The Perfect Night To Go Out With A Bang.

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As Wrestlemania 36 drew near. I prepared myself mentally for my retirement.
And as it is with every year. They announced the of Fame Class of 2020. The last two announced. Were me, and my wife of over a year Alexa Bliss. Everyone speculated as to why Lexi was being inducted.
Lexi in her usual way said, 'All will be revealed in time.'

The night before Wrestlemania, Lexi and I were close to ready. "Lex. You ready?" I asked.
The bathroom door opened and she came out in a low cut, red, black, and white form fitting dress. I could hardly contain myself as she looked so good that I wanted to take her right then and there.
"What do you think?" She asked in reply.
"I think that if I wasn't worried about running late and possibly setting off the smoke alarms on this entire floor." She giggled. "I'd be having my way with you right now."
"Don't worry honey, you can have your way with me later tonight." She kissed me lightly on the lips "Let's go."
"Yes My Goddess." I said barely coming back to reality, making Lexi snicker a bit.

When we arrived to the Hall of Fame induction ceremony we went through the security checkpoints, did some interviews and were ushered to the back with all the other inductees of this years class. We were met by Candice Michelle, Lisa Marie Varon, and a few others.
Soon the night was in full swing. Candice was inducted along with Lisa along with the others of the class. When it came time for me and Lexi to be inducted. The highlight reel showing the high points of our careers along with some low points, like Lexi and her first bout with the concussions and with me being broken by Lesnar in late 2018. Only for us to return with a vengeance and claim major titles. It ended with a snippet of Lexi and I with our little angels and me saying, 'Some people may think, titles, grandeur, fame, and money are important. But to me, Lexi and our daughters are more important to me than any title, amount of money or anything else. Their my everything. And their all that matter.'
When the video ended, Jerry Lawler introduced our inductor. "Ladies And gentleman, it my honor introduce the inductor of the King and Goddess of Nightmares. Straight from Elm Street. The Original Freddy, Robert Englund." I nearly fell over in shock.
He did the induction speech he had prepared. He said that he found it really nice and comforting that I paid attention to detail when I created a different version of the 'Freddy' look or the look of my 'True Self'.
When he introduced us he said, "Without further ado. It's my pleasure to introduce to you the final inductees into this years WWE Hall of Fame Class. Freddy's Adopted Son and Daughter- In- Law. 'The King of Nightmares' Daniel Boyce and the recently crowned 'Goddess of Nightmares' Alexa Bliss. 'Dream Warriors' started playing and Lexi and I came out to the stage. Lexi hugged and kissed Robert on both cheeks as I shook his hand and hugged him.
Lexi and I approached the podium then, 'Fear the King' cheers started. Lexi enjoyed seeing me take them in. Then there was a very interesting derivation of the Freddy Rhyme. 'One, two Lexi's coming for you, three, four better lock your door,' they finished the rhyme as you may have guessed as to how.
"Alright. Me and Lexi just want to say that we have enjoyed entertaining you every single night. And even though I was barely here for over a year or two. I got to say. The fans here in the WWE are the best fans in the world, when I was laid up after the beating I got from Brock late in 2018. The outpouring of concern and heartfelt worry was amazing. Unbelievable. Even more so when Lexi had that concussion scare a month or so back."
"Daniel's right. When I suffered my first concussions in late 2018. The messages wishing a speedy recovery and wishing me well were unbelievable."
"And now we're here. Gearing up for our last run into the Realm of Nightmares. Before we ride off into the sunset."
"And to our opponents for 'Mania. Get a good night sleep. Cause tomorrow, will be a nightmare for you."
"And before we go. There are a few people we'd like to acknowledge."
"Like my mother Angela and my father Bob Kaufman."
"And my adoptive mother, who I know watching with Bob and Angela and of course we'd like to acknowledge our three beautiful little girls, Adrienne, Emma, and Tianna."
"Mommy and daddy love you babies. Thank you."

At the after party, we mingled for a bit but after we felt socialized out. We headed to the hotel for our own after party. I stripped her out of the dress as she stripped me out of the suit I was wearing. After two and a half amazing hours. I looked at Lexi and she was smiling like the cat that ate the canary. I couldn't help but ask, "Uhh, Lexi honey."
"Is there a reason your smiling aside from the obvious?"
"You know when you went on tour in Europe and your mom helped me with our girls?"
"Yeah." I replied. "That was in February earlier this year."
"Well that entire week, I couldn't figure out why I was felling so queasy. So the day before you were to return from the European Tour. I took a test." Then it dawned on me as I realized what she was saying.
"Lex? Are you?" I said nearly overjoyed of what she was going to say.
"Yes, baby. I'm pregnant."
"How far along?"
"As of right now? Three and a half months."
"Ohh, Lexi. That's great news. Who else knows?"
"Me, your mom, my parents and now you." She smiled.
"Ohh, Lex. I'm just over the moon about this. You already gave me three angels. Now there's going to be more to come. You amaze me Mrs. Boyce. Every day." She smiled as I caressed her right cheek with my left hand. "I love you so much, Lex."
"Well if your up to it, why don't you come here and show me how much you love me." she didn't have to ask me twice as we went at it a second time for three and a half hours more. And I fell asleep with my glasses on.

