Chapter 15: The Aether

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I don't own anything except any original/own characters and any original plot.


Chapter 15- The Aether


Thor approached Heimdall as he looked out from the Bifrost. They were celebrating their victory on Vanaheim. (Y/n) had just arrived at the festivities, agreeing to distract the others while Thor went to talk to Heimdall. He knew she was visiting Loki. She had never been one to follow rules that didn't fit her liking.

"You're late," Heimdall stated when Thor entered.

"Merriment can sometimes be a heavier burden than battle."

"Then you're doing one of them incorrectly."

Thor huckled, "Perhaps. How fare the stars?"

"Still shining. From here I can see Nine Realms and ten trillion souls," Heimdall shifted his sword before looking to Thor, "You recall what I told you of the Convergence?"

"Yes, the alignment of the worlds. It approaches, doesn't it?"

"The universe hasn't seen this marvel since before my watch began," Heimdall stated, "It is the night of (Y/n)'s ceremony, only adding to the power she may hold...Few can sense, even fewer can see it. Though it can be dangerous, it is truly beautiful."

"I see nothing."

"Or perhaps that is not the beauty you seek."

"How is she?" Thor asked.

"She's quite clever, your mortal. She doesn't know it yet, but she studies the Convergence as well. Even-" Heimdall stopped, looking out at the stars.


"I can't see her."

It was as though Jane was drowning in nothing. All that surrender her being was red, a deep, blood, red. Her eyes were closed, but she felt the Aether moving in and out of her body.

"This is not our master," it hissed, she could hear it in her mind. It was like hundreds of voices overlapping each other. The same power, the same overall mind, but different thoughts, just like other living beings.

"No, but she knows of her. We shall stay."

Jane opened her eyes. She groaned as she sat up. She was in a different building than the one she had entered the portal from. It was now light out.

Jane left the building, walking down to the main level. Darcy was speaking to a police officer.

"Darcy!" She called.

"Jane? Thank God," Darcy ran to her friend. It suddenly began to rain, thunder rumbling above.

"What the hell are you doing? You called the police?" Jane asked angrily, "They'll call the feds, and SHIELD will Area Fifty-One this! We had access to a controlled gravitational anomaly. Our only competition was ten year olds!"

"Jane you were gone for five hours."

Jane's brows furrowed in confusion, "What?"

Jane and Darcy finally took notice of the fact that they were completely dry in the sudden pouring rain. Looking around them they saw a clear circle. Jane looked to the side, grinning when she saw (Y/n) and Thor standing there.

"See Thor, she's fine," (Y/n) said to Thor, who had dragged her along in worry that there was something larger going on once again.

Jane walked towards Thor, leaving her in the rain, "Typical."

Jane slapped Thor loudly across the face. (Y/n) chuckled, glad Thor got something for dragging her along on what seemed to be a wild goose chase.

"I'm sorry, I just had to make sure you were real," she apologized before slapping him again, "Where were you?"

"Where were you? Heimdall cannot see you."

"I was right where you left me. I was waiting, then I was crying, then I went looking for you. You said you'd come back."

"I know, I know. But the Bifrost was destroyed, the Nine Realms erupted into war, marauders were pillaging."

"Okay, as excuses go that isn't terrible. But I saw you on TV, you were in New York!"

"I fought to protect you from the dangers of my world. I realize I was wrong. I believe fate brought us together. I realize..."

"You do?"


Thor and Jane got closer, ready to kiss before Darcy ran over.

"Hey, is this you?" She asked, the rain suddenly stopped.

"We were kind of in the middle of something," Jane told Darcy.

"I'm pretty sure we're getting arrested."

"Hang on," Jane sighed, running over to the police.

"Alright, you had your reunion, how long do you plan on staying?" (Y/n) asked, "Jane is fine, perhaps with the convergence approaching Heimdall's sight shifts. Speaking of Convergence there's a ceremony we must plan, perhaps-"

(Y/n)'s eyes widened and she cut herself off. Her chest began to tighten as she felt something calling out to her, her Infinity Stone. It had called to her on occasion as long as she could remember, but this was different. It was so close, so strong. Like it was right...

"Dear Gods," (Y/n) mumbled in realization.

"What is it (Y/n)?" Thor asked.

He got his answer when a large explosion rang through the air. (Y/n) ran to Jane, easily placing her hands on her cheeks.

"Oh Jane," (Y/n) whispered, helping her up, "This isn't good. This is not good."

