Chapter 33

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Willow's reaction to Wilson's return was far more fiery. Tears spilled out of her eyes as she punched the winter god, saying things that made Wolfgang cover Webber's ears. Wendy just greeted Wilson as she always did.

After Willow quit punching the ice god and Wilson stopped rubbing his bruised arm, she broke down into a much more uncontrolled sobbing. She yelled at Wilson for making her so worried. He gently sat her down and comforted her, rubbing her back as she cried. For some reason, he wanted to help her calm down, wanted to hold her in an embrace, but decided that would be weird. Besides, she'd probably give him a weird look if he did that, or punch him again. He didn't feel like having either of those happen to him.

After a few minutes, Wilson began to explain what happened. Him going for a walk, encountering Charlie, waking up in the castle and Maxwell stealing his Grue. They all gasped at such a thing, as that had never happened before. In all honesty, he wanted to cry as he told them how deadly his Grue really was, how he had wanted to badly to be alone only to have that desire turned against him. No scientist wants to admit he was wrong, even with personal things.

"I'm sorry. I was a complete idiot," Wilson said looking down, unable to face his companions. 

The others only stared at him, some in pity, but this time Wilson didn't mind. He wasn't the same person, uncontrolled by the Grue mask. He didn't really want to be alone. Now, he wanted to just be with the people he now considered friends.

Then, Willow did something no one expected, not even her herself.

She hugged Wilson, the man she had put up faux hatred towards for years.

Wilson was still for a moment, before feeling himself become red in the face. A women, Willow no less, was holding him in an embrace. The only person he occasionally let touch him in general was Charlie, and she never hugged him.

But as she pulled away, Wilson felt something flutter inside him, some sort of feeling he never experienced. The freezing cold and lonely Grue had hardened his heart, but now he felt so free and his emotions were going crazy. There was no way he was able to even vaguely control himself as he pulled her back. There was no going back. The real him was in love with the fire goddess.

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