The King And Goddess of Nightmares Return To Raw.

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Over the next month or two, Lexi and me took turns watching the girls as we got ourselves in fighting shape again. And our return was slated for the go home show of Raw before Clash of Champions.
One day, Emma would not stop fussing until Lexi brought her down to me. Once I was in view of the smaller of our two blonde daughters. Emma smiled and clapped as I was doing situps. On the beginning rep of my third set of situps I heard laughing and giggling. I looked to the door leading to the gym and saw Lexi holding Emma.
" Ohh, does little Emma miss her dad?"
"Yeah, she's been fussy all morning." Lexi grinned. I stood up and approached my girls, well, two of them. And kissed Lexi and gently took Emma from Lexi. The moment she rested her head on my shoulder, she was out. "Proof positive that she's definitely a daddy's girl."
"Yeah. I think Adrienne is both a mommy and daddy's girl." She smiled.
"Then that would make Tianna a momma's girl." I grinned.
"Well, it was bound to happen that at least one of our three angels, would kind of like to be adored by either one of us. But I agree that Adrienne is most definitely both a mom and daddy's girl." She leaned up as I held Emma in place as I leaned down and kissed my wife.
"You know if we don't have anymore kids. I won't be disappointed. Our girls, and you are all I need in life."
"Ohh, baby." Lexi smiled.
"I just feel so lucky to have met you in the twilight of my career. Of all the things that I've done in my career. The Crown Jewels of it. Are as you may have guessed, meeting, you, marrying you and being the father to our three angels."
"You sound like your retiring soon?" Lexi smiled.
"I'm planning to. But not until after Wrestelemania 36."
"Well, I'm sad to hear that your planning on retiring. But at least you'll be able to watch over our little girls. And travel with me once in a while. But I love you no matter what. And you better not forget that."
"I won't." I kissed Lexi's forehead and we both heard crying upstairs. "Sounds like Tianna and Adrienne are awake."
"Yeah." Lexi and I looked to the still sleeping Emma on my shoulder and we smiled. "I swear. You can probably set off a bomb and it wouldn't wake her."
"Yeah. She's like her old man in that respect."
"Yeah. Michelle told me a story you told her about when you were sixteen and it took your stepdad six tries to wake you up the day your mom died."
"Yeah. I swear I could have slept through Nagasaki or Hiroshima back then and woke up wondering why everything was in a shambles."
That made Lexi smile and laugh. "Well, let's go up and calm our other two angels down. And maybe later, we can have some fun."
"Looking forward to the possibility." I smiled.
"Good." Lexi grinned and sultrily walked away, after a while I looked to the still sleeping Emma.
"You know, if I'm not careful, I may be on the recieving end of a ball draining experience with your mom tonight." I smiled as I couldn't believe how adorable Emma was. I soon walked upstairs and put Emma in the crib and walked over to Lexi who had her hands full of Adrienne and Tianna. I took Adrienne and gently jostled her in my arms, in effect rocking her to sleep. She soon stopped crying and smiled up at me. "Ohh, is Adrienne hungry or happy." She spittled a bit and I smiled at her. Lexi was having the same luck with Tianna. We both headed to the kitchen and made three bottles, one for each of our girls. I smiled as Adrienne gripped my workout shirt collar.
"Ohh that is so adorable." Lexi smiled looking at the picture before her.
"As is that." I said referring to Tianna gently gripping the locket I got Lexi soon after the triplets were born and we were home for about a week or two, inside the locket was a picture of me and Lexi at last years Hell In A Cell and one of us holding our three angels. "That is adorable honey."
"Ooohh." She sighed.
Later that night after singing the old Italian lullaby, 'Dormi, Dormi, Dormi'. Which I guarenteed would have our girls out until no later than three to four a.m., so needless to say, Lexi tested my endurance as I did hers as we made love for a remarkable five hours and when all was said and done, I came three times and she came a resounding eighty eight times. And another point is that I was right with what I said to the sleeping emma earlier. My balls were more than drained, they pretty much resembled a dry well as it were. When we were  ready for bed, the girls started crying, I looked to Lexi who was still glistening with sweat and had a most satisfied grin on her face. "I'll take care of them darling. You just rest up." I leaned over her and kissed her lips. "I'll," I kissed her neck, "Take," Her left cheek, "Care," Her right cheek. "Of our girls." I kissed her with enough passion to nearly start another round. But the girls cried louder. I sighed as Lexi whined. "Well, it was good while it lasted." I smiled as I got out of bed, put on my pj bottoms and headed to the nursery next door and found our little girls crying and I went through a mental checklist. I checked Adrienne first, her diaper wasn't a bomb, I walked her around a bit and that didn't work, then I snagged a bottle from the hotbag near the rocking chair. And the moment it was in view, Adrienne gripped it and started sucking on the nipple. Amazingly enough the other two stopped crying. "I think you three were born out of order." Adrienne smiled after I said that.  Then I heard the door open and I looked and saw Lexi awake and smiling. "Darling, I said I would take care of them so you could get some sleep."
"I know honey. But I just want to help the man that gave me these three gifts." She smiled as she approached me and kissed me as I was in the rocking chair and kissed Adrienne on the forehead, then walked over to Tianna and picked her up and did the same thing I did, only her diaper was a bomb, so Lexi changed it and continued throughout the checklist. I looked in my arms and little Adrienne was asleep, so I gently leaned to my left and pulled up a burping rag from the outside back pocket of the hot bag where the bottles were stored for night time feedings, gently tossed the rag onto my left shoulder and switched Adrienne from my arms to my shoulder so I could burp her. A moment or two later, I heard Adrienne belt out a little burp and after a moment I pulled her from my shoulder, got up, walked to her crib and put her down for the remainder of the night. I then picked up my little daddy's girl Emma. And ran through the checklist. Emma conked out after I gently started jostling her as I walked around and after ten minutes or so, she fell right back to sleep. I then gently took her back to her crib and put her down and tucked her in as I did Adrienne just barely a half hour ago. I looked to Lexi as she had little Tianna in her arms and was burping her very carefully, I pulled the burping rag that I still had on  my shoulder and tossed it in the hamper near the door. Then crouched near the last one awake and my beautiful goddess.
"You have a natural way with the girls baby." She smiled.
"As do you." I said pointing to a slowly fading Tianna as she spit up and burped. Once Tianna was out, Lexi got up as I snagged the burp rag on her right shoulder, tossed it in the hamper, she approached Tianna's crib which she shared with Emma and put her down and tucked her in, for a finale we put their pacifiers in their mouths, and after observing our three sleeping angels, went to bed ourselves.

