Chapter Two: Time Before Now

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2 weeks after the outbreak began

I never thought it would be like this. I didn't suspect a Zombie Apocalypse, I didn't suspect I'd have to kill my father, I didn't us to make it a week never mind two and by we I mean me, Aim, Mae, Zoë and Oliver, but especially i did expect this dog to make it this long. I mean I didn't expect any less but that dog would bark all the time, no matter who is passing. Maybe now he realizes his barking dose nothing, maybe he realizes if he dose it kills me, I don't know but he doesn't do it anymore, maybe it's what he saw. We don't talk much either, after we found each other after we'd saw to much, after the pain has already seeped in, we know we've seen to much, we know we should get it over with end own lives, but we haven't yet, why.I most listen to music the Walkman I found it helps me, and I let them use it when they ask. The zombies are well aware, I think, like the walking dead, I believe the it's air born, we're all infected but unlike the walking dead the zombies don't just act weak until the it's needed for intensity. No is writing them, no one is telling them what to do, some of them are fast, some are slow, some climb, some just roam, depending on age, and metabolism and no matter what we can't stop it.
"We're running out of food" told Oliver
We all look up, almost surprised he could speak
"What do you suggest we do" asked Zoë
"I don't know, but we won't make it another week" told Oliver
"We should go to a shop, right"
I sit for a moment looking around questioning what to do.
"No" I say after a moment of silence
"What do you mean" asked Mae
"what else do we do" asked Aim
"The shops will be empty, people would have ran-sacked them. We need to into city, urban areas, or we farm, get soil, seeds anything"
"That's a better idea, but some faults. For starters no of us know how to drive a car, non of us know how to farm, we don't know what's in the city, we don't know who's, we do know what's here at lest a little bit. Can we try here" ranted Oliver
I look down for a moment then over to Sunny, he almost seemed to raise his eyebrows to me, I do back as if we're telepathically talking to one another.
"Fine, but after we see there's nothing we get a car and we attempted to drive"
"Fine" Oliver smiles
I smile back at him, I like him, he's nice, but I don't think he's ready for this, I don't think any of us are. We grab our bags and weapons, I grab my bow and then bend down to Sunny, eye level for him.
"Hey, you stay here, no matter if we don't come back, if they come back and I don't you go with them you protect me, you understand me"
He whispered at me, letting me know that he understood but didn't want to.
"Good. See you when I get back"
He walks away from me, I know he loves me, I saved his life.

We find are way down the street towards the street away from the cabin we called home. We sneak, as quietly as we can. A zombies comes round the corner out of nowhere, it almost as quiet as us, but not
quite. We turn on the corner just as it pops round the corner.
I see it, see it in the corner of my eye, see it in creep close. I can hear it breath, hear it move, hear it moan and click. I tell them to move faster around the corner of the house. Slowly, as slow as we can go, we sneak round and juts before it turns to us.
We run straight for the shop, Aim killing one off with their knife, me killing another with my arrow. We run, run longe then i think I ever have, one of them almost hitting Zoë, another almost hitting Mae.
We make it to the shop and rise the barrier and rush in as the zombies begin to bang upon it Zoë only by inch of a second, gets through. We all rush back, panting for air, wondering how we're even here.
"Ok, let's go in" told Mae
"Keep on alert" I whisper
We nod at one another and crack the door open and all slowly go through the door, weapons up and ready.
I look around to see anything but all I see is flickering lights and empty shelves. I hope I find something, not only for me, but also for sunny, he deserves food, more than I do, no matter that dog will not die of anything but old age and that's a promise nothing else. I look around even more just for something but I see a body of a little boy, a child, he was dead, he's head was caved in, no zombification stuff here. I try not to break down, I hate it here, hate seeing children dead, children are the most innocent creatures on the earth and all the baby's and pregnant women, god the pain, god the unfairness, why is life like this, and why is it so painful.
"Guys" Mae bellows
We all rush over, me wiping the tears from my eyes to go and see.
We walk up to her and see food stacked up, to the brim with a letter. It read
"How ever finds this, here's my food, I won't needed it after this.
Ps. Don't come in the back room, it will smell"
"Poor sweet person" said Oliver
We look at one another for a moment
"Let's grab it then go" I tell them
"Alright, pack it up" bellowed Aim
We start to grab as much as are bags can hold. Packing them almost over.
I hear the sound of Zombie, inside the building. I almost immediately rush to our group and tell them shush with bow in arm.
"Shush, just listen"
We hear the gargled noise of Zombies inside the building.
"How many?" Asked Zoë
"Shush" I tell her
I begin to count the amount, we all begin to, mouthing how many we see.
"I got six"
"Me too"
"We can get round six. We have before"
We now stay silent, as silent as we can be once again, separating into 5 all targeting one, leaving one that seems easier to kill. I target a man, strongish boy, but seems like I could kill him. I stalk him afraid to make too much noise, looking at every single step I take, so I don't step on glass.

