Ch.3 New danger

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You soon remember Epona and ran back to get her and ride her into Faron Woods. The air around the woods seemed darker than usual... it was always a dangerous forest, but never this dark and eerie before. Epona stopped right by the cave entrance to the forest. She was uneasy and kept backing up.

"It's okay Epona. I won't make you go in there if you don't want too." You said to her while getting off.

"(y/n)!" Link called out as he came back with a lantern in his hand, "What are you doing?!"

"I'm going to help you find Talo. It's dangerous to go alone, Link."

"I don't care! Go back to the village where it's safe!"

"No!" You stomp your foot on the ground.

Link sighed as he knew when you had made up your mind, and it was a pain in the butt for him with the things you make him go through sometimes. "Fine, but stay behind me and don't go far ahead."

"Yay!" You yelled happily as Epona wined in agreement.

Link rolled his eyes at both you two as he lighted up the lantern as you followed behind him. It wasn't too far in the cave when you spotted Talo's wooden play sword. You grabbed it and gasped. "He really did go inside the woods! That boy is an idiot!"

"Let's just hope he didn't get killed so far." Link said as he continued down the path way.

Link took out the monster in the cave as you backed away in fear while Link took care of them. These monster were ugly and huge, bigger than what you were told. If you only had a sword that could hurt the monster you would have helped Link, but Talo's wooden play sword didn't have a sharp edge.

Light burst through the cave as both Link and you dashed for it. You blinked at the brightness of the area of the woods. The trees long branches covered the blue sky, giving the forest a misty light in the late afternoon day.

Link tensed up as he spotted sometime ugly looking, a purple monster that was holding a club over it's shoulder. "Stay back and let me deal with these monsters. I don't want you to get hurt with those big clubs."

"A-Alright..." You said and hid behind the tree nearest to them.

Just as Link killed off the monster a stabbing feeling made you gasp in pain. You looked around and saw no one there who had done it. Pain and fear was welling up inside you, eating away your soul as tears started to form at the edge of your eyes.

The pain soon when away as Link came up to you, it was as if his aura help keep the weird sensation away. "Come on let's go."

You nodded and made sure to keep close enough to Link while he took out the other monsters around the area. Real light came into view as it was bright and sunny. In the middle of the area was a humongous tree, and in the distance a cage with an animal and small person was inside...

"Link! I think that's them over there!" You pointed out in the distance as Link looked closely at the spot and the look of relief took over.

"We found them. Come on!"

You both ran up the long twisting root bridge the tree linked it's self too as you when up to the cage while Link took care of the monster.

"(y/n)! Link! You both came to save us!" Talo said with shining eyes.

"Yep! Now hold still while I break this cage!" You said while kicking at the thing.

It wasn't working until Link came over and mashed the cage open. The girl monkey clapped in happiness as she took off into the trees. You bent down over Talo while you checked him for injuries. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm alright. Let's just go already."

You gave Talo a small nice smile as you took his hand while Link helped the group out of the forest. Talo was quiet the rest of the way back as his head was hung low.

"Talo what's wrong?"

Talo freed his hand from your grasp as he slowly backed away. "Father was right, it was dangerous to go into the forest. The girl monkey protected me while we got captured... Link and (y/n) you have to promise you won't tell dad about this!" He yelled while running away.

You started going after him until Collin's dad voice called out. "LINK! (Y/N)! ARE YOU GUYS HERE?"

"Yes were here Rusl!" Link called back over to him.

He walked up too as he looked over you, his eyes shining with worry and relief. "Good you two are safe. I was worried after what my son had told me about Talo running into the forest after a monkey."

"He's fine now. He ran back off to the village back now I think."

"He did while I passed by. He didn't seem to notice me too well. Anyways when you both entered into the forest did you feel any darkness around?"

You kept quiet while the pain and feeling of fear re-rolled in your mind. It was a sickening pain, one that would drive a person mad with madness if it didn't go away. "Yes but didn't affect us both."

