Chapter 24: Mercy

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Eventually, Gigan's battle with Rodan and Radon was pushed towards the battlefield proper, and he came into the line of fire of Anguirus and Cherno as well. Gigan was quickly losing against the four of them. But suddenly, their attention was pulled somewhere else. He followed their gaze and found they were looking somewhere above him. And just above him floated Destroyah and SpaceGodzilla.
"Need some help, Gigan?" Destroyah asked.
"Didn't Ghidorah tell you to stay back on the ship?" Gigan snapped.
"As if we could miss out on this." SpaceGodzilla chuckled. He raised his arms, and crystals popped out of the ground all around them, surrounding them in a ring. Not only that, but as the Kaiju and Cherno began to advance on them, they found their feet had been affixed to the ground by crystal. Slowly, the crystal began to move up their bodies, encasing them.
"Or did you rather we leave you to deal with them yourself?" SpaceGodzilla grinned. Gigan rolled his eyes, but became startled when he was Anguirus hammer his way out of the crystals covering his feet, and Cherno shooting at the crystals around them, managing to chip them somewhat. But Gigan's worry was put to rest when Destroyah fired a beam of yellow light from the horn on his helmet ant onto the crystal below. The light refracted off the crystals, hitting Anguirus, Cherno, Rodan and Radon all at once, making them drop their weapons. Now there was nothing to stop them from being enveloped in crystal. Gigan grinned.
"Leave their heads exposed. I wanna kill them myself." He ordered. SpaceGodzilla nodded in compliance, allowing his crystals to stop at their necks. Gigan morphed his hand into a large axe and began walking towards Rodan first.
"I think out of all of Godzilla's little friends, I hated you the most." Gigan said, readying the axe at Rodan's neck.
"Funny. Out of all Ghidorah's minions I hated you the most too." Rodan replied. Gigan chuckled.
"Want those to be your last words?" He asked, readying his axe.
"They aren't gonna be my last words." Rodan smirked. Gigan's smile fell. Rodan knew something he didn't. And those suspicions were confirmed when something broke through the crystals surrounding them. Moguera's drills shattered the crystal wall and he barrelled in, rushing into gigan with his shoulder and pinning him to the other wall, knocking him out. At the same time, Anguirus burst out of his crystal prison.
"Bad idea to trap the worlds strongest Kaiju." He bragged, picking up his hammer. He used it to break the others out the others. SpaceGodzilla growled and landed on he ground.
"You again." He hissed in Moguera's direction.
"It has been a little while, huh?" Moguera grinned, getting into a battle stance, both drills spinning rapidly. Destroyah landed on the ground as well. His double bladed glowing sword appeared in his hand.
"Finally, I get to put my skills to use." He muttered to himself. Gigan grinned. He knew Destroyah was a skilled fighter, and a destructive one too. And despite his hatred of SpaceGodzilla, he couldn't deny how powerful he was too. They were still outnumbered, but he felt much better about their odds now.
"Shall we begin?" SpaceGodzilla smirked, encasing his hands in crystal blades. Moguera lead the others in rushing them, and Gigan lead his allies to counter attack them. The battle had re-started.


