The King Of Nightmares & The Goddess of Wrestling Go Public.

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I woke up in a hospital room with Lexi sleeping in a chair. I smiled as I tried sitting up and when I did. I tapped her arm. She slowly woke up.
"Hey, beautiful." I smiled.
"Daniel." She rocketed to her feet and hugged me. "I was so worried."
"As you can see I'm alright my Goddess." She smiled as she pulled away. But I could tell something was wrong." "Okay. You don't keep quiet for very long so what's up?"
"Umm. They want me to drop my title to Nia at extreme rules."
"You just got it back."
"I know."
"Ohhh, Hunter. I'm going to kill him."
"No your not. We'll kill him." She smiled.
"Since when are you into revenge?" I asked.
"Since my man was pushed off the top of a ladder and sent careening through an announce table at ringside." She sat next to me. "But Hunter did put Dolph on the three week suspension originally meant for you."
"Well I guess that's something. But I don't want to remain secret for much longer."
"I know baby. That's why I planned on sending a photo of us together with the caption across the bottom 'The Goddess Has Her King'. But unfortunately, my King and I have yet to take one together that I could use." She pouted.
"Well, if I get cleared to leave here soon. We can take a picture in front of the hospital then a whole plethora at the hotel room."
"I was hoping you'd say that." She kissed me as the doctor came in.
"Mr. Boyce, Miss Kaufman."
"Doctor." Lexi and I said together.
"Now, Mr. Boyce, you suffered some minor injuries. However, I think you should keep an eye on your left shoulder and if possible have it checked out at the doctors office near your home."
"Okay. But why do I feel your not telling us the whole story."
"Okay. When you landed in the announce table. You also landed on one of the new monitors with your right knee. And yes I talked with Mr. Levesque. And with my recommendation. He's given you a couple weeks to rest it."
"Damn. So even if I'm not suspended. I have to take a couple weeks. "
"Hey, you'll be with me." Lexi smiled.
"Yeah. That's right. Well, at least there's one beautiful, sexy reason for me to take the time off. But can I travel?"
"Yes. But in whatever city you travel to. You can only go to the arena and hotel. And possibly walk around the city with some help. If you  want to go to ringside, that will be up to the WWE's doctor and trainer." The Doctor said.
"Sounds fair. Restrictive but fair." I smiled.
"Well, just be careful and make sure to watch that shoulder of yours and the knee as well."
"Thanks doc." He left and I got changed, as I got changed Lexi left me alone for a bit, which thought was strange as she had seen me in my boxers before, but I just let it go. Once I was in the casual clothes that I was certain she brought with her, because my shoes and jeans aside, she snuck in a large 'Twisted Bliss' T, I smiled and snickered a bit as she came back and helped me limp outside to a waiting rental car. "Nice car."
"Yeah. I upgraded with the help of Finn who dropped it off here so I could take my boyfriend back to the hotel." Lexi smiled. She pulled out her phone and took a picture of us in front of the hospital. I just so happened to have kissed her cheek the moment she took it. She smiled and blushed as she and I got into the car.

Once back at the hotel, Lexi went to the trunk and grabbed something out of it, I was going to ask what she was getting but she smiled and ushered me into the hotel. Once in the room. I noticed that she had our arena bags by the door when I walked in. I smiled as Lexi helped me into the bedroom and onto the bed, but not before she hid a plastic bag under her arena bags, I was going to ask about it, but knew she'd probably deflect the question and just smiled as she looked at me and said, "Well I'm supposed to make sure you rest that knee and keep an eye on your shoulder. But he didn't say I couldn't have some fun with the rest of you."
"Point taken." We started making out and she was very careful around my knee and my shoulder as our makeout session intensified. It didn't take long before it evolved into a nice if not perfect two hour fuck session.