I see something, an open door, an open door where Zombies can come in as much as they want. I try and find my way to the group, while still trying to get the Zombie. I just walk up to him and stab, not caring what hears. They all turn to me in shock and surprise.
"The door!" I bellow
Lots more Zombies walk through and all we do is run. Run as fast as we can to door, but before we leave I grab a body of the Zombie I killed and lock the door.
"What are you doing!?" Bellowed Zoë
"Shush. We need to use the blood, smell like them, like the walking dead, where like the team when Alexandria got overrun and those unimportant characters died."
"Literally never watched the show"
"Ok, if the zombies don't kill you I will."
I begin to slice into the Zombies skin
"Oh my god, oh my god, I'm gonna throw up"
I begin to stab beeper and then seep my hand into its  hollowed body and shock my body in it trying so hard not to throw up form the smell of death.
"Ok, who's next" I say almost throwing up
"Next?" Question Mae
"I'll go" said aim
"Ok, let's go"

We all have see body's covered in blood and guts so we smell like them, we grab hands and open the gate, to allow the Zombies in. We keep quiet as we walk, trying not to see out of place, like we're the same as them. Some moans here and there but mostly them coming up to us and them walking away once they release we're not food through smell. The silence could deafen anyone close, cause an effortless alarm to ring in ones ear. And the constant moans, oh, how that would strike fear in anyone no matter close or far. There all dead, gone, as gone as one would be in a grave, you can differentiate when they got bit now. The ones who died at the beginnings hair is slated, eyes are even more lifeless and dead, skin more cold and blue but the ones that didn't died during it, well they still have a piece of there old self's still intact, still preserved. It's hard to kill newer ones they look to human, too much like your killing someone, not something.

We're almost out of the horde of zombies, we can see the light at the end, the clear streets that embeds in the town. The light that shows out triumph, we all smile at one another slightly because we have just survived a waker hurd and secondly because it actually worked, now we can get around hordes of them without having to worry about a plan.

We made it, after walking for what it seemed hours, right through what it seemed like thousands of zombies, we had made it.

"Yes, we—." Zoë was cut of.
A zombie, a zombie had chewed the whole of her jugular. Blood squirted out onto all of us as she fell to the ground. Oliver seemed to follow her down, falling to ground. We all stand in shock for a moment and then the walkers we had just seemed to pass by are now running towards us.
"We gotta go" I yell to Oliver
He just sits there motionless, painful, full of grief.
"Come on"
"Florence" bellowed Mae as they get separated due the zombies and being to run away.
"Oliver come on. Please" I plead
"Leave me alone" he turned to me a tears well in his eyes and began the adventure down his face. I run like he requested almost immediately, heading towards the cabin where Sunny holds as tears rush with the winds and lead back to the Zombies. If I wasn't already alone, I am now, no friends, no family but I do have food.

I ,as fast as I can, find my way to the cabin, and open the door to Sunny already there.
"Hi boy" I say kneeling down to him
I looks over my shoulder to see the rest of them
"No boy, they're not there, there gone and we gotta go ok"
He whines to me as if to ask me why.
"Because it's not safe here, we gotta find somewhere safer, somewhere we can live without fear"
He turns his face and I rise.
I don't want to leave I don't know what's out there but what I do know is that if we stay here any longer, we won't make it to September.
"Come on" I tell "we gotta go find a car"

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