Chapter 2

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Wilson yawned, unbearable boredom beginning to contaminate his mind. They hadn't been able to start because Maxwell hadn't arrived. Everyone else was here. And he could tell they were dying to start as well.

Willow sat to his left, sitting up straighter than a board and casting dirty looks in his direction now and then. Woodie sat on his right, appearing to almost be sleeping. Next to Woodie was Winona, making flowers grow out of the middle of the table. Across from Wilson was Wendy and her sister, Abigail. They were enjoying the torment of a little bunny, while Wolfgang, sitting next to them, attempted to make them stop with little success. Webber sat next to Wendy, watching closely as he pets his spider, Aracnie. Next to Webber was Wigfred, practically yelling at Wes, a creation of Charlie's, the Adventure Guide. He nodded, seemingly very interested in what she was saying even if he couldn't say anything. WX-78 (a creation of Wilson's and the Clockwork Guardian) stared over Wolfgang's shoulder at Abigail and Wendy. Wickerbottom simply read her book, even though Wilson was sure she's read it a million times.

Charlie sat at the head of the table, adorning the flowers Winona was growing. Although she may look a little frightening at first glance, she was kind. Her love for flowers and everything that involved the Gods was astounding. She may be the Queen of Darkness, but she never acted like Darkness was necessary. She just loved the light too much to act like Dark. How strange there was no God or Goddess of Light...

Wilson sighed as time ticked on. Maxwell should have been here an hour ago. Charlie refused to start without him. In the amount of time they waited, they could have gone through all reports and ended the meeting. Especially since he was forced to sit next to that stuck up pyromaniac.

Winona groaned. Even for someone as kind and gentle as she was, she was running out of patience. "Charlie, dear. I don't think Maxwell is coming," she said, her tone even.Charlie looked at the empty seat across her, Maxwell's seat, nervously. "I'm sure he's just late." She sounded unsure.

That's when Willow let lose her temper. She stood and slammed her hands on the table, causing Woodie to wake. "Oh, for the love of Gods, would you PLEASE start the meeting!? I don't feel like sitting next to this whelp any longer!"

Realizing Willow meant him, Wilson stood as well. "How dare you! Your not the only one who wants to start!" He felt, for some reason, fiery anger, not cold, bitter sarcasm. He was legitimately angry at Willow.

Willow's face went red. But before she could say a word, Charlie cut in.

"Stop! This is not a matter worth arguing over. But if you all truly wish to start, we will have to, as I do not believe Maxwell will be attending. Now, Willow, since it is summer, please start with your report."

Willow groaned but began the meeting nonetheless. Wilson snickered as he sat down again.

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