Prologue part 3 : Mother Nature's power and wrath

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

G.O.D : Gargantuan Omnipotent Deity (shortened)

On Monster Island, things couldn't be worse than they were.

After Pneuma's original arrival on the island, and the following retreat of Y/N and his family, many of the titans tried to flee and hide while some stood back to buy them time.

However over time, nearly all known titans on Earth were captured and deported back on their home now turned prison.

Chained by chains made of magical metal that drained them of their strengh, they were left with no means of resisting.

Methuselah tried to break his chains but he was kicked in the face by the beings used as guards by the gods :

The Giant God Warriors. A small legion of them.

Methuselah returned the favor by bitting the spear of one and tried to break it only for ships above to bombard him and other Giant God Warrior to force his head down with their spears and the one he tried to bite aiming his spear to his head, ready to impale him.

Meanwhile, in the outpost formerly occupied by MONARCH, Karlow was looking at the files on the titans captured.

Karlow : So, lots of these titans existed before the beginning of this world's human's history. I see...

He then saw Giant God Warriors dragging a newly captured titan : Titanus Tiamat, chained and stabbed by the Giant God Warriors to subdue her.

Karlow : tch ! Just beasts too dangerous to be left free.

Suddenly, the island began to shake as cracks appeared in its center.

Karlow : what the ?!

One of the Giant God Warrior inspected the cacks and saw blue energy come out of it, he looked inside and saw some sort of neon blue lava.

Suddenly, the neon blue lava bursted out of the ground like the entire island was erupting from the inside. The epicenter was suddenly smashed opened by a gigantic tail that dwarfed any of the titans.

Karlow : WHAT WAS- Oh...

(Play the song)

Karlow looked to see dorsal plates slowly eputing from the ground and the Neon Blue Lava all while glowing a blinding light as the Neon Blue Lava kept erupting.

It ended up reaching the titans as they felt the energy the neon blue lava was emanating.

Behemoth : Aether... Then that means.

The titans looked to see the dorsal plates slowly rising from the ground.

Behemoth : Gaia.

The energy coming out of the Aether caused the Titans to feel their strenght skyrocketing, it also caused the chains binding them to crack, unable to hold the power that was rising.

One of the Titans, King Caesar then broke his chains and freed himself.

King Caesar then kicked one of the Giant God Warriors before grabbing his spear and impalling another Giant God Warrior before slamming him on the first one.


The titans then broke free of their chains as they letted out a combined warcry, powered up by Aether.

They then charges at one half of the legion of Giant God Warriors who opened their mouths and began firring on the Titans.

But when the smoke vanished, the titans who were harmed by the beams regenerated at a terrifying rate thanks to the Aether, even reviving the very few who had died as their resumed their charge and collided with the Giant God Warriors.

Methuselah punched the ground and caused giant spikes to erupt, impalling some of the Giant God Warriors.

Scylla released lots of hydrogene from around her before using the Aether to set everything on fire, especialy the Giant God Warriors.

The Queen MUTO's neck and eyes began to glow Red as she fired an Electromagnetic beam from her mouth and entered a beam clash with a Giant God Warrior that she easily won, blowing the Giant God Warrior's upper body.

Titanus Tiamat Jumped on many Giant God Warriors and cutted them down like paper using her sharp fins while also eating one alive.

King Caesar used his martial skills to kill as many of the Giant God Warriors and when one tried to blast him, King Caesar sent the beam right back at his owner. He then dodged another stike aimed at him and fought back so fast it seemed for him that time has slowed down.

King Caesar : FOR THE EARTH !!!

Baragon was bitting on the head of one of the Giant God Warrior and managed to rip it off before roaring victoriously.

The Rodan Couple picked up the Giant God Warriors one by one and ripped them appart and even using their volcanic nature to burn some of them down with either their Uranium beams or just by contact.

