The King of Nightmares Comes to RAW

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The next morning, I woke up to see a still sleeping Lexi on my chest. She looked so adorable as she slept I watched her for a few minutes and she gently started to stir as I rubbed her back up and down with my left hand. She groaned as she stretched while still laying flat on me. Then yawned and looked at me with a smile on her face that would light up the darkest part of any city or town. But even the darkest part of my soul would be lit up by her smile.
"Morning." She smiled.
"Morning, Lex." I kissed her forehead and she leaned up and placed her chin on the top of her hands as she leaned on her elbows on my chest.
"What's the plan?"
"Well, I'm going to get up, take a shower and go down and get some breakfast. Then I'm going to come back up, pack and head to Columbus to look at that home you found for me."
"What about me?"
"You can come with. But that would mean you run the risk of being a no show to the live event in Fargo."
"Not if we go right after you eat." She pointed out.
"Now why didn't I think of that?" I joked as she nugded me in the left rib with her right elbow. I smiled and laughed. "You know now that I think about it. It would be cheaper if you and I caught a flight to columbus then to Fargo." She smiled wide at that prospect.
"I like that babe." Lexi kissed me and it got real heated and intense real quick. I was the first to try and stop because if we were to catch a flight to Columbus we needed to get washed, dressed and packed then head to the airport as soon as we could.
"We need to get moving if we want to make it to Fargo by Friday." I said.
"Agreed." She said a little disappointed.
"Hey, listen. I'll make it up to you. I promise." I told her.
"Mmm, I'll hold you to it." She smiled and kissed me before getting up and off me. Letting me get off the bed. I stood and stretched then reached for my glasses and put them on. Then instead of just putting on the clothes I had on yesterday. I just grabbed my traveling bathroom kit and a towel from the rooms closet shelf and went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I took my glasses off and put them on the counter of the bathroom sink then once the water reached the right temperature for me, I got in and started washing off the overnight sweat of me and Lexi's three hour fuck before we fell asleep. I washed my hair and after rinsing all the shampoo out of my hair I ringed the water out of my hair by pressing my hands on both sides of my hair with my head back as I pressed the remaining water out of my hair. I leaned forward and just closed my eyes for a moment or two then felt a slender pair of hands on my back. "You okay, babe?"
"Yeah. Just don't really trust Hunter as far as I can throw him."
"Hey," She turned me around to look at her. "Regardless of what happens. I am with you. Not anyone else." I smiled as she pulled my head down and leaned my forehead against hers. "You are my boyfriend. And I'm your girlfriend. And nobody or nothing will ever change that." I couldn't believe how lucky my life had gotten recently. From the near lucrative start of my career in Japan to my new start in the WWE but with the unintentional added bonus in my view of having the Goddess of Wrestling herself. As my girlfriend.
"Your right, Lex." I kissed her and she started her shower as I stepped out and dried off. "Any requests for breakfast?"
"Well, just some pancakes and eggs and toast baby."
"Alright. I should be back in ten minutes."
"See you soon baby." I went out into the room. Got dressed in clean clothes and headed to the lobby to get some breakfast for me and Lexi.

Once I got back with our breakfast I had a little carton of orange juice for me and one of plain white milk for Alexa. She came out of the bathroom and smiled as she saw me putting her plate of breakfast food on the dresser near the bathroom. "Thank you baby." She giggled as she gripped my arm and kissed my cheek. I smiled as I watched her eat the plate of breakfast.
"Your quite welcome, Lex."

Once we finished eating breakfast, we packed and caught a flight to Columbus to look at the home Lexi found for me. We talked about what would possibly be the angles that Dolph would try and gain the upper hand. And when we arrived in Columbus we grabbed our bags from the overhead bin. Baggage claim and since it was Wednesday afternoon we had about three hours to get to our set time to meet with the realtor and take a tour of the hopeful home of mine.
We also went to the rental car desk and Lexi chose the car that we took to the appointment with the realtor company. When we got to the address of the home Lexi found for me. We were met by a beautiful redhead. We took the tour. Looked around and even finagled a bit on the price. I was able to coax the realtor out of the rafters of $20,000 down to $12,000. Once I signed the paperwork and wrote a check for the amount agreed upon. Lexi and I were handed keys. And yes I said, Lexi and I were given the keys. Because I wanted to make sure she could come to my place if she ever felt the need to. Which I was sure would be most of the time. But I digress. Anyway, after my new home in Columbus was taken care of. We caught the next flight to Fargo, ND.

Needless to say we made it with time to spare.
My vignette's showed once in a while on the WWE Network either before WWE originals like Table For 3, Superstar Ink, Ride Along and a couple others. That Monday after the weekend. was my RAW debut. And it marked barely a week before MITB. Tonights RAW was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. When Lexi and I arrived at the arena we were holding hands. But once we reached inside the arena we headed to our locker room where we switched into our ring attires then headed to catering. Where Mickie and Alicia were sitting at a table closest to the monitor and Lexi went to go sit by them after getting some food then I got some food and sat a table by myself. Only to be joined by Finn.I didn't really talk much because I was focusing on who my debut opponent would be.
Then I heard Finn say, "Looking forward to our match later tonight?"
"Huh." I asked looking at him questioningly.
"I'm your debut opponent tonight." He smiled.
"Yeah. I am now." I grinned.
"Good. I'll try and make you look good out there."
"I don't know where you've been Finn. But last I checked I won three out of the five matches we had in Japan." I pointed out to him. "One of those was a match type we created together."
"Oh yeah. The Cage Of Terror." He smiled. We planned what was going to happen but I didn't expect that Dolph had his own plans.

