Money In The Bank. Becomes The Prelude To Dolphs Final Nightmare.

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As the week progressed I was getting more and more focused on scaring the living hell out of Dolph Ziggler. So on the Saturday night before MITB. I snuck into Dolph's room and gently and quietly took him to the balcony of the hotel we were all at. I tied a rope tightly around his feet and dangled him over the edge of the balcony. When he was a good few feet down I smiled as I looked to Finn who was holding a camera. "Wakey, wakey." I growled in a low growl. Dolph woke up and looked up and saw his pajama top fall slowly down to the ground which was pretty close to ten floors down. He started freaking out and I loved hearing him scream. "I am so tired of you bothering Alexa This is your first, last and only warning." A knife slid into my hand and held it to the rope. "Are you going to leave Alexa alone?" I sliced the rope when I didn't get a response. I started walking away and heard him scream for like a second until the second rope I had tied as a safety line snapped taut and he hung upside down until someone came and got him.

When I returned to Lexi and I's hotel room, She was already up and when I walked into the room she turned around and smiled. "There's my secret boyfriend." She grinned wider by the word.
"And there's my secret girlfriend." I giggled as I kissed her.
"So where did my king of everyone's deepest darkest fears go?" She asked.
"I went to Dolph's room with Finn and scared the living piss out of him. By hanging him upside down over the edge of his rooms balcony. Then cut the rope and let him fall a story or two and the safety line snapped taut and caught him."
"Won't that ruin Hunters plans?"
"Possibly, but aren't we ruining his plans though by being secret lovers. Not that I mind."
"Nor do I but I guess your right. We are runing his plans. But I don't care. As long as I have the man of my wet dreams." She giggled. "I'll always be happy."
"And as long as I have my Goddess of Wrestling. I'll be just as happy if not more so."
"Oh your such a sweet talker." Lexi laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck. "So wasn't tonight supposed to be the start of our storyline with Dolph."
"Yes it was." I grinned.
"Well, then tonight should be fun." Lexi and I kissed as she and I headed to the bathroom to jump in the shower. While in the shower, I couldn't help but just stare at my little goddess' body. She blushed when she noticed. "You gonna do something or just stare at my alluringly perfect body?"
"I am most definitely going to do something. All I needed was the invitation." I smiled as I pressed Lexi against the wall of the shower. "Tell me, have you touched nirvana?" I smiled as did she. Thirty minutes into our shower bang, she was leaning against the wall, my cock buried into her deeply. She leaned over until the left side of her face was right against the cold tile wall.
"God, you feel so good baby." She giggled and moaned as I soon felt her pussy tighten on my dick. "Oh god I'm gonna cum baby."
"Cum for me my goddess." I bellowed and not a second after, she did. But I kept railing into her. As she came down from the recent orgasm. She leaned back and wrapped her arms around my neck as her back was curved as she was still facing the tile wall of the shower. She smiled as she pulled my head down a bit and kissed me. "God you have the magic touch with me."
"Ohh, we're not, done yet." I smiled as I kissed her cheek. I stopped railing into her and pulled out of her and turned her to face me and she leapt into my arms and she slowly re-inserted my  dick into her pussy and I slid my arms under her legs and just picked up where I left off. twenty minutes in, Lexi's eyes were rolling into the back of her head and she was screaming in pleasure and ecstasy as I was getting closer to my climax. "I'm gonna cum Lex."
"So, am I. Oooohhhh. Please cum inside me." And not a minute later we came together. She came all over my dick and I instantly came inside her. "Oohh. That felt good baby." She leaned down and kissed me before I slowly lowered her onto her feet. "That's got to be one of the top five we've had." She smiled as we finished our shower, dried ourselves off, got changed into some dry street clothes, grabbed our arena bags and headed to the arena for MITB.

When we arrived at the arena we were met by Hunter.
"Daniel. Can I speak to you in my office?" I nodded.
"I hope your not in trouble. Well at least too much trouble."
"Don't worry. I'll probably suspended for two weeks tops honey." I smiled. I kissed her once more. "I love you Lexi."
"Love you more." She smiled as I walked to Hunter's office.
"You wanted to speak to me?"
"Dolph told me that you hung him upside down from the edge of his balcony this morning early."
"Then he should have stuck to the script this past Monday night by attempting to distract me or interfere in my match. I asked him if he played Skin The Cat?" I giggled.
"Well be that as it may. After your match tonight you will be put on a three week suspension."
"Would you like to make it a month."
"You know what?" I slammed my hands on his desk. "It's funny how you can come out of retirement anytime you see fit. Or that you and Vince's golden boy, Lesnar doesn't have to follow the company bilaws which includes an unbreakable rule that champions have to defend their titles every thirty days. But somehow he's been able to skirt the issue. You can put me on three week suspension. But I hope you have a casket ready for Ziggler when I get back. Because at Xtreme Rules. It will be Zigglers FINAL NIGHTMARE!!!!!!" I stormed out of the office leaving a very scared Hunter sitting behind his desk.

