Ch.28 Goddess of Time

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(y/n) P.O.V

I never thought death could be peaceful and heartbreaking at the same time. The last image I saw was Link's crying face. The vision I had long before came true, I become evil and Link killed me. But I was glad Link killed me, I would never live without myself knowing I killed Link.

But, it doesn't seem fair to Link either. He killed me and now he has to face the Prince of Evil alone. Maybe that was my dying regret, my goddess self never planned for us to fall in love and now I'll stuck in death for all eternity.

That was what I thought until a bright white light came from nowhere. When I opened up my eyes I felt I was on a ground of grass. It was uneven as I saw it was a hill. Animals were peacefully eating fruits and drinking water from the nearby lake.

Everything about this place seemed to perfect, that was how I was when I looked down at myself. I was dressed in pure white clothing that looked like what goddess would wear back in ancient times. Even my feet had fancy sandals to match the clothing.

When the wind came by I didn't feel cold. Which was odd enough. I sat up and made my way to the lake, the animals making way for me as if I was someone not to be messed with.

The water rippled when I came near, but that was from my shock. My eyes were the first thing I noticed as they were a brilliant blue and green, mixing together as one. My face on the other hand, was so beautiful... like a goddess. Pieces began to click in as I sucked in a huge breath.

I was in my lost realm as a goddess. This was where I controlled all of time and ruled over it.

"Great goddess (y/n)," It was Shades's voice as I slowly turned around. He wasn't a skeleton anymore, he looked so much like Link I almost called him out. The only difference was the blue aura around him and he had bright green clothes with white tights. "It is an honor to see you return your title as a goddess."

"Shade." My own voice was filled with power, even I didn't recognized myself for a second. "You're here?"

He smiles as he stood up. "Of course. When the Goddesses saw I helped you the best I could they gave me a body, somewhat of a body, but the body I use to have as a hero. Even if Hyrule doesn't remember me I'll still be grateful for the gift I have."

I smiled and hugged him. Surprisingly for a ghost and solid, but also muscular under all that clothing. "That's great! It's good to see you forgive me."

His laugh was the same as Link's. Gods... Shade was handsome, but his descendant was more handsome than he was. It seemed to run in the family for genetic Links to be running around saving the world. "I've already forgave you. It was a long while ago, but I thank you for saving me in my time of need."

"Yeah... but now I can't help Link in his time of need anymore."

"There is a way, Goddess of Time."

A voice echoed inside the world as the grass blew softly with the breeze. Shade quickly knelt down and kept his head down as the Tri-Force appeared slowly in the air.

"The Tri-Force..." I said in awe.

"This is not the real one, but of an image of the three holy pieces together. We can see you, but you cannot see us. We are the three spirits that make up the tri-force. Wisdom, Courage, and Power. (y/n), you still are like a sister to us. When you lost madness you were desperate for anything to be rid of it. So we sent you to help the next incarnated hero. We never planned for you to die, but now that darkness is gone we resurrect you as a goddess again. Welcome home, our dearest (y/n)."

"T-Thank you... wise Goddesses. But, I would like to fight at Link's side. Please! I beg of you."

"That cannot happen. We brought you back, but your body is lost to the realm of Twilight and is too damaged to fully repair it. We cannot control the Twilight, just like the Twilight cannot control us."

My spirits sunk low inside me. "Oh... well... there still has to be a way."

"We can bring you outside the sacred realm and into the realm of the spirits, which is all we can do. In the realm you can help Link fight by powering him up, but his soul is too lost in sorrow to help him. Only he can help himself."

I balled my fist into ball and raised them up high. "I don't care! I'll save Link! No matter the cost!" 'Even if he can't see me... I'll look over you Link and help you with all the power I can.'

"Excuse me." Shade spoke up, raising his head to see me. "Goddess of Time, can I speak with you for a minute before you embark on your final quest?"

"Sure Shade."

"Give us the word and we'll send you off..." The Goddesses spoke before the Tri-Force slowly disappeared from the air.

Shade slowly walked up to me and rested his hand on my shoulder, gripping it tightly but with care. "Make sure to only help. I don't know if Link will hear if you if will try to speak with him, but please help my grandson. Show Hyrule the Hero isn't lost to time, only by their carelessness of forgetting me. I can remember when I first entered Hyrule. They didn't think of me much since I was a kid, but now when I was an adult people looked up to me. I finally understand that time can't always save things, but I beg of you to save my grandson and let him complete his destiny."