When my match was close to coming up. Lexi applied my face paint for me which I appreciated greatly. She even added a couple of blood droplets somewhat falling from the sharp points of the bottom of 'The Crow' eyes she put on me. I enjoyed how she made me look a little more frightening. "There all done my King of Nightmares." She smiled as she gently kissed me so not to mess up the face paint job she did on me. I loved the additions to the face paint design, but I loved her even more. When my match came up I headed to the gorilla after hugging her.
"I'll see you after the match, my Goddess." I smiled as I headed to the gorilla.

About twenty minutes in, Dolph came down to the ring and distracted me. Temporarily giving Finn the upper hand. Because after doing his signature 'Sling Blade' he set me up for the 'Coup De Gras'. The lights went out temporarily and came back on as Finn just blindly leapt into the air, but I was already standing and caught him in a firemans carry position. I looked to the crowd and flipped him onto his side while still holding him on my shoulders and flipped his legs up and over and drove his head into the mat. I rolled him over for the three count victory. That was the first time that I had performed 'Night Terrors' in over three years maybe less. I then just looked at Dolph who was standing on the stage with fear very clear in his eyes. The lights flickered a few times and I was gone. Dolph's fear turned to dread and panic. My voice came from the Titantron saying, "Tell me Dolph have you ever played, Skin the cat?"
When I reached the back I went straight to me and Lexi's locker room. "You did great baby." She smiled as I started to wipe off the remnants of the 'Nightmare' face paint.
"Thank you babe." I smiled. "I'm guessing your match is up next?" She nodded as she approached me and kissed me for luck. My face was bearably free of facepaint, so I didn't leave any mark on Lexi."Good luck out there babe."
"Thank you Danny." She blew me a kiss as she headed to the gorilla.

After she won her match. Dolph snuck in the ring and wrapped his arms around her from behind. But Lexi stomped on his foot which made me laugh and slapped him. The camera got close enough to catch, 'Don't touch me like I'm yours. I'm not. I'd rather be with The King of Nightmare's before I be with you.' I smiled from ear to ear. Because Lexi was already mine. But she kept her promise on keeping it a secret until the end of the storyline.

Once RAW was over, we packed up, and Lexi talked to Alicia and Mickie once more before we headed to the hotel since I felt like taking a shower before we headed to the hotel.
"Lexi. I must say ever since you and Daniel arrived at the live event in Fargo this past Friday. You have been smiling like a child with their favorite toy." Mickie pointed out. Then Lexie blushed a deep shade of red.
"No." Alicia caught on as to what was going on or what happened last week. "You and Daniel?" Alicia asked. "You mean you and The King of Nightmares had sex last week?"
"Oh he's more than the King of Nightmares. He's the King of My Wet Dreams." Lexi grinned evilly.
"Normally I'd ask for details but I think for now ignrorance is the best policy at least until your storyline is over." Mickie smiled.
I walked up to Alicia, Mickie and Lexi. "Ready to go, Lex?" She nodded as I handed her her arena bag and I slung mine over my shoulder. "Night ladies." I smiled.
"Goodnight girls." Lexi grinned. We left for the hotel and once we were out of sight.
"I'd say by the smile on Lexi's face. I think Daniel is quite the stud between the sheets." Alicia said.
"Agreed." Mickie added.

Lexi and me arrived at the hotel and started getting ready for bed after eating some take out. I had a double quarter pounder, medium fries and a Mountain Dew no ice. Lexi had a salad and a apple pie with a diet coke. Once we finished eating our fast dinner. We just decided to head to bed. She stripped down to a navy blue bra and panties set as I just took off my shirt leaving my dark gray undershirt and jeans on until. "Baby. Can you please while we're sharing a room and a bed. I don't mind your undershirt but lose the jeans."
"Okay. I'll only do this for you." I smiled as I unbuckled my belt and took off my pants and was quickly down to a pair of burgundy boxers.
"Much better. Thank you baby." She smiled while biting her lower lip.
"I think I owe you something." I smiled evilly.
"Oh you do." She pulled me into a nice long passionate, fiery kiss. Which quickly progressed to close to a four hour fuck.
Three and a half hours later...
Lexi was asleep on top of my chest, and I was laying on my back. Smiling as I made Lexi a very happy girl. Her breathing was slow, relaxed and content. I kissed the top of her head and rubbed her bare back with my right hand while sliding my left hand under my head. I loved making Lexi happy, whether it be satisfying her in bed, or with a simple joke or funny look, or even being there for her and listening to her when something made her mad, upset, or if it was something she was excited about. After thinking about how I made her happy tonight and about how our life together might turn out, marriage, a family. I fell fast asleep smiling because I had the most beautiful woman in the company if not the world as my girlfriend, secret yes for now. I seriously couldn't wait for this storyline they've got me and Lexi in to be over.

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