Chapter 27: Going-Away Present

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Hokmuto made his way through the corridors of Ghidorah's ship. He walked quickly, not sure if anyone was following him. Eventually, he reached his destination; the escape pods. But someone was there waiting for him. Rather, there were two. The duo Krystalak and Obsidius there, standing in front of the pods. Krystalak grinned, showing off his sharp teeth.
"Hokmuto! Good to see ya!" Krystalak grinned. Obsidius made some kind of grumbling soundwhile his yellow eyes narrowed.
"Get the hell out of my way." Hokmuto demanded.
"We will, but Ghidorah told us to give you something before you left. A kind of 'going-away present'." Krystalak explained. He snapped a purple clawed finger and pointed at him. Obsidius immediately began walking towards him. Before Hokmuto could react, Obsidius' stone fist connected with Hokmuto's head, sending him to the ground. The two Kaiju began kicking and stomping on Hokmuto while he was on the ground, making him curl up and shield his head.
"This is what you get when you betray us, asshole!" Krystalak cackled. After one last kick to his ribs, the two were finished with him.
"Now get up." Krystalak spat. Hokmuto slowly and shakily got to his feet, only to be knocked down again when Krystalak slashed him across the face with his crystal claws. He fell onto his back, holding his now bleeding face.
"See you on Earth, dumbass." Krystalak laughed. "C'mon, Obsidius. Let's bounce."
The two Kaiju walked out of the room, leaving Hokmuto to drag himself into an escape pod, and send himself to Earth. It would be a long ride. Just long enough for Hokmuto to realize just how badly he'd screwed up.

Monster Island

The sound of sliding doors alerted Jet to Godzilla's presence. He, Moguera, and Gamera had been looking for Ghidorah ever since they returned to the island.
"Oh, hello Godzilla." Jet said. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine." Godzilla assured. After the death of Baragon everyone had been somewhat shaken. Since he and Godzilla were such good friends, Jet wanted to make sure he was alright. But to his surprise, he found Godzilla barely affected by the tradgedy. He must have been ignoring his pain to focus on the war, Jet imagined.
"Did you manage to find Ghidorah?" Godzilla asked.
"We did." Jet assured. He showed Godzilla their computer. "Soon after he left Earth's atmosphere, he made a lightspeed jump, but he didn't notice the trackers. We know exactly where he is now."
Godzilla eyed the computer screen. He didn't understand all the numbers on it, but he knew the coordinates to Ghidorah's ship were in there somewhere.
"Right now we're getting my ship ready to follow him." Gamera chimed in. "I'll be able to pilot it remotely from the Gotengo, so you won't need to worry about learning to fly it yourself."
Godzilla nodded, but Jet had something else on his mind. He wasn't sure how Godzilla would take it, but he still needed to say it.
"Look, Godzilla... are you sure you're feeling up to this?" He said.
Godzilla gave him a confused glance. "Yeah, of course I am. Why would you ask that?"
"It's just that... you've been through a lot in the past couple days." Jet explained. "I mean Ghidorah attacked right after your wedding, you barely got a chance to celebrate, and suddenly your dad's alive, and then Leo and Baragon... all I'm saying is, if you wanna sit this one out, and maybe let someone else go instead, I don't think anyone would blame you."
Godzilla nodded. He almost took Jet up on this offer. He was making some sense. But Godzilla knew that wasn't an option for him.
"No, this all started with me. Now I gotta finish it." He said. Jet nodded.
"In that case, we'll have Gamera's ship ready in a couple hours." He said.
Godzilla nodded. But Jet's offer stuck with him. Maybe he didn't have to be the one after all. But he knew that even if he wanted to, he couldn't just sit back and watch. He couldn't let himself.


"You've been pretty complacent, Desghidorah." Gypsy stated as he walked the Kaiju to his cell. Desghidorah's hands were locked in high-tech handcuffs, and his wings were clipped and strapped to his back.
"Let me guess, you're already planning your escape." Gyspy said.
"No... there's no need for that." Desghidorah stated. Gypsy wasn't sure what that meant for now. Finally, they reached his cell. Rather than the laser cages Shin and Dogolas were locked up in, Dsghidorah was being locked up in a room made of 4 inch thick steel walls coated in 2 feet thick concrete. There were no windows, and only a light from the ceiling illuminated it. Gypsy opened the door, and surprisingly, Desghidorah walked into it willingly. Now Gypsy's confusion was making him agitated.
"Okay, what are you playing at here?" He demanded. "You didn't put up a fight when we captured you, and you've been nothing but obedient since you got here. I know you're planning something."
Desghidorah sighed. "No... I just know nothing I do matters now." He explained. "You did an X-ray on me before I arrived, didn't you?"
"... Yes?" Gypsy said quizzically.
"Then you know about the device planted in my brain." Desghidorah continued. "It will kill me if Ghidorah wants it. It was meant to prevent me from harming him, but I'm sure he's planning on killing me to prevent me from being interrogated."
"... We didn't find any devices in your brain." Gypsy revealed. Desghidorah froze. He had been lied to. He was about to say something, but Gypsy closed the door and locked it before then. All things considered, Desghidorah couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Apparently his little brother was smarter than him after all. He thought about X and how he still had no idea. He secretly hoped X would learn the truth and kill Ghidorah, but he had a feeling that wouldn't happen. That didn't matter to him now anyway. As the doors were closed and locked shut, his handcuffs deactivated, and allowed him to move his hands again. He still couldn't move his wings, but it felt good to stretch his arms. He went to turn on the lights in his dark cell, but before he could touch the light switch, a bright green flash filled the room for half a second before going back to darkness. Desghidorah froze again. He couldn't shake the feeling someone was now in the room with him. A steady yellow glow filling the room confirmed his suspicion. He didn't need to turn around to know who was in the room. He sighed silently and stared forward with his head held high.
"Have you come to kill me, Battra?" Desghidorah asked.
"I would certainly like to." Battra growled. "My sister's not here to protect you anymore."
Desghidorah nodded. "I don't deserve mercy for what I've done to your family." He said, turning to face Battra. "By all accounts, you'd be right to cut me down where I stand. But I will warn you, Battra; revenge is all-consuming. It will not heal your wounds. I know that better than anyone. But if your heart is set on killing me, then I will not stop you."
Battra glared at his parents murderer, his elemental katana clutched tightly in his hand. His words ran thriugh his head like a wildfire. Half of him wanted to end Desghidorah's life here and now. But the other half wanted to forgive him, as Mothra had asked him to do. After some time had passed, he closed his eyes and made his decision. He knew exactly what he needed to do.

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