"That's good. Come on, let's get back home. It's getting darker and twilight is entering..."


The soft breeze of the wind helped calm the pain in your mind. It was a sleepless night for you as you rested your head on Link's shoulder while he gazed off. You smiled closed eyed at how lucky you were friends with Link. He was always there for you, even when you two got into fights, he would be the one saying sorry when it was you who started it and needed to say the magical word first.

"Hey Link!" Fado's voice called out from the barn as Link snapped his attention back to the real world. You always wondered where his mind wondered off too. "Can you heard the goats before taking off to Hyrule? The Mayor also wants to talk to you too!"

You froze in shock. You totally forgot about Link's adventure to Hyrule. It made you a tiny bit sad, seeing your best friend go away, but he would be back in short times notice. You know he would.

"Yep!" Link said while gently getting up to not hurt your neck, "Sorry (y/n). Just try to rest on the grass while I heard the goats."

"O-Okay." You said while the world when sideways. Link looked funny while running at a weird angle as it made you chuckle. Suddenly the feeling came back again.

You closed your eyes and hoped it would go away soon, but too your surprise, it wasn't pain but a dream. It tickled at the back of your mind where you had seen this dark and lifeless world. It was all translucent in the sky while the black disfigured monster was choking Link.

You gasped and when to help him, but your legs seemed to be stuck in the ground. Link's left hand started to glow as his triangle shape mark glowed from the source of it. The monster screamed in pain as it threw Link backwards as he landed with a hard thud.

"No... Link!" You voice sounded disfigured and out of place, like you were underwater.

Link groaned in pain while getting up, but his back arched deeply up in the air as his knuckles were gripped tightly and were white. Link suddenly rose himself up as he screamed at the sky, his body changing into black fur and sharp teeth replaced his nice human ones. He had transformed into a wolf.

Someone shook you awake as you snapped your eyes open to Link hugging you. "(y/n) it's okay! Please wake up!"

"I-I'm awake now..." You replied meekly while you felt sweat clung to your forehead and everywhere in your body. The pounding of Link's heart could he heard easily. He sighed in relief as he helped you up to your feet.

"You were twitching and crying out in your sleep, you also said my name... (y/n) what was it about...?"


"Link!" Fado yelled out, "You need to get going! It's almost afternoon!"

Link sighed as he picked you up and had you sat behind him on Epona. "We'll talk about this later."

You didn't say anything back as you wrapped your arms around his waist while he dug his heel into Epona's side. She wined and took off and jumped over the fence while you held on for dear life. You almost fell over from the dizziness of being jumped into the air, but held on strong while Link when up to the Mayor. He helped you down as you shakily held yourself up.

Llia came up to you and helped you by holding you up carefully. "(y/n) are you okay?"

"I-I'm just not feeling myself today..." You said with almost no energy

Llia nodded as she helped you sit down on the ground while checking over Epona while Mayor Bo talked to Link. You smiled the two people as they were like a family to you. Llia was a sister too you while Mayor Bo was like a father. Mayor Bo told you he and his wife who was still alive then found you at the entrance of Ordon village as a baby. You remember little about Llia's mother then, but still remembered how much she looks like Llia. She was a kind women too... the only mother you really had until them. It wasn't until you were ten you wanted to live on your own and had the freedom you wanted. At first Mayor Bo didn't like the idea, but when with it as Llia talked him into it, like a true sister.

You heard Llia suddenly gasp as you looked over and saw a cut that ran along the side of one of Epona's legs.

"What happened? She's injured, isn't she?"

Link got caught and tense up. "I-I'm sorry!"

"Link how could you!" Llia yelled at him as he backed away, "You were pushing Epona too hard again! I bet you hurt her leg jumping fences, didn't you!"

