Chapter 13: Going Home

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For the second time in the past few days, Tahu woke up in an unfamiliar place. Specifically, he was in a tent. His armour and mask were gone, and he was in his normal clothes once again. He heard a voice.
"He's fine now." It was Mothra. He was able to recognize her voice from their brief interactions. Before he could sit up, Gali shot in out of nowhere and hugged him tightly.
"Gali? You're okay?" Tahu asked. He looked up and saw the other Toa, all safe and out of the crystal they were incased in. They were all smiling at him as well.
"We're all fine, thanks to you and Godzilla." Gali explained. "Tahu, I'm sorry. I was wrong. You're not an idiot."
"No, I'm sorry." Tahu said, hugging her back. "I was being foolish. You were right to berate me like you did."
Suddenly, a thought ran through his mind; the mask. After all he had done to find the Mask of Control, he couldn't bare the thought of finding it again.
"Where's the mask?" He asked
"It's safe." Godzilla, who was standing with the others in the room, spoke up. "3DS sent it into the past. Ekimu made sure it was hidden before he went back to the past himself. Until someone discovers the mask again, nobody will lay hands on it."
Tahu sighed in relief. The mask was safe, for now. He knew it would be some time before the mask was found again. Hopefully it would be discovered in their time again, but if it wasn't, they'd just have to keep looking. As the thought dwelled in his mind, someone else entered the tent. It was 3DS.
"It's time, guys." She said. "Time to go home."

The Toa stood out on the beach, all grouped together facing Godzilla and his army. 3DS approached him, punching numbers into a wrist-mounted computer.
"Alright, we got 5 minutes till sunrise, so we gotta do this quickly." She said.
Tahu nodded and turned to Godzilla. "Well, I guess this is it."
Godzilla shrugged. "Guess it is." He said. "If you're ever back in this timeline, don't hesitate to come say hi."
"Hopefully we won't have to." Tahu chuckled. He held out a hand, and Godzilla grabbed it tightly. No matter what had happened between them before, they were friends now.
"C'mon, Tahu, let's go!" Lewa shouted from behind. Tahu nodded and went back to the group. 3DS punched in a few more numbers, aimed her wrist at Tahu and the other Toa, and a blue laser shot out of a small port on the computer. The laser hit all the Toa, and they began to glow. Within seconds, they disappeared. Now they were back to the past.
"Alright, I'll see you guys later." 3DS said, punching in some more numbers. "Meeting you guys was pretty fun. See ya later!"
And with that, she began to glow as well before disappearing back to her own timeline. Godzilla looked up, seeing the sun rise over the horizon.
"Just in time." He said. He saw Mothra walking over to him. She stood next to him, looking out at the sunrise with him.
"I really liked them." She said. Godzilla chuckled, and instinctively placed a hand on her shoulder, pulling her close to him.
"Yeah, me too." He agreed. "I'm gonna miss them."
"I wonder where the mask is now." Mothra said.
"Hey, as long as it's not in our timeline anymore, I don't care." Godzilla shrugged. "It's the Toa's problem now."
Mothra nodded and looked out at the horizon. She yawned. "I didn't sleep at all last night." She said, rubbing her eyes.
"Me either." Godzilla yawned. "I guess being incased in crystal and fighting an ancient spirit can be pretty tiring. C'mon, let's go get some sleep."
And with that said, they walked back to their tent. Godzilla still wondered where the mask would show up next.

200 Years in the Past

"Hey Martin, take a look at this." Karina called. Martin rushed over followed closely behind by Flint and Jade. They stared deep into the cave Karina had crawled inside. She poked her head out and began to emerge.
"What is it?" Martin asked.
"I found this weird mask." Karina said. She came out of the cave and showed off the strange golden mask. It resembled an angry looking face with horns on either side. Martin raised an eyebrow.
"That looks... interesting." He said.
"How much you think that would go for?" Flint asked. "I recon we could sell it for 5000 gold, maybe more."
"Or we could bring it back to the palace." Jade suggested. "It could be an important artifact."
"Hmm..." Martin said, rubbing his chin in thought. "Something tells me we shouldn't touch it. It seems... dangerous."
Jade appeared to agree. "Now that you mention it... it kinda has a weird energy, don't you think?"
"Yeah, I know paranormal stuff, and that's definitely paranormal." Flint nodded.
Karina didn't know what they were talking about. "It's just a mask." She said. "...isn't it?"
"Maybe, but we shouldn't take any chances." Martin said. "It would be wise to put it back where you found it."
After a few seconds, Karina shrugged, tossing the mask back into the cave. It landed in the water below and suck to the bottom.
"You're the boss." She said. "Well, let's get the other stuff back to the ship."
The others nodded and collected their treasures they had found from their spelunking trip, and headed back to the Phoenix. The engines lit up, the sails opened, and they flew back to New London, ready for their next mission.

The End..?

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