Ch.7 Ancient Hero

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Link's clothes would keep poking a memory in the back of your mind at something... you just didn't know what it was. Maybe it was because he fit it so perfectly, like it was meant for him. Or maybe... you've seen him dressed in something like this before. But that was impossible. How could you have seen him dressed in something like this before? Only what if it wasn't just one time...

"(y/n) are you listening?"

You snapped your attention to the beautiful blue eyes you come to love and remember. "Y-Yes I was! What is it?"

"I got more oil for the lantern and I need you to stay near me."

"Huh? But I can protect myself now."

"I know... but I'm just making sure."

He grabbed your hand into his, fitting almost perfectly into his. The rough feeling of his finger and palm were all you could once feel, but the feeling of the leather covered his hands, but you could still feel and remember what it felt like. Sometimes all you wanted was to hold his hand forever and never let go...

Link blushed a faint pink and turned his face away so you couldn't see. "Let's go already."

You nodded and jogged along with him. Truth too be told having Link by your side was like the good old days. When it was too dark Link would be the hero and lead the way towards the light while you rewarded him with a hug. Ever since you've grown up it died off... but now it was coming back, alive and true to eyes.

You both finally come out from the cave and saw a shadow at the corner of your eyes and turned to see, but it was gone. Link stared out at the woods and frowned. "I've never seen the woods anything like this"

The area around the trees were covered in the purple mist from before in the twilight, only this time you didn't have a way to get around it. A blur and the feeling of air came at your back as you turned to see the lantern was gone from Link's hand and saw the girl monkey had it.

Midna came out from her shadow and growled. "What are you two idiots doing?! Don't just stand there and stare!"

Oh how so you wished you could tell this Imp to shut up, but Link just had to make a deal with her. "Just stop talking and we'll get it done."

Midna rolled her orange eye before going back as Link's shadow. Link's hand got a better grip. "Don't worry about her."

"Okay... I'll take your word for it."

The girl monkey screamed at you to get your attention as you jumped and saw she was already walking down the purple path, but she was making it disappear with the lantern. Wow. This monkey was smarter than both of you.

The trip to the temple was so long the lantern ran out of oil. You sweat dropped and laughed while picking it up. "At least we got oil!"

"Yeah. Now let's go!"

You nodded and jogged along with him. The path to the giant tree was there with a bit of mist mixed into the air. Just up ahead you saw a white light was wasn't imagining it. In the block of the road stood a wolf just the size of Link's wolf form, but only golden with streaks of white at his sides. As you got closer the wolf suddenly bared it's teeth and jumped right at Link.

Link grabbed for his sword as time seemed to waver as you reached for you bow...


You opened your eyes to find you were inside a room. It was like the room back at the castle in Hyrule, but only more with light than twilight like before. You stood up from the bed and walked over to the window to find Link battling an ancient being. Link knocked the ancient being down and stabbed them in the chest.

He back flipped away and figure rose up again. Your eyes widen as you soul was reacting to the ancient beings soul. It was so powerful you could see the ancient being looked like in his past life like Link, but only when he was a tiny kid, and then an adult version almost looking like him.

"What is going on...? Why is everything not making sense...? Where am I?!"

You closed your eyes to find a huge headache entering your head. Once you opened your eyes you saw only white light... but soon saw it was part of the same place like before. The ancient being stared down at you with it's only red eye.

His sight was pretty disturbing as you looked away and tried to find Link. "W-Where's Link? What did you do too him?!"

"Ahhh I see you were awake when I taught him one of my moves. I am the ancient being, known as the Hero of Time."

"Hero of Time...?" The name did sound a familiar as you tried remembering where you heard it, "Hero of Hyrule I also take it?"

"Yes oh goddess of time, I must say thank you for helping me on my last day of adventuring."

"Huh? Everyone keeps on saying that but I don't know what they mean. Goddess of Time? If I'm a goddess then why am I a human and not a powerful goddess?"

"You will soon learn why you are the way you are later on. Right now I must teach you some skills I did too the hero earlier."

"Why me?"

"You will not help him until later on. He must solve the dungeon puzzles on his own and you will help and lead him to the places he will go. Only until the twilight of pieces you will be able to help him since you will be stronger then."

"But... I want to help Link out..."

"I understand, and so before the time comes I will teach you some tricks."

"How? I only have a bow and you have a sword."

"Come closer to me with the Bow of Time in hand."

You did as told as you took out your bow and walked closer up too him, the bow suddenly transformed into a sword. It glowed a bright blue and a soft light with the blade inside. Designs of Link's triangle were all over it as the middle triangle glowed along with the blue light.

"Woah... I didn't know it could do that."

"The bow will change only when you change your side in combat. In air or hitting from far away it will be a bow, close up and physical it will turn into a sword. Now, raise up the Sword of Time and battle with me!"

You nodded as you rose up your blue sword and crossed sword with the ancient being. You back flipped just as he spin attack at you. His bony leg came into contact with your side and it below you away, but you dug your heel into the ground to regain your balance enough to strike at his chest.

He staggered backwards before spinning his sword and stabbing into you, luckily you dodged just in time to roll and slash his back. You could tell he was going easy on you and it was bugging you. Why would this guy go easy on you if he needed you to train? It just didn't add up, along with him looking like Link.

Could they be related...? You snapped out of your thoughts and ducked just in time before his sword could cut your neck. You saw the opportunity and stabbed the sword right into his neck. He stopped moving and you were afraid you did kill him, even though he was already dead. Maybe ghost dead?

He twitched once you pulled the sword from his neck. "Well done. You learned how to dodge well with a sword and know how to handle one. I sense Link has already defeated the evil inside the temple. You must go now Goddess of Time and help out my descendant."

"I knew it! So you both are related! But how?"

If a skeleton could smile it would have given you one now. "You will learn the truth while on the journey. You must learn just like the other hero of ages did on their journeys."

"Wait! Before I go... tell me... who were my parents... if you do know a lot about me then could you tell me about them?"

"Oh but Goddess, you have no parents."

"What? Then how..."

"As I said before, you learn in time... may the goddess watch over you..."

His words faded away as the light turned brighter and brighter also burning your eyes...


You opened up your eyes to see you were in the front of the springs again, the air around the woods were the way they always were before any of this stuff happened. Link panted his way down and hugged you tightly too him.

"Thank the gods you're safe! After I talked to the ancient being he said you wouldn't come back unless I returned the woods the way they were... but I'm just glad you're safe..."

His lips were close to yours... even close enough to see they were red and just the size of your lips. It was funny how you've never seen them so close up, yet they seemed to be calling your name. He pulled back as time seemed to be returning back the way it was.

He blushed while looking down at the ground. "Sorry I shouldn't have done that."

"Don't be sorry! I was worried for you too! I also learned something new from that ancient guy. My bow can turn into a sword now!"

"Sweet!" Link flashed you his pure white teeth, "Now we can train together while on the journey!"


Midna came out from the shadows and yawned. "I know the light spirits said we needed to going to the other ones so we don't have all day you know."

Link sighed and put away his sword. "Yes I know Midna. I just hope we can find them soon."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go get then!"

Link nodded as Midna just simply when back as Link's shadow as you both when down the new path to a new adventure.

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