Chapter 12: One on Three

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Ghidorah laughed maniacally as his lasers tore the city apart. Buildings and structures crumbled before him.
"I've never felt power like this before." Ghidorah laughed.
"Neither have I." Makuta added. "I may have given you these new powers, but I did not expect you to amplify them to such a degree."
"All I need to do now is test them on a living subject." Ghidorah said, clenching his fists. He saw a figure flying in his direction. She was far away, but she was definitely heading towards him. Ghidorah didn't recognize her, but grinned as he saw her.  
"She'll do for now." He said. He fired a purple beam at the figure, who was actually 3DS. She dodged out of the way, but just barely.
"Those two better show up soon." She muttered through clenched teeth. She continued to fly towards Ghidorah, but her flight would end soon. While her flight abilities allowed her to soar through the sky, she was limited to only 5 minutes of flight at a time. And she had 30 seconds left. She used the last of her time flying to soar full speed at Ghidorah, foot first. The kick connected with Ghidorah's arm, but he deflected the hit and stuck back, knocking 3DS into the ground. She hissed in pain and tried to get up.
"Dammit..." She coughed. She looked up to see Godzilla running towards her. He helped her up out of the crater she had formed in the ground.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." 3DS said, brushing herself off. The two looked at Ghidorah, who was flying towards another part of the city. They took off after him.
"Where's Tahu?" 3DS asked.
"He's helping evacuate the city." Godzilla said. "Tokyo's almost empty now."
"Good." 3DS nodded. She activated the heads-up display on her glasses, which showed that her flight mode was only 10% charged. She groaned and rolled her eyes.
"How're we gonna get up to him?" She asked.
Godzilla didn't know either. He thought for a moment before he came up with an idea.
"How much do you weigh?" He asked. 3DS stopped and raised her eyebrow.
"Excuse me?" She asked. Before she could say anything else, she realized what he was planning. She smirked and nodded.
"Don't worry, I'm pretty light." She said. Without any more warning, Godzilla picked her up, lifted her over his shoulder, and threw her straight at Ghidorah. She managed to grab onto him as they made contact. Ghidorah had no idea what was going on, and began to fall. He and 3DS landed on top of a nearby building. Godzilla grinned, happy that his plan had worked. He ran towards the building. As he ran, Tahu suddenly landed next to him and ran alongside him.
"How many people are still in the city?" Godzilla asked.
"I think we got everyone." Tahu said.
Godzilla nodded. The two ran up the stairwell of the building, finally making it to the top. They appeared just in time to see Ghidorah struggling with 3DS. Eventually, he backhanded her, sending her to the ground.
"Enough of this!" He growled. He looked up and saw Godzilla and Tahu, and his eyes narrowed. He chuckled evilly.
"Finally, a worthy test of my new strength." He hissed. He held out his hands, and two massive blades appeared in his grip. They resembled giant katanas, but much wider.
"If it's a fight you want, then come at me!" Ghidorah challenged.
Godzilla was about to step foreword, but Tahu rushed ahead of him.
"Tahu wait!" Godzilla shouted. But his words fell on deaf ears. Tahu ran towards Ghidorah, only to be met by a blast of purple energy. He was sent backwards and fell to the ground as Ghidorah laughed.
"This won't even be a challenge!" He said. "Usually the people I fight pose a threat. I see this is not the case with you, Tahu."
Tahu gritted his teeth as he got himself back up.
"We can't defeat him on our own." Godzilla said. "All three of us need to work together."
3DS stood near them as well. "Good thinking. What's the plan?"
"All I need to do is get the mask away from him and he'll lose all his powers." Tahu said. "But I won't be able to get close enough."
"I know how Ghidorah fights. Plus, I'm more durable than both of you." Godzilla added. "I'll weaken him, but he'll still be on guard when it comes to the mask."
"I'm faster. I can distract him." 3DS suggested. Godzilla nodded.
"Then I can take off the mask." Tahu said. Again, Godzilla and 3DS both nodded.
"Alright, let's do this!" Godzilla said. He and Tahu rushed foreword, while 3DS flew over Ghidorah's head. He looked up at her, firing a purple beam of energy up at her. She dodged out of the way and landed behind him, giving Godzilla ample time to attack him, slashing at his back with an atomic blast. Before Ghidorah could react, Tahu did the same, shooting him with a fireball. Ghidorah roared in anger and turned around.
"Fools! You dare challenge me!?" He shouted, charging up two balls of electricity in his hands. Godzilla stood his ground, while Tahu ran behind Ghidorah. This distracted him long enough for Godzilla to attack again. 3DS swooped in from behind, kicking Ghidorah in the back of the head. Her flying ability had ran out now, and she landed on the roof in a kneeling position, smirking at Ghidorah smugly. While he was distracted, Godzilla and Tahu both attacked him at once, slashing at him from both sides in an X formation. While he recovered, Tahu saw an opening.
"I'm gonna try to grab the mask!" He said. Godzilla's eyes widened.
"No, not yet!" Godzilla insisted. But again, it was too late. Tahu ran in, and managed to grab the side of the Mask of Control. Before he could pull, Ghidorah grabbed him by the throat and slammed him onto the ground.
"You're persistent, for a whelp." He hissed. He then picked him up again, and flung him off the side of the roof. Godzilla's instincts took over and he dove down to grab him. He was a second too late, and missed Tahu by less than an inch. Luckily, 3DS grabbed him before he fell, and managed to lift him up to the roof again, though she struggled to do so.
"Your armour is really heavy." She panted as she landed back on the roof.
"Thanks anyway." Tahu said. The three turned back to Ghidorah. They knew their plan wouldn't work now.
"Dammit." Tahu muttered. "Why do I have to ruin everything?"
"Don't beat yourself up." Godzilla assured. "I still have one idea left."
Before either Tahu or 3DS could ask what this was, Godzilla ran at Ghidorah head on. However, he actually ran past Ghidorah, and jumped off the edge of the roof. Tahu raised an eyebrow as he watched Godzilla run across rooftops, away from the battle.
"His idea is running away?" He asked.
"He'll be back, I'm sure." 3DS said. "Until then, we need to hold Ghidorah off."

