Chapter 14: Loki's Imprisonment

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I don't own anything except any original/own characters and any original plot.


Chapter 14- Loki's Imprisonment


The Time of Bor, Many Years Ago

"Long before the birth of light there was darkness, and from that darkness, came the Dark Elves," a single light shone down on a Dark Elf, "Millennia ago, the most ruthless of their kind, Malekith, sought to transform our universe back into one of eternal night."

The sky seemed to open up above Malekith, showing the Nine Realms aligning in the sky. All of them looking more like cities on clouds than actual realms.

"Such evil was possible through the power of the Aether, on the Reality Stone, now an ancient force of infinite destruction as it waited for its master's return."

"Malekith," Algrim turned to Malekith as he walked onto the balcony, he began to speak in their Elven tongue, "Asgard's forces are upon us."

The Bifrost crashed down, Asgardian soldiers running towards the Elven soldiers.

"The noble armies of Asgard, led by my father, King Bor, waged a mighty war against these creatures."

"Send the Kursed," Malekith ordered.

Large monstrous elves jumped out of the shadows and began to attack the Asgardian soldiers.

"As the Nine Worlds converged above him, Malekith could at last unleash the Aether..."

Malekith opened the chamber of the Aether, reaching out for the dark substance. The substance hesitated, floating in its place. This wasn't its true owner, but the Aether couldn't sense the owner anywhere. Its owner didn't even exist. It had to lie in wait.

The Bifrost struck down just in front of Malekith, knocking him back and away from the Aether.

"But just as he was going to use it, the weapon was ripped from his grasp."

Malekith fell to his knees at the absence of the Aether, killing every Asgardian that neared him.

"Without it, the Dark Elves fell. I a desperate attempt to save his own life, Malekith killed his own people to try to kill Asgard's army."

"Their death will be our survival," Malekith told his companion.

"Malekith was vanquished and the Aether was locked away where no normal being could reach it, or so we were lead to believe."

"Sir, shall we destroy it?"

"If only we could," King Bor sighed, "But its power is too great. Bury it deep, deep enough that no one can find it. And so the Aether can not find its true owner, for if they have bad intentions, we have no chance."


(Y/n) watched in muted silence as Loki was brought before the Allfather in chains. The muzzle was gone at the very least, which was a relief, but he wasn't free.

(Y/n) wasn't even supposed to be watching this exchange. She was supposed to be preparing herself for battle. One of the last battles before she was given her true power, as the preparations were being made for her to receive her birthright. The Reality Stone.

"Loki," Frigga said softly, no anger or disappointment in her tone. She was picking at the palm of her left hand, a nervous habit that she and Loki shared.

"Hello, mother. Have I made you proud?

"Please, don't make this worse," Frigga all but begged.

"Define worse."

"Enough!" Odin snapped, "I will speak to the prisoner alone."

Frigga nodded, quickly leaving the throne room. (Y/n) knew she was likely to continue to watch like she was.

"I really don't see what all the fuss is about," Loki laughed, walking closer to Odin.

"Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death."

"I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent god. Just like you," Loki said dismissively.

(Y/n) clenched her fist. If Loki was just a little less stubborn and headstrong, then she knew she could convince him to beg for Odin's forgiveness. To inform him that he was under control. (Y/n) knew of he torture he went through. They way he was weakened when he first arrived on Midgard, barely able to walk.

Despite Loki's instruction on Midgard, she plead his case to Odin who dismissed it in his anger.

"We are not gods. We are born, we live, we die. Just as humans do."

"Give or take 5000 years," Loki chuckled.

"All this because Loki desires a throne."

Loki held back his argument. That all he wanted was to be equal to Thor.

"It is my birthright," Loki decided on saying.

"Your birthright was to die!" Odin yelled, "Cast out onto a frozen rock. If I had not taken you in you would not be here now to hate me."

"If I am for the axe, then for mercy's sake, just swing it. It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just... I don't love them."

"Frigga and (Y/n) are the only reasons you are still alive and you will never see them again. You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeons."

Loki's face fell at his father's word. Even though (Y/n)'s betrayal - something he knew was coming, and was hoping for, needing the freedom from his chains - she stayed by his side and convinced the others to keep him alive. She still loved him despite the monster he became.

"And what of Thor?" Loki asked as he was being pulled away, "You put that witless oaf on the throne while I'm left to rot in chains?"

"Thor must seek to undo the damage you have done. He will bring order to the Nine Realms, then, yes, he will be king."

"(Y/n), come on!"

(Y/n) shook her head, bringing herself back to Vanaheim. She wiggled her fingers, running onto the battlefield. Her goal wasn't to fight, that was for Sif and the Warriors Three. She was to keep the people safe from the enemy.

Immediately she put shields around the people in the center of the fight, urging them to move to the safety of the treeline until everything was under control and they could return safely.

As she was helping a mother and her young son she saw the Bifrost open. She grinned as Thor entered the battle, taking out several enemy soldiers within the first thirty seconds of his arrival.

"I had this under control," Sif growled.

