Ch.29 True Final Battle

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Link's P.O.V

Everything was a blur. The fight between puppet Zelda was more than confusing. How was I supposed to hit Ganon if I was going to hit Zelda?! This was impossible! Ganon is a coward, hiding behind the princess.

"Link," (y/n) appeared from nowhere as my heart skipped a beat. No... I was dying and just hearing her voice. "Link! Listen to me!"

"(y/n)... oh gods... is that really you?" I dodged in time before Zelda could impale me through the chest. "But... how? I thought you were dead."

"FOOL!" Zelda lunged at me again as I side-jumped the best I could, but ending up losing one heart from damage. "THE GODDESS IS DEAD! TIME IS DEAD! YOU KILLED HER, HER SOUL DISAPPEARED INTO THE ABYSS OF ABSOLUTE DARKNESS!"

"SHUT UP!" I hit the power ball he threw at me as the Master Sword hit it back. Zelda gasped and hit it back, us in a game of throwing the ball back and forth.

"That's it! Keep doing it Link! Ganon is weak to his own power!"

"I-I trust you! TAKE THIS!" With the strength I had, the ball bounded back and straight into Zelda's chest.

It was combined with both Zelda's and Ganon's scream, a horrible sound to my ears but it would have to do as I watched Midna strike Zelda, bringing her sleeping body back to her throne as the Twilight markings disappeared.

"Good job Link!" Her voice echoed inside my head once again. I never thought I would hear her pure, joyful voice ever again. "But Ganon is not done yet, he's lurking in the shadows."

Just when she said that a spirt of Ganon appeared, formed into a beast of his own. It looked to be a form of a pig mixed with a boar... and red hair. Strange mixture for an animal form. But that didn't mean he wasn't powerful.

Ganon started to charge forward as I forced into my wolf form, maybe by (y/n), and faced head on Ganon with Midna. She sweated and panted as with her hair, throwing Ganon away.

"Now Link! Strike the area where his scar is!"


Midna let me turn back into my human form as I strike the spot with my master sword. All the hate and anger, along with sadness, combined together in my whole attack. Ganon didn't stand a chance and tried to break free from the attack, but blue energy bind him down.

Ganon was coughing up lots of blood from the strike, just what I wanted as I spin attacked and shoved the Master Sword up through his scar. From that Ganon fell dead, falling down on the ground like the beast he was.

It was quiet for a few moments until light lit up from Midna. She gasped as the light escaped from her body and returned to Zelda who had just begun to wake up.

Midna scarlet eye shinned with a deep sadness. "Pr-Princess... I... I..."

When she fluttered her eyes open, Zelda shook her head with a simple nod. "Say nothing, Midna. Your heart and mind were as one, however briefly. Such suffering you have endured..."

Midna close her eye as her lip began to quiver. Zelda showed a small smile at Midna's deep regret of what became of her kingdom. I could feel (y/n) watching us with a happy heart, because scenes like this always made her heart melt in joy.

The scene didn't last long as from the air appeared the spirit of Ganon, only slightly weak from the battle. From the corner of my eye I saw Midna let out the Fused Shadows. No! She was going to use up all of her powers!

"Midna!" I began but then, our eyes met for a moment. Everything right there seemed just right as Midna had a determined face on, she was going to revenge her kingdom and people, who she lost through this long journey.

(y/n) even seemed to pull me back as Midna looked ahead with a smile. "Take care of them for me, (y/n)."

"Wait!" Zelda went to stop Midna herself, but it was too wait when Midna used her powers on us to teleport out of the castle.

It was colder than usual when I went through twilight. Maybe it was because I might not ever see Midna again. When I opened my eyes my heart skipped a beat for a second. For a split moment I saw (y/n)'s face, smiling and glowing with a heavenly beauty around her face. That... must be her as she looks like a goddess... she was gorgeous.

"Link!" Zelda pointed up to the hill as my heart sunk, Midna... wasn't coming back.

Ganon was sitting on a horse, black as midnight and matched the same color as the smoke from Hyrule castle. The grin curved slowly into a menacing grin, one only the Prince of Evil would wear on his ugly face.

His laugh roared through the field as darkness blew with the breeze. "So! I was wrong... that damn goddess still lives... if this is true, I will cross my blades and slice her throat at the eve of the Hero's fail."

"You're wrong!" Epona came up from nowhere, but I soon saw she came from a blue portal. I smiled and petted her head. "Hey girl... get ready to fight."

Epona wined in understanding and bend down to let us on right when monsters came into the field. But Zelda's gasps stopped me in my tracks as I saw what she was looking at, Ganon holding Midna's helmet... then breaking the top right into pieces...

