Chapter 25: Generations

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Ghidorah shot gravity beams out towards Godzilla, who dodged out of the way quickly. He dodged yet another beam before attacking, but the attack was blocked by Ghidorah's blades. the two were both getting tired. They had been fighting for two hours now. But neither was willing to let up.
"This could all be over of you just surrender!" Ghidorah said, still blocking Godzilla's blade. "Give up now, and I will let you all live!"
"Never!" Godzilla growled, his arms shaking from the strain he was putting himself through.
"You wish yourself and your allies dead then?" Ghidorah spat. "Because that is the only outcome of this battle!"
"There's always another outcome." Godzilla stated. He pushed Ghidorah back, spun around, and kicked him in the face. Ghidorah fell to the ground, but quickly got up. His body was aching, but he continued to push himself. He prepared to attack again, but suddenly his earpiece crackled to life. He had an earpiece and a microphone inside his helmet to communicate with his army.
"My king, I don't think we can win this." Hedorah's voice came through it. "We're running out of active units. We only have 100 or so left. And five of our allies have just been detained. I think we should retreat while we still can."
"No. Keep fighting!" He ordered. At the same time he clashed swords with Godzilla again. But more messages kept coming.
"Anguirus and Rodan have us cornered!" Desghidorah's voice came in.
"Dogolas just got captured. They're gonna come back for the rest of us!" Shin's voice added.
"They're taking down the units like they're nothing!" Biolante chimed in.
"Ghidorah with all due respect, we must retreat!" Hedorah repeated.
"SHUT UP, ALL OF YOU!!!" Ghidorah ordered. He ripped the earpiece out of his helmet and threw it to the ground. Godzilla watched as he stomped the device and ground it into the rubble. He was becoming unhinged. If the battle kept up, there was no predicting what he could do.
"If anyone's here should surrender, it's you." He said. "You heard your allies. This is not a fight you can win."
"No... they're just cowards." Ghidorah hissed. He pointed his sword at Ghidorah. "They'll see. They'll all see! This time, I will emerge victorious!"
"I dunno about that." A voice said from just outside their battleground. Ghidorah grimaced as he recognized it. They both turned to the source of the voice, and saw none other than Gojira standing next to them, carrying one of his swords on his shoulder. It looked like he wanted to join the fight. Godzilla smirked. Gojira may have been old, but he was still a formidable fighter. Ghidorah didn't stand a chance.
"If I recall correctly, you said the same thing to me last time we fought." Gojira stated, taking his other sword out of its sheath. "But it's like the kid said; there's always another outcome."
Ghidorah growled. "Two against one?" He hissed. "Doesn't seem quite fair. However, I planned for such an occasion."
He raised his hand, and suddenly Godzilla saw something being shot from his ship towards them. A missile, he thought. But no, it was something else. And it wasn't aiming for them, it was aiming for Ghidorah. It appeared to be some kind of backpack. It hit Ghidorah in the back, making him grunt and fall to one knee as he absorbed the impact. The backpack opened up, and metal plates spread across his back, as well as his shoulders and arms, wrapping around his chest and waist. He grinned as his head and mask were also encased in the metal, forming a new helmet over his entire face, complete with two glowing green eyes. Finally, two metal arms broke free from the armour on his back, each holding a blade the same length as his swords. Godzilla also noticed two tubes of blue glowing liquid seemingly being injected into his body. He could only guess he was injecting himself with pure adrenaline. He had seen this before, but  Gojira had not.
"What the hell is this?" He asked.
"He's transformed into Mecha Ghidorah." Godzilla explained. "It's something he does now. But I think he's made some upgrades."
The two braced themselves as Ghidorah launched himself at them. His blades connected with theirs, but now they were fighting against the weight of two blades each due to Ghidorah's new mechanical appendages. Gojira was fine with this, having two swords himself, but Godzilla only had one, and pushing against two blades caught him off guard. Ghidorah saw this, and took the opportunity to kick him in the stomach, sending him falling to the ground. Meanwhile, Gojira used one of his swords and attempted to cut one of Ghidorah's robotic arms, but found his sword only bounced off. The metal was too strong to cut through. Ghidorah swung both his regular arm and robotic arm into Gojira's face, knocking him to the ground as well. All fatigue had left him due to the adrenaline pumping through his body. Godzilla propped himself up while Gojira did the same. Ghidorah laughed as he saw them struggle.
"I never did get to defeat you, Gojira." He said. "And now I'm going to kill you and your son. This victory will be my greatest yet!"
Gojira growled as he got to his feet. He launched an atomic blast towards Ghidorah, who deflected the blast with his swords. But this distraction allowed Gojira to rush forward and confront him head on. At the same time, Godzilla attempted to sneak behind Ghidorah and get him in the back, but before he could strike, the mechanical arms swivelled around and blocked the attack. They had some sort of AI that protected him, Godzilla realized. So while Gojira was fighting him from the front, Godzilla was fighting him from the back. Ghidorah realized what was happening and laughed.
"I thought SpaceGodzilla was stupid for designing these mechanical arms." He thought to himself. "Perhaps he was right for once."
The fight went on like this for some time. It seemed like it would never end. Ghidorah appeared to have some kind of infinite stamina, while Godzilla was already tired due to fighting him for hours, and Gojira was beginning to give out as well. If they didn't end it soon, Ghidorah would kill both of them. But Godzilla suddenly had an idea. It was risky, but he had to try. He dropped his sword to the ground, freeing both his hands right as the mechanical arms readied themselves for another attack. He only had a second to react. He filled his hands with atomic energy, and reached forward. He grabbed the mechanical arms by the blades. They would normally cut his flesh, but with the atomic energy surging through his arms and hands, his skin was as hard as steel. Ghidorah realized his arms had stopped moving and froze. He couldn't see what Godzilla was doing, but he knew it would be bad. He then suddenly felt a foot press against his spine. Godzilla had kicked him in the back, ripping the mechanical arms out of their sockets while also launching him forward. He fell to the ground, landing on his hands and knees. He looked up just as Gojira kicked him in the face, breaking the helmet and exposing part of his face and regular helmet. He growled up at him, seeing that Godzilla was now standing next to him. Before he could get up, the two looked at each other.
"Ready to finish him off?" Godzilla asked.
"I've been ready for the last 60 years." Gojira chuckled. The two readied their swords to swing. Blue flames engulfed Godzilla's sword, while red and orange flames covered Gojiras. At the same time, the two swung their swords in front of them, launching two atomic blasts at their enemy. The two blasts merged together into one massive burst of energy. By the time Ghidorah realized what had happened, it was too late. The blast hit him head on and exploded, sending him flying. He only stopped as he hit the cold ground below him, hard. His armour was broken and his Mecha helmet was in pieces. The adrenaline pumping into him had run out. He gritted his teeth and tried to get up, tried to continue his fight. But he couldn't. He fell to the ground, defeated. Reluctantly, he raised his wrist, which had a secondary communicator in it. He pressed a shaky finger to a button on his gauntlet, activating the microphone. He could now broadcast to his entire army. He breathed a deep sigh as he gave his reluctant order.
"Everyone... retreat. This is a lost cause."

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