Ch.21 The Curse of Life and Death

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"Welcome to my home. Make yourself comfortable, goddess."

A huge waves of terror ran down my spine like rats as I backflip away from the voice. It was a man over six feet tall. His orange hair ran past his shoulders as he was dressed in fancy armor fit for a king. Along with the armor he held a huge sword of silver, almost as tall as him. The reds of his eyes almost made me see the pure darkness inside him.

I sneered my words at him. "Who the hell are you?"

He simply laughed. It only made me angry, but a little scared at the same time. "I asked you a question!"

The man stopped his laughing slowly as his mouth turned into a sick twisted smile, a smile of evil. "Call me Ganon. You may not remember me, but I am the evil that keeps the hero and the goddess Hylia in a continuations loop."

A snarl rose inside my chest, surprising me even. "That is cruel! Why would you do that? Legend says the hero of time will always defeat you!"

"That is true. An ancient and powerful, yet small human can change all that for me. You."

The darkness cleared around the area as it gave away to an endless land of water. Though it was only a foot deep, the water felt icy cold around my feet. "M-Me...?"

"Oh yes... the Goddess of Time. Though you are a mortal now, but that doesn't mean you can't get your powers as a goddess back. It only requires one thing... killing the hero for me."

Anger burst threw me. I tried charging at him, but the waters around my feet held me down. "Never! I will never kill Link for an ugly monster like you!"

He sighed and paced around me with small slow circles. "(y/n), let's not get too mean right here. I'm just asking to kill the hero. He wouldn't suspect you to hurt him, so it's a good chance! Kill him and get your powers as a goddess back! What do you say to that?"

"Never..." I spat in his face when he was close enough.

The waters around me began to shake as his body was turning red around him. Though he didn't show he was pissed off, he acted like it as he grabbed me by the neck. My breath was lost as if he had the power to silence me.

"Since I cursed you before I can do it again. Listen to me... I curse you to kill the hero. Take him down in the twilight realm where I will be most powerful. The blood of the hero will make my powers stronger along with the tri-force he possess. Fail to do so, this curse will kill you. Either the hero will kill you or the curse will. I rest this curse onto you! (y/n), the Goddess of Time!"

Pain burst through me as I felt a symbol carved into my back. My screaming was only music too him as I felt it, the words and symbols of evil burning into my back, saying Ganon owned my soul...

He dropped me into the water as steam quickly came after. The water didn't help the pain as the monster in my eyes had power inside them. "I'll even put another warming. Each time you talk about are deal more symbols will be carved into your back. Talking about this with Link... and I'll make sure to end your life right there."

"Y-You're... the true... monster..." I glared up at him, the world disappearing around me. "The monster... t-that is... locked up..."

A hard glare came over his eyes before I disappeared from the place, the pain not once ending...


My vision wavered around me blurry before it registered to the darkness. A figure was lean over in pain as it was Link. He was breathing heavily as I ran to him and dropped down to his height. "Are you alright?"

He gasped and leaned against the pole. "Y-Yeah... just getting... my breath... back after the... fight."

I nodded and helped him stand up. A little cut was crossed his cheek as I reached up and wiped the blood away. "Hold still and let me clean this."


He stood still as my hand brushed against his face every time I wiped the blood away. For some strange reason his heart was beating faster and faster when I got close to his face, maybe he was just tired from the fight.

After I covered it with bandages he felt his cheek. "Thanks (y/n). After the battle I felt some pain in my back. It distracted me during the battle..."

My heart stopped for a second... could the curse have affected him? But... he didn't seemed to be under the curse. A huge sadness came over me, I was supposed to be away from Link... no matter what was going on.

I took a step away from him, giving us a good distance. "Strange... I just think it might just be from all the sand. Anyways let's explore the place."

"I will, but why did you step away from me?"

"I-I just feel hot..."

It was warm enough in the air to prove that was, even if it was night time this desert was the opposite. Instead of it being cold at night it was the same hot temperature... maybe it was created like that for the prisoner back when this thing was still used.

"Okay." He said, but deep down I knew he felt I was lying.

Guilt stabbed at me while I stared at Link's back. It was so hard to not cry right now... how could I tell him what was wrong when it would kill me...? Link would be heartbroken and would get hurt because of me... even if I was silent or not...

Link helped me hop across the missing parts of the stair case. I decide only when Link needs me for help I would act normal around him... I can't let myself give off by bad vibes around him. The sun was starting to rise as its rays curved around the woman statue with a weird coil system around her.

We walked towards it when suddenly the strange rocks came out from the ground. The monsters of twilight came out. This time I felt there were more. When the first one came out it rage out and started to attack Link, but he backflip in time and stabbed the monster. The last other three came out and started going towards me.

"Oh crap..." I mumbled under by breath and quickly shot at the first one.

It roared in pain and fell to the ground. Before I could dodge the second one it slashed at my arm. I bit my tongue and attacked the monster, killing it hard enough to stab it all the way through it's back. Turns out I killed the last one as they all broke off in pieces, floating into the air.