Godzilla ran through the streets of the city. He felt bad about leaving Tahu and 3DS alone with Ghidorah, but he knew if he didn't go through with his plan, Ghidorah would win. There was only one way they could defeat him. Finally, he found what he was looking for; Ghidorah's ship. Gigan and Biolante were standing outside.
"Well, if it isn't Godzilla!" Gigan chuckled. "You're probably mad that we turned your friends into statues, huh?"
"I'm not here for you, moron." Godzilla said, running past him. Gigan was so caught off guard that he didn't even follow him. Biolante felt the same way.
"Where're you going?" She asked. Godzilla didn't answer. He ran to the hull of Ghidorah's ship, and ripped open what he assumed to be the fuel panel. He was right. The fuel port sat right in front of him. It was connected to the Super Energy tank which made the ship fly.
"Hey, stop that!" Gigan called. Before he could do anything, he watched as Godzilla punched his fist into the fuel port, and began to glow a bright blue. His hair shot up like a flame and his eyes glowed white. He had become Super Godzilla. With that, he sped away into the sky as Gigan and Biolante looked up at him.
"Think we should change the fuel source we use?" Biolante asked.
"Yeah, probably." Gigan said, shrugging. Suddenly, they heard the sound of clanging metal, followed by the sound of doors being knocked off their hinges. They turned around, right as a large heavy object hit both of them in the head, knocking them both out and sending them to the ground. The object was Ekimu's hammer. He managed to escape from the airlock a few minutes ago.
"Ghidorah may be strong, but his minions are useless." He chuckled. He looked up towards the city, and saw a large amount of purple energy emanating from the top of a building. He knew Makuta was there, slowly corrupting Ghidorah. It seemed like two figures were fighting him, one of them deffinetely being Tahu, and Godzilla was heading towards them to help. Ekimu nodded.
"Good luck, you three." He said. "The fate of all time rests in your hands."

