Chapter 1 : The Broken King and a broken family

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

G.O.D : Gargantuan Omnipotent Deity (shortened)




It was all he could hear at the moment.

When he opened his eyes he saw himself fighting his friends, but something was wrong.

He was not in control.

Then his view started to glitch until a face appeared.

G.O.D : Vessel...

The monster then roared as Y/N screamed in shock and anger before catching his breath.

He then looked around and saw he was on a rocky bed, he took a look outside and saw he was in an ancient underground city.

Y/N : Where... am I ?

He then exited the stone house he was sleeping in and looked around.

Y/N : There's so much radiation in this city... not even human's protection against radiation would work in such a place.

He stopped before placing his hand into a lava conduit, absorbing the lava and the energy it carries.

Y/N : This should- ooch !

He took his hand out and noticed the black veins in it, seemingly clashing with his own body.

Y/N : Those veins...

He then felt his family near and slowly approached them, but he hided behind a collum instead of joining when he heard cries.

He then looked to see Void crying and Clara trying to calm her down. While Shin and Zilla were absorbing the radiation in the air.

Void : H-How could he do this to us...

Y/N : He ?

Clara : Look, I can't even claim I know how it feels, but we're stronger than this !

Void : He... He...

Clara : nearly butchered and mutilated you in front of your son yes.

At this moment, Y/N's eyes widden in complete horror as the world around him seemingly forze and went quiet, he looked at his black veins as a single thought began to plague his mind :





He began to sob uncontrolably before he turned around and ran, not hearing the rest.

Clara : I thought my father was a monster... but he... to use our poor Y/N's body to commit all of this. As if he didn't went through hell already !

Shin : I'll kill him when he shows up. I'll make him pay for breaking my brother !

Zilla : Same dude ! But we have no idea where he is. And also : We probably should focus on Y/N.

Clara : You're right.

Void : *stands up* I'll go check on hi-

But they suddenly heard a loud splash as they looked to see Y/N transforming into his Godzilla form and swimming away in the water.

Void : Y/N !

Zilla : Crap !

Shin jumped and transformed into Shin Godzilla and gave chase to his brother.

Y/N was in tear and wanted to get away from his family as soon as possible.

So that a monster like him couldn't hurt them anymore.

But he suddenly get his biggest dorsal plate stuck in the floor as he tried to move.

He then heared a roar and looked to see his brother chassing after him. Y/N tried to force his way out after seeing him.

Shin : Brother ! What are you doing ?!

Y/N : Don't come near me Shin !

Y/N then forced even more while roaring, leading to him ripping off the dorsal plates form his body as he roared in pain while blood was coming out of him.

Shin managed to reach his brother's tail and bitted into it to stop him.

Shin : Brother stop ! What's gotten into you ?!

Y/N : A monster ! That's what I am !

Y/N's dorsal plates began to glow with both atomic and electromagnetic energy as it spreads all over his body .

Shin : Y/N NOOOO !!!

Y/N then unleashed a nuclear pulse that forced shin to let go of him while propulsing himself out of the cave that began to collapse on top of his brother.

Back with the others, they saw the water burst after the cave collapsed.

Clara : SHIN !!!

Her fear was short lived as Uranium heat rays bursted out of the water as Shin emerged before roaring in frustration.

Shin : DAMMIT !!!

He then turned back into his human form again and fell on his knees before crying as well.

Shin : I... I couldn't reach him in time... just like when the gods took him away...

Void began to cry once again while Clara tried to reconfort her while Zilla went to cheer on his cousin.

Meanwhile, Y/N in his godzilla form bursted out of the water and came ashore on a nearby island. He then took a look at himself while still in tears.

Y/N : What... Whan even am I...

He made a roar of anguish before finishing his sentence.

He looked down and closed his eyes before sensing a strange sensation, one he barely has known his entire life.

Y/N : Is that... mother ?

He looked around to try and find her but suddely noticed 5 lights charging and crashing on him, sending him back as he collasped from the impact.

The King of the Monsters stood up and looked at the lights to see it was the 5 CPU goddesses, only 4 of them were in a different form but all had a slimmer of hatred in their eyes.

Y/N : You girls ?

Next White : DON'T YOU "You girls" US YOU FUCK !!!

Y/N : Wh-What ?!

Next Green : An absolute monster like you has not even the right to think to adres us in such a casual manner !