Mothra could feel every beat of her heart as it got faster and faster. She forced her feet out of her fear paralysis and began backing up slowly as Desghidorah approached her. She had never seen his face before, but she recognized his eyes. His red, burning, demonic gaze bored into her soul as he stared her down.
"How did you come back from the dead?" He asked.
Mothra said nothing. Her heart nearly pounded out of her chest as he continued to approach her.
"No final words?" Desghidorah asked. "Fine then. I shall return you to your grave!"
He raised his sword to strike her. Mothra tried to move, but she was frozen in place. But right before the impact came, Battra appeared out of nowhere. He slashed down at Desghidorah's sword, making it strike the ground before them, and glared up into his eyes.
"I'm not losing another sibling today." He spat.
Desghidorah didn't recognize him at first. But after a moment, he saw the spirit of Batora and Mosura in his eyes. He drew his sword back.
"You're Mosura's son." He realized.
"And you're her murderer." Battra said, getting into a fighting stance. Seeing her brother in front  of her calmed Mothra down. He gave her hope. Her fear was gone now, and she stepped next to him, drawing her own weapons.
"You got lucky during our first fight." She said. "But now, I'll show you how far I've come since."
Desghidorah growled. They were the spitting image of Mosura and Batora. Seeing them together reminded him of that fateful day, years ago. They day he murdered their parents. They day he murdered the one he loved. He closed his eyes, blocking out the memory, and when he opened them, the rage in his expression blazed like fire. He flapped his wings and rushed towards them, covering the distance in mere milliseconds. They both simultaneously blocked his attack, and the impact created a shockwave that shook the building below them. Mothra was the next to attack. She spun around and ducked under Desghidorah's sword, slashing him in the leg. He shouted in pain, and in his distraction, Battra pushed him back, hitting him in the face with the hilt of his blade. Desghidorah roared and swung at him blindly, but his slower movements, gave Battra ample time to duck. Meanwhile, Mothra moved behind him and jumped into the air, digging her knives into his back right above his wings. He roared in pain again and flapped wildly, trying to get her off of his back. But this once again distracted him. Battra deactivated his blade and punched Desghidorah in the face twice, making him back up. But before he could do it a third time, Desghidorah grabbed Battra by the head. He lifted him and slammed him into the ground, the impact knocking Mothra loose. She flew over his head and landed next to Battra, who's head was still in Desghidorah's grasp. He prepared to slam him down again, but instead released another shout of pain. Battra had shot a laser from his headband into his hand, forcing him to release him. As Desghidorah backed up more, holding his now smouldering hand, Mothra and Battra got back to their feet and readied themselves for his next attack.
"You're doing really well." Mothra smiled at her brother. He smirked back at her.
"Same to you." He said.
They cut the banter as Desghidorah rushed them again. This time, they had a plan. Mothra breathed in deeply before spitting a glob of webbing at his feet. It hit them dead on, cementing him to the ground. While he tried to pull himself free, another glob of webbing hit his hands, knocking the sword out of them and gluing them together. But this one didn't come from Mothra. She raised an eyebrow and looked over at Battra, who appeared to be trying to get the taste of something out of his mouth.
"Wait, you can spit webbing too?" She asked.
"I guess so..." Battra coughed. "Ugh... I can see why you hate doing that."
Mothra chuckled at her brother's reaction. Her webbing tasted like a dead battery. Meanwhile, Desghidorah struggled against his bonds. The two approached him calmly now. There was nothing he could do to hurt them.
"You won't be escaping that." Mothra explained. "You'll wait right here until the battle ends."
Desghidorah growled at her. "You may as well kill me." He hissed. "While you two are still alive I will never stop hunting you! I will end Mosura's bloodline!"
Mothra furrowed her brow at him. Something didn't make sense. "Why do you want us dead so much?" She asked.
Both Desghidorah and Battra looked at her with a confused glance. But while Battra was more puzzled, Desghidorah seemed scared of something. Perhaps he was scared that she was asking this question. Mothra was more curious now than ever, seeing his expression. She squinted harder at him. After a few moments, she reached out to him. He backed up as much as he could in his immobilized state.
"G-get away!" He demanded. But Mothra refused. She pressed her fingers against his forehead. She had some telepathic abilities, but in order to read memories, she had to have some sort of connection to the person she was reading. Touching his head was fine enough. She closed her eyes and began exploring his memories. After mere seconds, she had her answer, and opened her eyes.
"You... loved her." She finally said.
"... What?" Battra asked. He looked between her and Desghidorah, who now appeared defeated and remorseful.
"Our mother..." Mothra continued. "You were in love with her. And she loved you back. But she left you for our father... that's why you killed them."
"T-that can't be true." Battra shook his head. The thought of his mother being in love with this monster was sickening. But in his heart, he could tell it was true. And Desghidorah's expression only confirmed it.
"... Yes. I was in love with Mosura." He admitted. "She betrayed me... left me for Batora, and forgot me. So I killed them... and that mistake has weighed on me ever since." He looked up to lock eyes with Mothra. "You... remind me so much of her."
Mothra couldn't help but feel pity for him. She knew what it was like to be in love, and she had experienced heartbreak as well. It was painful, painful enough to drive someone to do awful things to be rid of the pain. She saw him as less of a monster now and more as a flawed being with deep regrets. All hatred for him was gone. But Battra saw something different. His hatred was amplified tenfold. His fist clenched so hard his nails almost pierced his skin.
"Leo told us that you and mother were enemies, and you killed her and father in battle." He growled. "But now that I know the truth... She trusted you... and you murdered her!"
He reactivated his blade and began to approach him. Mothra gasped, realizing what he wanted to do. She stepped in front of him and placed a hand against his chest to stop him.
"Battra, no." She said. "I hated him just as much as you, and now I'm begging you to let him live. All you'd be doing is putting an end to his suffering."
Battra gritted his teeth. First Gigan, now Desghidorah. Twice now he had been denied the revenge he hungered for. But as much as he wanted revenge, he didn't want to upset Mothra. She meant more to him than anything, especially now. He glared at Desghidorah and deactivated his blade.
"You're lucky my sister's so forgiving." He spat. Soon enough, the blades of a helicopter appeared over the edge of the building. It was a special AI driven helicopter designed to detain Kaiju, and Coyote Tango was holding onto the side. She jumped onto the roof.
"Nice work detaining him, you two." She said, taking out a pair of handcuffs. "I'll take it from here."
Mothra nodded, and looked towards the helicopter, which was hovering next to the building. It had five pods on it, meant to detain a single Kaiju within each. She could see Coyote had been busy. Four of the pods had been filled. Megaguirus was in one. She noticed Mothra staring at her and quickly looked away, pouting. Mothra realized she had forgotten about her until now. Most likely she had flown away while she and Desghidorah were fighting. The others were filled by Shinomura, who was struggling to deform himself to escape, Megalon, who had seemingly accepted his imprisonment, and finally, Dogolas, who had once again been frozen in place. While Coyote placed the restraints on Desghidorah and loaded him into the helicopter, Mothra breathed a sigh of relief. It was over. Finally, it was over. She couldn't help but smile as she watched the helicopter speed away in the direction of the Shatterdome. But the battle was still going. And it wouldn't be over until Ghidorah retreated.
"I wonder how Godzilla's doing..." She muttered to herself, placing a hand over her heart. She couldn't help but be worried for her husband.

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