Chapter 26: Man Down

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Just like that, it was over. The few remaining MechaGodzilla units shut down and collapsed like rag dolls onto the ground. Everyone in Ghidorah's army stopped fighting and ran towards the ship. Once everyone was safely on board, the ship took off. Godzilla breathed a sigh of relief as he watched it disappear.
"We won." He said. All over the city he heard an eruption of cheers from his allies. Everyone made their way out of the city and back to the dock. But before they boarded their boats, everyone began to regroup. Mothra found Godzilla and hugged him tightly, which he reciprocated. They were both happy to see each other safe after being separated for the whole battle.
"Thank goodness you're okay." Mothra sighed. "I was so worried about you..."
"I'm just glad you're alright." Godzilla said, holding her closer. "I saw you fight Desghidorah before he got detained."
Mothra just nodded, remembering what she had learned about Desghidorah after their battle. The fact that he and her mother had that kind of relationship shook her to her core, but that didn't matter to her now. She was just happy they had won this battle.
"There's still more to do." Godzilla reminded, letting go of her. He turned to face the others. "We may have won the fight, but there's still a war ahead of us." He announced. "Jet's trackers have latched onto Ghidorah's ship. We have 24 hours to find him, and once we do, we still need to destroy his remaining units."
"He can't have many more." Gypsy added. "We destroyed a lot of them, and the ones we didn't destroy just deactivated."
"That's true, but we still can't let our guard down." Godzilla replied. "Ghidorah's tricked us before, and we have to believe he'll do it again. But you've all earned your rest. Once we all get back to Monster Island, we'll have plenty of time to lick our wounds."
Everyone seemed to agree that sounded like a good idea. But Godzilla noticed something. They were missing a few members.
"Wait a minute... where's Baragon?" He asked. Everyone began looking around. Baragon was nowhere to be found.
"Come to think of it... where's Zilla and Komi?" Mothra added.
"The Raptors are missing too!" Jet said. But before anyone could panic, the four girls appeared. Charlie and Echo ran towards the group, while Blue and Delta were helping Rexxy stand. Eventually, they reached the group.
"Sorry we're late, we were hiding while we patched up Rexxy." Echo explained. "She took more than a few bullets for us."
Godzilla looked up at Rexxy. She was wrapped up in bandages, but he could see the bleeding wounds underneath them. She still seemed like she was in a lot of pain.
"Is she gonna be okay?" He asked.
"I'll be fine." Rexxy assured. "I just need... some rest..."
Jet approached her and examined her wounds. "No, you'll definitely need some medical help." He said. "Looks like you have some bullets lodged in you. When we get back to the island, I'll have Owen look at you in the Gotengo's med bay."
Rexxy nodded, and the raptors helped her onto one of the boats. But Godzilla was still concerned.
"Then... where are the others?" He asked.
Just as he said this, he caught a glimpse of Komi and Zilla approaching them. He smiled, glad that they were okay, until he saw what Komi was carrying. She had Baragon's body cradled in her arms. He rushed over to them, followed closely by some of the others.
"No..." Godzilla muttered. He was in disbelief that his friend was dead. But he knew it was true. He could see the bullets riddling his body, and his skin had gone pale due to blood loss. He was gone.
"We watched him take on a group of MechaGodzillas." Komi explained. "We tried to get there in time to help him, but... we were too late."
Godzilla placed a hand on Baragon's shoulder, and fought back his tears. He knew this would happen. He knew they wouldn't all make it. He tried to tell himself he was wrong throughout the whole battle, that they would all make it out together and live to fight another day. But deep down he knew that in his line of work, this fate was nearly inevitable.


