Ch.8 Curse of Twilight

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Thank you for the new cover: TheRealizations

The province of Eldin was huge. Maybe even bigger than the castle of Hyrule. The sun felt too good to be true as you basked in its light.

"Wow... so this is Eldin province... it's bigger than I thought."

"Me too." Link looked up at the sky with unease, "The sun is setting fast. Let's go."

You nodded and took off with Link. It was quite the jog across the field. Along with the monsters in the way it took longer than expected, but you got a beetle in the process!

It was just the time when night and evening across together. Dusk. A lot better than twilight that's for sure.


Link and you stopped in your tracks and turned around to spot a skinny man with almost his bones showing run towards you. He stopped and few feet in front of you before pulling out a letter.

"I'm the postman and I deliver mail all across Hyrule! Here are some for Mr. Link."

He handed it over to Link as Link took it with an arched brow. "Thank you...?"

"No problem! Duty calls!"

He turned around and sprinted back from where he came from while Link and you met eye contact.

"What was weird." Link said.

"Yeah... but let's see what the letter is about."

Link opened up the letter and stuffed it into his pockets after he was done. "Nothing important."

"Alright. Oooo! Another bug!"

You catches the female version of the beetle as Link laughed at you.

"Really? All that excitement over a bug?"

"But it glows in the dark!"

"Oh it does..." Link examine it before gently putting it into his pocket, "Now stop getting distracted by bugs."

"Yes sir!"


Dusk faded away as the moon reached high into the night sky. I seemed every step of the way to the town it was getting darker and darker.

Luckily for you it was the twilight over the area. You looked down at your bow as its patterns respond to the barrier and changed into its pattern like shape before.

Midna come out from Link's shadow as her orange eye ball glowed dangerously in the dark. "Another twilight area? I can't wait! Eee hee hee! Are you ready Link?"

Link nodded as Midna when into the barrier and disappeared behind it. Five seconds later and giant shaped orange hand before grabbed Link and pulled him into the barrier.

You, of course, was forgot about and had to enter into it. This time it felt like time was slowing down around you. Ages seemed to have when by when it was only a few second after you came out of the barrier.

Wolf Link waited after you before sprinting across the field. You took down one of the monstrous creatures while Link took down two in one go. Of course with Midna's help.

The monsters died and created a portal up above while you were the first to notice the bridge was gone.

"Hey guys the bridge is gone."

"I think I remember seeing one by the springs." Midna said and rubbed her chin, "You. Stay here while we go get it."

Link looked like he was about to abject to her statement, but was too late as Midna had already transported him in the portal.

You sighed and sat down by the bridge. This sucked. That stupid Imp was bossing you around and there was nothing you could do to help Link much. If you were a goddess then why couldn't you just help him?

'Because you are too weak to help him'

You jumped at the voice and took out your bow of light and changed as a sword. "Whose's their?!"

'Ahaha.... so you can not see me?' The voice was deep and powerful... sending shivers down your spine while your grip tightened on your sword, 'So the goddess can not see me? This makes my job easier.'

Out of nowhere a hand of darkness grabbed you by the neck and lifted you up. You tried letting out a screamed but it blocked you air way while stabbing a sword into your stomach.

The sword let out a darkness of some kind as it worked it's way into you. You gasped at the pain you were feeling as tears ran down your cheeks.

The voice laughed again and let you go as you coughed up air. 'I have put a spell of Twilight inside you. The longer you stay in the land of Twilight the faster and painful it will diminish your soul.'

Your eyes widen in fear and pain as you felt the spell already working it's magic. It felt like someone was trying to rip inside you but couldn't and tried again and again.

"W-who are you?!"

'You should already know by now, goddess. Seeing how you've already help the hero so many times and want to help him now. Worst mistake in your life time. You will be the destruction of the hero's soul, destroying Hyrule and letting the land become mine. I will wait until that barrier around your soul is weak enough so I enter into it and have the power of time become mine. AHAHAHAH!'

The black figure disappeared once Link and Midna came back with the bridge and set it back into place. You were sweating all over the place as Link looked at you worried with his blue wolf eyes.

You shook your head at him and gave him a smile. "I-I had to fight off monsters... I'm fine now."