3DS and Tahu tried their best to hold off Ghidorah, but he was far too strong. He laughed as they both hit the ground once again. 3DS grunted as her head smashed against the hard surface. She heard the sound of glass breaking and her eyes shot open. Her glasses were shattered. She couldn't fly or do anything now.
"Oh no..." She whispered. She got back up, but fell back to her knees as she realized her calf was severely wounded. Her leg wasn't broken, but she could barely walk. Tahu wasn't faring too well either. His mask deactivated itself due to the impact, and 3DS could see his face was much more injured than before. A lot of his armour had been knocked off as well. Ghidorah's laugh became louder and louder as his mind gave in to Makuta's influence.
"You fools!" He cackled. "Did you really think you could defeat me?! I am truly a god!"
As he said this, a bright blue bolt hit him in the shoulder, landing in front of 3DS and Tahu. The bolt revealed itself to be Godzilla, but he looked far more powerful than before. He smirked smugly at Ghidorah.
"You're a lot of things, Ghidorah." He said. "But I'm damn sure you're not a god."
Ghidorah roared as his eyes glowed brighter. This didn't intimidate Godzilla anymore. He turned to Tahu.
"Can you still fight?" He asked.
"Y-yeah, I think." Tahu said. It was hard for him to take in Godzilla's new form.
"Good." Godzilla nodded. He then turned to 3DS. "Your glasses are broken, right?"
"I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna be any help now." She said.
"That's not true." Godzilla shook his head. "I have something for both of you to do. But wait until I say, okay?"
The others got up and nodded. With that said, Godzilla flew toward Ghidorah and grabbed him, flying him into the air. Ghidorah smacked him away and flew towards him, knocking him further away.
"I am a god, you heathen." Ghidorah growled. "And I will prove it to you by destroying you and this city!"
"Not if I get that mask off your face." Godzilla said. He went to grab Ghidorah again, but he dodged out of the way. Ghidorah raised his golden clawed hand, and a bolt of lighting struck Godzilla. He yelled out in pain, but didn't falter. More and more lighting bolts rained upon him, but he dodged most of them. Finally, he reached Ghidorah again and grabbed him, dragging him back to the streets below. They landed and got into fighting stances. Godzilla could see Ghidorah was beginning to become more monstrous and animalistic, not at all like the cold calculating fighter he had come to know. But this was perfect for what her had planned. Ghidorah was already weakened. Now there was only one thing left to do.
"You will not get this mask." Ghidorah snarled. "My power is immeasurable! You are nothing but a bug for me to crush."
"Now, 3DS!" Godzilla shouted. Before Ghidorah could react, 3DS jumped down and landed on his back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Normally, Ghidorah would reach around and grab 3DS off of his back. Luckily, Ghidorah wasn't able to think clearly in his current state, and simply flailed around. There was no chance of 3DS getting hurt.
"Tahu, get down here!" Godzilla called. Tahu jumped off the roof and landed next to Godzilla. He knew what Godzilla wanted him to do. He got to Ghidorah and jumped up, gripping both sides of the Mask of Control. Ghidorah continued to flail, but Tahu managed to get a foothold on Ghidorah's chest, still holding tightly onto the mask. It began to burn his hands due to the heat of the power running through it, but he refused to let go.
"3DS, let him go now!" He shouted. 3DS nodded and let go. Ghidorah now focussed on Tahu. Before he could attack, Tahu began to pull at the mask. Even with all his strength, the mask still didn't come off. Though Ghidorah was clearly in pain, as if the mask was part of him.
"Stop, you fool!" He said. "I will not be defeated by the likes of you!"
"This mask doesn't belong to you." Tahu growled. He pulled even harder, making Ghidorah roar in pain. Tahu continued to speak.
"This mask belonged to the brother of Ekimu. You don't have the right to wear it. You don't deserve this power!"
With these last words, the mask finally became loose from Ghidorah's face. Time seemed to slow down. In a flash of light, the mask detached, and Tahu began to fall to the ground. Ghidorah felt as if his face was burning. Before either of them could react, the mask gave off a shockwave, sending the two of them flying backwards. Even 3DS and Godzilla got knocked to the ground. They groaned as they got up. Godzilla's Super Form was gone, and he was back to normal. He saw Ghidorah beginning to get up as well. He appeared normal, though his regular helmet was gone. He also appeared to be unarmed, and nearly unconscious.
"The... the mask..." He muttered. Godzilla rolled his eyes.
"He'll be fine. I'm sure the others will pick him up in his ship eventually." Godzilla said.
"But just to make sure..." 3DS said, pulling out a length of metal rope.

"Ghidorah!" Gigan shouted. Right on cue, Ghidorah's eyes shot open. He sat up immediately, but began to struggle with the bindings that were now wrapped around his arms and legs. Gigan, Biolante, Hedorah, and Destroyah were standing over him.
"The mask!" He said. "Where is it?"
"Whoa, whoa, calm down." Gigan said. "It's gone. It's over."
"What? No." Ghidorah said, beginning to struggle harder against the ropes. "Find it now! I need it!"
"Godzilla has it now. I doubt we're gonna get it back." Biolante said.
"Come on, Ghidorah." Destroyah said. He lifted Ghidorah up and placed him on his shoulder. "Let's get you back to the ship."
"No! Put me down this instant!" Ghidorah shouted. "I need the mask! We must get it back!"
Hedorah rolled his eyes. "It's probably gonna be a while before he can get over this."
The five left towards the ship, and it took off into the air. When Godzilla, Tahu, and 3DS were sure they were gone, they peeked out from behind their hiding spaces. Godzilla was behind a broken piece of road, Tahu was in a broken building, and 3DS was behind a telephone pole. They all ran out and met up in the middle of the area.
"We did it!" Godzilla said. Tahu smiled and nodded in agreement.
"We sure did." He said. "I was wrong about you, Godzilla. I'm sorry."
"Ah, it's alright." Godzilla assured. "I was wrong about you too. If you and the others are gonna protect the past, the future is in good hands."
"Glad to hear it." 3DS said. "Now, we've got 2 hours until sunrise, and then Tahu and I gotta go. So let's find the other Toa and..."
Before she could finish, Tahu collapsed onto the ground. Godzilla and 3DS rushed over to him.
"What happened to him?" Godzilla asked.
"He's passed out from the energy burst caused from the mask." 3DS realized. She touched a hand to Tahu's side, and realized he was bleeding pretty badly. "And this probably isn't helping."
"I know someone who can help." Godzilla said. He lifted Tahu and placed him on his shoulder. "Let's go."

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