I hissed in pain and helped myself wrap the wound. Link looked at me with worried eyes. "Do you need help?"

"I got it."

Link nodded and got out a strange device that looked like a spinner, only twice the size of a tiny spinner. He hopped on and held out his hand. "Hold onto me while this thing takes off."

My eyes widen at the contraction. "Are you sure it's safe? That thing looks dangerous."

"It helped me win the battle against that demon. Just hop on and hold onto my waist."


It shook a bit when I got on as I crouched down and held dearly onto waist, lacing my fingers together to make sure of my safety. Link let go of the column he held on too, let the spinner move towards the statue, and let it take off.

I scream a bit as it started going really fast, faster than what I thought it would go. In less than ten seconds it came up and landed it us into a spot. I got the idea and started spinning the device.

The ground shook around us as the walls around the prison started slowly lifting up. While the statue was going back down into the ground a huge black mass covered in chains was held onto tightly. Behind us it looked like a broken mirror... but I wasn't too sure.

"What is this place...?" Link looked at the place in wonder.

Midna came out suddenly, her face lit with pure joy. "The Mirror of Twilight!"

She suddenly took off and started towards the mirror. Something didn't feel right as I race with her until she stopped. Midna gasped in shock at the sight before her, the mirror was broken into pieces.

A hard aura came over her, filling her with rage. "Zant did this...."

"Midna..." I touched her shoulder were it was tensed all over. "Just calm down."

Her shoulder slumped forward in defeat. She drifted towards the mirror, sitting down by it with her head bent. "All is lost..."

"D-Don't say that Midna... I know we can find a way!"

Midna didn't speak as my hope was dying away. Link stared at the mirror, taking it it's angels along with the huge black mass in front of us. "The master sword is picking up a power evil. It not here now, but it around that black mass in front of us."

"You are correct..."

A distant voice spoke around us as we all looked up too see strange men with mask covering their faces. They all had something above their heads coming up and down. The sun's rays suddenly disappeared into the darkness as the men all glowed pure white.

"A dark entity lurks in the twilight... It houses an evil power... You who are guided by fate... You who possess the crest of the goddess... You who contains the powers of time as the goddess... Hear us. At the command of the goddesses, we sages have guarded the Mirror of Twilight since ancient times. You seek it, but the Mirror of Twilight has been broken into pieces by a great evil power. That magic is a dark power that only He possesses.... his name is-"

"Ganondorf." I cut off the sage by accident. The thought of Ganon burned at my very soul.

"Correct, Goddess of Time. He was the leader of a band of thieves who invaded Hyrule in hopes of invading the Sacred Realm. Ganon was known as the demon thief, an evil-magic wielder renowned for his ruthlessness..."

An image of Ganon crossed in my mind. He was riding a horse but its hoofs were in the air. It was a black mane as Ganon had the kingdom of Hyrule burning behind him. An evil smug smile was on his face as he laughed over the walls of the fire...

I blinked awake, wondering what just happened. Maybe these were memories Ganon was showing me... to hurt me... but it won't ever work.

"But he was blind... In all of his fury and might, he was blind to any danger, and thus was he exposed, subdued, and brought to justice. Yet... by some divine prank, he, too, had been blessed with the chosen power of the gods."

"The only reason he has the tri-force of Power is because he's stolen it so many times the tri-force believe it's his master to him. I can sense it... the tri-force is just mislead to think Ganon is it's true master when it isn't. That's why every time, in every time line, Ganon has the tri-force of Power."

The Sages all bowed towards me, taking me by surprise. "We thank you for your knowledge, Goddess of Time. It would have saved are dear friend then..."

"What happened...?"

The Sages shared a look with each other. Even though they had mask on they could just tell all their emotions and thoughts to each other easily. "We had lost one of our own... but in a last resorted of time, we sealed Ganon away into the twilight realm. His abiding hatred and lust for power turned to pure malice... Perhaps that evil power has been passed on to Zant."

"Were now just figuring out where Zant got his powers? It's far too late." Midna sighted deeply.

I took pity on her and rubbed her shoulder as Link helped me by rubbing her other shoulder. "Don't worry Midna."

"Only the true leader of the Twili can destroy the Mirror of Twilight," The sage continued, "so Zant could merely break it into pieces. It can only be broken by magic and the Mirror of Twilight are now fragments hidden across the land of Hyrule. One in the snow mountain height, One is in an ancient grove, and one is in the heavens..."

"The heaven..." I mutter, "How can we get that piece?"

"You who have been chosen by the goddesses... you should be able to gather the three pieces... along with the power of time to aid you. But you must be careful, both of you, a powerful evil lies hidden inside the fragments."

"Thank you for your information, Sages."

The sun came up into the sky high as the Sages disappeared slowly. The curse carved into my back burned slightly, making me hiss in pain. Link noticed and covered his hand over the curse by accident. The pain disappeared suddenly out of nowhere. It was like he was the cure. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Can you just... rest your hand there for a while? It helps."

"Okay. Let's eat here before we take off. I just... need some rest right now..."

"I can agree with that..."

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