The Arrival of The Boyce Trio.

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We finally had our final visit to the obstetrician's office and everything with our babies was going fine. We even found out that all three of the triplets we were having were all girls. Lexi couldn't help but gush over the news to the point where she took a picture of the recent ultrasound and before posting it to Instagram, I reminded her that we were going to keep the third baby a surprise, and of course she gave me 'The False Face' and I immediately caved and let her post it to Instagram, with the caption:

KingofNightmaresWWE and I are proud to announce that we will be having three baby girls. And all this news does is make us even more excited to meet our little ones. Love you my darlings. Especially you My King.

The response or reactions to our news was overwhelmingly positive.
Congrats you guys. I'm excited to meet them.

That is great news guys. See you two real soon plus three.

When we arrived home, I helped Lexi inside the house and she and I just went straight to the sofa and just sat down. "Just think darling. In a month's time if not sooner. Our three little ones will be finally here."
"Yeah. And all those torturous food runs and times you've had to cool me off, will be over." She said sounding guilty.
"Honey, darling, it was all for your comfort while you carried our three to be born little girls. And I would gladly go through that again. But hopefully not for a year after our three little princesses have been here a while." I held onto Lexi's hand and brought it up to my lips and kissed it. "There's nothing I wouldn't do for my Goddess of Nightmares."
"Same with me, my King." She smiled as she kissed me.

I dropped the Universal Championship to Seth Rollins who I believed deserved it more than me even at 'Mania. But I thought since Lexi would need me the closer to her due date I thought Money In The Bank would be as good an event as any to drop the title to someone more deserving than I. I put on the best match that I ever had that night. I kept it close so as not to give Seth or anyone the wrong idea that it would be an easy win for him. When he hit the sixth Curb Stomp. I stayed down. After he got the three count victory, he helped me to my feet and hugged me and raised my left arm in the air as a sign of respect. I smiled as I shook his hand and hugged him once more. 'The Title is yours. Don't abuse the power you now hold as Universal Champion.' I joked. He smiled.
'I won't.' He laughed. 'You give Lexi my best and I know you and her will make us all proud and be spectacular parents.' He said.
'Thank you and I will.' I waved goodbye to the crowd and just went straight to my locker room as Lexi was under medical house arrest for the remainder of her pregnancy. Michelle was with her as I had arranged this the day after 'Mania. Once I was packed and ready to go. A knock came to my door, "Come in." I said as the door opened. Ember came in. "Hey Adri."
"Daniel. Getting ready to go home?"
"Yep, Lexi will need me for the rest of her pregnancy until the three babies arrive."
"Any ideas on names?"
"We were playing around naming them either after friends or after our favorite Disney characters."
"Sounds good." She grinned. Once I finished packing and was ready to go back to the hotel and get possibly my last decent nights sleep for a month or so. Hopefully.
"Well, I'm heading out. We'll let you know when our little ones arrive."
"Okay. Good luck and say hi to Lexi for me." She hugged me as I was on my way out.
"Will do." I grinned as I left the arena.

When I arrived to the hotel, I called Lexi and checked on her. Only for Michelle to answer. "Hey, mom." I smiled.
"Hello, Daniel." She said.
"How's my wife doing?" I asked.
"She's doing okay. Just sleeping. As you should be right now."
"Always on top of things aren't you, ma?"
"Somebody has to be." She joked. I couldn't help but just giggle and smile.
"Very funny." I said chuckling.
"Well, any messages for the soon to be mother to you two's triplets?"
"Just tell her that I love her and that Seth and Adri send their best wishes and their love."
"Okay. Well, you get some sleep and we'll see you in a day or two."
"See you and my Goddess in a day or two." I hung up and immediately got ready for bed after packing for the flight home early the next morning.
Once I got in bed, I immediately fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up, got ready to head to the airport and just carried my suitcase and arena bag and just made my way to the airport after checking out of the hotel. On the plane I smiled at the upcoming arrival home to my wife and the soon to be born little girls of my Goddess and me. I smiled at pictures of me and Lexi on my phone and remembered the day of our wedding, everything was perfect on our wedding day. Even our honeymoon was perfect, right down to the smile on Lexi's face the entire time  we were at Disney World and Epcot.

I soon landed in Columbus, Ohio and Michelle met me at the arrival gate after I pulled my arena bag from the overhead bin and my suitcase from baggage claim. "Hey, Welcome home." Michelle said smiling as she hugged me.
"Good to be home, where I belong." I said as I put my bags in the back seat and got in the passenger seat and Michelle drove me home. The moment I came through the door with my bags, Lexi speed walked into my arms.
"Hey, baby." She smiled.
"Hey, darling. You look like your about to pop at any time." I smiled as I kissed her lips then her stomach. She grinned at that.
"I am. According to the obstetrician as you very well know from our last visit to her office. She said that since we're expecting triplets, odds are, we'll be greeting them sooner than expected." She kissed me as I stood up straight. Then Michelle came in.
"Thank you for keeping an eye on my wife, ma."
"No problem." She grinned. Lexi and I spent the rest of the day and all night in our room as Michelle kept herself busy mostly with the dogs and pig. It didn't surprise me that she was able to keep herself busy, considering how long I've known her.

