Chapter Three: Highway to hell

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The road seem to be one of the only things consent in my life. Always another concrete oasis to concern. No matter how bad you are there's no fear of crashing due to the lack of cars and of people. May be what we want, but optimism is probably the best thing to be in these moments. I don't know where to go, who to go to, and how safe the city is. I don't know I'd the army went to the urban areas before rural, or if they even truly knew. Either way the world fucked and all we can do is well hope.

"Where almost somewhere" I bellow to sunny, laying down upon the old leather seats paws to his mouth. He seems to unwillingly nod at her, in a dog way deep in thought.
I return back to the rode and the C.D in the radio. Singing along at my favorite moments but only mouthing the rest. Just as a destruction form the lonely feeling within the deeps part of my heart, knowing fine well the only thing I have as company is a dog that I don't even know the age of, it's a unreliable source of happiness, but it's the only. My eyes unable to the focus, lay into a daydreaming trance as was ride down the plains of the rode as Lana Del Rey bellows her deepest feelings into my ears. I for multiple moments forgot that im on the rode swimming in the lagoon of my mind nature always did that to me, move my mind around into another dimension. By the time I return back to reality it's to late to swerve form the taunting body in front of me.



It bellows in my ears as my eyes widen and breathe trembles. A zombie or a human. A foe or a friend. An animal or a human.
"You alright" I say to Sunny with an anxious tone.
He turn to me to alert me and then straight back as if still angry. At least now he has a valid reason. I straighten my back to try and see more of what it may be. Nothing, blanketed by the hood. I consider all the options, run them over so there definitely dead, sit and cry my eyes out and wonder what id actually be like if I could drive a car if I run something over on an empty road. Or the last the last option, the one I know is the most moral and most reputation keeping, I must help whatever I hit, and if it's an animal we have lunch. Optimism what we need.

I sigh too deeply it actually kinda hurts my diaphragm as I lean for the cars handle to leave. The door seems further away somehow like it's telling me  not to leave.
"Stay, sunny" I state as I leave the car my hands unwillingly shaking.
I breath as my eyes wander around to see if any zombies are around and hesitantly walk around the car, keeping myself aware of my own surroundings. To many cars to count around me, nothing but fields and mountains around me, I'm able to see truly anything except what's beyond this car. A part of me wishes I could could just walk away, maybe I could, but a piece of me needs to see what lays beyond.




A girl far to familiar falls upon my eyes. Face bloody, leg bend, my fault. My breath sakes harder as I release indefinitely who it is. Iris Abanthe, a friend from school, nice girl. I know there lot more things to shake my breath but this seems to wildly break me, my happy moments for only minutes before seems minor and inconsiderate now, but I don't know why.
"Oh God" I shakily whisper.
I grab her try and pull her up get her in the car all I can think of is getting her in the car, then somewhere with medicine and help in some way.
Sunny jumps out of the car and try's to help, he barely dose anything but he's trying. I get her the car and I get a rag from the car to stop the blood flowing from her head, begging, hoping, hoping we'll be okay.
Now out of breath, a dog, and a almost dead friend I now have no way to be able to help. Now I must drive to something. Hopefully something will help us.
As I drive out into the sun, as dawn falls upon us. Something tells me the land isn't only thing inhabiting around here and that zombie don't care if you are dying they just want to eat.

