Prologue part 2 : The Guardians of the Titans

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

G.O.D : Gargantuan Omnipotent Deity (shortened)

The Battleship-girl and leader of Ironblood, Bismark, began to wake up as she saw she was in some sort of cavern, on a bed made of wood and leafs, put together with silk.

Bismark : where... am I ?

She then looked around until she saw a pair of eyes staring at her.


Biismark panicked before falling of the bed. She stoop up and looked at the pair of eyes, revealing a small buttlefly, but big enough you would have to grab her with two hands, who looked absolutely cute.

(Art isn't mine)

The buttlefly then made noises simillar to giggles.

Bismark : what the ?

??? FAIRY !

The fairy buttlefly then made a scared look as a black buttlefly-looking woman grabbed her.

(Female Battra. Art isn't mine.)

??? : What did I tell you ?! Don't do that to people recovering !

Bismark : uhh...

??? : oh ?

the woman then noticed Bismark.

??? : Oh ! sorry ! I should have kept an eye on Fairy Mothra.

Bismark : Fairy... mothra... wait... are you two perhaps... Titans ?

??? : You catch on pretty quick, but yes. Both of us are titans, well... I am more titan than Fairy mothra.

Fairy Mothra'es eyes turned red as she let out a frustrated screetch.

??? : Sorry !

Bismark : who... even are you ?

Battra : oh right ! introductions ! I am Battra, the guardian goddess of destruction.

Bismark's eyes widdened in fear at the words "goddess of destruction"

Bismark : y-you mean-

Battra : relax ! I'm not an omnicidal maniac. I'm more of a guardian of nature.

Bismark : I see... *gasp*

She then remembered about the other shipgirls

Bismark : Where are the others ?!

Battra : you mean girls with human technology as body parts ? They're outside, they just arrived.

Bismark : just ? what do you-

Battra : You were unconcious for days, maybe more than a week.

Bismark : right I... face thoses gods-

Battra : you should perhaps take some fresh air outside first.

Fairy Mothra : *nods*

Bismark : right...

Bismark then left her cave to see herself in a massive underground tunnel.

Bismark : It's massive ! Did titans dugged theses tunnels ?

??? : You're kidding me !

Bismark looked to see Lucina in a buttlefly themed outfit, being cornered by her friends as Weiss aimed her rappier at Lucina's throat.


Ruby : weiss calm down !

Rias : I cannot believe it ! all this time !

Blake : hey ! I can understand how it feel !

Lucina : p-please ! just give me a moment and I can explain everything !

Bismark : It better be as hard as nanometal your explanations !

They then saw Bismark approach with a glare that could make even the bravest of soldiers's blood run cold.

Bismark : and not just you Lucina ! Your friends as well ! Because I'm about to rip out your hearts for what your gods DID TO ME AND MY FRIEND, AND MAYBE THE ENTIERTY OF EARTH AS WELL !

Yang : oh no !

Artoria : Ladies calm down !

??? : Easy for you to say !

They then saw the other shipgirls arrive.

Enterprise : Care to explain everything that happened back then and to our world ?!

Rias : hey ! We PERSONALLY did nothing to your world !

Belfast : True. But those you worship as gods did ! Failed to notice the giant humanoid-planetary-space-station taking our planet hostage ?

Lucina : The Karma Fortress ?

Cleveland : so you know a thing !

Takao : you deceiving fiend !

Then they entered a massive argument until someone arrived with guards.

??? : Such conflict will not be tolerated on her's domain !

Artoria : who even are you ?!

Lucina : Miana ?

Miana : Lucina ?

Then a girl identically simillar to Miana arrived with a buttlefly theme lady.

(Art isn't mine.)

??? : oh goddess ! oh goddess ! oh goddess ! Please no one fight !

Maina : sorry sister, we were hold up.

Miana : it's fine.

Battra : Mothra ! You're here !

Mothra : Battra !

Enterprise : what even is going on ?!

Mothra : Our goddess will explain everything ! but please calm down first !