At the end of the two hour session. Lexi and I were laying next to each other. Breathing hard and both of us were covered in sweat. "Damn baby. I think the overnight hospital stay had quite the effect on you." Lexi smiled.
"Ha, ha. Very funny."I giggled.
"But seriously baby. That was the most intense sex we've had period." She rolled onto her side as I rolled onto my side to face her. "I wouldn't be surprised if that had some very, interesting results." She breathed.
"Are you sure you want to start a family with me this soon?" I asked.
"Just like you. I don't want to wait anymore. But. I barely stopped taking birth control. So I guess we got some time before we can really try."
"You know. Sometimes I wonder why your a goddess and I'm a king. And this is one of those times that I see why." I smiled as I pulled her in for one last kiss before we got up, showered together and believe me, it was hard to fight the temptation to have one last quickie in the shower before we were due at the arena in an hour or two. We dried ourselves off. And I shaved and combed my hair as Lexi went to her arena bags to get her traveling makeup kits and the plastic bag I saw her hide under her arena bags and took close to twenty minutes to make sure her hair was perfect.
Once it was she came out got dressed, put her traveling makeup kits back in her arena bags, and handed me a collapsible mahogany handled cain. "For when your knee acts up. I got it at the hospital gift shop as you were getting dressed."
"Your amazing Lex." I smiled.
"Not as much as you are." She walked up to me and slid into my arms and I kissed the top of her head. "You have been the one protecting me from Dolph mostly but. I'm so glad you decided to come to the WWE."
"As am I." She smiled. "Now, we best be off."
"Right." She kissed me and walked to the door and grabbed both our arena bags and I grabbed the keycards and followed her down to the car and we went to the Allstate Arena that was the home for MITB and was also home  to tonights Raw and tomorrow nights Smackdown Live.

Over the next few weeks, Lexi promoted Nia's title rematch with her for Extreme Rules. When my knee got better and better. I started training with it more aggressively along with my slowly mending shoulder. Soon it was barely two days before Extreme Rules and Lexi and I decided to arrive early in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We appeared on local sports radio shows, news stations or even talk shows. One asked us if we were actually dating off camera or in real life in layman's terms.
"You'll find out after Extreme Rules." Was all Lexi and I told them.
Needless to say they didn't like being kept in the dark about them possibly being right about me and Lexi but we wanted to try and keep it secret a little while longer. But when Extreme Rules came around. Lexi's match was first and even with Nia's angry temper. Lexi prevailed of course with the help of Mickie James eliminating the help of Natalya who was in Nia's corner. Not to mention that Rhonda was placed on thirty day suspension a few weeks ago. Which made me feel a little relieved. But when she jumped over the rail I nearly ran out to the ring to make sure she understood where on the totem pole she belonged. Luckily for me she didn't try and go after Lexi and I left it alone. After Lexi retained her title. I met her at the gorilla to congratulate her on such a good job. After she kissed me and hugged me with her belt hanging from her hand. Then it was my turn to head out to the ring, but while I was kissing and hugging Lexi. I didn't notice Dolph had walked by and headed to the ring. Now our match was to be a regular match until I wanted to make sure no one could interfere so they changed it into a steel cage match. Now was my chance to pay Dolph back for nearly putting me on the injured list for a month or so. By putting him through the most unbearable, savage beating anyone has done to anyone and since it was a cage match that meant that most of the rules were out the window anyway.
"Be careful out there baby. Your goddess has plans for you." She grinned.
"I'll give it my best effort Lex my darling." I gently gripped her right hand in mine and brought it up to my lips and kissed it. "Your king promises." I smiled as she pulled me in for a nice short and sweet kiss.
"Good luck baby."
"Love you too." I smiled. I headed as 'Dream Warriors' started to hit the speakers and I made my way down to the ring. Once I was inside the ring and took off my glasses and jacket. The cage was lowered and locked in place. The only way to win was to escape over the cage walls. I didn't care about that. All I wanted to do was punish Dolph for nearly causing enough injuries to have me on the shelf for a long while. Long enough for him to coninuously try and pick up Lexi but I'd be damned if I allowed that to happen.

