Chapter 1

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Wilson blinked open his eyes, hissing at the glaring sun. If only he could cast a winter storm in the middle of summer.

Speaking of summer, he felt like he was on fire. He hated the warmth so that meant that Willow intentionally made today hot just to annoy him. That was how it was with them. Wilson would freeze over lava pools, Willow would melt a portion of winter snow. It was a bitter rivalry they had, and Charlie occasionally had to interfere to stop them from disrupting Umbra's balance.

Wilson got up anyway though. He still had to get up. Council meeting of the gods today.

Standing up, Wilson pulled his shirt over his head and put pants on, yanking his scarf around his shoulders and fastening it with a pin. Pulling gloves on and grabbing his Ice Staff, he walked outside, cursing the blinding sunlight once more.

His house was nothing to brag about. It was just a shack, drafty and bitterly cold during winter. But that's how he liked it. He didn't care that the others had houses that looked like a work of wonders (Except Maxwell). He preferred a chilled house that could contain no heat. It was just how he was. Cold is how he liked it.

Walking through the woods, Wilson sighed. The heat was almost unbearable, and he stayed mostly in the shade of trees. Even if being around them made frost form on the pine needles and leaves. As long as they protected him from direct sunshine.

"Hey! Wilsön!" The voice of the approaching warrior made Wilson flinch. Wigfred ran up next to him, brandishing her spear. She could scare the living soul out of anyone with her voice alone. Her battle armor didn't help.

"Good morning, Wigfred," Wilson groaned, annoyed by the presence of another.

"Öh, dön"t be sö sulky, Wilsön! Yöu shöuld be happy aböut töday! We get tö see everyöne!" Her positivity was irritating.

"I'm only going to satisfy Charlie. These meetings are, for some reason, important and every god must attend," Wilson growled. That was the first rule; All God's must attend the meeting to take place.

"Yöu're such a party pööper, Wilsön," Wigfred whined.

"Does it look like I care?" Wilson said, looking at the blue gem on his staff. He felt the coolness drifting off it.

Wigfred rolled her eyes. "Yöu never care, dö yöu?"

"Nope. Not now, not ever," Wilson said matter-of-factly.

Wigfred sighed. "Nö changing yöu nöw, especially since yöur a High Göd."

Wilson smiled at this comment. He was most definitely a High God, along with all the other season Gods.

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