The next night at Wrestlemania 36, everything went as expected. The Women's Championships didn't change hands, neither did the men's Championships except the Universal Championship. Braun Strowman won it from Roman Reigns. They did the Hall of Fame parade in the middle of the show.

Alexa went against Trish Stratus and I'm telling you it was a war. Alexa won barely with Twisted Bliss.
She and Trish shook hands and raised each others arms as a show of respect.
As she stood on the stage for the last time. She cried as the crowd said, 'Thank you, Bliss.' Over and over again. Then I came out and wrapped my arms around her from behind. She looked up at me and smiled. 'I love you.'
I grinned and said, 'I love you more.'
She blew the crowd a kiss farewell and headed to the back with me.
The fourth main event for this particular Wrestlemania, was me Vs. The Undertaker.

As I was getting ready for this match. Lexi approached me and said, "Now remember. win or lose. You still win because our last matches are on the Grandest Stage of Them All. And there's no better event to go out on. Than this. And I want you to remember something else. We have a growing family and they'll need their father as much as they'll need their mother. So in other words."
"Come back safe."
"Exactly." She smiled. She kissed me good luck and I headed to the gorilla. When I heard, 'Ready For Freddy' by Fat Boys start playing. I made a promise that I'd leave it all out in the ring.
Not a second after I entered the ring, 'Taker made his entrance.

50 minutes into the match, 'Taker and I had traded the lead and fatigue was starting to set in. Not to mention exhaustion. By this time I had kicked out of three Tombstones, four Last Rides and powered my way out of at least two Hell's Gates.
I got up slowly as my energy and strength was nearly all spent. 'Taker went for flying clothesline off the top. I ducked and he crash landed on the canvas. I took the opportunity to catch my breath. After a long pause, he got up and tried to go for a big boot. I sidestepped him and got him on my shoulders in a Torture Rack position, flipped him on his side, setting him up for Night Terrors. As I looked out in the crowd, time seemed to slow down. I thought of my life, my career, I thought of Lexi, our three little girls and our impending new arrivals.
After a long while. I performed Night Terrors and pinned 'Taker for the three count victory. After I was able to. I stood up and helped 'Taker to his feet. He hugged me and shook my hand, 'Good job. Thank you for a match for the history books.' He said.
'No, thank you for a Perfect. Final Match.' I replied.
Lexi came in the ring and she wasn't alone. Hunter and Stephanie apparently made arrangements to have Lexi and I's kids to be present at their parents Last Wrestlemania. She was accompanied by Trish who was holding Emma and Asuka who was holding little Tianna with Lexi holding Adrienne. I took Emma as she was starting to fuss. When I took Emma, Trish kissed my cheek and smiled as she said, 'Congratulations. On your victory, your family and your coming new additions.' I smiled at Lexi.
'What? I didn't see the harm considering we're leaving WWE.'
'Fair enough.' I smiled. I made my way to the timekeeper side of the ring and requested a microphone. He handed it to me as I held onto Emma. The moment I lifted the mic to my lips. The crowd fell silent. "Uhh, I'm totally at a loss for words. Umm, it has been quite the journey. I just want to say, thank you for all the cheers and support over the years, thank you for being there through every bump, every broken shoulder, but most of all. Lexi and I would like to thank you all for the opportunity, to entertain you. What we do isn't easy. But fans like all of you, make it fun and worth while. And from the bottom of our hearts," Lexi approached my left side. Then leaned in.
"Thank you for the honor of the Hall of Fame." When I dropped the mic. Trish took Emma from me and Adrienne from Lexi. Then I hoisted my wife on my shoulders making her smile and laugh. When I let her down, we recieved a standing ovation from the entire arena in Tampa. Lexi and I tearfully waved goodbye to the crowd and as we approached the stage with our little ones. Everyone from Shane to Bayley and Sasha came out to the stage applauding me and Lexi. Then the tell tale gong rang out through the arena and in the ring which was deserted not long ago. stood the Undertaker. He kneeled and snapped his head up whipping his hair back and his eyes were rolled back, his tongue was out and his right hand was out and towards me with the fingers slightly curved in. Which anybody will tell you is the ultimate show of respect from The Deadman. I looked to Lexi and grinned then handed Emma to Mandy Rose and did the same 'Taker just did. Minus the tongue of course. Once I got back up and was given Emma back. I slid my left hand into Lexi's right then raised them as high above our heads as she could reach, then took a bow. Asuka handed me Tianna as we made our way to our locker room. Once there we found Bob and Angela in our locker room. They took the kids temporarily as Lexi and I changed into some street clothes. Then when we tried to sit and chat with Lexi's parents a knock came to the door. I answered and found Hunter and Stephanie. "Come on in." Said a little irritated.
"We won't take much of your time. We just want to know if You two will be the new coaches of a Performance Center we're going to open in Columbus, OH?" Hunter asked. I looked at Lexi. She smiled and nodded.
"When does it open?" I asked.
"I think we're supposed to have the doors open on." Stephanie started.
"September 20." Hunter finished.
"Okay. That should be perfect timing." I said smiling at Lexi.
"What do you mean?" Hunter asked.
"Honey." Lexi smiled as she cleared her throat.
"Guys." She started as Hunter and Stephanie listened intently. "I'm pregnant." I walked over to a beaming Lexi and sat next to her.
"Well congratulations you guys." Hunter and Stephanie a pproached us and we stood up and they hugged us both. After they left and we talked to Lexi's parents and they left with our little ones. we packed our arena bags and left for the hotel and spent our last free night for a while just holding each other. "I love you, Daniel Boyce." Lexi said smiling.
"And I love you more, Lexi Boyce." I took off my glasses, put them next to our phones, turned off the light and resumed my place holding my wife for the rest of the night.

