Vignette Filming & House Hunting

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The next morning I woke up after a nice sleep and as always I stretched for about ten minutes, went to the bathroom of my hotel room, showered, shaved and got ready to catch a flight to Stamford, Conneticut to film my vignettes that would play hopefully for the rest of the week and over the weekend. When I gathered my bags I headed downstairs to the lobby. Only to run into Lexi in the elevator. "Morning." She greeted.
"Morning, Lexi."
"Off to film your vignette's in Stamford?"
"Yeah." I replied.
"Well, I am so excited to see the finished product." She smiled. I giggled at her enthusiasm.
"That makes one of us." I told her. "I just hope that they don't make me look like the next Undertaker or Bray Wyatt." Lexi nodded in agreement. The elevator reached the lobby and she left first and waited for me to reach the rental car. I unlocked the door then I noticed her putting her bags in the back with mine. "Need another ride? Because I'm pretty sure that Mickie and Alicia are still here."
She gave me this scatterbrained playing dumb look. "I have no idea what your talking about." Then as if on cue with my pointing I pointed to Alicia and Mickie coming out of the hotel.
"Them. They are still here." I said not losing my straight face. Then Mickie and Alicia approached us.
"Daniel." Mickie said smiling. I hugged her.
"Hey, Mick's. Hows your son Donovan I believe?"
"He's fine and Nick says hi by the way."
"Good to hear and how's married life to Pencil-Neck Nick going?" She lightly slapped my arm.
"It's going good. You know when Trish told me that you were joining the WWE I thought she was pulling my leg. But here you are." She grinned.
"You know him Mickie?" Alicia said.
I just couldn't resist. "No she doesn't know me she's reading my mind." Lexi and Mickie laughed at that one. "I'm sorry Alicia. I don't mean to be an ass. I just usually am." I laughed as she did as well.
"Well, he's certainly more handsome in person." I looked to Mickie.
"You've told her about me?" Lexi was nearly on the ground.
"I'm sorry Daniel. But you have been quite the popular topic."
"I know I'm going to regret this. But why am I a popular topic." Alicia and Mickie looked to Lexi. I slowly followed their gaze. Lexi looked down sheepishly. "Something, you want to tell me. Lexi?" I smiled.
"Okay, I have been a fan for quite a while."
"Quite a wh..." Alicia started laughing. "His picture from NJPW when he was the champion of the company is your wallpaper on your phone."
"Which one?" I asked Alicia.
"Your 'Freddy' look." She replied. I was smiling wider.
"Well, since that skeleton was dragged out of the closet and hung out to dry. I guess it's my turn to air out my laundry." I looked to Lexi and said, "You are not the only one to be watching someone."
"Really?" She asked.
"Mmm hmm." I replied coaxing her closer to me, Mickie and Alicia.
"Who, was watching who?" She asked.
"I watched you a few months after you joined the Smackdown Live brand." I revealed. Lexi's jaw dropped nearly a few inches.
"He's being honest Lexi. You should check his phone." Mickie held up my phone. I patted my pockets.
"Wow. Still have those light fingers huh?" I asked as she handed Lexi my phone and opened it to the home screen. I was almost about to kill Mickie until Lexi spun me around and kissed me. "Okay. That was random." I smiled.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were a fan of mine earlier?" She asked.
"Because I didn't want to come off as some creepy stalker and to be honest, I could ask the same about you?" I replied.
"Point taken, and I didn't want to seem like I was one of those stalkers that would kill you in your sleep. But I would appreciate a ride to the airport with you if you don't mind?"
"Well, it doesn't look like I have much of a choice. But it'd be my pleasure." I smiled. She grinned and hugged me. "Well, I better get going or I'm going to miss my flight."
"Let's go." Lexi smiled as she waved goodbye to Mickie and Alicia.

As we vanished out of sight.
"You seriously picked his pocket?" Alicia grinned.
"Only his jacket pocket." Mickie replied.
"Well, I haven't seen Lexi that happy for a while. Since Murphy left and went to a different brand. She's seen so little of him, but when she became the 'goddess of wrestling'. Murphy broke it off with her and she's been really depressed. But she always had her love for keeping up on Daniel's career."
"How long has she had a crush on him?" Mickie asked.
"Barely a year and six months." Alicia told her.
"Now her vision of perfection is in the same company with her. This ought to be interesting." Alicia nodded in agreement.