Fifty minutes into the match... Dolph was already starting to fade physically as I had locked in the leg trap camel clutch He was bleeding from his face, chest, arms and his back.
I wrenched back hard once more on his neck and he passed out cold. I let go and started to walk over to the ramp side of the cage and started to climb it. When I reached the top. I took a moment to rest my right knee that was twinging in pain and seizing up. I then noticed that Dolph was slowly pulling himself to his feet and I started to climb down the outside of the cage with my left leg holding me up along with both hands gripping sharply to the cage. When I was only a few feet from the bottom and the floor I just dropped to the floor and heard the bell ring signaling that I had won the match. But Dolph had other plans as he wobbily ran across the cage top border. Only for the lights to flicker once he leapt into the air on the fourth flicker I was standing up and caught him in a fireman's carry position and flipped him onto his side while he was still on my shoulders and performed 'Night Terrors' on the ramp. Then slowly got up as Lexi ran to my side all smiles. I leaned over Dolph, "You got off easy boy. You try to mess with my girl again. And I'll make sure you don't return from where I'm going to be sending you."
"Come on baby. Let's get you cleaned up and checked out." Lexi smiled.
"Right behind you." I smiled as she led the way to the trainers/doctors room. Hunter met us after I had been checked out and had a couple stitches, bandages added to my 'look'. Even a very tight knee brace as I had sprained it duiring the cage match.
"You did good out there Daniel."
"Thank you, Hunter." I said, walking with the cain as Lexi thought to pack it in her arena bag in case I needed it.
"You are going to have to take some time off man." He said seeing me wince whenever I tried to put weight on my right leg.
"The only way I'm going home for even a week or a few days is if Lexi's with me."
"She does have a title match storyline going with Rousey."
"Then I guess whatever happens to Lexi in terms of injury will be coming out of your ass." I growled. "Because even though Rousey understands that this is not UFC, she still has yet to learn to control her power while doing very strong moves or grapples."
"I understand your concern."
"No, I don't think you do." I said getting in his face. "You see, if my Lexi gets so much as a broken wrist if I'm not here. Or any other injury while I'm not here. What happened to Dolph during the early days of the love triangle storyline I just finished a few minutes ago. And you know that I'm talking about me hanging him over the edge of the balcony. Will be very rosey by comparison." He looked into my eyes and saw no emotion whatsoever. "Example being, if Lexi gets another concussion. You lose the use of your right leg for a week. Lexi's arms broken again. You lose the use of your vocal chords and possibly lose the ability to swallow for quite a while. All it would take is one. Perfect. Shot to your larynx." I pointed out to him and he started to shake. Not in anger but fear. And being in the business as long as I have. You pick up the tell tale signs. "You may be the COO of WWE Enterprises now. But let's not forget. I'm the master if not lord of mindgames. Because I use my talent for in ring psychology and in my hands. It can bring down powerful bosses in a matter of seconds. Send people into the madhouse. But for you Hunter. I have a very special nightmare for you. So if I have to go home for a couple weeks to rest up my knee and leave Lexi in your care. The consequences will cost you your life. That's if I don't feel like just breaking every bone in your body. And it would depend on the severity of what happens to my Lexi. And I'm sure I don't have to go over again as to what will happen if Lexi suffers so much as a concussion." Hunter shook his head 'no'. "Good. Now if you'll excuse us. Lexi and I are going to go to the hotel and catch the first flight home. Except I'm going to not only rest up my knee. But also meet her parents and pets." I looked to Lex. She was smiling. "Ta for now Hunter." I grinned.

Once we got back to our hotel with our arena bags. We set them down near the door as it auto locked like some hotel doors did once they closed. "I loved the speech you gave Hunter."
"It wasn't really a speech and it wasn't a threat. It was a promise." I grinned.
"Oh, I'm sure he knows that." Lexi grinned, "But it's strange?" I looked to Lexi questiongly. "He didn't even mention me cha ging the finish to my match."
"Yeah, because Nia was supposed to win instead of you retaining." Lexi nodded. "We better keep a closer watch on things around here for a while." I said as she nodded. "Well, we've held it off long enough."
"I was hoping you'd say that." I picked up Lexi bridal style as she pulled out her phone and she leaned over until my left cheek was touching her right cheek and we kissed each other awkwardly as she snapped a picture of us. Then added the caption 'The Goddess Has Her King'. And posted it to her Instagram and Twitter. "Normally I'd want to reward you for a job well done. But I think that it can wait until tomorrow." I gently put her down as she just took off her jeans and sweatshirt and top. Leaving her in burgundy colored bra and panties. I stripped down to my moonlight gray undershirt and black boxers and as I got in bed I took off my glasses and put them on my bedside table. "You sure you want to meet my parents baby?"
"I'm sure. And before you ask. Yes I'd like to meet  your pet dogs and pet pig." I told her. She smiled as I laid on my back and she moved closer to me until she was able to rest her head on my chest and tucked her right arm between my ribs and her chest and the other hand she draped over my sternum. She lifted her head and I lifted  my head leaned down a bit and met her halfway and kissed her.
"Goodnight, My King."
"Goodnight, My Goddess." She grinned as she kissed me once more and as I turned the lights off. She rested her head back on my chest and fell fast asleep and not long after I followed.

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