We spent the next couple days saying our goodbye's to both brands rosters. We even appeared on NXT to say thank you and goodbye to everyone on that roster. We also with our three angels, went to NXT UK and they were a hit over there, but everyone was slightly sad to see us go. And as an added bonus I surprised Lexi on her birthday with family passes to Disneyland. And the passes were dated for November. Lexi smiled so much that I could swear that her face would get stuck that way.

On September 8th, we welcomed Harleen Alexis Boyce and her twin Chandra LaDean Boyce to our family and to the world. Bob and Angela helped Lexi on the days I was at the new Performance Center training and coaching a new crop of superstars. But when I was home. I was home. Nothing else mattered. Not my job at the Performance Center or anything else. It was just me, Lexi and our children. And to be honest it can be overwhelming to look after or take care of five kids. Mom visited quite often, citing that she wanted to spend as much time with her grandkids as she could. Personally I think she just loved seeing me try and occasionally fail at wrangling five little girls. Me, Lexi, our kids, Bob and Angela and Michelle went to Disneyland as a family and had a lot of fun. I'm sure Lexi felt like a kid again as Bob and Angela and Michelle took care of our kids one day and let us have a day to ourselves. I genuinely love seeing my Lexi so happy and smiling and laughing.

When we returned home, Lexi and I resumed our usual trade off. I'd work at the Performance Center one day while she stays home with the kids with the help of her parents. And the next day it would be her turn to go to the Performance Center and coach and train the same new superstars as I had the day before.
I will admit, Lexi still looks like the girl I met close to two and a half years ago. And she works her ass off in our gym to maintain her perfect and toned figure. She's still that sexy and beautiful girl I fell in love with. Even with giving birth to our five angels. She still can get me going.
Our third wedding anniversary the following year was romantic as I arranged for Adrienne Reese, Gionna Daddio, and even Thea Trinidad and her husband Tom Budgeon to look after our little ones as Lexi and I were going to the Bahamas.

She soaked in the surf, sun and fun as did I. Even though we were able to have sex on occasion at home. We tore the bed and sheets in the bungalow we were in up and had the wildest rounds every othe day during our week long Wedding Anniversary/Vacation.
The last night was amazing. We went for a walk along the beach, had dinner on the patio of the bungalow, and just made love for close to four hours and close to three or four a.m. I reached over and felt no Lexi, so I opened my eyes and looked around, and found my wife of three years standing on the balcony of our room. I got up and approached her. She jumped a bit as I slid up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Hey, you okay, darling?" I asked kissing the top of her head.
"Yeah. I just want our kids to be proud of us or proud of being our kids." I smiled as I knew what she meant.
"You want to get back into the ring and not just as a trainer and coach." She turned in my arms and smiled.
"You knew?" She asked.
"Lexi Honey. I feel the same way. I so want to get back in that ring and knock some heads and not just as a teaching method. But if your going back. Then so am I."
She leapt into my arms and kissed me. And we soon returned to bed and a couple months later, we made our return to the WWE.

We spent the next four years as a tag team and as a manager/superstar pair kicking ass and taking names and titles.

But on June 12, 2025, we hung up our tights and boots for good and on our original three angels sixth birthday. And we went out on top and with a bang as I asked Lexi if she would marry me again. She pulled me to my feet and kissed me and said, 'Of course I will.'

Now we're part time coaches and trainers at the local Performance Center. And full time parents again. And to be honest we're proud of the careers we've had and wouldn't trade any of it for nothing. I mean if we didn't have the careers we did have then we wouldn't have met, fell in love and had a family. We're happy with how things have turned out. And are proud of our five angels. But I'm more proud of my Lexi. All the diversity and obstacles and challenges she's had to fight through. I'm so proud and happy to have met, married, and have a family with Lexi Kaufman. I'm without a doubt the luckiest man in the world. Because I may be the King of Nightmares.
But she, is The Goddess of My Dreams.

The End.

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