Soon the time had come for us to return to work, Bob and Angela offered to watch over our girls and we accepted, before we left for Charlotte, North Carolina. Lexi and I said a temporary goodbye to our three little angels. Lexi could barely leave our little ones but knew they were in good hands with her mother and father. Soon we were off to the airport for our flight to Charlotte.

During the flight me and Lexi looked over the planned storyline for us, apparently they wanted me and Lexi to start a rivalry with Jimmy Uso and Naomi, which I found impressive since Trinity and John were having marriage troubles while Lexi and me were gone, and were in the beginning stages of divorce proceedings.
We couldn't believe that they would put a couple who are genuinely happy and pit their characters against a couple who in a matter of barely a month called it quits on their marriage.

When we landed in Charlotte, which was the night before RAW, we headed straight to the hotel and checked in. We decided to just order room service since we were sure the jet lag from the trip would catch up with us at anytime that night and once we ate, we took a shower together and got ready for bed. Before I even turned out the lights, Lexi's phone went off, she looked at the screen and found that it was her mother calling, So she answered, "Hey, mom. Anything wrong?"
'Oh, no. I just wanted to make sure that you and Daniel arrived in Charlotte safely.'
"We did. We're just about to turn in."
'Okay, talk to you later, honey.'
"Talk to you later, mom. Give the little ones our love."
'I will. Goodnight.'
"Goodnight, mom." She smiled as she hung up.
"Everything okay at home?" I asked.
"Yeah. She was just making sure we arrived okay."
"I see." I noticed Lexi starting to tear up a bit. "Come here darling." I pulled her next to me and held her tightly. "Our girls are going to be okay, they're in good hands."
"I know, I just miss them is all." She started to sob.
"It's okay, I miss them too. Maybe we can take them with us for a week or two." Lexi smiled at that idea.
"Do you think Hunter and Steph will allow that?"
"I'm almost sure that Stephanie will, I'm just not sure about Hunter."
"Well, it is a good idea and I feel a lot better now, thanks baby." She kissed me and rested her head on my chest.
"No problem, my goddess." I kissed the top of her head and after I turned out the lights we soon fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to see Lexi still sleeping. I didn't wake her as I knew that twenty minutes more couldn't hurt. I laid there next to her as she hugged me tightly from time to time. I felt like an over sized Pooh bear. But it made her happy that we were together on the same brand and were going to be on the same tours. When it was time to get up. I gently shook her awake. "Good morning, My Disney Queen. Time to wake up." I smiled as she whined.
"Just a few minutes more."
"Sorry babe, but you already slept in twenty minutes. Now we mustn't be late for our return my love."
"Oooohhhhh, I hate it when your right. But I love you all the same." She smiled as did I.