Gigan roared in anger as he repeatedly punched the metal wall in front of him. Hedorah watched him silently.
"Oh, calm down. You're acting like a child." He said. Eventually, Gigan stopped. But the dent in the wall was a testament to his rage.
"Are you finished? Did you get everything out of your system?" Hedorah asked. Gigan turned to him, panting as his hair hung down over his face.
"Yeah..." He growled. The two were in one of the lounges on Ghidorah's ship, along with Biolante. Gigan sat next to her, and she placed her hand on his shoulder.
"You did very well in that battle." She complimented. "We may have lost, but we put up a good fight."
Gigan didn't answer, but he did place his hand in hers. Hedorah sat across from them.
"She is right. Losses are key to an eventual victory after all." He said. "And I know we reduced their numbers a bit."
"They reduced ours more." Gigan muttered. He sighed. "I wanted to show Ghidorah I'm not useless..."
"But you're not useless. And he knows it." Biolante assured.
"I hate to say it, but she's right." Hedorah agreed. "Out of everyone in Ghidorah's inner circle, you've proven yourself to be the most reliable by far. Ghidorah would be a fool to not trust you."
Gigan again said nothing, but their words brought him more comfort than he thought they would. Before he could reply, the door to the lounge opened, and Hokmuto stepped in. Gigan raised an eyebrow at him.
"The hell are you doing here?" He asked.
"I'm looking for Ghidorah." Hokmuto explained. "Have you seen him? I need to talk to him."
"Well he's in the other room, but he asked not to be disturbed." Gigan explained, pointing to the door on the other side of the room. "He'll be out in a few minutes-"
Hokmuto ignored him, walking past them and towards the door. Gigan stood up to try to stop him.
"Hey, idiot, I said he didn't wanna be disturbed! You wanna get killed?" He yelled. But Hokmuto didn't listen. He shoved open the doors. Sure enough, Ghidorah was in the room. But in the room with him was Slattern. The two appeared to be discussing something that Slattern was holding. But as the doors opened, Ghidorah stepped in front of her, hiding the object from view. He didn't look too happy to see Hokmuto.
"What are you doing here?" He said "I thought I asked not to be disturbed, Gigan."
"Sorry, I tried to tell him but he wouldn't listen." Gigan explained, running into the room. He saw Slattern hand off the object in her hands to a MechaGodzilla unit, who quickly took it out of the room. She then swivveled back around like nothing had happened. Gigan raised an eyebrow. It looked like they were hiding something. He wondered what it was, but he didn't care about that right now.
"What do you want, Hokmuto?" Ghidorah reluctantly demanded.
"I wanted to let you know something... about her." Hokmuto glared at Slattern and began walking towards her. She noticed this and raised an eyebrow in his direction.
"What's your problem?" She asked. Though she had a good feeling of what he was talking about.
"How about I show you?" Hokmuto growled. Without warning, he grabbed Slattern by the collar and rammed his fist into her face, sending her to the ground. Before he could attack again, he felt his body become enveloped in electricity. Ghidorah had fired a gravity beam at him. He was flung into a wall, and Ghidorah held him in place against it.
"How dare you!?" He hissed. "What exactly do you think you're doing?!"
"Maybe you should ask her." Hokmuto spat. "That bitch knows what she did!" Another painful shock ran through his body.
"Do not insult her!" Ghidorah ordered. "Now, explain yourself."
"She assaulted Muto!" Hokmuto announced through clenched teeth. All eyes turned to Slattern, who was picking herself up off the ground. She wiped blood from her nose and mouth as she glared at Hokmuto.
"And so what if I did?" She said. "Ghidorah, darling, you can put him down now."
"Are you hurt, my love?" Ghidorah asked. If she said yes, he would kill Hokmuto on the spot. Slattern knew this, but she didn't want him dead yet.
"No, he could barely hurt a fly." She grinned. "Let him down."
"As you wish." Ghidorah nodded. He dropped Hokmuto onto the ground and made his way over to him.
"Did you honestly think I didn't know about Slattern's past when I recruited her?" Ghidorah asked. Hokmuto's eyes widened. He now felt nothing but rage and betrayal.
"You knew... and you didn't tell me?!" He yelled. Ghidorah struck him across the face.
"Don't raise your voice at me, parasite." He growled. "Of course I didn't tell you. I knew if I did you'd do something stupid like this."
"What do you care anyway? It's not like you actually loved her or anything." Slattern said. "You just wanted her so you could repopulate your species."
"You're wrong... I was wrong." Hokmuto admitted. He looked down at the ground. "I did love her. I still do."
"Well that's too bad." Gigan chimed in. "Because last time I checked, Muto was getting well acquainted with Battra."
"What?" Hokmuto asked in disbelief.
"It's true." Slattern added. "The MechaGodzilla test unit we sent to Monster Island recorded some footage of the two of them getting a little... intimate."
"Yep. That must suck, huh?" Gigan mocked, patting a now distraught Hokmuto on the head, mockingly. He stood back up and looked at Slattern. "I don't exactly agree with what you did to Muto, though."
"I don't really care what you think." Slattern shrugged. Gigan rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Hokmuto, who was getting back up on his feet. He glared at the three standing before him. Ghidorah may have given him a purpose before, but that purpose wasn't worth it any more.
"I quit." He said. "I'm done with all of you. Getting revenge on Godzilla is one thing, but you people are sick."
With that said, Hokmuto walked out of the room. Gigan morphed his hand into a gun to shoot him, but Ghidorah grabbed it and lowered it before he could fire.
"Save the bullet." He said. "He's not worth it."
Gigan nodded and smirked. "Whatever. He can die with the rest of them."

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