"Now, now llia, there no need to get so hot with him." Mayor Bo said calmingly

"FATHER!" She shouted as Mayor Bo jumped back at her outburst, "How can you go so easy on him? You're the MAYOR! You should start acting like one!"

Both Mayor Bo and Link jumped away and closed one eye at Llia's outburst. You smiled and held back a laugh as when both Llia and you teamed up there was an unstoppable force right there.

Llia growled at both of them before turning back to Epona. "You poor thing... it's alright Epona, I'll take (y/n) and you to the forest spring to heal up."

Llia helped you on Epona while she took the reins as Epona started walking alongside her. You looked back at Link and shrugged at him, healing is what you needed the most. Llia opened the gate and helped you down and set you into the water.

"I hope this makes you feel any better. That Link needs to take better care of Epona!"

You smiled and dipped your (h/l) (h/c) hair into the water while washing it. "You could go easy on the boy. He needs Epona too heard the goat into the barn."

"He could still be gentle about it!"

"Hey Llia!" Collin's voice called out from behind the closed gate, "Can I come in?"

"Of course." Llia opened the gate and closed it once Collin got in. She when back to look over Epona's leg while Link came up to the fence.

"Llia! I need Epona back!"

"You're never getting her back until you treat the poor horse right!" Llia yelled while she cleaned the cut.

You saw Collin say something to Link but couldn't hear it as Link disappeared from the gate. The spring helped your dizziness as you felt good as new. Standing up wasn't a problem anymore as you did it with ease just as Link crawled from the hole in the wall. He dusted himself off as you looked at him with a small smile.

"You're getting too big for that hole anymore."

Link smiled as he hugged you. "I know, and I'm glad you're feeling better."

Time seemed to stop with the hug, your heart pounding as the feeling of his arms around you just seemed right. He was warm as he warmed you up from the coldness of the spring's water. Llia looked over and came over to Link as he pulled away, but still held you close by his side.

"Sorry about that Link. I knew Talo had gotten kidnapped but I didn't know the rest of it."

"It's alright."

Llia when over to Epon and grabbed the reins, but Epona moved her head and looked at Link and wined. Llia sighed, but put on a smile while petting Epona. "So you still want Link as your master? I understand Epona. But Link, don't get her injured or you're going to get an earful from me."

Link chuckled as he pulled you over to Epona gently as he petted her. "It know Llia, I'll make sure Epona stays safe on my journey to Hyrule."

"But Link... can you at least promise me this? No matter what happens on your journey, don't try to do anything... out of your league. Please. Just come home safely."

Link gave Llia a huge smile. "I promise."

Llia smiled back, until it disappeared when a huge tremor started rising. A pack of wild boars came busting in through the gate as Llia and Collin ran. One of the monster caught up to both of them as they shot them down. You hear Link gasp and when to go after them, but stopped as he protected you from a huge club. You gasped and called out his name and when to catch him while he was falling down but he was too heavy as he landed on top of you.

You stayed quite while the monster with the club came over and looked around the spring, as if looking for something. It didn't find anything as it took out it's horn and blew into it as a ugly loud sound came out of it. The sky darkened around the spring as it was still only morning. A black vortex appeared in the sky as red lining traced the entrance and the spinning inside of the vortex.

The monster took Llia and Collin away as you gasped in horror. What would they do with them? Where were they taking them?

Link twitched as he groaned and rolled off of you, his eyes in a painful daze. "(y/n) are you alright...? Where's Llia and Collin...?"

"I'm fine but they took them away! I couldn't do anything about it and I hate it!"

"H-hey... it's alright... those guys took me out and I was the toughest ones in the group. I'll get them back. Where did the monsters take them?"

"I don't know but they ran through the gate."

"Alright." Link said as he stood up, you helped him up as you knew the blow to his head wouldn't go away that fast. "Let's go."

Link took off into a sprint as you did the same thing. The feeling of the dream today came back as you did your best to ignore it while taking off with Link, determent to get Llia and Collin back.

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