"Put your hands behind your head," an officer ordered.

"This woman is unwell," Thor stated.

"She's dangerous, I need an armed squad as backup."

"Hold on to me," Thor ordered Jane, summoning the Bifrost.

The three traveled up the Bifrost, seeing the universe faintly outside. (Y/n) glanced at Jane worriedly. Her Infinity Stone, or the Aether as she hadn't the chance to purify it, had taken refuge inside of Jane. She didn't understand how, or why. With the ceremony so close, it would be within its proper owner soon. Why the new operator?

"We have to do that again," Jane said as they landed in the Bifrost Chamber, she turned to Heimdall, "Hi."

"Welcome to Asgard."

The two Asgardians took Jane to the Asgardian physicians, making her lay down on a table while they looked her over.

"What's that?" Jane asked curiously.

"Be still."

"This is not of earth, what is it?"

"I do not know. But she will not survive the amount of energy surging within her."

"It's the Reality Stone," (Y/n) whispered, it must have sensed the Convergence approaching. I don't understand why it would take place in Jane when it was so close to coming to me though."

"Can you remove it?" Thor questioned.

"I can try, but as of this moment the stone, the Aether, has its own mind. I can't control it, only communicate.

"That's a quantum field generator, isn't it?" Jane asked.

"It's a Soul Forge," Eir corrected.

"Does a Soul Forge transfer molecular energy from one place to another?"

"Yes," Eir said in shock.

"Quantum field generator," Jane whispered.

"My words are mere noises to you that you ignore them completely?" Odin asked from the entrance of the room.

"She's ill," Thor explained.

"She is mortal. Illness is their defining trait."

"I brought her here so that we may heal her."

"She does not belong here in Asgard anymore than a goat belongs at a banquet table."

"Did he just- Who do you think you are?" Jane asked angrily.

"I'm Odin. King of Asgard. Protector of the Nine Realms."

"Oh. Well I'm-"

"I know very well who you are, Jane Foster. Her world has its healers, Thor, they're called doctors, let them deal with it. Guards, take her back to Midgard."

The guards were pushed back from a large blast of energy. Jane fell back to the table, unconscious.

"Odin, she holds my Infinity Stone," (Y/n) explained.

"Impossible," Odin muttered.

"It's defending her."

"No, it's defending itself."

"(Y/n), remove what is rightfully yours," Odin ordered.

(Y/n) cautiously stepped forward, running her hand up Jane's arm. She could feel it, the power. It was calling to her, begging for her to remove it from the weak mortal body, so that it may be in its proper form.

"Leave her body," (Y/n) ordered.

Jane screamed in pain as the Aether began to leave her body. (Y/n) panicked as she heard the Aether speak.

"Kill the weak," it hissed.

"No!" she yelled, and Jane stopped her screaming, "Don't kill her."

"She is not worthy of your presence, of the power you deserve."

(Y/n) stepped back, "I cannot remove the Aether without killing her. It refuses to keep her alive. I do not control it yet."

"What's the Aether?" Jane asked weakly, "Why is (Y/n) the only one it likes?"

"Come with me," Odin led the three to a different room in the palace, "There are relics that predate the universe itself. What lies within her appears to be one of them. The Nine Realms are not eternal. They had a dawn as they will have a dusk. But before that dawn the dark forces, the Dark Elves, reigned absolute and unchallenged."

"'Born of eternal night, the Dark Elves comes to steal away your light,'" Thor read from the book Odin had pulled out, "They were these stories mother told us as children."

"Their leader, Malekith made a weapon out of that darkness, it was called the Aether. While the other relics often appeared as stones, the Aether is fluid and ever changing. It changes matter into dark matter and seeks out to host bodies, drawing strength from their life force," Odin sighed, "On the day of the Convergence (Y/n) was to purify and receive the stone, so she may wield it. But it appears as though the Aether has taken refuge in you as it searched for (Y/n).

"Malekith sought to use the Aether's power to return the universe to one of darkness. But after eternities of blood shed, my father Bor, finally triumphed, ushering in the peace that lasted thousands of years. By killing them all."

"Are you certain? The Aether was said to be secure yet here it is."

"The Dark Elves are dead," Odin said surely.

"No," Odin shook his head, "(Y/n) can draw it out, but not in a way that will allow you to keep your life."

"We'll find a way Jane," (Y/n) assured, "Perhaps I can convince the Aether to let you live."

"That's assuring."

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