Prologue part 1 : the prince of the monsters

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normal : talking


Italic : thinking / mind-conversation

BOLD : demon/some transformation's talk

underlines : narration

BOLD + underlines : song's lyrics

Y/N : Your Name

L/N : Last Name

f/c : favourite color

G.O.D : Gargantuan Omnipotent Deity (shortened)

Back at the ruins of Zenith, Junior was placed in a room with the young ship-girls, who also failed to escape.

Junior : papa...

Enty-chan : Junior...

Belfast-shan : I'm sure this wasn't your papa back then...

Prinz Eugen-chan : You'll be ok ?

Junior : y-yeah 

He then wipes out some tears off his face as Pneuma came in.

Pneuma : everyone ok ?

The ships girls looked away from her, not wanting to see her face.

Pneuma : ... I'm gonna take that as a no.

Junior : Ma'am ?

Pneuma : *look at junior* yes ?

Junior : can I... see my papa ?

Pneuma stayed quiet for a moment until she answered by a :

pneuma : I'm sorry but... no.

Junior : wh-what ?

Pneuma : you might not see you father again like you used to... He has become a monster... A demon.

Junior : n-no ! He would never !

Pneuma : I'm sorry... But you'll be staying here until all is over.

She then left as the young shipgirls were in tears at the idea of never seeing their mothers again.

Junior was also on the verge of crying... until he clenched his fist and walked outside before being stopped by Olga.

Olga : and where do you think you're going young one ?

Junior : I'm gonna find my friend's mothers and go back to my papa !

Olga : didn't you hear to what the Empress said ?!

Junior : and where's the problem with what she said ?

Olga then slapped him on his face


shipgirls-chans : JUNIOR !

They suddenly saw Junior's eyes flash blue.

Olga : Know you place !

She tried to slap him again, but he suddenly grabbed her hand and crushed it.

Olga : GAH ! what the ?!

She then looked at Junior who began to be surrounded by blue and golden lightning.

Junior : I already do. Thank you.

Suddenly Junior exploded into a giant pillar of energy as everyone covered their eyes.

When the young shipgirls opened their eyes, they were in awe of what they say.

Where Junior, a kid like them once stood, now was a 50M Gojiran ressembling a smaller version of Godzilla.

(Art isn't mine.)

Junior looked to see he was still holding Olga, now small compared to him. He then moved his hand before launching her away like, so fast her passage caused a shockwave.

Junior then looked at him to see he has finally unlocked his kaiju form.

Junior : I... I did it !

Then to the surprise of the young shipgirls, Junior began dancing.

the shipgirls : ...

They then began to laugh.

Junior : climb on me ! we're going home !

Belfast-chan : wait ! our ships !

Bismark-chan : we can't leave without them !

Agaki-chan : our mamas will be mad at us !

Junior : Then let's go get them back !

the shipgirls : OKIE !

They then climbed on his back as Junior ran at high speed toward where the ships were kept.


Pneuma : WHAT ?!

Deus : He transformed ?!

Pneuma : go stop him ! NOW !

Meanwhile, Junior kept running, guided by the girls as they pointed at a building.

Enty-chan : there ! they're in there !

Junior then roared and smacked the upper part of the building aside, revealing the ships, chained. But junior grabbed the chains and easily broke them.

The girls jumped as their respective battleships began to intregrate with each other.

Enty-chan : WE DID IT !

Junior : YIPEE !

Suddenly, Junior was blasted in the dorsal plates as he looked back to see the Gods' army of ships heading towards them.

Kaga-chan : oh no...

Junior : Girls ! hide behind me ! quick !

They hided between Junior's dorsal plates as the ships then unleashed their onslaught of firepower, powerful enough to reduce the nearby area to nothing.

Until the dust cleared and revealed Junior's dorsal plates glowing gold.

Junior then roared before the energy gathered in front of his nose and he fired his Nova particle beam, which released smaller beams around.

The strengh of the blast send Junior flying backward.

Junior : waaaaah !

The ships meanwile were obliterated by the strengh of the blast alone as behind them, the resulting explosion of the blast created a mushroom cloud and smaller explosions around it as the shockwave distabilized the ships and made some of them crash into each other.

Junior stood up and looked at what he did.

Junior : I... did that ?

Enty-chan : junior...

Belfast-chan : let's go home please !

Junior : r-right !

Junior once again began to run, this time towards the sea only for missiles to stop him in his track.

He looked behind and saw Artifice sirens, ships and Pneuma looking at him.

Akagi-chan : the mean lady !

Amagi-chan : Wh-what do we do !

Junior : ...

He then got an idea as he opened his mouth to charge up an atomic breath.

Junior : we fly !

everyone else : what ?

Junior then fired his atomic breath and the blast's power began to make the Prince of the Monsters fly.

Junior : weeeee !

everyone : O____O

the young shipgirls : *holding on Junior* woooow !

Junior : wait... does it mean I have my parents power ? *gasp* then maybe !

Junior then began to concentrate as his dorsal plates began to glow yellow and a golden aura surrounded him.

Junior : come on !t

Then his mother's emblem appeared around him, forming a black hole-like sphere

The sphere shined brightly before its light died down, revealing that Junior and the Shipgirls have dissapeared.

Pneuma : ... I... HATE... THIS... DAY...

Meanwhile, Junior and the ship girls reappeared after teleporting, and Junior could feel where they were.

Junior : it's Earth ! we made it ba- WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH !!!

But junior and the young shipgirls began to fall as they reappeared in the air. The young ship girls managed to land safely on the surface of the water, but Junior fell with full force into it.

Young-shipgirls : JUNIOR !

But Junior, still in his Kaiju form rose from the water and chuckled.

Junior : that was amazing ! I wanna do it again and again and again !

Enty-chan : Junior !

Bismark-chan : You're not hurt ?!

Junior : not at all ! *smile*

He looked at the skies and saw the Karma Fortress Pneuma has stationned in orbit overing the Earth and dwarfing it by a large margin.

Junior : papa...

Junior then looked in front of him and saw an island close.

Junior : over here !

The young shipgirls and the prince of the monsters then began to head for the island. Once they made landfall, Junior turned back to his human form, now possessing dorsal plates and a tail.

Junior : wowie...

??? : GIRLS !

the young shipgirls then saw their adult selfs and they both began to run into each other's arms, tears of joy in the eyes.

Enterprise : Y-You're all here !

Illustrious : Thank god !

Bismark : but how did you escape ?

Junior : hiiii !

They looked and saw Junior waving at them.

the shipgirls : J-JUNIOR ?!

Junior : hey everyone !

He then saw Lucina and her friend arrive along with some strange buttlefly-themed people.

Junior : Aren't they the people dad doesn't li-

Enterprise : It's complicated and-

Suddenly, the entire planet Earth began to violently shake as a warped Godzilla roar was heard all over the world.

Lucina : WOHAHAAAAA !!!

Corrin : what's going on ?!

Young shipgirls : *panicked*

Belfast : girls ! calm down !

 Until suddenly they saw a gargantuan purple Atomic beam emerge seemingly from the planet itself.

To the shock of everyone, the beam absolutely obliterated the Sun-sized Karma Fortress in mere seconds, causing an explosion far away from the Solar System as the beam was still fired.

Lucina : s-such power... It may dwarf even Pneuma's...

Cleveland : what... or...

Rias : who was this ?!

Junior just looked at the blast with a awed expression,sencing who it was as the warped Godzilla roar was heard again.

Amagi : Junior ?

Junior : ... Grandma...

(What are your thoughts on it ? Part 2 coming next.)

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