Chapter 7: Necromance

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"Are the resurrections complete yet?" Ghidorah asked as he walked through the halls of his ship. Destroyah was quickly following behind him.
"Yes, my lord." He answered. He eyed his holographic display, which projected data in a circle around him. "Apparently Desghidorah and X woke up an hour ago. They had to be restrained at first, but they should complacent now. Megaguirus and Megalon woke shortly after. They were much more complacent upon waking."
"What about Shinomura?" Ghidorah asked. Destroyah scrolled through his display.
"The cloning experiments were a success." He explained. "We have an entire colony under our control. Their memories are intact too."
"Good, good." Ghidorah grinned. Everything was going to plan. The five Kaiju he had ordered to be resurrected using SpaceGodzilla's alchemy were now in the room before him. The door swung open, and he could see his newly repatriated army. Megaguirus, the terrifying princess of the Maganulon species, had been killed by Mothra a few years prior. Megalon, the beetle-like guardian of the ancient Seatopian society, was killed by Gojira, back when he was known as the cyborg Kiryu. Shinomura, the humanoid form of a swarm of parasitic organisms, had been mostly destroyed by Godzilla and the superhero Iron Man, but cloned back to life. And then there were Desghidorah and X, Ghidorah's own brothers. They two were killed by Godzilla and Gojira, though Ghidorah had actually helped then. It was the only time they had ever worked together. Ghidorah guessed that due to this,  these two would be less likely to obey him.
"Look, everyone! It's our saviour!" Megaguirus laughed as she saw Ghidorah enter the room.
"King Ghidorah. We truly owe you our lives." Megalon stated, bowing to one knee. Ghidorah smirked at this.
"I appreciate the sentiment." He said. "But there's no need for that now. How are you adjusting to returning to the world of the living?"
"Unlike the rest of you, we never truly left." Shinomura stated in his low monotone voice. "My colony may have lost a few members, but we are still all as one."
"Yeah yeah yeah, we know about your stupid colony." Megaguirus snapped.
Shinomura snarled at her. She snarled right back.
"Now now, there's no need for infighting." Ghidorah chuckled. He turned towards his brothers, who were on the other side of the room. "That goes for you two as well."
Desghidorah growled at him. "It's good to see you again, little brother."
"Likewise." Ghidorah said, approaching them. "I expect Gigan already filled you in on the little devices we placed in your heads?"
"You mean the ones that'll kill us if we harm you?" X asked. "Yeah, he told us all about them."
Ghidorah grinned. He figured they would want him dead as soon as they were back from the dead themselves. The last time they met, they were not on the best of terms. So he had Destroyah place a small device in each of their heads that would release a deadly shock to their brains if they lay a hand on him.
"I'll have Destroyah deactivate them as soon as this mission is done." Ghidorah explained. "Then we can settle our little dispute properly."
"Despite our hatred of you, I must thank you for resurrecting us." Desghidorah said. "I suppose we do owe you something for that."
"I'm glad we could agree on something." Ghidorah smirked. "Oh, and my apologies for not being able to find your helmets. Sadly, it appears they were destroyed."
X growled. He knew exactly what Ghidorah had planned. On their planet, a helmet or mask was a symbol of royalty and power. A royal being seen without their helmet was considered shameful and humiliating. Ghidorah depriving his brothers of the garments that marked them as royalty was a final nail in the coffin. One last insult to show himself as superior to them.
"Now, if we're all settled, I believe it's time to set phase two of my plan into action." Ghidorah stated, turning away from his brothers. "Godzilla and Mothra must have finished fighting the test MechaGodzilla by now. It's the perfect time to strike."
Desghidorah raised an eyebrow. "You must be mistaken, brother." He chuckled, crossing his arms. "I killed Mothra years ago."
Ghidorah grinned. "Desghidorah, you have been gone far too long." He replied. He clicked a remote in his hand, and an image appeared in a hologram in the centre of the room. It showed Mothra, very much alive.
"This image was taken earlier today directly from the MechaGodzilla test unit." Ghidorah explained.