Battra : We'll take you to her. Just be patient.

Bismark : Goddess ? Nevermind, we're following you.

After a while, they arrived in front of a giant entrance as a crowd made of both human people, other buttlefly titans and some larvae titans were gathered.

The group then saw both Mothra and Battra transforming in their titan form.

(Art isn't mine.)

Once they finished transforming an stood on each side of the giant entrance, Miana and Maina stood on a pedestal.

Miana and Maina : Oh goddess of light and dark ! Creation and destruction ! She who is as old as the Earth ! We invoke your pressence with our faith !

Then a rainbow light shined from the entrance as the ground slightly rumbled.

Then a giant silver larvae, dwarfing both Mothra and Battra emerged and made a roar that sounded godly, yet reassuring.

(She has a silver coloration.)

Miana and Maina : Welcome ! Oh great Gigamoth !

Then Gigamoth looked down atthe group gathered in front of her.

Gigamoth : Welcome to our home young ones, and welcome home Lucina.

Lucina stepped foward and bowed before Gigamoth.

Lucina : welcome my Queen. I have important matter to repor-

Gigamoth : Is it about the Gargantuan Omnipotent Deity or Y/N Gojira ?

Lucina : You... already knew ?

Gigamoth : Of course, and I also know that you transformed in front of many people. Although given the circumstances, I fully understood why you did this.

Lucina : thank you my-

Gigamoth : But I am also dissapointed on how you were with Gaia's son, Y/N. I do hope you realise he undoubtably ressents you for it.

Lucina's eyes widdened before they closed again.

Lucina : I... I have no excuse my queen.

Gigamoth : Altough... You could argue that you were were simply trying to keep your titan-nature a secret, so I cannot punish you, even if the situation went the opposite way.

Lucina : *eyes widden* Th-thank you my queen.

Gigamoth then turned to the others.

Gigamoth : Now then, I believe you have a lot of question to ask, right.

Cleveland ; you bet : oh ! s-sorry.

Gigamoth : *giggles* It is fine young one.

Enterprise : what... no. WHO are you all ?

Mothra : We are part of a long forgotten titan species : the Titanus Mosuras. or mothras for short.

Battra : We used to help the titans of Earth a lot, especially the Gojira species. We had enpowered them for long periods of time. One could argue that : without us, they might have not become the powerful species they are now.

Belfast : goodness. But why were you suddenly forgotten ?

Mothra : This connection sadly was noticed by many hostile titan species, and so they hunted us down until we were so low on population we could all inhabits these caverns. Among those species were the ones you call MUTOs

Bismark : MUTO Prime... Cronos-

Mothra : Y/N's Father's Murderer, we know.

Battra : Not just them, even the gods you used to worship hunted us, out of fear, greed, and hatred of our power.

Enterprise : *clench her fist* Pneuma...

Gigamoth : Wrong. Despite all the trouble she currently caused, she had no involvent with our people's fate. In fact, it happened millions of years ago, when the Earth was still starting to prepare to welcome life on its surface. She would be as old as a newly born baby by that time.

Cleveland : She would have been a new born when that happened ?! wow !

Mothra : It was one of Pneuma's predecessor as the Ruler of the gods who ordered such thing.

Battra : I think he was called the king of some place named Olympus.

There was a long silence after what Battra had said before Queen Elizabeth raised her finger to ask a question, but Gigamoth already knew what she was going to ask.

Gigamoth : No. Pneuma and this predecessor have no connection of any kind.

Q.Elizabeth : ... That's reassuring.

Enterprise : wait, you already knew her question ?!

Lucina : Queen Gigamoth can see some events of the future. The only times she can't is when it involves a change to the entire Earth's fate.

bismark : speaking of which...

Bismark then looked at Gigamoth.

Bismark : What kind of Titan are you ? I can tell you are nothing like all the others we knew about. Sure, titans like Godzilla dwarfs the Empire State Building in America, and both Mothra and Battra are of sizes close to him, but you... I can tell... no... SENCE, that you are completely someone in a different league.

