Hell In A Cell Universal Championship Match. Lesnar (C) vs Rollins vs Boyce.

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The next night, I went to the arena with Lexi. And we smiled as legends, celebrities and the like were walking around and mingling with each other. We went to catering after I dropped my arena bag at our locker room along with Lexi's garment bag that had her white and silver dress for the night.
Altered of course. But still it made her look damn sexy to me. When we arrived at catering, Hunter and the rest of the higher ups were hanging out with the talent.
After we got something to eat, Lexi went to our locker room to put her dress on.

When Mania was off and running, the first match was the Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal, which Braun won.
It was my Goddess Of Nightmares time. And it went perfectly as she was soon joined on the stage by Hulk Hogan. And when they returned to the back I met Lexi in the gorilla and hugged her as Hulk smiled at us. "Hey, I hear that you two were married near Valentines Day." Hulk smiled.
"That's right. My King of Nightmares thought it best to be married sooner rather than later. And we're excited to meet our little ones." Lexi smiled.
"And when are you due?"
"Well, originally, we were due in July but since we're having twins. They may deliver earlier."
"Well, congratulations guys. And best of luck later tonight Daniel."
"Thanks, Hulkster." I smiled. We soon just made our way to our locker room and just enjoyed the rest of the night.
But when my match came around I was already in my special attire for Mania. Which was a torn green and red long sleeve shirt, a pair of dark green slacks and a long black trenchcoat and a leather black fedora. I then kissed Lexi before heading to the makeup artists for them to put the finishing touches on my look. The IIconics, Naomi, Leah, Thea and Adri came into our locker room to keep Lexi company.

I was the last to enter the ring but as Brock finished his grandstanding, I was giving the approval of my new and improved, FREDDY/REAL SELF make up job by the make up department. "That's perfect ladies." I told them. "Thank you. Now to go show the world." I headed to the gorilla and got a lot of freaked and and scared looks from everyone I passed. Seth was just finishing up his entrance. When 'Freddy's Coming For You' Came over the speakers of the arena. As the lights went dark. The titantron and entrance display showed me with my arms crossed and eyes closed. It also had a replay of Brock doing the release german suplex off the stage and the short recap ended with a shot of me landing on my head. Then after the arena went black again, 'Dream Warriors' by Dokken started playing. But to my surprise. Dokken was actually performing their classic song from Nightmare 3: Dream Warriors. I walked out of shadow and red fog covered the stage and ramp even part of the ring. I also had on a pair of finger blades on both hands. Which I think freaked out Lesnar more than the anticipation as to what my face looked like under my fedora. When the song neared it's end I carefully gripped the fedora with my right hands blades and pulled it off to expose the Freddy/Real me look the make up department worked on. Slashes could be seen all over my face with a little bit  of loose flesh  in the slashes which freaked Lesnar and Rolliins out. Once the Cell was lowered and locked in place. I focused all my energy on Lesnar.

48 minutes into the match...
I powerslammed Rollins onto the steel steps knocking the wind out of him. Lesnar was still leaning against the bottom turnbuckle. So I grabbed a couple chairs and tossed them in the ring. One I placed in front of Lesnars face and the other I took with me to the other corner and I ran full steam at Lesnar and baseball slid while placing the other chair against my feet making a sickening crack of chairs collide with Lesnars head. I then walked over to the other corner where Rollins was having trouble getting to his feet. I Performed a springboard coast to coast jamming Lesnars head back violently. I then rolled out a moment and grabbed one more chair and performed an impromptu con-chair-to with it and the steel steps with Rollins' head in between.  I then got back in the ring and dragged Lesnar out of the corner and one of the still in good shape chairs picked  him up slid his head through the opening in the seat and performed not one but two Spinning Face Busters which were aptly named, The Final Nightmare jamming the seat of the steel chair into Lesnars throat making Lesnar convulse and cough and sputter. I noticed Rollins getting in the ring and floored him with a big boot and picked him up with his legs over my shoulder and performed a tombstone piledriver on him. Then walked over to Lesnar ripped the chair off his neck and placed it on Rollins, picked up Lesnar, put him on my shoulders and delivered a wicked F-5 on him on top of the chair and Rollins. I crawled over Rollins and pulled Lesnar onto his back and covered them both for the three count. I was finally, Universal Champion. I rolled out of the ring and when I reached the ramp. I was handed the Universal Championship. I asked for a mic as I was on the stage. "Hey, Lesnar. WELCOME TO MY NIGHTMARE!!!" The crowd cheered as I made my way to the back. Roman and everyone congratulated me on a hard fought victory.
Cathy Kelly came up to me. "Daniel. You just won the Universal Championship in one of the most brutal Cell matches in WWE History. How does it feel to have beaten the Beast Incarnate?"
"How does it feel, Cathy. It feels great. I have ended Lesnar's stranglehold on the Championship. And if he was smart. He'll stay in UFC where a nobody like him and Rousey deserve to be or belong. Because I only proved that me and My Goddess of Nightmares are the ones in charge. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have to get checked out, patched up, showered and just hang out with my wife." I looked to the camera. "I did it honey." I held up the Universal Championship. "I'll be with you in a few. Love you." I smiled as I did what I said I would. I went to the trainers office to be checked out, patched up then went to Lexi and I's locker room to a standing ovation as I came in. Jessie and Cassie helped Lexi to her feet and when I was close enough, she pulled me in for a hug and kiss.
"I'm so proud of you." Lexi smiled.
"I couldn't have done it without you."
"Ohh, baby." I kissed her and helped her down onto the sofa as she watched the opening minutes of the main event, I decided to get a shower in as everyone started leaving our locker room. Once I was clean and changed. I sat next to my wife as we watched the closing minutes of the match. Lynch won of course which I was pretty happy about.
When 'Mania was over, we grabbed her garment bag, my arena bag which had her clothes in it as she didn't feel good enough or up to changing back into her casuals, said our goodbye's to everyone, and headed back to the hotel.

When we arrived at our hotel room, I helped Lexi out of her dress and she put on an extra large Aladdin T and a pair of comfortable sweats. I was already in bed just flipping through the hotel's Netflix to see if anything looked good to watch. I finally settled on Hercules. Lexi smiled as she rolled into bed next to me and cuddled close to me. "I love you, My King."
"And I love you, My Goddess." I smiled as we looked at each other and kissed each other beore returning our attention to the movie.

After the movie ended, I looked to my left and found Lexi asleep, I smiled and took off my glasses, put them on the bedside table, turned off the light and tv and closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.

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