Disaster The Week Before Evolution Turns Rhonda From Free To Marked For Death.

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Over the next week or two, Michelle and Lexi got to know each other and loved spending time together. In fact Lexi and Michelle exchanged phone numbers and a day before Lexi had to go back on the road, she and Michelle went out shopping and not only for themselves. But when they got home. I was in the master bedroom resting and had my right leg elevated. "Baby, we're home!" Lexi yelled. I heard some trampling up the stairs and then heard a little yip and some scratching on the door. Then I heard the door open. "Go say hi to daddy." Lexi smiled and a Belgian Malinois puppy jumped onto the bed and ran to me. Lexi came in and sat on the bed and I sat up.
"You got this little guy for me?" I asked.
"Well, yes and so did Michelle. All this little girl needs is a name."
I looked to the cute little puppy laying on the bed between me and Lexi. "Okay. If you hear the name you like. Bark. Okay?" She barked once. "Okay. Uhh, Nora." The pup whined. "Harley?" She barked and panted. "Okay. Harley it is." I smiled.

I watched Lexi's match at Summerslam where she lost the Raw Women's Championship to Rhonda. I was proud of the effort she put in to keeping it. She called me sounding very sad, 'I'm sorry baby.'
"What do you have to be sorry about?" I asked her.
'I lost my title. And I feel like I failed you.'
"You didn't fail, my love. You did your best to keep your title. That's all I could ever ask of you." She calmed down and we chatted a bit as to what we would do when she got home.

And when she did, the first thing she did was come to bed and get some rest and some of her man. We fucked for a grand total of two hours but with in those two hours, we gave each other everything we had. And we fell asleep in each others arms.

At Hell In A Cell a few weeks later...
My Lexi regained her title fighting with an injured right arm. I was so proud as I was there that night backstage. I waited for her to get to the gorilla and met her there. "Baby." She leapt into my arms. "I did it."
"Yes, you most certainly did. darling."
"And I have you to thank for that." She kissed me as she held the women's championship close to her chest.
"Well, Miss Raw Women's Champion. Do you want to go out and celebrate?"
"I just want to go back to the hotel and have the wildest sex we've ever had." She kissed my cheek. 'And this time. I want every drop you have baby.' I grinned at her request.
"I think that can be arranged." Then her phone went off and I took her title and slung it over my shoulder.
"Hey, Michelle." She smiled.
'Hey, Lexi. Congratulations on winning back your title. And I'm sure Daniel is happy that you are happy. He's possibly even more proud than I am when he won the NJPW Heavyweight title.'
"Yeah. He's right here holding onto my title."
'Well, I thought I'd congratulate you on your victory. Talk to you soon.' Michelle hung up and as promised we headed to the hotel and once we were inside, we stripped off our clothes and soon found our way to the bed and had four glorious hours, and seventeen perfect rounds and by the time it ended, I was more than drained dry. She smiled and slid her left hand behind my head and moved her head to the left and I turned mine to the right and kissed her on the lips. We were so tired from her match and our amazing four hour fuck session. That we didn't even try to get out of bed, much less try and sit up and pull a blanket over us. "I love you, Daniel."
"I love you more, Lexi." I kissed her neck and wrapped my arms around her and we both fell asleep.