That monster! Rage filled into me as I quickly climbed onto Epona, Zelda was next as she closed her eyes and focused her power into one energy source. "Spirits of Light! Wielders of the great powers that shines far and wide upon the world of light..." Ganon was racing towards us as everything seemed to so down, time seemed to as I knew (y/n) was doing it to give Zelda more time. "In my hour of need, grant me the power to banish evil with light!"

"You got it!" (y/n)'s voice echoed inside my ears, the next moment light filled with my eyes and disappeared from Ganon's sword...

Everything passed into a blur, (y/n) was using her powers and skipping past moments of important. There she was, dressed in the finest of white as it brought out the iris of her (e/c) out just right. It was just us, nothing to ruin it.

"(y/n)..." I found my voice as it cracked a bit, like if I hadn't ever used it before.

She smiled and walked up to me. Her hug was magical as I was filled with life and new energy. She didn't seem to speak, but her eyes told me everything. Time was flowing through as I could see she was taking over me, riding Epona as Zelda fired the Light Arrows.

"(y/n)... why are you doing this?"

(y/n) opened her mouth as tears streamed down her cheek. "I... wanted to at least help... so this is the only way... I'm sorry... you're supposed to be fighting it but..."

"Stop doing this too yourself." Gently, light as a feather, I grabbed her chin and had her look up at me. She was always saying my eyes were the most beautiful, but she was wrong all along. "Stop beating yourself over this. You've always been help for me, through thick and thin. You didn't have to go on this journey with me, but you did. You may not think it, but I believe you're the strongest, brave, and beautiful woman I've ever met and love."

"Oh Link." More hot tears spilled down her cheek as she managed to choke out a laugh. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Our lips met in the moment. She felt like she was there, but it didn't at the same time. Her soul was in a different place and I was only feeling half of her. That didn't matter, I'll take the chance of whatever I can to hold her in my arm. The softness and tender feeling of her lips soon began to fade away when her body began to disappear.

(y/n) pulled away and gave me a last sad, final goodbye. In return I did something we always did as kids, nod towards each other and strike a post skyward. It seemed silly, but Illia always said we looked like heroes in a way.

Everything flashed forward as I found myself facing the bastard who started all this. Ganon. He held his sword from which he stole, holding it tightly in one hand and glaring at me with the other.

"COME ON!" A barrier between us appeared as Zelda called my name, but I couldn't hear her as the wind began to pick up. "IF THIS IS THE BATTLE YOU WANT.... I'll give it to you. May the goddesses bury your bones, and soul into the ground, by my feet, where they've always belong!"

"Then fight me!" The Master Sword gleamed with pride in the dawn morning's light. "Stop hiding behind everything and fight me!"

"So be it." He rose his sword, thunder booming in the distant as we clashed swords together. "I'll just deal with two of you!"


(y/n) P.O.V

Even if Link couldn't see me I was standing right next to him. When their swords clashed I gave Link some boost of power before darkness grabbed onto my hand. I gasped and tried gaining control of my arm.

Ganon's laugh echoed inside my hand as I winced at the evil I once had, it wrapped around me as I felt at home with it. Something inside it made me... happy. "S-Stop..." I gasped out. "G-Ganon...."

"I won't stop! YOU broke the promise! YOU didn't kill the hero! YOU DIED AND MANGED TO COME BACK!" A shadow of a hand came forth and wrapped itself around my neck, choking me as my power was doing barley anything. "I'LL CRUSH YOU! BURN YOUR BONES TO ASHES AND USE THEM TO TORTURE YOU OVER AND OVER AGAIN!" The voice took a breath as it echoed much more deeply inside my mind. "You think your evil energy has gone away... how cute."

"Link..." I managed to say.

"Link does have a darkness, but he can defeat him. You, oh you merged with your darkness. It was so beautiful... I wanted to make you my own, but I knew that would never work since darkness and light could never mix together. It was my own rule, never to mix them together. But, then you came. I did it, but it failed! Like the failed timeline you managed to damage!"

Images flooded into my mind as I remembered I destroyed a whole time line... just by one mistake... I screamed as the pain of madness began to take over. I could feel Ganon smiling as his own darkness was taking control...

Through the images I managed to find Link in them. We were kids... smiling and holding hand in the grass... it was the first time we met after an hour. It hit it off so fast the village people weren't ever surprised if we got married. At first I thought the idea was stupid and they were just being villagers. Now that time has passed... and I look back at these memories... I can see what people see in us, love.

It was time I used that love as a weapon. With all the energy I had I gave it all to Link, hearing Ganon crying out as Link was getting faster, stronger. Link spun behind him and stuck his back, having Ganon fall over.

"Now Link!" I screamed the through the winds current. "Strike the true mark of evil!"

Link heard and nodded, jumping up and stabbing Ganon in his old scar. Ganon himself let out a horrible scream, one of bloody murder and pure agony. His eyes turned white as they were the only thing I saw before everything turn white around me.

"Where am I?" I asked out loud.

"In my afterlife."

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