Ch.25 Hero's Pride to Shame

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Bright light clouded my vision as I woke up too seeing Link in his arm, wrapped closely around me as if I was going to turn to dust. His breathing was shaky, but it calmed down once we met eye contact.

"Oh thank the Goddesses... I thought you were dead..."

"W-What do you mean?"

Midna came out while looking over a rusty rod that was on the ground. "When we came out of the dungeon you were knocked out cold and Link couldn't find a pulse on you. I'll admit this once... but it even scared me too... that you would have died on us."

A tender smile came over my face as I nodded towards her. "Thanks Midna... I agh-!"

Pain struck my heart as it felt like it was ripping open. Link cried in horror as I was throwing up blood. My vision was getting blurry as I moaned in pain and fell over.

Twilight wasn't helping me survive anymore... I was dying like Midna was... maybe slower for the sweet torture and pain I've caused Link on his adventure.

Link picked me up again and wiped my face clean of blood, a look of anguish and disbelief on his handsome face. He was screaming my name, but I would only hear the faint whisper of it as I was dragged into death's sweet embrace...


Link's P.O.V

"(y/n)! (Y/N)! Midna help me!" I screamed while my heart wouldn't stop pounding in my chest.

The color in her face was draining to ghostly white. Midna checked over her life energy as an own horror came over her face. "Her soul needs the twilight. But... she shouldn't need it! Why now?! I-I don't know where else to get twilight from!"

"(y/n) don't die on me!" Tears ran down my face and dripped onto her cheeks, having it seemed she was the one crying. "There has to be a way to save her!"

Midna rested a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Link... but we can't save her... it's useless."

Everything at this moment... my world seemed to shatter in front of me. If I was a hero... then why couldn't I save (y/n)? Wasn't I suppose to save everyone else? But why now?! I let out a painful sob as Midna took us out of the temple and in the forest while I held onto her body, sobbing on her shoulder.

Her chest was pressed up to mine and her heart was painfully dying away... but why? (y/n) was so healthy and alive before we went up to the desert dungeon. Then it clicked too me, she wasn't always her normal self around me when we found out about the twilight mirrors.

Something was going on and (y/n) didn't tell me about it... but now maybe this was the reason and she was dying... because of me. The spirit of the hero was draining away from me, all the strength from the past dungeons was fading away... if (y/n) was too die then I would die as well.

Midna must have felt what I was thinking and stopped me from my hand going towards the Master Sword. "Are you insane?! Hyrule still needs you! I need you, Link! Everyone from two different worlds needs your help!"

"WHATS THE POINT IF I CAN'T HELP THE GIRL I LOVE?!" My roar of anger scared her. Even it surprised me, but what was the point anymore... (y/n) was dying in my arm and twilight was gone from this world... and the last piece was in the heavens which I have no time to get too. Her beating heart was dying along with my beating heart.

Dawn was setting in and the light casted a glow on her face, making her more beautiful than before. Maybe death had that effect on people, seeing their true soul before they cross over the next side. Oh (y/n)... the fights we had as kids... the wonderful memories together... even though you moved away to live on your own, I still love you too this day.

The curve of her lips caught my eye as I pulled her closer to me. My forehead resting against hers as I would feel the dying beat of her heart. I was getting slower and slower by each second along with her breathing. I wonder what she was thinking about... maybe about our days together as children.

Destiny seemed to have it as I wouldn't listen to my mind anymore and listened to my heart. My lips locked onto hers, fitting them just perfectly as my heart raced with love. Tears came over me again but I shut them out and kissed her hard, but gently at the same time. This was all I ever wanted to do since I found out kissing. Those dreams and daydreams of wanting to kiss her seemed perfect, but not as our first time kissing. It was a nightmare wrapped up into a perfect dream.

