Survivor Series Turns Into A Night of Terror For Rhonda Rousey.

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Over the next few weeks, I terrorized Rhonda. And it was all too easy to get inside her head. I even went to her childhood home and filmed a series of viginette's in her childhood home. Each one had a very harsh and rough bite to them. One in particular was one they showed two weeks before Survivor Series. Rhonda had just won a tag team match with Natalya Vs. Sasha Banks and Bayley.
As she celebrated her victory, the camera began to fizzle, cut out, and snow and static could be heard coming from the Titantron.
The old video of Rhonda playing in front of her Childhood home come on screen. With me doing some narration. "It's amazing how precious memories like these can be wouldn't you say. Rhonda?" I came on screen, well sort of as the camera panned out showing that the footage of young Rhonda was being played on an old projector. I was still facing away from the camera. Looking at the projector screen on the wall. "You see Rousey. I have this talent. I know what scares you. What fills you with panic and dread." I stood up from my chair. "But most of all, Rousey. I know what makes you snap awake in a cold sweat. Makes you shiver and shake like a little kid on the first night without the security of a night light. Or..." I snapped my fingers causing all the lights in the house even in the arena to blow out. "Any lights. And come Survivor Series..." I took off my glasses causing burning red orbs to be seen on the Titantron. "You. Rousey. Will be in my world. My. Domain." Behind me the projector caught fire. And quickly spread throughout the house. "Wow. It's frightening how easily houses like this can burn." I looked into the camera. "Eh, Rousey. Sweet screams." The camera panned to the bonfire that was Rhonda's childhood home. Then a sinister if not demented laugh could be heard throughout the arena's speaker system. Rhonda couldn't do anything but watch as her childhood home went up in flames.

The vignette, needless to say caused a media firestorm. It was trending on Twitter and Instagram.
Some fans even began to speculate or wonder if Rhonda bit off more than she could chew or got in way over her head this time. As the time drew closer to Survivor Series and 'The Cage of Terror' match. I did a promo with Rousey on the go home episode of Raw before Survivor Series.
She was standing in the ring with a mic in hand. Pissed as all hell and she looked into the camera and said, "For weeks, Daniel has sent messages, videos, anything that could give him the upper hand this Sunday. But what he doesn't realize is that all he did was just piss me off." The lights flickered and went out for barely a minute. Then came back on with me standing behind her. The crowd cheered as Rousey nearly leapt out of her shoes I scared her so bad.
I also had a mic in my hand. I held it to my lips for a moment, then lowered it as the audience started chanting,'Daniel is king, Daniel is king.' I smiled and held out my arms taking in all the adoration and praise. Then I looked to Rousey and the entire arena fell silent. Dead, silent. Rousey looked around astonished."You see that, Rousey?" I asked pointing at the WWE Universe. "That is real respect. Everyone in the arena, in the back and watching at home know me. They respect me and what I've done for them. And for this business. What exactly, have you done for them. Or this business. Hmm?" I asked. "Answer, absolutey nothing," The crowd oohed by what I said. "Now the reason I came out here. Was to show you the environment you'll be fighting in come Sunday." I pointed to the Titantron and Rhonda looked at the screen as a video started. I kept quiet as the video showed the construction crew assembling 'The Cage of Terror'.
After it was finished. Rhonda looked dead at me. "I do hope your ready, because the only way to win this type of match is to either make your opponent scream for mercy or make them  scream 'IQuit' at the top of their lungs. And I won't be doing either." I smiled. Then the lights flickered and went out for a minute. Then came on again.
And I was nowhere be found. Then my image came onto the Titantron, "Oh and Rhonda since we're throwing out stipulations. If you lose. You leave the WWE. Or better yet, you lose. You relinquish the Raw Women's Championship, Go to the Performance Center until you learn how to control your intensity and power. That's all I wanted to say, see you in your nightmares."

When I got back to the hotel. I called Lexi.
'Hello?' she answered.
"Hey, Darling."
'Hey, baby. I saw your promo, you did beautifully.' I smiled at her compliment.
"Glad you think so, darling. But I didn't call for a review. I wanted to call and see how my beautiful goddess is doing."
'I'm doing fine baby. But I miss my King.'
"I miss you too Lex."
'I wish I was there with you.'
"I wish you were too." I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples."Just out of curiousity, what are you wearing?" I could hear Lexi giggle. The next thing I know, I get a text alert and look at the screen. And Saw a picture of Lexi wearing one of my old 'King of Nightmares' tee's that she modified into a very sexy and revealing shirt, because she had cut gashes and holes strategically in the right places. I smiled at the picture. then put the phone back against my ear. "Your making it very hard to tell everyone here to fuck off and come home and fuck you, you know that right?"
'Well, I've been so horny without my king.'
"I'm right there with you. I've been going mad these last few weeks, not being able to touch my goddess."
'Ohh, baby.'
We talked for another hour and I soon felt tired and we said our goodnights and goodbyes for the night and hung up. Then I got ready for bed, slid into bed, took off my glasses and put them on the bedside table and before I could put my cellphone next to it, I got another text alert, so I looked and found another picture of Lexi laying down with the shirt off, her panties off, the shirt rolled up like a towel, with one end clamped in her teeth, the other end was being pulled by her left hand to her bent left knee, and a few fingers of her right hand placed in her pussy. I smiled at Lexi's picture and she sent a text saying, 'Missing the touch of my King. Love you, baby. xoxoxo.' I smiled wider than I ever had before.
"Miss your touch and touching you too, my Goddess. Love you more." I kissed the picture and closed my phone, put it next to my glasses, turned off the light and just closed my eyes and fell fast asleep.