"What!?" Desghidorah growled, approaching the image. His wings flared out in rage. He eyed the image carefully. It was definitely real. Mothra was still alive. He sneered and turned towards his brother. "How? I watched the life drain from her eyes myself. How the hell is she still alive!?"
"It appears you aren't as powerful as you make yourself out to be, brother." Ghidorah smirked. Desghidorah seethed at him, but knew he could do nothing. Overhearing the conversation, Megaguirus approached them.
"Wait a sec, you tried to kill Mothra?" She asked, looking up at Desghidorah. "Asshole, that's my job!"
Desghidorah looked down at her and raised an eyebrow, glaring down at her with disgust. "And who are you again?" He spat. Megaguirus scoffed and placed her hands on her hips in response.
"Yeah, well I haven't heard of you before either!" She replied, crossing her arms. She turned away from him and smirked. "Hell, even if you did kill her, looks like you did a lousy job. She didn't even stay dead. Better leave her to the professional, sweetheart."
"The blood of Mothra belongs on my sword!" Desghidorah growled. "What claim do you have to her life?!"
"Calm down, you two." Megalon sternly advised, stepping between them. He tried to push them away from each other, but Desghidorah grabbed his arm.
"I don't take orders from you!" He hissed. Before he could make another move, he heard the sound of a blade unsheathing, and looked down to see the blade of Ghidorah's sword, placed dangerously close to his throat.
"But you do take them from me." Ghidorah asserted. "Stand down. Now."
Desghidorah growled and let go of Megalon. Megaguirus stuck her tongue out at him, and he responded with another death glare. She ignored him snd turned to Ghidorah.
"Anyway, where are we attacking?" She asked him.
"We have two targets now. The first is the Japan Shatterdome." Ghidorah replied. A map appeared on the holographic screen, replacing the previous image of Mothra. The map showed the whole world, with one red dot located in Japan, and the other off the coast of Africa. "The second is Skull Island." Ghidorah continued. "You, Shinomura, and Megalon will attack the Shatterdome. Gigan will take an army of MechaGodzillas to Skull Island."
"What's a Shatterdome?" Megaguirus asked.
"It's like a prison for Kaiju. They use it as a research centre as well." Destroyah explained. Megaguirus nodded.
"We have two new recruits who we need to free from the Shatterdome." Ghidorah added. "Not only that, but something of yours remains there as well."
Megaguirus knew what he meant automatically. Her eyes widened. She remembered what had been taken from her years ago.
"My father's wings?" She asked.
"Yes." Ghidorah nodded. "I know that you're more powerful with them than without them, so we'll be retrieving them for you as well."
Megaguirus smiled wickedly. Her fathers wings were a symbol of her true royalty. They also allowed the wearer to double their flight speed by giving them a proper means of propulsion. She had been without them for a long time, after a battle with Kiryu and Jet Jaguar long ago. She lost the wings, and they were confiscated by the EDF for research purposes. She would be happy to get them back.
"Then what's on Skull Island?" She asked.
Ghidorah grinned and the hologram switched to show Skull Island in its entirety. "That is where we well be producing our MechaGodzilla units." He explained.
"Don't we already have an army of them?" Shinomura asked.
"We have many MechaGodzilla prototype units, but in order to properly take over the world, we'll need a larger amount than we could make in our lab." Ghidorah explained. "In order to mass produce them, we'll need a factory on Earth. Skull Islands natural resources make it the perfect place to build it."
Just as he finished speaking, Gigan appeared through the door, a small army of MechaGodzilla units, all holding guns, behind him.
"I still don't see why we gotta ask Kong for his land." He complained. "Can't we just kill him and take it?"
"No, if you do that, every resident on that island would overpower and destroy you." Ghidorah explained. "Try to negotiate with him. I'm sure Kong's reasonable... or at the very least he knows when to respond to a threat."
Gigan grinned. He understood now. "In that case, we're all ready to move out."
"Perfect." Ghidorah grinned back. He turned to Megaguirus. "You will be in charge of the Shatterdome mission."
