Ch.9 Heart Of A Hero

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Link's P.O.V


I shook (y/n) as hard as I could along screaming her name as her eyes closed. Her body felt really cold and I had no idea what to do.

'The children' I though, they had those adults with them. I didn't even get far out from springs until I heard my name from the familiar voices I knew so well.

Colin started coming towards me until Talo knocked him down into the ground. Poor kid. Must be hard to act strong alone. Beth and Malo came up along with Malo.

"Link you came to save us!" Malo said with bright shining eyes.

"Of course I did. I knew I had to save you all."

"You are the one from Ordon whom these children speak of?"

I looked away from the children to find the brown colored man from before. "We are well met. I am Renado. Shaman of this town. Is the girl okay?"

"Link what's wrong with (y/n)?" Colin said with wide eyes.

"I just thought she was sleeping in your arms... please tell me that's true." Beth eyes started tearing up.

"I don't know what's wrong with her. She won't wake up no matter what I do too her and I need help."

"Take her to the inn. I have some medicine that should help with the battle she is having inside."

I nodded my head and followed Renado to the Inn. The children followed but had to wait outside the room while I watched Renado make the medicine. He poured some down (y/n)'s throat carefully before putting a wet cloth on her forehead that had medicine on it.

"I thank you for saving the town. I have heard the children talking about you when we were trapped by the monsters."

"I came to save the children anyways and I plan on bringing them back home."

Renado cleaned his hands before taking more face to face with me. "I would love to see the young one come home to their loved ones. Ever since those dark beasts attacked the Goron tribe they have changed. We had been a friends for a long time, but they now treat us like foes. They refuse us in their mines. It makes me wonder if something in those mines are the cause of this change..."

"I see."

"In any case, you must take the children and flee this village before more nightmare descends. I cannot leave the village, but I can watch over the children while you think of a plan."

"Thank you. Can you please watch over (y/n)? I ummmm... have to pee."

"Of course."

The truth to be told I really did need to pee. I had to since in wolf form but if I did it with Midna watching I would never hear the end of it.

The trail to Death Mountain wasn't too far away as I climbed up the ropes leading up to the true trail of the mountain. Once I got up not too far ahead I saw a creature with white swirling patterns over it's cubby rock like body.

It's face when up into a snarl once it saw me. "Ugh! No human allowed! This moutain belongs to the Goron tribe!"

Suddenly the Goron curled up into a ball and at high speed as rolled towards me. I started to panic and go into fight mode without my sword in hand. I didn't want to injure the Goron but I had no way to defend myself either.

Let's just say, getting hit by a rolling Goron hurt more than Epona kick me in the face. I screamed as I fell off and landed right on my back and groaned in pain. Luckily I had my shield to block half of the damage.

"A human's strength is nothing compared to a Goron's!" The Goron bellowed down at me with his pride before going away.

I stood up and rubbed my lower back to help ease the pain.

'Eee hee hee! Looks like wolf boy got grounded by a Goron!'

"Shut up Midna!" I snapped at her.

She just giggled and didn't say anything back. I swear that Imp is weird. At the bottom of the trail was Renado.

"Thank goodness you are in one piece! I was worried when you head up the mountain trail. It is too dangerous to go up there. But... I do know one person who best them. His name his Bo, the mayor of your town. But without a horse the children will be here still."

"Shoot. I'll try to think of something along the way."

I rolled my way down into town to go back to the Inn. I had no idea why I liked rolling so much.

A cry I remember all too well and one I missed. I turned around to see Epona galloping high speed at me. I smiled and welcomed her with open arms, but soon jumped out of the way before she could squash me.

I jumped onto the back of her and grabbed the reins. I held on tight while I was in for the life of a ride. I found the right time and pulled on the veins hard enough for Epona to snap out of it.

"Epona stop! It's me, Link!"

Epona wined happily before calming herself down. I smiled and petted the top of her head. I couldn't leave the village without (y/n), so maybe staying the night wouldn't kill me.

I had dinner with the kids as the got the opposite part if the Inn to sleep while I got a bed right next to (y/n). I blew out the candle and roll onto my side, until the sound of chattering was caught in my ear dumb.

I knew it was (y/n) so I got up and pressed my hand to her forehead. She was freezing cold even through there were blankets around her.

What should I do...? Maybe I could warm her up like we did as kids! I lifted up the covers and gently snuggled with her close to my chest as my chin rested on top of her head.

We haven't done this in ages ever since (y/n) had grew independent and wanted to live on her own. It had hurt me greatly but I didn't want her to know so I acted like I didn't care about the snuggling anymore.

I felt her starting to warm up again from the touch of my skin. I smiled and kissed the top of her head and subconsciously twined my fingers into her hands like we always had did before.

"Get well (y/n)." I whispered softly before drifting off into sleep...


(y/n) P.O.V

I woke up to a warmth next to me, one I didn't really mind being next too. My head didn't pound as much as it did before as I opened up my eyes with ease. The next thing I knew I was blushing and seeing a sleeping Link in my face with his hand in mine. We've cuddle before as kids before but never holding hands together like this... right?


"Hmmm... wake me up five more minutes later... make it an hour..."

I rolled my eyes and pinched his nose. "Wake up!"

Link jolted up as he let go of my hand as I missed the contact already. "Oh... I'm sorry about that! You were cold last night and I thought doing that would help!"

"It's okay Link, I didn't mind it..." I trailed off and hid my blush.

"If you say so. Oh and the light spirit wanted me to give you this."

Link pulled an outfit out from his small pocket... somehow... It was white and just like Link's outfit but only in my size and without a cap, but with a hair piece in the shape of gear. I took it and tried it on as it fit just perfectly.

"It looks great on you." Link said as you came out from the small bathroom downstairs.

"Thanks. Now were to next?"

"To Ordon to get a secret from the mayor."

"Him? Why?"

"We need him to get up to Death Mountain. That's where we need to go next."


We left the Inn as the children were still asleep as Epona came out from out of nowhere. I smiled and ran up to her and started petting her head. "Epona you're safe!"

"She came back when you were still asleep. Come on hold onto me while we come back."

I nodded and had Link help me up onto the saddle and held me around the waist. I tried not to blush too much once my back touched his rough stomach. Through the chain mail he was ripped. Epona took off as I held on, but Link did most of the work like a true hero.

The ride to Ordon was quicker than the way back, a lot quicker. Mayor Bo saw us and motioned us over once we stopped.

"Link! (y/n)! You're safe! What about my daughter and the children?"

Link explained everything to him as my stomach started to hurt again, but it was only a tug and I decide to ignore it.

"Hmmm... alright then. I'll teach you the secret skill to beating the Goron's. BUT, you must not ever tell anyone!"

"I promise."

"You're a good kid. Now get changed and let's get started!"


It was so hard not to eye rape what with I was seeing during the practice. My eyes were so glued onto Link's six pack I didn't even realized the match was over until he put his gear back on. I recovered myself and yawned. "Let's get going all already to get those Goron's butts beat!"

"You know it!" Link helped me up once again on the saddle again.

When he kicked his heel into Epona the same pain happened again, only bigger and painful than the last.

"(y/n) are you alright?" Link asked me with worried eyes while riding through the forest.

"Yeah I am. Don't worry about me!"

He still wasn't convinced by my face, but I knew he never would as he shook it off and started going faster through the forest.

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