And before I knew it, it was time for Survivor Series. The night before, Lexi called me for what I orginally thought was a good luck call. But she had something else in mind. Let's just say that she got me wound up and desperately wanting to go home and fuck her until she didn't know which way was up. And I promised her that once I was done with kicking Rhonda's ass that I'd catch the next flight to Columbus and be in her arms within twenty four hours of my victory against Rousey. 'I'll hold you to it.' She said with a little happiness very apparent in her voice.
"I know you will, my Gorgeous Goddess." We said our goodbyes and goodnights and I went to bed after we hung up.

When I arrived at the arena for Survivor Series. I was approached by Alicia and Mickie. "Hey, Daniel. How's Lexi doing?" Mickie asked.
"Oh, she's doing just fine." I told them. "Misses me terribly though."
"That's no surprise." Alicia smiled. "She's your biggest fan and now your girlfriend. So of course she misses you. She's been away from the ring for close to a month. But more importantly, away from you."
"So whats your plan for Rousey tonight?"
"Simple," I smiled. "Beat her ass to a bloody pulp for injuring Lexi. Then just continue to beat her down just for kicks." I grinned evilly.

An hour and forty minutes later...
My match had finally come. And the WWE Universe looked on in awe as the camera panned up to get a good view of 'The Cage of Terror' hanging forty feet high above the ring.
As a video detailing how in a short time. How Lexi's rivalry with Rousey became mine. I watched from my locker room and when the video ended I started heading to the gorilla rotating my arms warming up my shoulders as I walked.

Meanwhile at the gorilla...
Finn was coming back from his match. He noticed Rhonda smiling as if she had already won the match. He giggled and smiled.
"What's so funny?" She asked.
"You." Finn said."You seriously think that you will or can win against one of the originators and creators of 'The Cage of Terror'." He really started to laugh as Rousey nodded. "Daniel and I were the first people to participate in this match type. Trust me, you have no idea what your in for. When that cage is locked in place and that bell rings," He looked at Rousey very seriously. "I may be the Demon King. But even I was no match for The King of Nightmares. And if I couldn't beat him. What makes you think you can?" He approached her. "You want my advice?" She nodded slowly. "Pray you live." He walked past her as she thought about what he said.

Thirty-five minutes into the match...
Rhonda was a bloody mess, her face, arms, stomach, back, most of her legs. All covered in blood. Nobody had  seen this level of brutality and carnage before in the WWE. I was smiling maniacally. 'How does it feel Rousey? Hmm? To be outmatched. By someone who is weaker than you or less gifted in MMA than you are? You hurt my girl. And if I had more time. I'd continue your lesson. But, unfortunately for me. This match must come to an end. Which is actually good news for you. But make no mistake, You go near Lexi again or hurt her again. I'll finish what I started tonight with you. That's not a threat Rousey. That's an honest to god promise.' I folded her arms behind her back and clamped them between my legs and interlaced my fingers on the left side of her head and said in a cold, unfeeling tone, 'I'm going to need you to scream now.' I yanked Rousey's head to the side very hard, so hard in fact that in no time she started screaming at the top of her lungs. Not too long after, the bell rang. Signaling that the match was over. The cage was raised to the roof and I made my way to the back as the EMT's, trainers, and other members of the medical team checked on and treated the now broken Rousey.

Once I was checked out by the doctor's and trainer's. I headed to my locker room to clean up, change and get ready to go to the hotel, get the rest of my things and catch the next flight to Columbus.

When I was at the hotel getting the rest of my things, my phone went off and I looked and saw that it was Michelle. "Hey, mom. What's up?"
'Daniel. You need to come home.' She said with a deep sense of urgency in her voice.
"What's wrong mom?" I asked.
'Just come home.'
"I'm catching the next flight out." I hung up and snagged all my bags and headed to the airport to catch the next fight to Columbus, Ohio.

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