Y/N : What are you even talking-

Next Purple : You've already forgot of what you did ?!

Next Black : You truly are the worst kind of living being to exist.


Iris Heart : and you have the gals to insult us ? I never knew there could be such a naughty boy alive.

Next Purple : We're talking of the billions of People you killed on Zenith !

Y/N's eyes widden in horror as he had visions of this nightmarish event.

Y/N : T-That...

Next Green : So you do remember.

Next Black : All those people you've killed... We're going to avenge them...

Next White : By ripping out your head and spine in one go !

Iris Heart : I honestly prefer to torture people like you... *takes out her whip* But I'll make an exception this time and just deal with your blooded corpse.

Y/N was taken back to reality by their declaration as he took a battle stance and slammed his tail on the ground.

Y/N : You think you 5 can take me on witn just new looks for 4 of you ?

Next Purple : Yes ! There is nothing impossible to us CPUs.

Next Green : But if you think we are so foolish as to take on a titan by ourselves, call this insulting.

Next Black : Ahahahaah ! Good thing Karlow left us some help made by the humans before he died.

Then suddenly, Y/N was assaulted by red laser beams that divided and exploded around him as he roared in pain. Then suddenly, a giant mass landed before him as it created a dust cloud.

When Y/N looked at what it was, he saw a singular red visor glowing before the dust cleared, revealing a chicken-like cybernetic titan that had hooks for hands and a sawblade on his chest.

Next Black : We've confiscated this cyborg from the humans in that place called MechaGodzilla City. I think it's name was : Gigan X.

Next Purple : I'll just strick with Gigan if you ask me.

Gigan then made a metallic screech towards Godzilla.

Y/N : So, now you're taking from humans uh ?! If Asura was here, he'd call you goddesses of Death, for all you do is TAKE !

This made the CPUs snap as they took out their weapons.

Next White : TEAR HIM APPART !!!!!!!!!

(Play the song)

Gigan roared before flying and activate his sawblade in his chest. And just as when Y/N charged, Gigan flew above his right shoulder and made a deep cut into it as blood was bursting out of the wound while Y/N roared in pain.

Then she was hit by Next White in the head, drawing blood once again, only this time, Y/N moved his head aside and tried to bite Next White only to be stopped by Next Purple and Next White as they slashed off some of his teeths, causing his to roar in pain once again.

Then Next Green tried to stab his eye with her lance but the King of the Monsters was faster and headbutted the CPU, sending her flying.

Y/N then roared as he felt a sharp pain in his back as Gigan stabbed him in the place where he ripped off his dorsal plate. Y/N countered by warping his tail around Gigan's neck and tried to crush it.

Gigan finally took his hook out of the wound, hurting Y/N a bit more before the King of the Monsters slammed Gigan on the Ground and then sent him flying.

But Gigan stopped himself in mid-air as the gem above his visor glowed and fired a focused laser beam that pierced Y/N's left shoulder, making him roar in pain.

Y/N then tried to charge at Gigan but Iris Heart warped her Whip-sword around his leg and pulled it back, causing Y/N to trip and fall.

Then Next White slammed her axe on his back in an attempt to break it. She was later joined by the other Next form CPUs as they nearly broke Y/N's back but were send flying by a nuclear pulse.

Gigan then jumped and spinned as Y/N was getting back up before slashing his chest, leaving a painful "X"-shaped wound on the King of the Monsters.

Then Iris Heart appeared before him and smirked before kicking him in the head, stalling him. Following this, the other CPUS then slammed into Y/N's back, pushing him towards Gigan as he activated his Sawblade on his chest.

But Y/N's eyes glowed blue as they are followed by his dorsal plates before he proceeded to fire his Atomic Breath at Gigan, the cyborg barely managing to block the blast with his hooks, only for the resulting explosion to gravely damage them and make Gigan fall backwards.

Y/N then made his dorsal plates glow brighter before firring electromagnetic particle beams from all over his back, blasting the CPUS away as they screamed.


Y/N then fired his oscilatorry roar at them as they are forced to cover their ears as blood began to come out due to the loud noise.

Gigan then made the gem on his forehead glow as it sended out a signal.

Y/N : A signal ?

Then yellow beams struck him from above as he roared in pain.

Next White : What in the hell ?!

Next Green : Reinforcments !

