Chapter 11: Is She With You?

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Gali and Mothra weren't the only ones frozen in crystal. When Godzilla went back to Monster Island, he found that everyone completely incased in the same purple crystal. Tahu saw the same thing at the Toa's hotel room. This was undoubtedly the work of Makuta. Godzilla and Tahu met again outside the hotel.
"Looks like we're the only ones left." Tahu said. He sighed and smacked himself in the face with the palm of his hand. "I'm such an idiot."
"Yeah, you are." Godzilla said. "If it weren't for you, this whole thing would have been under control. All you did was get in our way."
"I know. What I did was wrong." Tahu admitted. "But if we focus on the past, we're not gonna be able to defeat this Ghidorah guy."
"For once, you're right." Godzilla said. "First, we need to wait for Ghidorah to come to us."
Tahu was about to protest, saying they should try to find him, but he didn't say anything. After all the trouble he had caused, he was going to let Godzilla lead. He was more familiar with Ghidorah anyway. Suddenly, a strange noise shook the city. It sounded like a massive vibration mixed with an explosion. A shockwave ripped through buildings, shattering windows and throwing vehicles in its wake. Tahu knew what this was. Ghidorah was using Makuta's power.
"Looks like we didn't have to wait that long." Godzilla said. He and Tahu rushed to the source of the explosion. The guessed it came from Tokyo Tower. When they arrived, they found that Tokyo Tower no longer existed. In its place was a new tower made entirely of purple crystal and metal. Standing on top of the tower was Ghidorah himself. Godzilla barely recognized him. He looked nearly completely different. Tahu knew it was the Mask of Control that caused this. Ghidorah turned to face them, his purple cape fluttering in the wind.
"Ah, if it isn't Godzilla!" He said. Godzilla noticed his voice was different as well. It seemed deeper, more scary sounding.
"Oh, and it appears you've brought a friend." Ghidorah continued. He was obviously referring to Tahu.
"Ghidorah, take off the mask." Godzilla ordered. "Take it of now, or we'll do it for you."
"Is that so?" Ghidorah said. He sat down on what appeared to be a throne placed on top of the tower.
"Godzilla's right." Tahu said. "You need to take the mask off now! Once Makuta has what he wants, he'll just get rid of you!"
"Compelling arguments." Ghidorah said. "If you want the mask so badly, come up her and take it."
Godzilla gritted his teeth and ran up the tower. Ghidorah was impressed that he was able to run up such a steep incline. Finally he reached the top. But Ghidorah was ready. He had charged his fist full of Makuta's purple dark energy. As soon as Godzilla prepared to attack, Ghidorah punched him in the stomach. Even with little effort, Makuta's power launched Godzilla far into the air. He landed half a mile away in a completely different part of the city. Tahu attempted to attack next. He tried launching a fireball up at him, but Ghidorah simply laughed and caught the fireball in his hand, crushing it in his fist. Tahu tried climbing up the tower as well, but he didn't get a chance as a pillar of crystal jutted out from the ground, launching Tahu away. He landed in the same place as Godzilla. He groaned in pain as he got himself up. He saw Godzilla, already standing.
"He's too powerful." Godzilla said. "If we had the others here, it would be easy. But with just us, it's impossible."
Tahu furrowed his eyebrow and looked down. He knew Godzilla was right. They heard footsteps coming towards them. They turned around, only to see a girl with red hair and similar coloured clothing. She didn't look happy with either of them, but especially not Tahu.
"So I go to the trouble of getting you the Mask of Control, and you go and lose it to a tyrannical overlord." She said. She began sarcastically slow clapping. "Great job, Tahu."
Tahu now realized who this girl was. She was 3DS, the girl who had found the mask for him. 3DS wiped the hair out of her face as she walked over to Godzilla. He had to look down at her, since she was pretty short compared to him.
"You must be Godzilla." She said.
"How do you..." He was about to ask how she knew his name, but she cut him off.
"I'm 3DS. And I'm here to stop you from screwing up time." She explained.
"Wait... 3DS? Like the video game system?" Godzilla asked. "And what do you mean screwing up time?"
"...I don't know what that is." 3DS said. "And what I mean is that because Tahu and the Toa used time travel to get here, time was been split into two timelines; one where they appear in the world at this time, and one where they don't. If they don't leave with the mask by sunrise, both timelines will cease to exist. So I'm also here to help you and Tahu over there defeat Ghidorah."
"He's being corrupted by the spirit of Makuta." Tahu explained. "That's what makes the Mask of Control so powerful."
"You mean Ghidorah's being controlled by someone even more powerful?" Godzilla asked.
"Not controlled. Basically, they're working together and sharing the same body." Tahu continued. "Though I have no doubt that Makuta is influencing Ghidorah more than the other way arround. I understand Ghidorah really hates you."
"Yep. And the feeling's pretty mutual." Godzilla agreed. "I'm guessing you're not too friendly with Makuta?"
"Not since I helped defeat one of his most powerful servants." Tahu said. 3DS stepped between them, arms crossed.
"As much as I love to see you two getting along for once, we have bigger things to worry about." She said, pointing towards a building as it was sliced in half by one of Ghidorah's lasers. Ghidorah was beginning to make his attack.
"We don't have much time." Tahu said, drawing his swords and activating his mask.
"Then let's get in there!" 3DS said. She activated her 3D Glasses, and selected a new ability that had been recently installed before she left her timeline. This ability allowed her to fly for short periods of time. She used the ability and shot into the sky towards the destruction Ghidorah was causing. Godzilla blinked a few times before turning to Tahu.
"Is she with you?" He asked. Tahu turned to him with a confused look on his face.
"I thought she was with you." He replied.

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