Pretty soon after a quick pack of our arena bags. We headed to the arena for the Go home show of Raw before Clash of Champions.
Everyone was very happy to see us back in action. Adrienne and the girls led Lexi away as I grabbed her arena bags and kissed her before they succeeded in pulling her away. "I'll be in our locker room, babe."
"Okay, Love you." She smiled.
"Love you, too." I continued to me and Lexi's locker room and set the bags in a couple lockers. I sat down on a bench and relaxed. 'Daniel, only eight months to retirement. So make them count.'
I stood up and started getting ready for the night. Lexi soon came in from her 'forced' visit with the girls. "How did your chat go with the girls?" I asked.
"It went well." She smiled. "They all say 'hi' by the way."
"Well we're up in a few so."
"I better get ready." She sighed. As she got ready for the night she noticed me sulking. "Everything okay, baby? You seem pretty down."
"Ohh. I just realised that there's eight months until my planned retirement. And, I'm scared that I'll get hurt or you will. I'm just not sure if me retiring is a good idea after all." I explained.
"You want to know what your wife thinks," I nodded. "Baby, you wrestled in almost every conceivable match, you've faced myths, legends, giants and so many other great competitors." She sat in my lap. "You are a great wrestler, perhaps the best in the business. But when you retire, you'll have a wife, and three little girls who love you. And if I may say so darling, I'd say that if you want to retire next year then you should. But if your not ready yet, then maybe you should wait and get used to the idea." She kissed my forehead, "But I'm your wife and I'll stand behind whatever decision you make."
I looked at her and smiled. "How did I get so lucky to have you as my wife?" I caressed her left cheek.
"Dumb luck comes to mind." She giggled as I scoffed.
"Come here." I pulled her in for a kiss which lasted a while. Before it got too intense a knock came to the door.
"Ohh, perfect timing." I groaned.
"I'll get it baby." Lexi said. I nodded as she answered the door.
"Hey guys." Hunter said as he came in. "So. Excited for your returns tonight?" He asked. Lexi nodded and when he looked at me I just gave him the most serious stare I could muster.
Then said after looking to my wife, "Hunter, I'm excited for my return as is Lexi. But as of Wrestlemania 36, next year. I'm retired."
He thought I was joking until Lexi shook her head in a 'he's not kidding' manner when he looked at her.
"Come on Daniel, you can't be serious."
"As a heart attack." I stood  up and faced him. "I have accomplished all I wanted to in wrestling. I have a beautiful wife," Lexi slid into my side as I wrapped my left arm around her. "Three little angels at home." Hunter was frantically trying to think of something to make me stay. "What more do I need than that? What can the WWE offer me to make me want to stay?" He didn't answer. "The Universal Championship, been there, the Intercontinental Championship, yawn, United States Championship, what of it. Or the supposedly coveted WWE Championship. Don't care. I've been in this business long enough. It's time I end my career as I see fit. And if it's all the same to you. I want my last opponent to be," I approached him and he went wide eyed when I told him. He soon left me and Lexi's locker room.

Needless to say we shocked the WWE Universe with our return. I went against AJ Styles and Lexi went against Sasha Banks. We both won our first matches back.
Alexa tagged with Ember Moon to go after the Women's Tag Team Championships.
We brought our little girls on the road with us from time to time. And they were pretty popular backstage with everyone.

After a match at the following years Elimination Chamber. Lexi couldn't risk another concussion as she ran into the ring post after missing a shoulder tackle meant for Kairi Sane. So she made the hardest decision that even I knew wasn't an easy one for her.

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