"Is that why everything's on fire?" Thor asked sarcastically.

Everything on the battlefield became silent as a roar rang through the air. (Y/n) groaned, just as they were winning. She dropped her hands to her sides, looking over at the Kronan that slowly approached them.

"All yours," she told Thor.

"Hello," Thor greeted, approaching the creature, "I accept your surrender."

All the men laughed at what seemed to be a joke. Thor chuckled as well, swinging his hammer up and destroying the Kronan.

The men stopped their laughing, all looking at each other as they dropped their weapons and knelt down to the ground as a surrender. (Y/n) rolled her eyes, if she had her Infinity Stone the battle would have been much easier to say the least.

"Perhaps next time we should start with the big one," Fandral suggested.

They rounded up all of the thugs and allowed the Asgardian soldiers to take care of them and put them in the local prisons until they could be processed and punished correctly.

(Y/n) began to assist Hogun in stacking wood that had been knocked over. She worked as quickly as she could so she would be able to return to Asgard sooner rather than later.

"Will you be okay without me?"

"We'll be fine. Now go to Asgard. Loki awaits."

(Y/n) grinned, giving Sif a quick thank you and a hug before running up the hill to meet Thor as he summoned the Bifrost.

"You're forbidden to see him," Thor told (Y/n), "Heimdall!"

"Since when has the rules ever stopped me?" (Y/n) asked as the Bifrost opened, bringing the two back to Asgard.


(Y/n) walked through the bustling halls of the palace. She was supposed to be planning her receival ceremony. Instead, she was going to sneak into the dungeons to see Loki.

Before she went to the dungeon she stopped at her room. She bathed and changed into a dress. Light purple. It was the color she felt safest with at the time. Blue was the Tesseract, red was the blood spilt, and green was Loki's armor. Yes, purple was nice.

(Y/n) walked to the library, seeming as inconspicuous as she could. Servants passed her and gave respectful nods and curtsies before continuing on their way.

(Y/n) always loved the library. It was peaceful and somewhere Thor refused to go, in the past at least. It was old fashioned and had the largest selection of books she had ever seen. Some written in languages long dead. Some in languages still developing.

(Y/n) picked a few certain books out. All from Midgardian authors like Shakespeare and Charles Dickens, classic authors she had heard of during her time there.

She walked to a selection near the back, untouched and dusty. Her eyes scanned over the books, searching for the one she knew held the way.

"'How to Be a Queen'," Frigga said from at the end of the shelf, "That's the book you're looking for."

"Thank you," (Y/n) quickly located the book after being given the name, "Would you like to see him as well?"

"My husband knows of my knowledge of the secrets of the palace," Frigga sighed, "I am all but blocked off when it comes to visiting him in person."

(Y/n) nodded, running her finger over the binding of the book. When she blinked again she was no longer in the library, instead in the hallway of the dungeon.

"Lady (Y/n) you are not permitted-"

"Go back to your post," (Y/n) ordered, a red-gold mist running through the air.

"Yes, Lady (Y/n)."

(Y/n) passed through the hall of the dungeon, changing any monitors in the area so that she would never have been there, and Loki would have had no visitors.

"I was told that you were forbidden from seeing me," Loki said, walking to the barrier between the two.

"Since when has that stopped me?"

(Y/n) placed her hand on the barrier and passed through easily. She set the books she had gathered down on the table in Loki's cell. Now that she was actually inside she took the chance to look around.

"The bed could be better," she snapped her fingers and the cot was turned into a twin sized bed with nice blankets.

"Thank you darling, but you really shouldn't be here," Loki said quietly.

"Where else would I be? The preparations for the receiving ceremony are all so boring and-"

"(Y/n)," Loki interrupted, "You shouldn't be here, with me. Look what I did to Midgard, the people I harmed. And all for a title I never really desired."

"We both know why you did what you did. What they did to you," (Y/n) placed a hand on Loki's pale cheek, "You have been told time and time again that you are not worthy of what you have worked your entire life to achieve, that Thor was your better in every aspect. If that were true then I would be with him instead of you right now."

Loki closed his eyes and leaned into (Y/n)'s hand, allowing her words to sink in. Never, no matter what happened or what he did, did her loyalty to him falter. It was that loyalty that had hurt them more than once, but in the end both of them knew the pain was worth it, for even the smallest moments like this one.

(Y/n) and Loki stayed together until nightfall, speaking of the old time and of the peace that was arriving in the Nine Realms. (Y/n) confessed how nervous she was about the upcoming events. The largest, was obviously her Infinity stone ceremony.

"You'll do wonderful, darling," Loki reassured, "You'll be the most powerful being in the universe."

"That's what I'm scared of. Too much power, losing control, all of it," (Y/n) sighed, "I just wish you were there by my side."

"I wish I could be by your side as well."

"Nightfall," (Y/n) mumbled, sensing the change in time, "I must go. But I return as soon as I can."

"I love you," Loki pulled (Y/n) in for a long kiss, trying to keep her there as long as he could.

"I love you too Loki," (Y/n) pulled away, "Farewell."

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