I hoped (y/n) could feel my love for her in death. That's all I ask for. I pulled away and kissed her nose, just like I use to as a kid. "If I die during this journey... meet me in death... I promise in the next afterlife I will take better care of you, listen to my heart more. B-Because." I paused and let the shakiness of my voice past. "Because I love you more than anything. That day when we first met as kids... I don't know if you felt it, but I felt a strong connection deep inside. That connection never died off as we grew up more, even when you moved away on your own. We did have our fights here and there, but that's what people do when they're in love, right? I don't know anything about romance... here you are dying and you probably can't hear anything I'm saying... hopefully you can because this is my wish as a hero, come back to me from the dead, because I swear I will treat you with all my love like a prince does to her princess."

"Awww." Midna spoke up even scaring me a little. A tiny tear was in her eye. "I didn't know you felt that way about her. I think it's my turn." Midna floated her way over to her and cupped one side of (y/n)'s cheek. "At first I didn't like you, or Link, but you two grew on me. I thank you for helping in saving the twilight realm... it's sad you won't be able to see all of it, but I promise to build something in your honor."

"Thanks, Midna." I gave her the best smile I could give her, but it slowly faded away as I felt (y/n)'s hearts giving out its last two beats. I leaned down and kissed her again, with all the love I gave her, everything I could hope for.

Before the last beat of her heat came her body started to disappear in twilight. Midna gasped and tried to stop it with her powers, but it didn't have any affect. I tired grabbing out to her but she disappeared in before my hand could fully reach out towards her.

"T-That force..." Midna whispered. "It was stronger than anything I could have imagine."

"Damn it!" The rage inside me was coming back, all the strength of the hero too. (y/n) wasn't in my arms anymore and someone took her body away from me as a sick curl joke. More than anything I could feel at the moment was burning desire was to kill the person who took her away from me... (y/n) was to die in my arms... "I want her back, we're not going to waste any more time by sobbing around."

"Link you're hurt! You can't just move out on the go!"

"I'll cut down on grass and hope for something! (y/n)'s death won't be in vain!" I turned my back against her and exited out of the forest. Midna came with, but was unease about my rage around me.

(y/n) was going to be in my arms and I will bury her right next to the springs... the first place we ever met.


(y/n) P.O.V

Darkness.... that's all I could feel. I thought I was dying, but it was a bit off when I opened my eyes to see that monster... Ganon.

"Well, well. Looks like someone didn't last in time for twilight to heal her."

"S-Shut up..." I shiver from the coldness around this place. Everything was cover in darkness and skulls of people he killed in the past. The stare of his demon eyes were on me as he harshly grabbed my jaw and made me face him.

"Don't tell the Prince of Evil to shut up. You broke your deal. How you say? You didn't kill Link like I asked too, but there are ways I can still make it happen."

"Let me die!" I tired punching out at him, but my fist wouldn't reach him. "I'll never kill Link! I'll kill myself first before it happens!"

"Isn't that what you're doing now? Slowly dying as Link just leaves your body there?"

A sudden chill went over me. Reaching out to my body I couldn't feel or hear what was going on. Link was finding a way to save me... right? He wouldn't leave me out here to die... no, that's not the Link I grew up with. Never once had he hurt me or abandon me... but why didn't I feel his soul next to mine?

Ganon laughed and lifted me off higher on the ground. I was in a dark cage of sorts, one I couldn't figure out to get rid of. "You sense it don't you? That Hero isn't with you anymore, so why don't you work for me? I'll let you live and also have anything you want."

"NO!" I barred my teeth at him and gripped the dark iron bars of the cage. "I'LL NEVER KILL LINK! YOU DISGUSTING PIECE OF EVIL WILL NEVER MAKE ME KILL LINK! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME, I SWEAR IT AS MY NAME OF A GODDESS."

I would never forget the smirk that came on his face. "Wise choice making, Goddess of Time. I'll just make you kill him for me!"

The darkness of the cage grabbed a hold of me as it started to slowly take over. It felt like knives digging into my skin, twisting and turning into my soul as I puked up blood. With my last breath of freedom, I prayed to the Goddess.

"Please... save Link... and... let him... live..."

The last thing I heard was Ganon's laugh before all I could feel was an endless pit of darkness.

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