Anguirus's spikes began to glow rainbow and move as he send beams of Giant God Warriors back at them, smacking some of them down with his tail.

Despite the Giant God Warriors managing to land blows that would be fatal for the titans, the amount of Aether present both as Neon blue Lava and in the air as energy was making the titans unkillable.

The other half of the Giant God Warriors were firring everything they had alongside the fleet at Gaia, desperatly trying to stop her from rising to the surface.

But the sky began to clouded with blue lightning and the clouds moving at speeds too fast to be normal as orbs of energy began to form high above.


But it was in vain as Gaia's head emerged and she opened her eyes.

When she did, the orbs of energy turned into Particle Atomic Heat Rays that layed waste to the Giant God Warrior and formed cracks on the ground that caused more Aether to emerge.

Karlow tried to protect itself but was consumed by the blasts, his body completely erased from Existence, but not before pressing a button on his hand.

Gaia then began to swing her massive long tail to swat the ships down, tearing them appart just by the shockwave caused by her tail's movement.

Gaia then raised her head to the Karma Fortress towering above Earth as her eyes narrowed in anger, sensing the fortress preparing a counterattack. Her dorsal plates began to glow purple in preparation.

Gaia gathered energy in front of her as it took the form of a giant purple orb of energy that began to draw Aether towards it in the form of streams, smoke and electricity.

The titans, knowing what was coming , began to strike the ground and dig underground to protect themselves.

The Earth began to shake as Gaia aimed the blast at the Karma Fortress before letting out a warped version of Godzilla's Roar, so loud and powerful it caused the ground around her to break appart like liquid.

She then fired her supercharged Atomic Breath as it not only smashed the Karma Fortress in two, but also caused an explosion so powerful it completely obliterated the Planetary fortress.

The blast continued until it left the Milky Way Galaxy before vanishing.

(stop the music).

Gaia then letted out a roar of victory as the Titans began to return to the surface.

Gaia began to glow blue before a bright flash of light came out of her as she transformed into her human form.

(Gaia's human form. Art isn't mine.)

King Caesar then approached her as all the titans kneeled before the Goddes of Earth itself.

King Caesar : Queen Gaia. Mother of our king. To think you would come to the surface world.

Gaia : ...Caesar, where are my sons ?

There was a general silence as King Caesar decided to tell her.

King Caesar : They... have been driven off our home by the gods who have shackled us.

Gaia clenched her fist as blue lightning gathered around her, causing some of the titans to choke due to the sheer presure emenating from Gaia.

Gaia : It seems Zeus' little crew couldn't keep to themselves after all.

Behemoth : It wasn't a descendant of the Olympians Gaia. But the one called Pneuma.

Gaia : Pneuma... I heared of what she had put my son through. And now she dares to mess with our home ?!

Gaia's eyes glowed red.

Gaia : If my son's soul is gone because of her, I will not give her a peaceful death !

She then heard Godzilla's roar along with a mechanical screech as she turned to the source of it.

Gaia : Y/N... TITANS !

The titans stood up at her command.

Gaia : We will destroy those bratish gods ! and we will see Eath returned to us all !

The titans roared before departing around the globe to drive off the Gods.

Gaia took a last look at Monster Island to see the Aether beginning to regenerate the entire island.

She then jumped into the water before transforming back into her titan form as she swimmed at high speed toward Y/N.

She then remembered some of the words her husband : Cronos, said to her :

Cronos : "I hope that you can one day leave the Hollow Earth for a while to spend time with our sons. I know it is extremely risky to leave the Hollow Earth unprotected but our sons might need you when I am gone."

Gaia : Y/N... Shin... Once this is over... I promise to stay with your for a while this time.

Above her, a giant missile was heading toward Godzilla, carrying a dangerous weapons. On the missile's hull there was a Godzilla skull with writting saying :

"Anti-godzilla tactical weapon : Oxygen Destroyer"

(What are your thoughts on it ? Chapter 1 coming next.)

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