Gigamoth : An interesting question young one. like you said : I am something greater than just a Titan.

Enterprise : you mean-

Gigamoth : I am a Primordial. Or to make it easier for you : a Mega-Titan.

Agato : Mega... Titan ?

Mothra : If titans' powers are limited to the Earth. A Primordial's power can easily affect the entire universe. Either way, both are gardians, and forces, of nature.

the group : WHAT ?!

Battra : But our queen decided to keep her focus on the Earth, as there are in fact countless other Mega Titans out there, some you may never know about, but they know about everything, including us.

Cleveland : So there are indeed Elder Gods existing. Now I have seen everything in my life.

Enterprise : But wait... Are you the only one of theses... Mega-Titans on Earth... or is there someone else ?

The crowd started wispering as Enterprise began to question if asking this question was a good idea.

Gigamoth : There is in fact another Mega-Titan on Earth, one I would dare say eclipse my own power : Gaia, the most powerful being on Earth as well as its oldest one.

Rias : Gaia ?

Artoria : Another name for mother nature itself...

Yang : that sounds very serious

Lucina : she's... Y/N's... mother.

the group looked at Lucina with shocked, and for some, terrified looks on their faces.

the group : HIS MOTHER ?!

Gigamoth : Yes. Y/N and his brother have indeed Mega-Titan blood flowing inside of them, both of them inheriting distinct parts of her power : Y/N got Gaia's power and special body structure, while Shin inherited her ability to self-evolve and self-replication. Both of them inherited their parents' regeneration and Strengh.

Ruby : ... we're dead.

Rias : What have we done...

Artoria : if she just sees us, she will annihilate us.

Gigamoth : I doubt it, Gaia is poweful beyond comprehension yes. But she would not go as far as to kill any one of you for what happened to her son, she prioritize her family above all else. Cronos would have however. Y/N had inehrited parts of his anger.

Lucina : and since Y/N saw Asura as a second father... talk about wrath given flesh and bones.

Gigamoth's eyes glowed as she looked around

Gigamoth : Someone is coming, but that's impossible. Only a Mega-titan could have found the island after I placed spells on it!

Mothra : I can feel it my queen, this presence... A gojiran ?

the group : *gasp*

Lucina : d-did Gaia-

Battra : no ! this one is younger... much younger ! and...

She then looked at the shipgirls.

Battra : and I sence presences simillar to them alongside him.

Enterprise : is it... *gasp*

the shipgirls then ran outside.

Rias : wait !

Gigamoth : Mothra ! Battra ! go see who it is outside !

Mothra and Battra : Yes my queen !

Outside, the shipgirls then saw the young shipgirls arrive on the back on a small Godzilla before it transformed, revealing Junior.

(Art isn't mine.)

Enterprise : no way...

Belfast : I can't believe I'm seeing this with my own eyes !

Prinz Eugen : Junior ?

Enterprise : ENTY-CHAN !

The shipgirls then ran to the young shipgirls as the others arrived.

Lucina : Junior ?!

Artoria : does this mean he can now transform into a titan ?!

Ruby looked at the scenery and had tears in her eyes.

Ruby : s-so... beautiful...

Mothra : It looks like we have nothing to worry about.

Battra : yes sister. We should-

But suddenly, the entire planet began to shake.

Weiss : what's going on ?!

Enterprise : I'm gonna fall !

Lucina : it can't be-

They then heard a more warped and powerful version of Godzilla's roar and a puple beam fired at the Karma fortress from the horizon, obliterating the Karma Fortress and anything near it.

Everyone looked at what they were seeing with awe. But Mothra, Battra, Fairy and Lucina only had fear in their eyes.

Mothra : oh no...

Battra : This can't be...

Fairy then hided behind Lucina.

Lucina : it's her. She has awoken !

Artoria : who ?!

Rias : wait, don't tell me-

Gigamoth (voice) : Gaia... has awaken.

(What are your thoughts on it ? Part 3 coming next.)

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