Chapter 1.5 : Planning for the future war

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

G.O.D : Gargantuan Omnipotent Deity (shortened)

Back with the gods, the sound of slapping was echoing across the place as Purple Heart fell on her back and turned back to normal as Pneuma had slapped her, a angry yet tearful look on her face.


Neptune : B-But-

Pneuma : Now... Iris Heart is dead, BECAUSE OF YOUR RECKLESSNESS !

Noire : W-We didn't want this !

Pneuma : And yet that's exactly what happened ! Do you have any idea how Arfoire felt when she felt her daughter die at the hands of one she cherished as her friend ?!

This completely silenced the CPUs.

Pneuma : I guess not. Then here's my next order : Go to your mother and DO NOT EVEN THINK OF TAKING ON ANY OTHER TITAN BEFORE SHE CALMS DOWN !!!


They then ran off as Pneuma just sat on her throne, letting out a heavy sigh along with some tears while covering her face.

Pneuma : This... is a disaster... Just like back then...


A younger Pneuma was seen hiding behind some debrits with her arm badly injured as people were running away in fear. Then something came crashing down near her and it was the dead body of a God.

Suddenly, heavy footsteps were felt as she looked up and saw a monster that scared her to the core.

Then suddenly, the monster's appearance changed and flashed before her as it roared.

*flashback ends*

Pneuma : First Karlow, then Iris Heart. All those lives lost... I can't let it happend a second time.

She then turned to a Kagebosh.

Pneuma : Have we found them yet ?

Kagebosh : Negative. But we have confirmed the apparition of a anomaly where the weapon known as "Oxygen Destroyer" was detonated. There is a 72% chance it might be a titan. Researches are being conducted right now.

Pneuma : Any news from the research teams ?

Kagebosh : Negative, contact was suddenly lost.

Pneuma : ... I don't like this in the slightest bit.

Meanwhile, in Antartica, Gaia emerged inside a frozen cavern, carrying her son in her arms. She looked up to see crystalized Aether overflowing the cavern.

She then took a look at Y/N with a worrying face.

Gaia : My son... If only I had just allowed myself to take a break from being this planet's Primordial and went to you that day...

She then letted out a tear of her own.

Gaia : And I can feel that my dear Cronos' soul has long left this world... And I was not here for you or your brother...

Gaia then placed him on the ground as she raised her arms and her eyes shined blue. Then the Aether began  converge on Y/N as he was lifted in the air before being transformed into his Godzilla form as the Aether began to crystalise and encase around him, taking a pink-ish coloration.

Gaia : Rest my son. I will take care of things until your soul is healed.

Gaia then shined blue as she teleported in a bright flash of light, leaving Y/N to rest and heal through the Aether, safe from anyone who would try to look for him.

Meanwhile, Y/N's familly returned to the surface and arrived to where the Oxygen Destroyer was detonated, seeing and feeling nothing but death left in the detonation.

Void : Oh good lord...

Clara : There's... nothing left alive.

Zilla Jr : Sweet lord almighty...

Shin : For a moment I heard the planet scream in pain... now I know why...

Zilla took a closer look at some corpses of fishes and noticed something ominous.

Zilla : uhh guys ? These fishes have been eaten.

Clara : Of course they-

Zilla : B-But the marks are all recent !

Shin : What ?

Shin then ran to Zilla and noticed the same thing.

Shin : I-It's true !

Void : But there shouldn't be anything capable to live in this place anymore !

??? : True... but not true as well.

They then looked behind them and saw Gaia appear before them.

Zilla : *jawdrops*

Clara : That aura... It's like Y/N and Shin...

Void : Then is she-

Shin : Mother ?

Gaia : *smile* Hello, son.

Shin then ran to his mother and hugged her.

Shin : Mother ! It really is you !

Gaia then hugged back after some hesitation.

Zilla : Holy shit ! It really is Gaia !

Void and Clara : Gaia ?

Zilla : She was Cronos' wife. And she's according to him the most powerful being on the planet !

This shocked Void and Clara who looked at Gaia with fear in their eyes.

Gaia : So you must be the girls my sons choosed as their mates ? I must say...

Void and Clara were beggining to shake in fear. But Gaia's eyes then began to shine in happiness.

Gaia : They picked the best of the best !

Shin : O_O

Zilla : uh...

But Gaia quickly began to regain her composure.

Gaia : Nevermind that now. This is an urgent situation right now. I'm sure you're aware of it.

Clara : Sadly.

Void : Where's Y/N ?! And Junior ?!

Gaia : You mean my grandson ? He's safe. He's with Gigamoth, another primordial and a close friend of mine. as for Y/N... I'm afraid I can't tell you.

Everyone : WHAT ?! BUT WHY ?!