Link didn't seemed convince, but he knew he didn't have time for this as he nodded and dashes over to the gate.

He took care of the monsters guarding it while you climbed over the fence. Beats of sweat dabbed your forehead once you enter into the village.

It was deserted but with those monsters from before. You took them out but you started to worry how many more of things about still be out there. You sensed souls inside the tall almost broken down building. Midna helped up the way while you grabbed onto Link and when inside of it.

There were soul gathered around each other as you got a closer look and found out it was the children.You wanted to hug them and tell them everything would be alright, but they wouldn't have known it was you.

A man with long brown hair in beads sat around them while a man with a shirt not even covering his stomach looked outside the window with big eyes.

"Crippes! I don't see those black brutes anywhere! They must be hiding... waiting for us to come out as prey!"

Malo whimpered as the tall man looked down at Malo with peaceful eyes. "We are safe as long as we stay in here. Be at ease."

"Oh yeah?" The other man pulled up his mask, "I wonder if those monster would agree out there with you. They didn't even get scared by my bombs! How long do you think we have in here? Once they attack it's over!"

The children seemed unease and moved towards the brown man more. The other man continue as Beth was shaking from fear.

"Remember the lady from the general store? Those monster came after her and the whole town when to save her. Are you connecting the dots? Once they find us here in this place..."

"BARNES!" The brown man shouted at Barnes.

Beth burst out sobbing and huddle into a ball. Barnes jumped back and slid down the wall, covering his face with his mask.

Seconds later he recovered. "Look, Renado... isn't there a place to hide?"

"There is... a cellar."

Suddenly pain burst through your head as you gasped and leaned against the statue. Link whimper to get your attention as you shook your head. "I'm fine."

"Don't worry Beth. Link will come and save us. Along with (y/n) too!"

The children said nothing, but their eyes shined with hope. You smiled at their quiet hope to know they haven't lost all of their light inside.

Midna came out and giggled. "Oh how not to be noticed. Must be a pain! Anyways let's light up those fires and enter into that cellar."

Link did as what Midna said and when down into the cellar while you waited for Link outside. (Midna had teleported you there.)

You killed some bugs along the way once Link formed right next to you. The next light bugs were in a bomb shop as you waited outside again.

This time, the pain dug deeper into your soul. It was getting stronger each time as you cried out pain. Suddenly Link came out from the bomb shop before it exploded into millions of pieces. Now you weren't regretting not following inside.

"Oh well. Two more bugs to go. Are you alright (y/n)?"

Midna's questions caught you off guard, she noticed you finally. "I'm fine. Just this twilight air giving me the colds..."

"Hmp. Humans. This is perfect weather back here in twilight. Let's just get going."

The next two you sensed were on the mountain near the village and climbed up onto it. You shot the last of the one down while you stopped and stared at an open stone in the middle of the mountain.

"What's this?".

Link seemed to have heard something because his ears twitched. He started howling up in the air as you were confused on so many levels.

Suddenly bright light came into view and you opened your eyes to a different world. The castle of Hyrule, the mountains, forest, and a frozen covered mountain were there by the cliff Link and you were on. Across from you guys was the golden wolf.

Link howled the same song again while the golden wolf joined in. It was peaceful as the pain from the spell wasn't hurting anymore. The song was very familiar... but you couldn't remember from where.

Song... song of... healing?

"Let teachings of old pass to you... take sword in hand and find me..."

The golden wolf jumped into the mist below while another bright white light took over...


Blinking your eyes opened you found yourself in links arms, barely breathing as you looked around to find the place was back to normal.

Link face when to happy when he saw your eyes open. "Oh good your awake. Once we came back from that teaching of song you passed out. Midna told me the problem and I made fast work to return light back."

"I-it hurts... so much..." You voice barley when into a crack as your soul felt like bursting.

"I know the light spirit gave you some energy to help heal you. (y/n) you still should have told me the problem."

"I-I didn't want to... be an object in the way..." A single tear shed down your face as the pain was becoming unbearable.

Link gently wiped away your tear. "You've never been an object (y/n)."

"B-but... I always... seem to... mess things us..."

Link voice faded away no matter how many times he shouted as you let the darkness embrace you.

I'm sorry if this chapter was boring I just wanted to get this out of the way so in the next chapter their will be fluff!

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