Y/N looked above him to see at least 10 green gigans floating around him.

Next Purple : More of Gigan ?!

Next Black : Oh year ! forgot he ha-

Y/N : She !

Next Green : It's a girl ?!

Iris Heart : Oh my ! Quite embarassing for having mistaken the cyborg for a man.

Gigan then stood up as she letted out another screech, ordering the Gigan Miles to attack.

the Gigan Miles activated their chest sawblades and flew at Y/N cutting him from every corner as the King of the Monsters tried to fight back.

Next Purple then charged her sword before charging at Y/N and piercing his chest before coming out of the other side as Y/N roared in agony.

Next Black then surmonned other swords and fired them at Y/N as he tried to protect himself with a nuclear pulse only to feel a sharp pain in his chest as blood began to come out of his mouth.

He looked down to see Gigan had stabbed him in the heart as Next White surmonned ice to freeze him.

Next Green then surmonned hundreds of lances and blasted Y/N with it.

Y/N then fell on his hands as the Gigan Miles pinned him down with their chest sawblades, cutting him down at the same time. Iris Heart then warped her Whip-blade around Y/N's neck and began to strangle him.

Iris : Now ! SCREAM FOR ME !

Y/N then tried to stand up but was kicked by Gigan and forced down harder. Y/N's vision began to get blurry as his wounds and Iris Heart chocking him were draining his remaining forces away.

Next White : Giving up yet asshole ?!

Next Green : Hm ! Hardly worth calling a fighter !

Next Black : Let alone a father !

(stop the music)

This made Y/N's eyes widden as his vision went back to normal.

Iris Heart : When we're done with you, I'll go bring back that little kid of yours to Pneuma. And give him a good spanking for daring to run away.

(Play the song)

This time, Y/N's eyes began to flash between blue and Red as his wounds began to heal and turn into scrars. A deep sound and blue smoke began to come out of his mouth.

Then suddenly, he released a red nuclear pulse while roaring that forced the Gigans off of him while also wiping out 2 of them.

The CPUs covered themselves before Next White saw a pair of teeths coming at her and biting her, piercing her stomach as she screamed in agony.



Then Next White and the other CPUs were blasted by a Red spiral Heat Ray, launching them away.

Gigan stood up and looked to see a red glowing mass from the dust cloud before Y/N roared as his chest and Dorsal Plates glowed a deep Red.

While this wasn't his burning form, it was the closest thing to it. He was now supercharged with Warth.

They would learn that no one threatens his son and live after making that threat.

Gigan roared and ordered the Gigan Miles to attack.

Y/N then roared and charged.

One gigan Miles tried to stab him with his hooks, but Y/N bitted it in the neck before crushing it and ripping parts of it off, killing the Gigan Miles instantly.

3 Gigan Miles then breathed fire from their mouths at Y/N who just shrugged it off and slammed one of them with his tail before dragging the others in it.

Once down, Y/N, still in his Supercharged Godzilla form, then crushed one of the Gigan Miles' head and blasted the other two with his Red Spiral Heat Ray, obliterating them.

Gigan herself charged at Y/N who began to charge his fist as it began to glow blue with energy.

Then he uppercuted Gigan with his Atomic Fist as the impact also created a nuclear pulse that heavily damaged Gigan.

Gigan came crashing down as Y/N grabbed her tail before bitting it and severing it with a Red spiral Heat Ray. Gigan roared in pain as she took to the skies.

Y/N then felt the other CPUs returning at full speed and charged another Atomic Punch.

When the two forces collided, it turned into a power struggle.

But Y/N fired his Red Spiral Heat Ray, ending the struggle and forcing the CPUs down.

Gigan then made another roar as red cores bursted out of the Gigan Miles who fell dead on the Ground. The cores gathered around Gigan and formed a sort of ring in front of her as her visor and gem on her forehead began to glow.

Y/N snarled as his dorsal plates not only glowed, but also began to ignite.

Gigan then fired her ultimate attack : the Core Laser Cannon as Y/N fired his Infinite Heat Ray in return.

Y/N : You won't...

Y/N's infinite heat ray began to push back Gigan's attack.

Y/N : Lay your hands...

Y/N's eyes began to fully glow red as he roared one last time.

Y/N : ON JUNIOR !!!!!!!!!!!