When we arrived at the airport Lexi's phone went off and I picked up my bags. "Hello?" Lexi answered her phone. I put her luggage on a cart and before I could put her last bag on the cart. "You mean it?" I looked to her. "Oh my god thank you." She hung up and jumped up and down like she was a grade school kid meeting a princess on the set of a disney movie.
"What's up?" I asked.
"I'm coming with you. I only have to be back on the road by Friday and on that day. The RAW brand should be in Fargo North Dakota." I smiled.
"Well, come on then. Goddess of Wrestling." I was happy to have the company but I was not really sure if it was a good idea to be seen together.
"Come, King of Nightmares." She giggled along with me. "Our plane awaits." She took my arm and I pulled the cart behind us. We checked our bags at the security desk and once we got through customs, metal detectors, etc. we boarded the plane and since Lexi was coming with me there were two seats still available in first class. Something that I had never done before. But I was happy to be on a plane with, as other wrestlers in Japan would call her 'my secret obsession'. But really. I had no girlfriend growing up. No real friends to speak of. And I loved how Lexi carried herself on the Smackdown Live brand and now the RAW brand. And to hear from her own mouth that she liked my style and what I've done during my career. We talked for most of the flight like what we liked most about our careers or each others. What we want in the perfect boyfriend/girlfriend. Not surprising our lists matched each other. We arrived in Stamford in under two hours. And when we deplaned. We headed to the rental car desk after getting our luggage from baggage claim, went to a hotel, checked in, went to our room and yes I said 'Our' room. Although we agreed I'd be sleeping on the sofa as she took the bed. After settling in we headed to the main offices of WWE and reported to the media department which had me on their schedule. They led me to the studio that was reserved for filming my vignette's. I made sure that Lexi was with me in the studio but she was seated next to the vignette's director.
For the next three hours which actually was four with the hour long lunch and bathroom break. I could tell that Lexi the entire time I was sitting next to her in the cafeteria with my 'Nightmare' make up still on. And it was dark rings around my eyes. My hair had dark midnight blue and dried blood red tips. Basically a look I had been designing and failing to pull off by myself. Because I'm not all that talented at putting on face paint. If I can get even remotely a couple of 'Crow' eyes I'd be thrilled. Anyway, I could tell that Lexi was enjoying my 'Nightmare' look.
"How do you feel that the Vignette's are going?" She asked.
"Great. I'm even happier that their entertaining you." I grinned.
"Who said I was enjoying watching you scare different people."
"The cheshire cat grin on your face is speaking volumes." I giggled as she tried to hide it.
"I'm not smiling." She tried to look angrily at me.
"Uh huh. And I'm not going to haunt your wet dreams tonight." I laughed as she slapped my arm.
"Your such a jerk."
"Yeah. But a nice jerk." She smiled and rubbed my arm. "You know. If people were paying attention. They would think that you and I are dating." I pointed out to her.
"What if I want them to think that?" She asked.
"Well, we'd be ruining Hunters plans, we would kind of ruin the surprise of the ending of the storyline." I said trying not to crack a smile or laugh at this 'false face' Lexi was giving me. (For those that aren't aware, a false face is a genuine mix of kitten eyes and the puppy dog pout) And Lexi pulled it off perfectly. Because after a few more minutes, "Okay, okay. But we can't go public about our relationship until the end of the storyline." Anyone who had a vague understanding of evaluating peoples faces or expressions. Could tell that Lexi loved the idea of having me to herself until the end of the storyline.
"Deal." She smiled wider than Harley Quinn holding a gun to Batgirls head. Once I was done filming my last few Vignette's. I washed the makeup off, got changed into the clothes I wore to the offices. Met up with Lexi in the hall and we walked out to the car and drove to the hotel.

We were barely in the hotel room for about an hour and Lexi tapped my shoulder as I was sitting and reading a rather well put together history of the classic slashers and horror films. "Hey, Daniel. I thought I'd help you get a jump on looking for a home in Columbus. So here are the top three that I thought you would like." She handed me her phone as she sat down next to me and showed me pictures of beautiful homes. One that caught my eye was a beautiful Victorian style home with stone steps painted blue in the front and almost an old roaring twenties feel. (That's just my opinion from picture above the chapter heading.)
"That one looks good." I told her as I handed her phone back to her.
"Well, they are looking for at least twenty two thousand for it."
"I'll take it." I smiled. "Thank you. For helping me with finding a place and." She looked at me after placing an appointment for me to meet with the realtor company. "For coming with me. I have definitely enjoyed the company. But. I never thought I would be as happy as you have made me when, oh wait." I stood up after I closed the book and put it on the rooms coffee table. Then turned to her as she put her phone next to the book. I gently held out my hand and she took it and stood up. "Lexi Kaufman. Will you be my secret for now, girlfriend?" She giggled when I added the 'Secret For Now' part. But nodded and pulled me in for a nice long passionate kiss. When we pulled away from each other we were panting as we were out of breath from our intense kiss. I grinned as I picked her up bridal style and took her to the bed and just laid her on it and got in with her.
"Oh god, I want you so bad."
"I want you so much more." I told her.
"Prove it." She ordered.
"Your command is my wish, my beautiful goddess." I smiled.

Three hours later...
I was laying on my back with Lexi laying on top of me, both of us covered in sweat. My dwindling dick still inside her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and lifted her head up a bit and looked at me. "That was, so intense." She grinned.
"Oh, yeah. I just didn't think I'd last that long." I breathed.
"Well maybe you didn't have the right girl." She grinned as she kissed me gently.
"You saying you brought out the best in me?"
"I'd never, yeah. I am." She switched her answer in a comedic way. I smiled and giggled as I slid my right hand behind her head and moved my left hand up and down her bare back.
"I love you, Lex."
"I love you more. Danny." She smiled as she sat up a bit and gripped at least the blanket and pulled it over the both of us then returned to resting herself on me and laying her head on my chest. I kissed her forehead making her smile as I took off my glasses, put them on the bedside table and turned off the lights and we slowly but happily, fell asleep.

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