Ch.4 Twilight

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The winds roared across the chasm as both Link and you ran across the bridge to find a stop in the path to Collin and Llia. Link stopped right in front of translucent barrier between the hills.

"What is this...?" Link said with wonder as his blue eyes searched the barrier.

"I don't know... maybe those monster made it."

A hand suddenly appeared from the translucent barrier and grabbed Link by the throat. You screamed and ran up to him but got caught in the same situation. The hands took you both in as the world inside was just as you remembered in the past dreams you had. A huge headache started to form inside you as it was unbearable.

The black monster pulled Link closer to it's 'face' just as Link's left hand started to shine. The monster cried out and threw you both backwards as Link landed on the ground but you hit your head on a nearby rock. The world seemed to spin as you watched Link arch his back upwards and scream at the sky, until it was soon replaced with an ear splitting howl.

The world seemed to go dark as you blacked out as another one of those black monsters grabbed Link and soon grabbed you before passing out...


"Link... wake up... Link!"

He jumped awake at the sound of you voice. The world was just the same as it had been before he passed out. Black square pieces rose upward into the sky as Link looked around and saw he was in some prison. In the far corner he spotted you passed out asleep as Link's heart beat quickened with worry as he ran-

Link stopped and fell on his four legs. He stood back up and saw there was a chain to his left wolf leg.

"That's right... I got turned into a wolf... I thought this was all a dream... one where I would wake up and find (y/n) and I still laughing and talking."

Link growled to himself as he tried biting at the chain. He needed to check up on you. Last thing before he saw as you hitting your head on a rock and blood leaking down. Out of the corner of his eyes he stopped and saw a weird looking creature. It was very small, maybe two inches tall, and had green markings on it's arm and legs. It looked like to be a girl as he orange hair was pulled back into a ponytail as a weird head shape armor around her head. She had a single eye to look from as it was the color of pale fire.

The Imp smiled evilly as jumped over the gates and into the prison. He started backing and near towards close enough to you, in case the Imp gets any ideas.

"I found you!" The Imp said with excitement.

"Found me? What does she mean by that?" Link thought to himself as she walked up closer to him.

He bared his teeth and growled at her as she simply just giggled and smiled. "Oooh! Aren't you scary! Are you sure you want to be doing that? Snarling at me when I can simply help you and your friend behind you?"

Link paused for a second to think and then stopped snarling. He did need help since he was chained up. His only thoughts were about you and your health, hoping the damage to your head wasn't too bad.

"Hehe that's much better! You human are obedient to a fault, aren't you? Only if it's something you want I guess then. But you're not a HUMAN anymore, are you?" The imp replied and snapped his jaw shut which hurt Link's mouth, "You're a beast! Eee hee!"

Anger took over Link as he snapped at her, but the Imp simply glided backwards with a smirk. "There, there. You're a good boy. No need to bite!"

"Yeah, before you become really annoying for me to bite your head off."

She closed her eyes and started gathering power around her hands in the shape of a ball and released it as both (y/n) and Links chains snapped off. (y/n)'s was completely snapped off while Link's was only snapped half off.

"You look kinda surprised. Eee hee!" The imp said with a playful tone, just before he backed up and made herself disappear and go through the bars to the other side. "So I bet you're wondering, were exactly are we?"

She landed on landed on her feet and smiled at Link. "Well, I'll make you a deal. If you can get over here, maybe I'll tell you! Ee!"

Link needed to know for sure, but needed mostly to know if you were alright. He walked up to you and nuzzled your neck with his cold nose. You groaned in pain and blinked you (e/c) eyes awake. You looked at Link, no two links, one with a wolf form and one as himself.

Your vision came into focus as they landed on wolf Link. Your heart jumped at Link's looks and figure. He really did become a wolf, and you were stuck in a prison with him. His tail wagged as he saw you awake while you slowly got up and rubbed the back of your head. There was a pretty good decent size bruise there and blood, but you were sure you could make it through.

"L-Link... so you really are a wolf."

"Eee hee! So you're finally awake! Hope you both can get out of the prison together!" The Imp girl said and yawned while watching you both.

Link sniffed around and pointed at a box as you broke it and saw there was a hole to dig out. Link dug first so you would crawl out with the big enough space he made. After crawling through the dirt the Imp landed on Links back and grabbed his wolf ears.