When I walked into Lexi and I's locker room she noticed that I was very upset. "What happened?"
"After my ladder match with Ziggler tonight. I'm going to be put on three week suspension."
"What?" She asked.
"Yeah. Apparently Ziggler told Hunter all about my little off-book visit to his hotel room. I thought I'd get two weeks tops. Instead I get three weeks." I punched the wall closest to me and put a six inch crack in the stone.
"Okay, honey. Please calm down."
"I'm sorry, Lex. I know you have a match tonight and I'm so proud of you." I smiled. She hugged me. "I promise to try and keep my temper under control."
"I didn't say anything about you keeping it under control. I think it would be better if you set it free since it is a ladder match." She grinned.
"Your so very devious." I grinned wider. "It's kind of a turn on."
"Later baby. Like after your match tonight." She grinned.
"Fair enough."
"Good boy." I barked at her making her laugh. "I'll help you with your face paint if you wish after my match."
"I'd like that. Because you make me look more frightening. Your so good babe. You make my best work look inadequate."
"Well, thank you baby." She hugged me and I had calmed down enough to switch into my ring attire and once we were both changed into our in ring attire we headed to catering to get something to eat.
"Hey, guys." Finn said as he came up and sat next to us.
"Hey, Finn."
"I heard you got into quite the scuffle with Hunter earlier. Was it because of our off book stunt."
"So what are we suspended?"
"No. Your not at least." I told him.
"What?" Finn asked in disbelief.
"Yep, I'm going to be put on three week suspension because the loud mouth told on me. But I'm fine with it. But if he comes over here. I don't care if I get a month. Dolph won't be able to make our ladder match tonight if I see him before hand." Lexi rubbed my arm and it was calming me down.
"It'll be okay baby." She smiled.
"I know." I pulled her close to me. "I know."
"So what will be the plan while your on suspension?" Finn asked.
"Probably go home and just clean and re-arrange things."
"No. Your going to stay with me and manage me even if it's from backstage."
"Yes, my Goddess." I smiled. "I could never say no to you. You know that right?"
"Oh I know." She smiled. I kissed her and she rested her head on my shoulder. We ate some toast and pancakes and after we finished eating. We both made our way back to he locker room.

Mickie and Alicia came into our locker room a little bit before the Women's Money In The Bank Ladder Match.
"Where's Daniel?" Mickie asked.
"Oh, Dolph told Hunter about his off-book visit and scare to Dolph earlier. So he's trying to keep his temper under control in the showers. I wish I could do something to help him."
"I think just being there is good enough."
"I couln't have said it better myself!" I yelled.
"Well, it looks like that you'll have your hands full tonight." Alicia said to Lexi.
"Oh, I know." She said. "But I think I'm going to win it for my King of Nightmares."
I walked into the main room of the locker room. "Uh uh. If you win this. You do it for you."
"But baby." She pulled the 'false face' again. I instantly caved.
"Alright. Just this once." I smiled as Alicia and Mickie smiled as to how Lexi had me wrapped around her finger. Although I liked to think we had each other wrapped around each others fingers. Because we would get what we wanted out of each other. Like for Lexi it was tickling her or kissing her neck. Me it was inevitably the 'false face' every time.

The Women's MITB Ladder Match came around and Lexi headed out. After close to forty minutes. She had successfully unclasped the briefcase from it's ring. And held it high in victory. She pointed to the case and I could tell she was excited to get back here to the locker room and show me in person that she had it.
She left the ring after doing a few poses after the match and a couple as she headed up the ramp. She was about to our locker room and I had the door open a crack and then I heard, "Congratulations on winning the Women's MITB, Lexi." I peeked through the slightly open crack. And saw Dolph trying his best to impress her with his fake concern among other tactics. "Would you like to spend the night with a real man to celebrate?" I was getting angrier and angrier.
"You know any. Because if not. Get the hell away from me."
"Oh, come on. You mean you'd still go out with The King of Nightmares than me." I crept behind him.
"I think that's what the lady said Dolph." They didn't show my face. But my voice was practiced and very frightening. "If she doen't want to go out with you at all. Then I have some advice. Take the hint." I walked away and so did Lexi.
During the Women's Championship match between Nia Jax and Rhonda Rousey. Lexi headed out with the briefcase.
"Whoa. Your not thinking of cashing it in tonight are you?" I asked her.
"You'll find out."
"Okay. Be carefull Lex." Not even twelve minutes later. Alexa appeared from the crowd and pummeled Nia and Rhonda with the MITB Briefcase she won close to thirty minutes ago. It took barely six minutes between the pummeling and the cashing in of the contract. She won back her title from Nia and just grabbed the tile and ran. Once she got to our locker room. I was very happy to see her smile as she came in hoisting her Raw Women's Championship above her head. "I didn't know you had it in you. Your so deliciously devious and underhanded." I kissed her as she slid into my arms.
"Now it's your turn for your ladder match with a special contract up for grabs. My services." Lexi told me.
"I'll be careful and let my temper loose on Dolph. But I'll try not to hurt him too bad since we're supposed to end our love triangle rivalry at Extreme Rules."
"Good. And if he says anything to upset you. Remember. Your Goddess is now once again the Raw Women's Champion. And she loves you." She grinned.
"You got it babe." I grinned as I kissed her and her title for luck.
"I'll be watching you baby. And I know you'll do great."
"Thank you for the confidence boost." I giggled. "I love you."
"I love you too."
I hugged her tightly and then headed to the gorilla for my match. The saving grace was, is that Dolph was already out in the ring. Saved me a few minutes of letting my rage take over.

30 minutes into the special ladder match...
I somehow still had energy and was breathing heavily as my rage about what he had said about Lexi and what he tried to do to her for the past week and a half was slowly but surely runnning out. I ignored anything he said about Lexi. I started climbing the ladder and on the other side Dolph was frantically but weakly climbing the ladder. We exchanged blows until I remembered what he did when he approached her after she won back her title. That gave me enough power to punch him out making him fall off the ladder onto his back. I reached up and unclasped the briefcase and won the match. I raised the briefcase high in the air but Dolph pushed the ladder over and I fell off the top of the ladder and I landed on the announce table. Lexi bolted to ringside and I was barely moving at all. Paramedics and trainers came down to ringside as well. Lexi was holding my hand and was screaming at the EMT's to do something. Hunter came down and instead of enforcing my suspension. He actually did a one eighty. He suspended Dolph for the three weeks I was to serve. I passed out from the pain I was feeling from the long fall.

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