Ch.24 Save My Soul

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The yetis were really kind enough to let us have half of their soup for on the go. Strange enough as it was my energy each day was depleting very slowly. The amount of sleep or eating or drinking wasn't making it any better... so Link had to carry me while I sat on his shoulder.

"Are you sure you're okay? You had a two days' rest."

"Yes... I'm fine... just keep... going..."

"Alright..." Worry was on the edge of his tongue, "Where do we have to go next?"

"F-Faron... W-Woods... to the.... sacred grove."

"How about we transport there. I'm worried about (y/n)'s health here too." Midna came out of Link's shadow, her red eye glowing with worry over me. It was strange to see Midna worry over me... since we didn't get along real well at all.

Link nodded. "Let's do that."

Midna had him turn into a wolf as I gripped onto Link's fur, a wave of pain recoiled inside me everywhere. Link winced at the pain of me gripping but dealt with it while we entered into pits and pieces. Once we were done I felt strangely better, able to walk about.

Link barked at me to stay on him, but stop when he saw me standing. He quickly turned back into a human and started looking me over. "What happened? I thought you were sick?"

"I thought so too... maybe I just needed out of the cold."

He looked me away from the eyes. I knew he was still sorry about leaving me alone to search for the mirror piece. "Link," I began, "please stop blaming yourself for that. You had no control over it."

"But (y/n)... you were freezing, almost dying, and I couldn't even do anything to help. It just... makes me feel like I'm not a hero for doing that."

The light glow Link usually had was dying down slowly. A sudden dread came over me as I felt time wasn't going in the right place. Link was always to feel like a hero, this wasn't supposed to happen. The images ran in my head... Ganon... his sword running into Link's heart and laughing as all of Hyrule burned down.

"(y/n)... are you alright?"

I snapped my head, think (y/n)! You can't let this happen! This is not to be Link's destiny at all! "I-I'm fine... but Link, promise me you will never tell yourself you're not a hero. It's your destiny too be one and if you keep saying that to yourself you'll never have the full power to save Hyrule."

His blue Hylian eyes lit up with the golden light again, but not much as the memory was still buried into his heart. "You're right. We should get going, it's dark and nothing good happens in the dark now with us."


We began to jog are to the sacred woods, until a figure was in are way. He was style like the people back in Ordon village, but you could never be too sure about anything these days. We only came up a foot up to him when he began to speak.

"It has been a while since we took a walk in the forest, huh?" I tensed up, 'we' was something I didn't expect to hear. "Yes... how our world has changed..."

"Who are you?" I asked, tension and caution in my voice.

When he turned to us he simply gave us a smile. "Yeah... do you know about the far side of this deep gorge? Some say there is an ancient temple deep inside the grove to be protect from all cost. The Hylians built it were to prove they were real, but still sophisticated for a past time. If someone were to could obtain the powers of those ancient people... Well, I'm sure Hyrule will be saved..."

Deep inside, I finally knew who this person was. I returned back the smile as I dropped my guard. "And you want us to get it."

He nodded and look at both of us with his mask on. "(y/n)... Link... will you take on the task to find the power sleeping in the temple?"

We both nodded. "Of course." Link said with a smile of his own coming to his face.

"I knew you both would! Just use my partner to get across the gorge." He blew a tune that didn't seem too do anything, until the sound of running, tiny steps came onto his arm. It was a golden cocco. "Don't doubt his flying skills. He can carry you both and still flies like a dream!"

"Don't worry we believe you. Goodbye, 'stranger'."

He gave me a thumbs up as Link grabbed onto the cocco. I held onto his waist while we flew to the other side of the gorge. It took us a while but we came into the woods, battle skull kid again, and finally made it into the sacred grove.

The energy I had left from the twilight was disappearing... I couldn't tell if it was or wasn't a bad thing, but I didn't want to slow us down so I didn't say anything about it. "How much longer is it?" I asked Link.

"It should be just past these two statues... here we are!"

We came up the same stairs as before and entered into the sacred grove, it seemed only too be that it felt different. The air was denser around me as even my knees began to buckle under me... but this wasn't supposed to happen.

"Now what?" Link said, looking around the beauty that this grove had.

"Place the Master Sword into its rightful place again, then light of the sword will lead the way."

He nodded and put the Master Sword back carefully into the pedestal. The same strange feeling came into me as a light doorway with stairs coming down ending the pedestal appeared. This wasn't supposed to happen... but the same way it was.

Link took the Master Sword out of the pedestal, swinging it around before putting it back into his cover. "I guess this is the way. I'll see you later (y/n)."

I smile and waved to him. "Take care."

He began to walk up the stairway, but he suddenly turned around and quickly hugged me. I gasped in surprise and almost fell over but Link held onto me tightly. At that moment it seemed like our souls really touched each other for the first time.

"Just promise me back you'll stay safe. I don't want you to ever die... you don't know how much pain it was too watch you die while I couldn't do anything about it but just watch and wait. If you promise too never die on me... I'll become the true hero you say."

"I-I promise..." Link pulled away but I quickly kissed his cheek. "Just come back in one piece for me, okay?"

A small rosy blush came onto his cheek, but he was smiling. "I will." He kissed my forehead, the lightness of his lip was just magical... something I could never get sick of feeling. "Stay safe."

Link went up the stairs and after a moment later I started going up the steps, watching the light enter into my eyes while my soul drifted into the sacred realm... or so I thought.


Trees were everywhere at every corner, but not in the swamp like area as it had a scent of moist and dirt everywhere. Looking into the distance I could tell it was the next spirit. Its face was almost sad like, as if looking like it could never be happy again.

The spirit spun itself over the water, hopping over it a bit, before landing in front of me. Its wind pipe began to blow out air, but the air formed into words inside my ears.

"I am first dead spirit the Hero of Time took form of. I will tell you reasons for why you can't enter inside the sacred realm anymore..."

I took a seat and watched as the spirit spun in circles. "Do tell."

"When you entered into twilight you felt heather, evening having energy. That is not a good sign. If twilight heals you then evil has come into your heart and feeds off of your soul."

Fear came over me. How could I be evil?! I've entered the sacred realm before... so why now? What made this happen? "But how? This doesn't make any sense."

"It is the curse you carry. Ganon's curse is the reason the sacred realm will not let you enter into its domain."

"That's just it... how do I get rid of it?"

"You must let the curse happen."

"WHAT?!" I rage at him, making him whimper and fall backwards. "I will not kill Link!"

"I-I'm sorry! There is no other way!"

"I'll find a way! I won't let that stupid Ganon win Hyrule because Link died because of me! Because I needed to live on! I will never have that happen!"

The spirit sighed and looked away. "That is what I thought before skull kid killed me... but I was wrong... so wrong... I never got to see my father again... when he cried over me... my wooden heart broke into two."

All of the pain was real as I started to cry myself. This couldn't be real... this had to be a dream... like this journey was... and I would wake up back in my small little house... but no... This was real...

"Damn it!" I punched the ground, blood drawing slowly from my hands. "I'll find a way! If I'm the Goddess of Time I'll find a way! I swear it to the goddesses!"

The swamp started to disappear as the spirit waved goodbye to me. I smiled and waved back with a joyful smile on my face while crying for him, because next to him a spirit as a form of the butler was hugging his dead son...

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