The moon lights up the sky and I'm surprised at the true amount of stars in the sky and truly bad our light pollution was. I turn to iris, checking if she's still breathing, she is, a light smile lights upon my face then I turn to the stars once again, leaning my head out to touch sunny's fur and stock him. Stars have always been interesting to me, so bright, yet so small. Planets can even seem like stars there that far away from us, so far, yet so important and so strange how we are the only ones with humans, maybe in a couple billion years there have there own but we're the only ones, the only ones and we're all dying. This is our big bad, our ice age, our world wars, this is against life and death, the war that is always and always has been ongoing. We're like stars sometimes, so small, yet so bright and we die we unwillingly hurt everything around us.
I hear in the depths of the darkness a taunting groan of the undead, growling, snapping, indescribable evil. The dragging of body parts colluding with the ground. My head rises and turns almost like I'm using echo location, I see deep beyond the field, almost a whole village of zombies, some dragging over some charging at full speed. I quickly turn to the doors to lock them one by one by clicking the side. Grab blankets and put them over me, sunny and iris, I can feel my breath once again rush, I'm miles away from where I iris, and that was 5 miles away form home. I grab my Walkman I found in the cabin, the thing I called home for two weeks and play truly whatever's on it, Zoë was the last one to use it. 'When the sun hits' by Slowdrive plays, I'm not one to listen to that but in a way it helps. Sunny as slowly as possible walks over to sit in between me and iris and puts his head into mine. I begin to quietly sob, tears uncontrollably streaming down my face, I'm not alone not literally but I serenely not home. Dragging, Snapping, Clawing, Moaning they sure know how to strike fear in you. They sure know how to make you feel death would probably be the best decision. Yet I can tell some of these moans are not from the outside, the call seems to be coming form inside the house or in this sense inside the car. Iris is waking up and slowly twisting, turning in discomfort. My eyes unwillingly widen, and then close as my breath quickens and I try and recollect myself, a pice of me readying myself for death as tears well in my eyes and I cover my mouth. No noise, I think, not a single sound, I can't alert the outside monsters. Iris she's alerting them, there using there devilish motion to slowly turn to us, no matter how fast they are, the always turn slowly, makes you think maybe they do it intentionally for fear factor. My hand shaking covers Iris mouth to stop her form waking to much noise and then I find some way to control my breathing to the sound of the music, keeping it to the rhythm.
All that for hours, all that till sun rise, all that till the sky become a blue, pink oasis. I slept, don't know for how long, but I slept, I can tell that because I can't remember when the sun came up. Either I'm going insane and forgetting moment of time or I slept and I like to think I haven't turned insane in only two weeks or so. Iris didn't wake, she just lays there lifeless as I sit with the door open as Sunny runs in the grass, keeping a considerable amount of closeness between me and him. My body is freezing as small drops of rain fall form the sky, I tuck in as I fell the rain and look out upon the clouds and bright day. All seems sweet, like nothing different has happened, like we're the same as we ever were, like nothing had ever changed. It's strange, like I should be more manic. You'd think that if the once the world ended the sky would be reflective of that but it's pretty almost nice out here, like I could stay here forever, just sit here looking at the sky.
"Come here boy" I say with a whistle before it
He gallops to me with a stick in mouth.
"Sweet boy" i say in a baby voice the smell of dew alerting on my nose, the October chills that creates a sensation so familiar yet so different, the old farms haunting the plains as the sun roams around the mountains. I feel as if this is the best place for an apocalypse to occur so secluded, yet so full it, makes you feel alone but suffocated it always has. I truly do believe there's some positive things to come from this like the fact we get to enjoy the amazing sky with all the constellations almost like you can see a million different galaxies clustered in one. The land so beautiful and preserved like all the pain and suffering, the carvings we took from the earths skin was healed in the slow extinction of the human race. I always found it interesting how in ever zombie movie the earth seemed to swallow humanity, the building we had, the places we called home all we ever made devoured by the one thing we called friend, but then again we weren't good friends. One good thing to come out of this is the ending of Global Warming.

I turn the iris as I wipe off Sunny form all the rain that's fell upon him. She's small, like a mouse in its burrow. I think it's funny how humans seem so big till they fall, the apex predator, the unkillable being, and then we get killed, we become each others pray. No animal could wipe us out but man kind is the only thing that could kill man kind, the only evil that could wipe out a whole species is no asteroid, no virus, no global warming, but the species itself. Quite ironic as humans we always find ways to be the good guys, to be the only thing that could help the world, but the absence of us seems to be the best nature ever got. Iris mover sometimes, small whimpers, I'd say it's form her leg being almost completely out it's socket but I couldn't exactly pin point. I know I should help, do something, but what, where miles away from the nearest service station and no pharmacies or hospitals are around here, I'd have to drive and I know I'm not good at that but I guess there's never pain in looking. We only went out a couple times with the group back at the cabin, just me, Oliver and Aim to asses our surrounding see what we're working with, my years of watching zombie shows helped with that, but Oliver was always calling the shots, always telling us we're we need to go. I don't know what to do, where to go, how to move, should I move, what if Iris wakes up and she's alone in a car with no one, should I bring sunny, maybe I'll leave a note for her, some food and water with it. I'll bring sunny he can sniff out the antibiotics I need and probably can smell death better then me, so can tell when the zombies are coming.

I open the glove box to see if any paper or pen is in there, maybe a lead If I'm lucky.
*pop* it opens, a pen, a map and a couple papers with documents on. Her name was Mary, I know it doesn't matter anymore but I still feel something for her, she was someone, someone's mother, someone's daughter, someone's best friend and now all she is, is a couple of papers.
"Come here boy" I say to sunny for him to come into the car
"We're going out ok, you have to promise to stay by me, don't wonder, if you see anything don't run, alert me I'll get us safe"
He just looks up at me and nods slightly i know it probably means nothing but I like to say he understands me.
"Good boy" I smile he truly is a good boy
Sunny head whip to Iris as if to ask what we're doing with her. It reminds to do the note to her and to giver her some food and water so she can rehydrate herself I don't know how long she hasn't eaten or drank for.
I write "Hey it's Florence, I'm out getting stuff for your head and leg, I'll be back soon. Have some of the food and water I left, stay near the car I don't how many there is out there -Florence" then put some food and water down for her then grab my stuff, bow, backpack, and map. I know if this is one of my smartest decisions but she needs some type of help even if it's just wood for the bone to aline, and I might need some medicine, winter is coming and we might need some Calpol or something that could help and I might need something for sunny if he gets ill, this trip will be important or at least I hope it will be. I guess there's no going back now, hello grassland we're going to be friends for a hot hour or two.

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