Gaia : He needs to get some rest. His mind and soul needs to rest after what happened. And it was not helped by that idiot Pneuma.

Gaia then clenched her fist with fury as it glowed red.

Gaia : If I see her one more time, I'll make sure to put a end to her !

Shin : Don't bother with her mother ! Please tell us how we can help !

Gaia : Shin, you-

Shin : I'm not going to stand here and do nothing while my brother's well being and our home are being threatened !

Gaia : *sigh* alright.

Gaia then raised her arms as the planet began to shake. In San Francisco, Great Britain and Australia, Cracks began to appear near the city as blue light came out of it, revealing liquified magmatic Aether.

Gaia : I have surmonned 3 hot spots of Aether around the globe, each one of you go and take one, they will give you the power needed for the upcoming war. And be quick, before someone else finds out about them.

everyone : Yes !

They then transformed into their titan form and each went into a different direction. Zilla for San Francisco, Void for Great Britain and Shin and Clara for Australia.

Gaia : Good luck everyone. And now one last thing to do...

Gaia once again teleported, this time into a forest were a rose was found in the middle of an empty field. gaia then reached for the flower and touched it as her eyes glowed blue.

Gaia : "Old friend, I am sorry to bother you again, but I'm going to need your help, once more".

The rose then began to move and grow at a fast rate as it letted out a roar.

*At the bottom of Mt Fuji, MechaGodzilla city*

Inside MechaGodzilla City, the Gods occupying it were trying to analyse the Aether that appeared when Gaia emerged, they injected samples of it into the City's central computer to try and get results.

Little did they know what awaited them.

While 2 Kageboshs were operating the city, the cameras behind them began to move and look at them.

Then without warning, they were impalled by nanometal spikes.

Suddenly, the city entered a lockdown state as the Gods and teir allies inside were panicking.

Inside, one of the machines began to activate on its own and roar.

The MechaGodzilla then looked at the gods and slowly approached them.

God 1 : Wh-what are you doing metallic abomination ?!

God 2 : Stop ! Stand back ! I order you as an almighty-

??? : Request : Denied. Assuming full autonomus takeover and development.

God 2 : Wh-What even are-

Then the MechaGodzilla's eyes showed as the entire city began to talk, having gained sentience with the Aether.

M.G City : I am the Administrative Programmed Executive Matrix Governence. Shortening. I am...

Then the Mechagodzilla raised his right hand.


The Mechagodzilla then brought his hand down on the gods.

Once it was over. The buildings and sections of the city began to disconect with each others before they suddenly took off and flew away.

APEX : Executing New autonomous directive : Assist Godzilla, Titans and Humans and root out invasive speecies called "Gods". Unable to reach Gigan-class units. All mechagodzillas-class units : Ready and locked.

It then showed a location in a deserted region before the holographic map moved to reveal an underground location in the destination.

APEX : Processing Relocation to : Axis Mundi. Initiating Underground relocation.

Then once near the designated location, the City's central unit fired a beam into the ground as a energetic portal appeared and MechaGodzilla City went inside.

Once arrived inside Axix Mundi, MechaGodzilla City landed and began to reconnect its different sections.

APEX : Connection to satellite surveillance : Success. Beginning situation anaylsis. All units, ready for deployment. Preparing assistance for Liberation of Planet Earth.

(What are your thoughts on it ? Question coming next.)

In a mountainous region in Japan, A titan called the Ancient King had finished fighting the Gods and their armies.

Ancient King : Puny gods ! I should start making my way to assist Gaia and help my fellow titan breatheren.

The Ancient King began to move until he was the remnants of other Gods' armies, but barely recognizable.

Ancient King : What sorcery is this ?! Who could-

He then looked foward and saw Titanus amhuluk appear from behind a mountain.

Ancient King : Amhuluk ? I didn't expect you to bo so-

But once Amhuluk emerged, he was shown to be decapitated and hold by someone.

Ancient King : So... dead...

Then the three clawed hand holding Amhuluk crushed the head as a purple glow appeared and eated the remains of the dead titan.

Ancient King : SH-SHOW YOURSELF !!!

Then a huge winged, multi legged and horned shadow with pink-ish purple glowing spots emerged from the mountain and looked at the Ancient King with yellow eyes full of murderous and bloodthirsty intents.

Ancient King : FUCKER !!!

The Ancient King charged a blast from his mouth, ready to annihilate the monster.

(The one at 0:11)

Only for the sound of a laser cutting something to echoe as the Ancient King's eyes widdened before going blank.

After a few seconds, the Ancient King's blast faded away and the Ancient king's body splitted in half and fell dead.

Before it, the horn on the monster was glowing a bright powerful yellow color as the Monster's glowed purple and letted out a small pulse of energy while drowling.

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