"So as Adri asked me last night. What do we plan on naming our girls?"'
"I was thinking, Tianna Leah, Adrienne Marie, and Emma Jean." She said as she grinned.
"Those names do sound perfect honey." I said as I leaned over and kissed her.
She cuddled up closer to me before we both fell asleep.

I enjoyed the time I was spending with Lexi and my 'mother' Michelle. But on June 12th. At 1 a.m. Lexi slapped me, literally awake. I barely had to look at her and I knew that our three girls were on their way. I grabbed the away bag we packed every three weeks when she started showing. I helped her down the stairs and Michelle was waiting by the door and hugged me and Lexi as we made our way to our waiting car. I broke all street, traffic and driving laws just for us to arrive to the hospital in fifteen minutes or under. When we arrived at the hospital and she was taken to the delivery room. I just handed the nurse a folder that already had a set of the needed paperwork, then headed to a changing room and put on a mask, hairnet, gown and booties for my shoes. Then was rushed into the delivery room. Where Lexi was already set up. I slid next to her on her right side and held her hand. It took an impressive four to five hours of finger crushing, earsplitting, and her cursing my very existence for the triplets to finally arrive. And they were beautiful. Two of them had blonde hair and those same blue eyes like their mother. The littlest one had my brown hair and hazel green eyes. I couldn't believe how cute me and Lexi's triplets were. Lexi smiled as I said, "Their so beautiful darling."
"They are, and I'm so happy their here." She smiled wider as she started to tear up.
"I'm so proud of you. You carried these three angels for the past eight and a half months. You married one of the most insane, crazy and unhinged guys on the planet that was more less on the road to a straight jacket." She giggled. "But you, not Rhonda, Lynch or Flair or anyone else. Tamed me. Nobody, when I was part of New Japan. Thought that was possible, and you actually did the impossible. You helped me find a home, and gave me something to look forward to every morning. And as of today. Gave me a family." I kissed Lexi on the lips. "I love you, Lexi Boyce." I smiled.
"And I love you too, Daniel Boyce." She smiled and giggled as she kissed me as well.
Once we were transferred to our own private room after a while, I grinned, "Well, I need to go and see whose here so far. I'll be back as quick as I can."
"Okay. Hurry back." Lexi smiled.
"I will darling." I smiled and left the room and I found the waiting room full of our friends and family. "Wow. Did someone just promise an all you can eat buffet afterwards?" I giggled as everyone smiled and approached me. "Okay. Angela, Bob, Michelle you three first, then after you have five minutes. The rest of you can come and see Lexi and I's three baby girls." Michelle, Bob and Angela headed to me and Lexi's room. Adrienne came up to me first.
"How's Lexi?" She asked.
"Fine. A little tired, but all around just about perfect as she can be. Then again she's always perfect to me."
"That's good." Pam said smiling.
"So, what are the girls names?" Leah asked.
"Tianna Leah, Adrienne Marie and Emma Jean." I told them.
"Those are good names, very good names." Gionna grinned.
They all asked questions about how the girls were and how long the birth actually took, among other questions. When enough time passed, I led them all to Lexi's room where I found Michelle holding Emma Jean, the smaller of the twin blondes, Bob holding Adrienne Marie our brown haired hazel eyed angel and Angela holding Tianna Leah the last and just a centimeter bigger of our twin blondes. I just went back to Lexi's right side and held her hand. Lexi talked with everyone and I couldn't help but smile as everyone got a chance to hold one of me and Lexi's three girls. Even Lexi was able to have a turn holding one of our girls. But like most parties, there is a party pooper and this came in the form of a nurse telling everyone that Lexi needed her rest and that everyone needed to leave. Which they did. But I stayed with Lexi. Surrounded by our three precious daughters I slid into bed next to her on her right side and held her against me as she slowly fell asleep. I smiled as I still couldn't believe how lucky I was or have been the past ten months to a year. I got a girl who became my wife. I won the Universal Championship and beat the living hell out of Brock Lesnar and Seth Rollins to do it. Then I dropped the title which I didn't really cry over because now I had three things including Lexi that were more precious to me than any title I can or will ever hold in WWE. I have everything I'll ever need. My three daughters and my wife. They are my life and my world. And within the next year. I plan on announcing my retirement and I'll be able to stay home, and take care of me and Lexi's little girls.
But until then. I'm going to enjoy myself.

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