Megaguirus saluted him in an exaggerated gesture. "You can count on me, sir!"
Ghidorah looked out at his resurrected army. Nothing could stand in his way now. As he pondered this, Destroyah approached him on his side.
"One more thing, my lord." He began. He looked around to make sure nobody could hear before speaking softly. "Your... secret weapon is still dormant due to the frequencies we've been using. You only need to give the signal, and he will awaken."
"Good." Ghidorah hissed. There was one more ace up his sleeve, one that he intended to keep a tightly locked secret. The MechaGodzilla units were nothing but a prelude to his true plan.

Okinawa, Japan

Mothra sighed as she repacked her swimsuit. "I never even got to wear this." She pouted. "I bought it especially for this trip."
"Yeah, that's too bad. I would have liked to see that on you." Godzilla chuckled, packing his own clothes as well. They were leaving the resort to head back to Monster Island. The attack from the MechaGodzilla let them know it was not the time to be relaxing. They had to head back and prepare for whatever Ghidorah was planning.
"Don't worry, this will all be over soon." Godzilla assured. "We'll beat Ghidorah like we always do, the world will be saved, and we'll come back here to have a proper honeymoon."
Mothra didn't respond. Godzilla turned to look at her and saw she was frozen, and shaking slightly. His smile dropped. A few sniffling noises let Godzilla know she was crying. He rushed over to comfort her, holding her gently by the shoulders.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked.
"I just... I was so ready for this trip..." Mothra sobbed. "I just wanted to be alone with you for once... We hardly ever get time to ourselves and I thought maybe now we'd finally get that chance, but now this is happening..."
Godzilla grabbed Mothra's hand and intertwined his fingers with hers. "Hey, it's alright." He said. "We're still married, right? That hasn't changed. Everything's gonna be alright."
Mothra nodded and wiped away a tear. She hugged Godzilla tightly, and he returned the embrace. They both wanted nothing more than to stay there with each other forever. But they knew it would have to come to an end eventually. They let go of each other and went back to packing. Once they were done, they grabbed their bags and left to check out. They were on the top floor of the four story building, with the checkout counter on the ground floor. As they walked down the stairs, they could hear something. As they continued to descend, it became more clear. Someone was shouting. Once they could see the ground floor, they realized people were crowding around the front desk, so it appeared to be some kind of big deal.
"What do you mean I can't go upstairs?!" One voice said.
"Sir, you can't go into a restricted area without a room key." The concierge said. It sounded like he had repeated this point many times before.
"I don't want to stay here, dumbass, I'm just here to visit!" The voice yelled back. Godzilla was intrigued now. He thought maybe he could try to calm things down if he and Mothra saw what was going on. But as he got closer and the voice kept shouting, he realized the voice sounded familiar.
"Wait a sec..." He muttered. "I know that voice!"
Without a second though, he dropped his suitcase and let go of Mothra's hand, and ran into the crowd. Mothra protested, but he wasn't listening. He could hear even more arguing now.
"Listen, let me say it again slowly so your tiny brain can understand." The voice said, seemingly seething with rage. "My son just got married, and he's staying at this resort. And if you have any idea who I am or what I'm capable of, you're gonna tell me what room he's in!"
Godzilla was certain he knew the voice now. He pushed through the crowd, and made his way to the front desk. Finally, he saw the one arguing with the concierge, and his suspicions were confirmed. His eyes widened, and his jaw dropped.
"Dad!?" Godzilla yelled. Indeed, Godzilla's father, Gojira, was the one at the front desk. When he heard his son's voice, his eyes grew wide, and he swivelled around to face him.
"...Oh." He said. Godzilla had thought he was dead for the past two years, so seeing him alive was a massive shock. The two simply stood in complete shocked silence, staring at each other. Mothra eventually found Godzilla, and ran next to him.
"Godzilla, don't run off like that..." She trailed off when she saw Gojira. Her eyes shot between him and Godzilla a few times, before she shyly backed away into the crowd, leaving the two alone. Godzilla remained silent, but after a few moments, Gojira managed to finally say something.
"Uh... hey, son."

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