestlemania. And Brock was very pissed that I was added to what in his eyes was to be a supposedly easy win.

The go home show of Raw Which marked the start of fan axxess week, which also meant Lexi was with me all throughout the go home show of Raw and for fan axxess Wrestlemania week and Wrestlemania 35. Anyway, the go home show of Raw turned out to be very enlightening. As Hunter announced that the triple threat match that was slated just before the first ever women's main event in 'Mania history. Would be contested inside a cell. Which meant for Brock. No escape from'The King' and 'The Architect'. To be honest I just wanted revenge on Lesnar for taking me out of the game and cheating me out of my opportunity at the Universal Championship back at TLC. When Hunter dropped that stipulation. Seth and I were smiling from ear to ear while Lesnar was freaking the hell out.

The night before Wrestlemania. Was my favorite night of the year. The WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. I remembered watching it on the WWE app every year in Japan. Now, I was not only going to attend a HOF night. But I was going to attend one with my wife of two and a half months. I guess you can call her the Goddess of Nightmares if you so choose. Alexa Bliss. She was wearing a nice lowcut dress, black being the main color and the lighter areas of the dress were in the color of blood red. Which just accentuated the beauty of her dress and her. I wore a black suit with red slash marks, with a vest that had Alexa's colors. The tie that was in the colors of my recently passed friends, vader, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund, 'King Kong' Bundy, and Pedro Morales. Every layer was a different color with my fallen brothers names emblazoned on the tie closer to their normal in ring or ringside colors. Lexi helped me adjust the tie and smiled as we looked at each others reflections in the mirror.
"Well, I don't know what my Goddess thinks, but we're a couple good looking devils." Lexi leaned into me and smiled."Your so sexy in that dress babe."
"And you look dashing in that suit baby." Lexi smiled, then gasped. "Oohh, Dani, the baby's kicked," She immediately took my left hand and placed it on her stomach. And like clockwork, I felt the same thing she did. A chorus of pops from Lexi's belly. "Can you feel them?"
"Ohh, yeah. I'd say their anxious to come out."
"I'd say so too, honey." She giggled."Come on, we have a ceremony to attend."
"Right behind you." I said as we left for Metlife arena for the HoF Induction Ceremony.

The moment we arrived. We went through the security checks, interviews and took our seats. We had a fun night. When Bret was attacked. I was one of the first to get their hands on the guy.
Of course I enjoyed the evening with my goddess. The after party proved to be too much for me and Lexi. As we soon left after an hour. Not due to drinking. Lexi and I kept to the no alcohol rule since she learned she was pregnant.
I smiled as the moment we reached the hotel, I helped her unzip the dress and help her out of it. She was happy to be free of the dress. While I was taking off the rest of my suit I couldn't take my eyes off Lexi's body. Even while pregnant, The Goddess of Nightmare's was still sexy as all hell. She fell asleep after barely resting her head on a pillow.
I barely took off my last dress shoe and slid into bed next to Lexi. Once I pulled a blanket over both of us. I slid my hand onto her left hand then to her left cheek. "I'm going to win that Universal Championship tomorrow. Just for us." I kissed her once then bent down a little and kissed her stomach. "All of us."

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