With a nod I smiled and hugged Shade close to me again. "I promise with all my heart. I did promise Link wouldn't die, I can do it again. Ganon won't win and he never will, I can promise everyone that."

Shade pulled away as with a ghostly smile he slowly disappeared with the wind. "It will always be an honor to serve you, my Goddess."

I smiled and waved bye to him. "I'm ready."

The next moment I was pulled into a large blanket of light, keeping me warm as I opened my eyes to the dark tension and air Hyrule Castle gave. Looking at me my body was the same as Shade's, only blue and green mixing together to give off the effect.

Link ran right past me as he suddenly stopped, looking behind him as I gasped at his face. The edges of his eyes were black with bags and his eyes weren't shining like they were. This... this was Link's depression... over me.

Midna came out of his shadow and touched his shoulder. "What's wrong, Link?"

".... It's nothing Midna...."

Her face held a concern of worry, but she didn't question him more and floated besides him as he ran up the steps to the throne room. The guilt inside me hurt each time I took a step forward with him, all this over me? Then again I would have been the same if I killed him.

I looked ahead and nodded with my power flowing inside me. "Let's do this."

Link's P.O.V

For the past few days since I killed (y/n) I couldn't sleep, eat, or even focus of my adventure. The nightmares of killing her and the light draining from her eyes were just so sad... I even awake screaming, wanting to put the Master Sword through me, but Midna stops every time I try too.

Before going up the steps of the throne room I felt I passed into something with a holy spirit. I felt like... (y/n)... but that was impossible. But the thought wouldn't leave my mind. When I entered into the throne room I was greeted with a horrible sight.

Ganon was on top of the throne, legs crossed with a smirk across his face. That bastard... I will rip that face off of him. He is the real reason of (y/n)'s death and I will not stand it! Midna came out of my shadow and glared hard at him.

"So you're....Ganondorf."

He rose up slowly like an old man. His eyes stared into mine as he simply just scoffed at both of us, judging to see which one of us he wanted to kill first for the better prize.

"I've been dying to meet you." Midna laughed and glared at him, fangs bared so sharp anything could be ripped to shreds from it.

At last the man spoke as his voice sounded deep and ancient. "Your people have long amused me, Midna. To defy the gods with such petty magic, only to be cast aside... how very pathetic. Pathetic as they were, thought, they served me well. Their anguish was my nourishment. Their hatred bled across the void and awakened me. I grew deep of it and grew strong again. Your people had some skill, to be sure... but they lacked power. Just like that pathetic Goddess who was easily taken control of."

I growled and stood my stance. "Shut up! She wasn't pathetic!"

Ganon smiled as he liked to annoy me. He looked up and too my next horror, Zelda was passed out in the air next to the statue of the Tri-Force. He laughed slightly and pointed up to her.

"This is the kind of absolute power the gods chose to let mortals wield." He turned around with an ugly smiled as his hand glowed with the Tri-Force of power. "He who wields such power would make a suitable king for this world, don't you think?"

"Ha!" Midna spoke up, but I could tell standing next to her she was shaking. "Such conceit! But if you are the chosen wielders of powers, as you claim... I will risk everything to deny you!"

Ganon stared at Midna, with a curiosity that was in a playful tone. "Shadow has been moved by light, it seems... How amusing. Very well... deny me then! Yes, try to deny me... You and your little friend..."

Ganon reached up and aimed his hand at Zelda. Midna gasped and rushed up to her and tried to protect her with her tiny body, but Ganon broke off into Twilight pieces as he passed by Midna easily.

"No!" Midna cried out, holding back the urge to slap her, a good enough will and she didn't.

Zelda opened up her eyes, but they were bright orange and her face was the same as (y/n)'s was. Midna was thrown out of the throne room. I gasped and rushed to her, but walls of Twilight blocked me.

The air grew tense as I turned back to jump at the new Zelda. Out of air appeared a rapier and Zelda speaking along with Ganon's voice. "Both of you, faithless fools who would dare to take arms against the king of light and shadow. So you chose, and so you shall feel my wrath!"

"You coward! Stop hiding inside Zelda and face me!"

'Zelda' laughed and dived towards me with her rapier, I dodged in time as my sword began to blaze a bright blue. I could feel it... (y/n)'s power. With a smile I raised it Skywards and glared at 'Zelda'.

Her eyes widen at the sight. "Impossible! Her soul was destroyed by the Twilight! This can't be! Damn you Goddess! Damn you to the deepest pits of the Underworld!"

I glared at him and charged with the Master Sword blazing brighter than ever. "For every one of Hyrule, and most of all, for (y/n)!" 

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