"Hmp! I just you're not completely stupid after all!" The imp said as Link tried to shake her off, but the imp held on tight. "Listen you both, like I said I'll get you out of here. But in exchange for my help you have to do EXACTLY as I say!"

You of course didn't want to do anything this imp had to say, but she was the only way out and so you had to say yes. "Okay we'll do everything you say."

"Good, what's your name?"


"Nice name. Now, let's go!" The imp said while Link ran straight ahead.

The way through the prison would never had been possible if it wasn't for Link and his wolf sense. As the same as Link you too, could see the spirits of the guards. The strange thing was the spirits had a blueish green glow to them while you didn't transform like Link, but you glowed bright blue. It was strange too along with the tiny black monster what looked the same as the one who brought you into the twilight looking land.

Both Link and you escaped the dungeon area of the prison and soon looked above and saw a tall spiraling stair way.

Link tried jumping across the stair ways first to make sure it was stable enough but clasped under him. You gasped in horror but soon calmed down once you saw Link was fine. The Imp sighed and floated her way across the broken part of the stair way.

"Why don't I show you the way while the girl sits on you to help get this going faster?"

You nodded and sat on Link, luckily Link was just as strong in his wolf form enough to carry you across the broken stair way as you held on for dear life until you spotted a way out. It was a castle like area outside as the Imp laughed and lead you towards a spirit.

"I wonder where we are."

Something inside you knew what this place was, as if you lived here your whole life. "Hyrule castle."

The Imp glared at you while her usual red eye. "Aww you gave it away. Weird for someone to say that when it's their first time here."

You stayed quiet as Link help you around the place and attack the monstrous bird like monsters who seemed to be going after you. Link helped you up through the open window as you landed inside another stair way, but one that wasn't broken. Something inside made you lead upward towards the stairs as there was an open door. Link opened it first as you came in last.

The room was nice and comfy as the air around the room was dark and filled with twilight. A nice bed was made in the corner along with a table and a book nearby. Opposite of it was a fireplace which you sat by near since it was cold in thisroom. By the window was person in black with strange symbols on the cloak they wore.

Link growled at the cloaked figure as the Imp simply smiled at Link with amusement as the figure turned around and under the hood it looked to be a women. Link stopped his growled and near the women as the Imp rolled her eyes.

"Midna?!" The women said as her voice held a powerful, but yet royal soft hold.

"Eee hee you remembered my name. What an honor for me."

The women looked down at Link as Link sat on his butt and looked up with kind eyes. "So, is this the one for whom you were searching..."

"He's not what I had in mind, but he'll do!" Minda said and rubbed Link's head.

"Wait... can you please tell us what is wrong with his place? Why is their monsters everywhere in Hyrule castle?" You said with a soft voice as the women's attention turned to you.

"You... your glowing blue... I believe the gods are protecting your soul from this twilight around my kingdom."

"Gods?! What would the gods want to protect me for?"

"I do not know, but I was forced to surrender my kingdom to a nameless evil. Without the light Hyrule becomes part of the twilight and the people become spirits. They are unaware they are in there spirit forms as they remain in the twilight."

"The kingdom succumbed to twilight, but I remain it's princess." The women said and took off her hood. She was beautiful as her dark brown hair twisted o help hold up her royal jewelry when it went well with her sharp face and blue eyes. "I am Zelda."

Her face held an agony of sadness while Minda rested on Link's back. "You don't have to look so sad! Perpetual twilight isn't that bad."

"Minda isn't the time for that. Shadow beast have been looking for you, why is that?"

"And me also... but they more attack then chase me." You said as Zelda turned her head towards you, looking as if studying you.

"How should I know? Eee hee!"

Zelda sighed to herself and look down at Link with a soft kindness. "You must go. The guards will make their rounds soon. You must leave quickly."

Minda landed back on Link's back as you stood back up, little dizzy, but enough to stay awake. After leaving the room and going through the window you missed the warm feeling of the fire place already. Minda jumped up from Link's back and as usual put on her smirk. "Are you forgetting something?"

Collin and Llia suddenly appeared, screaming in horror as Link jumped with surprised. "If you want to save them then we have to get going."

"But how? Nothing can escape the twilight."

"Not for now, but I have a way."

All was left was the sound of her giggling as the feeling of getting into pieces and flying into the air was all you last could see and feel.

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