Y/N's infinite Heat Ray then overpowered Gigan's Core Laser Cannon and caused a massive explosion in the air.

Gigan then crashed on the ground, badly damaged before she shut down.

Y/N then made a triumphant roar but it was interrupted by an enraged Iris Heart cutting his left eye off, causing him to roar in agony.

Iris Heart : I'LLL KILL YOU !!!!

But Y/N, now driven by warth,acted first, his eyes glowed fully red onceagain as he grabbed Iris Heart and slammed her on the ground.

Iris Heart then tried to stand up but then saw Y/N charging a spiral heat ray before firring it at Iris Heart on the ground.

Iris Heart managed to block the blast by using her sword until Y/N's eyes began to let out energy as he fired an Infinite Heat Ray, breaking Iris Heart Sword as she was taking the full hit of the blast.


Iris Heart screamed in agony as the Beam and radiation were incinerating her before the Infinite Heat Ray caused an explosion that destroyed the island under the eyes of the CPUs.

CPUs : IRIS HEART !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In the water, Y/N regained his sences and looked around to see the remains of the Island sinking, but one thing caught his attention :

He saw Iris Heart's sword, broken, and lots of blood around it, it didn't took him long to figure it out :

He had killed Iris Heart while he was controled by Rage.

His eyes widdened as he letted out more tears before resurfacing, seeing the CPUs flying away after lossing one of their members and Gigan, badly damaged yet still functioning, following them.

Y/N then looked at his hand before he went back to his human form.

Y/N : What have I done...

He let himself sink and felt a missile heading straight for him. But he didn't do anything and just accepted to let the blast kill him after everything he did.

Only to see a Saurian of gargantuan Proportions swim above him and surmon an energy shield around them to protect themselves as the missile : the Oxygen destroyer reached them and detonated, with a power equivalent to the full might of the Tsar Bomba, creating a green micro-oxygen cloud that annihilated all lifeform that was caught into it.

When Y/N opened his eyes, he was he was in a dead field contaminated by the micro-oxygen and his head was on someone's legs. He looked and saw someone that made him cry.

(Art isn't mine.)

Y/N : M... Mother...

Gaia : Y/N...

Y/N then proceeded to hug his mother and cry all the tears left in his body.

Y/N : MOTHER !!!!

Gaia hugged him back and letted out some tears as well, but happy tears instead.

Gaia : I made it in time, you're still my son deep within you.

Y/N : Mother... I... I...

Gaia : Y/N. Don't force yourself.

Y/N : I...

Y/N then collapsed due to all the pain he had to endure in the battle.

Gaia : Y/N !

Gaia then placed her hand on his chest and felt his heartbeat.

Gaia : *sigh in relief*

Gaia then lifted her son up before walking into the water and transforming into her Godzilla Mega-Titan form and swimming towards the arctic as fast as she could allow herself to.

Gaia : I must take you to it quickly !

(What are your thoughts on it ? Chapter 1.5 coming next.)

(Play the song)

In the water where the Oxygen Destroyer was detonated by the Gods, a group of crustacean creatures began to glow purple and move again, returned to life by mutation from the Oxygen destroyer.

The colony was making painful and angry noises while trying to move, unable to comprehend what was going on.

Suddenly, the dark energy that appeared after Y/N freed himself from the Gargantuan Omnipotent Deity and followed him to Earth began to gather and encircle the colony.

??? : "Y̶̯̓ọ̷͑ụ̶̎ ̷̣̃w̶̗̍i̷̞̊l̸͙͝l̵̲̈ ̶̧̒m̵͕͛ȁ̷̬k̸͎͐e̸͔̾ ̵͙̆ȃ̸͎ ̶̱͊p̸͇̅é̵̲ŕ̷̨f̸̥͗é̵̞c̸̯͝t̵͔͆ ̸̲̾l̷̛̖i̸̝̽f̴̦̿e̵̫͗ó̸͕r̵̳͋m̷͓̃"

Then the dark energy went out of control and began to absorb itself into the crustacean creatures. Their roar were first painful until it changed to a hellish angry screech as the creatures were merging with each others and growing in side, quickly getting bigger than humans.

Then a huge shadow formed over the water as Yellow eyes full of killing intent shined and a horn followed soon.

The newly born abomination then roared.


Then a purple beam pierced the water and made an explosion as the shadow emerged and revealed dragon/bat-like wings.

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