Ch.6 Vessel Of Twilight

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Going into the twilight barrier was the strangest thing you've done so far in this adventure. Link had the easy way by having Midna help him and grabbed him with her... hair... shaped into a hand... You shook off the feeling and stepped into the barrier.

It felt like going through water, bending and shaping into what looked real and what wasn't real in front of you. You didn't realize you were holding your breath by the time you entered into the twilight. The sky had a golden color to it with the tree having a dark vibe about themselves.

"Alright I have what we need." Midna said as she had the shield on the face and the sword in her hand. At least she was holding one right, "But I'll just put them away."

She snapped her fingers as the shield and sword disappeared into tiny black boxes. "Now let's go."

"Hey wait, if you need the sword and shield then why aren't you using them?"

"I decided I don't need them anymore. I got Link." She patted his head as he yawned.

"You can't use Link whenever you want too! He maybe a wolf, but he's my best friend!"

Midna glared at you and got up near your face. "He's my servant until he finishes his duty is finished. I'm only letting you tag along because you're something important to the gods. You're glowing blue again and it proves the gods do need you for something."

You looked down and saw she was right. The faint light color of blue was warm to the touch as you looked down at your bow and saw it changed. The patterns of the forest weren't their anymore but the pattern that Midna and the black monsters had, but were glowing light green instead of blue.

"Hmmm wonder if that bow of yours has anything to do with your mystery past. Eee hee hee!"

She took off with Link before you could talk back. That Imp was annoying you more than words could say as you jogged after them, and soon jagged pillars came down around and set up barriers. If one black monster wasn't enough, it was three of them came out from the portal above.

"This is your guy's battle. Have fun!" She when past the barrier and put her hands behind her back to watch. Never before have had you wanted to kill someone so badly as of right now.

The monsters were growling and you could feel their missing glares if these things had eyes. Link jumped onto one and started attacking it's face. You put your fingertip to the string and pulled back at one of the two. It was running up towards you as you panicked and fired. It died right on the spot as Link had already killed the one he attacked.

The last one growled and let out an ear splitting howl into the air. The hair's on the back of your neck and everywhere stood up as Link himself hunched over to try and cover his wolf ears with his paws. The two monsters who were supposed to be dead came back alive.

"Ugh what are you two idiots doing?! You have to kill both at the same time."

"How do we do that?" You yelled while dogging one that was about to rip your face off.

Midna sighed as she when back into the barrier and sat on Link again. "Watch and learn."

Suddenly her hair shaped hand rose into the air as the three monsters around her stopped in their tracks. Link took the chance and attacked all three as they when down and died. They broke apart into the same black pieces as before and disappeared into the air.

You looked at Midna and saw she had a painful look on her face, one that looked as if someone had died. She shook her head and rubbed Link's ear. "Let's get going."

Link barked as he looked over you as you nodded and jogged along. Not too far up along the way there was another spring like the one back in the province as a soft glowing light was there.

'Hero from many lines of times... help this spring become once filled with light... as it used to be... I will give you this... to help twilight banish from the woods... it is the vessel of light... collect enough lights... and the woods will go back to normal...'

A soft light like the spirit had come over and transformed into a grape like thing with empty filled balls on each side. You grabbed it as it glowed a faint blue along with you. Midna looked at it curiously as the spirit continued to talk.

'In the shadows of twilight... you will find dark insects... they hold the light of the woods... destroy them all and twilight will leave... and I will return to my normal spirit form...'

The light spirit's light died down quite a bit as you knew deep inside the twilight was killing him, fast too. If you didn't do anything fast the spirit of the woods will die without it's guardian.

"We'll do it! Come on Link!" You said with a smile.

Link barked and when onto where the woods connected too. Jogging became real easy now by the time you got to the gate but it was closed. Midna told you to wait right there as Link entered into the house of the lantern guy. A spark when off near you as you jumped and saw it was the dark insect. You pulled back an arrow and fired at it as the bug died off and turned into a tear. It entered into the vessel as you felt the vessel glow warmly with it's missing light back in place.

More tears came into the vessel as Link came out from the house as you got the key and unlocked the gate. It was super dark inside the cave, but with your glowing light it became somewhat easy. Out through the tunnel your jaw dropped. The woods looked nothing like it had before.

The water turned into some kind of poison. You spotted another insect and killed it before turning to Midna. "How are we to cross that dangerous thing?!"

"Easy, I become Link's guide again and you sit on Link while I show him the way."

"A-Alright." You sat on Link and rubbed his ear. He seemed to like that and nuzzle your hand.

Midna rolled her eyes as she led Link through the poison filled area by having him jump tree to tree. Luckily you were a good shot and got the insects while Link jumped hurriedly to get out of this area. You both knew if you entered into it death was called to in seconds.

It seemed like forever, but the last of the insects were finally finished with as the tears of light glowed and sent you back to the springs. Midna was back as Link's shadow again as she sighed and looked around.

"I don't see what's so great about a world full of light. Night will come anyways, but it's your choice!"

Midna returned back as Link's shadow as you were still getting use to the light. Twilight was the only thing you could see until the spirit changed it's form into a monkey.

'I am one of the spirits of light who live in Hyrule. I thank you, Goddess of Time and the Hero Of Time. The hero has now returned to his rightful form and will save Hyrule thanks to the goddess."

"Huh?" You rubbed your eyes and blinked them open once they got use to the light, but widen more once they saw Link.

He was back to normal back, but in strange green clothing as he was looking himself over. "I-I'm back to normal..."

"L-Link... is it really you?" You said and walked up to him slowly. Link turned around and smiled at you. Your heart skipped a beat, it was the Link you knew.

'I thank you both... now please save the cursed temple of the woods...'

The light spirit disappeared as you ran up and hugged Link too you. Link hugged you back as he lifted you off the ground and spun you around. He was stronger than before and had the sword and shield to his back now that you noticed.

You giggled as he put you down. "I missed you so much."

"I did too... but what do they mean Goddess of Time when they speak about you?"

"I-I don't know..."

"I don't want to sit here and watch you two talk. Let's getting going already and maybe we'll find some answers on the way their!" Midna said angrily as disappeared as Link's shadow

"Midna's right. If we helped this cursed temple in the woods then we could be a step closer to saving everyone."

"Then let's go."

You took off running as Link ran with you, side by side as he was glad he was in human again... but felt stronger than before.

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