Over the next few weeks, I trained my right leg to get it back into competition shape and once I was cleared. Everyone came back from Super Showdown.
Then the Saturday a week before Evolution, it was Rhonda vs Lexi. And like clockwork Rhonda resorted to the judo throws, aggressive samoan drops and tosses and a couple of hard ambars Rhonda  'The Rodent' won. But the next morning Lexi complained of a massive headache and that she couldn't stand for longer than three minutes as she left the bathroom. I knew that it was another concussion, suffering from more than my share in the past. I took Lexi to the local hospital and my suspiscions were correct. Another concussion. Lexi was upset at the news. Because now she had to relinquish her title until she felt good enough to come back and get it. I did the one thing nobody expected. And I didn't want Lexi to be alone in our home. So I called Michelle who moved things around and I got Lexi's mothers cell number and callled her and told her what was going on and told her that I would love it if she stayed with Lexi. And I also told her that she would be able to meet my 'mom'.
She agreed to watch over Lexi with my mother. And on the night before Evolution. And after I got off the phone with Lexi. I walked over to Rhonda's hotel room and knocked. She answered and was not expecting to see me. "Sorry, Rhonda. Expecting someone else. Your boyfriend or husband perhaps." I pushed my way in. "You know. It's because of people like you. That make us actual, seasoned wrestlers look bad. I was willing to forgive the first time you hurt my girl. But a concussion I can't forgive." So this will be the deal. You get out of the business I love, if you stay, you will do so at my discretion. Such as move down to NXT. I may not be a former UFC fighter or anything like that. But, come near my Lexi again. Or hurt anyone again. You will see what true terror really looks like." I left the hotel room and headed to mine. Leaving a scared Rousey shaking on her bed. Evolution happened and the night after which was Raw, I walked out to the ring as Rhonda was gloating over her victory over Nikki Bella who was taking time off to train some more and get tougher. I got in the ring and Rhonda backed up and I walked over to the corner near the time keepers table, was given a microphone. Looked to Rhonda and still had a dead serious look on my face.
"Ladies and gentlemen. The biggest paper champion to ever exist in UFC or WWE. Rhonda 'The Rat' Rousey!" I said. "Now, you claim to be the baddest woman on the planet." The audience cheered. "But what I see before me. Is someone who would do anything even ignore this companies safety regulations to get something they don't deserve. So. With that in mind. Since you claimed to be the baddest woman on the planet. Maybe you'd like to prove that. In a match type Finn and I created in Japan." Rhonda's face went sickly pale white. "Ahh, you've heard of the match I'm referring to. I challenge you to a Cage of Terror match. You have until the end of Raw to respond. And it better be the answer I want." I dropped the mic and left the ring and headed to the back.

Close to the end of Raw. People were talking about me challenging Rhonda'The Rat' Rousey to a 'Cage of Terror' match.
I went out to the ring to 'Dream Warriors' as always and just stood in the ring with a mic. "Times up, Rhonda. I'll stand in this ring all night if I have to. But if you try and run. I'll come and look for you. And that, is something you do not want."
Not even two minutes later, Rhonda came down to the ring. Fear very apparent in the look on her face. She hesitantly got in the ring. I barely move back towards the corner near the time keepers table she jumped off the ring apron to the floor. I smiled and laughed as I saw her do that.
"Come on, Rhonda. I don't have all night." I said while laughing. She finally decided to get in the ring."Finally. So what's your answer?"
"My answer is no. I'm still 'The Baddest Woman on The Planet' and I don't have- to prove myself to you or anyone else." She smiled as she turned to leave,
Until  I said."You know Rhonda. You may wear the leather jacket and believe Roddy Piper is proud of you and all that you've accomplished in this business." She slowly turned right back around and looked at me. "But I have to wonder, how proud would he be if he knew his moniker was being used by a bully. Or more importantly as of a few seconds ago. Being used by a gutless, spineless, yellow bellied. COWARD!" Rhonda glared at me and looked at me like she was going to kill me. "What? Ohh, Big Bad Rhonda Rousey not a fan of hearing the truth about herself? You know, it's funny how you claim to not need to prove anything to me, these people, or anyone else. Well you do. You see, you come off as this hot shit rookie. But, I think Alexa was right. You are nothing, but an over-promoted, over-hyped rookie.That. Is your true face. That. Is the truth about your entire career. In UFC and here in the WWE. Your entire record, title history, your entire..Mystique. Is nothing but a con, smoke, and mirrors. And like your career. You are nothing but a joke. A very, very, lame, stupid, ridiculously bad joke." I clicked my tongue a moment. Then slid my tongue between the back of my lips, top and bottom, and in front of my teeth. "You want to shut me up, prove to all these people here and in the back, that your not a fraud. There's only one way to do it, but since you don't want to..."
"Fine but I have a stipulation to add," I nodded once and she continued, "You lose, you retire."
"Mt, you have confidence ." I smiled. "I can't wait to break it." I smiled as she got close. Which proved to be a mistake on her part. Because I slipped on a set of brass knuckles on my right hand and floored her with a very hard right hook. I picked up the mic she dropped. Then held it to my lips, "As you can see there's one other thing I'm looking forward to breaking. Ta for now. See you at Survivor Series, Rhonda." The lights flickered a few times and on the fourth time, I vanished. The last thing heard as Raw went off the air, was my laughter.

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